Confidentnya bekas PM yang teramat DELUSIONAL ini. Dia yakin dia akan didapati tidak bersalah?
Wah, punya banyak kau rompak dan kau masih boleh cakap macam ni? Apa kau ingat negara ini takde undang2 ke Najib?
DELUSIONAL tahap dewa dah kau ni Najib! Apakah kau fikir kau masih PM lagi?
Kau boleh setting pasal hukuman semua? Tiada siapa pun nak menganiayai kau Najib sebab kau sendiri yang buat perbuatan keji tersebut dan bukan orang lain ok.
Semakin hari semakin banyak kejahatan kau sedang dibongkar. Bukan satu kes tau tapi ada 60 lebih kes yang nilainya berbillion.
Takkanlah semua kau boleh terlepas? Kalau lepas buat macam ni dan kau masih boleh terlepas bebas then memang tak tahu nak kata apa dah.
Ingat negara kita ada undang2 dan kita masih percayakan ‘Rule of Law’. - f/bk

Kenapa setelah kejatuhan pemerintahan Umno/BN pada PRU14, satu persatu skandal-skandal yg melibatkan kementerian di era Najib didedahkan ??!
Adakah selama ini pemimpin2 Umno cuba sorokkan segala kebobrokan, penyelewengan mereka agar tidak dihidu oleh pengetahuan rakyat ??!
Sudah tiba masanya segala penyangak Umno dan juga berta'wun dgnnya disiasat sepenuhnya dan diheret ke muka pengadilan jika terdapat bukti2 yg terpalit pada mereka. - f/bk

BUKANKAH setiap setiap pengundi adalah org sama yg mengundi bagi kawasan DUN dan Parlimen dgn masing2 terima satu kertas undi DUN dan satu lagi kertas undi utk Parlimen..
Untuk rekod Tuan Ibrahim dlm pilihanraya..
Parlimen Maran:
PRU11 (Kalah)
DUN Jengka:
PRU13 (kalah)
PRU12 (kalah)
PRU11 (kalah)
PRU10 (menang, hanya 319 majoriti)
TIBA-TIBA pada PRU14 setelah PAS berta'wun UMNO, Tuan Man boleh menang di Parlimen Kubang Kerian dgn majoriti hampir 20,000 undi ??! Pelik bin Ajaib- f/bk
Dr M tread cautiously over 1MDB...
The former prime minister says Dr Mahathir Mohamad's statement on 1MDB shows that the alleged charge sheet prepared in 2015 was part of a conspiracy to overthrow him.
Former prime minister Najib Razak says Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s comments on 1MDB show that Pakatan Harapan (PH) had made up allegations against him without solid evidence.
In a Facebook post, Najib said in the run up to the May 9 polls, Mahathir, who is now prime minister, alleged that he stole billions from 1MDB but he now says it is not easy to arrest and charge him without sufficient evidence.
Mahathir had said earlier today that without solid evidence, Najib might be found “not guilty” and whatever PH said about him might be questioned by the people.
“ Mahathir has admitted that PH made all sorts of allegations against me without solid evidence,” said Najib.
“It also proves the charge sheet which was supposedly prepared in 2015 is false and was part of a consipracy to use certain people in the administration to overthrow me.”
Najib pointed that at the time, his statement was not taken by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), so it was impossible for a charge sheet to have been prepared.
In 2015, a charge sheet allegedly signed by then attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail regarding a RM42 million payment received by Najib from former 1MDB subsidiary SRC International was leaked online.
However, it was dismissed as a fake document by the authorities.
Subsequently, Gani was replaced as AG, and his successor, Apandi Ali, publicly cleared Najib of any wrongdoing. Most recently, after the 14th general election, Mahathir confirmed that Gani had drafted a charge sheet against Najib. - ft
DELUSIONAL ! This is the typical character of stubborn criminals to keep afloat in their daily life before being chopped,otherwise they would not be able to bear their own psychological pressure arose .He has to be delusional as he was the x king,otherwise he would end his own life before the sentence.. - chokstone
Oh well another safe house, another box of luxury items, another car dealer involved in solar panel installation, another one got away in 'laluan tikus', a RM2 trillion MOU that is non existent, a free Haj for the 'hollier than thou folks', free STAGG nights for PDRM, 'bundle and disappear ' Pastors and non conformists, and quite frankly there is more to come...- Dawnbreaker
He thinks that all his tracks are well covered, that is why he says that TDM has no solid evidence. Wait and see! - Bert
Dr. M is just undecided which marinate to use for the BBQ. Wait till Ramadhan and Aidilfitri to be over. I guarantee the BBQ will be over a suoer hot fire. - Anonymous One
Najib is playing the psychological game by saying the charges are political etc. when he keeps saying this, eventually people will start to have doubts. Even if he is found guilty, a group will play this issue of political persecution. - Chefoo
What else would he say? As more crap is being exhumed he needs to persist vehemently on his innocence. This is only natural for a man slowly drowning in quicksand. Say anything, do anything to get saved. As far as taking time to dig up evidence, I would do the same thing too. To ensure he gets the full breadth of the law (and justice for us) we need to ensure the evidence are sufficiently ironclad that can translate to as many charges that we can bring against him. I've waited 10 years for this. And it would be a pity if we could only bring about charges that only commensurate with minimal jail time. - Cyclonus
Saya secara jujur ingin sarankan Najib Tun Razak selaku bekas perdana menteri paling korup dalam sejarah politik negara agar duduk diam-diam serta jangan terlalu banyak buat kenyataan provokasi yang tidak mempunyai asas sama sekali!! Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan bukan jenis berdendam!! Tun dr mahathir mohamad adalah tokoh negarawan yang tidak pernah ada perasaan dendam peribadi!!
Apa saja tindakan undang-undang yang bakal diambil ke atas semua para pengkhianat negara mestilah berteraskan kepada keluhuran undang-undang sepertimana termaktub dalam perlembagaan malaysia. Bukan tiada asas kukuh untuk mendakwa najib tun razak tetapi kini kerajaan tidak mahu dan tidak pernah berada di hadapan pihak penguatkuasa undang-undang!!
Yang hendak siasat serta mendakwa najib tun razak adalah pdrm dan sprm!! Semua pihak kena menghormati segala gerak kerja pdrm dan sprm untuk menyiasat seterusnya mendakwa najib tun razak kelak sekiranya terdapat unsur-unsur kekukuhan bukti salahlaku ke atas mantan perdana menteri paling korup itu!! - Khairuddin Abu Hassan

Fuzi akan disingkir...

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