Sekarang baru saya faham. Tommy Thomas menjadi pilihan Kabinet kerana dia adalah peguam yang paling berpengalaman dan berwibawa untuk memastikan Najib dan kroninya dapat disabitkan kesalahan dalam kes 1MDB. Kepakaran Tommy Thomas ini dalam undang-undang dan perlembagaan boleh dilihat sama seperti kepakaran ahli Council of Elders dalam bidang ekonomi dan kewangan. That is how highly respected, knowledgeable and experienced he is.
Sebenarnya perlantikannya bersifat sementara dalam tempoh Tun Mahathir menjadi Perdana Menteri untuk pendakwaan korupsi negara. Sekarang ni ada pihak sedang cuba sabotaj perlantikkan peguam negara kerana panik dengan ketelusan & ketegasan Tommy Thomas dalam membuat pendakwaan. Yang takut tu lah yang salah, sebab Tun Mahathir jadi PM sementara saja dan sekali dengan pelantikan yang dibuat oleh Tun M, tapi kenapa ada pihak yang menggunakan royal ni takut? Takut bocor ke?

Hal Syariah bukan bidang kuasa Peguam Negara...
Kes 1MDB ini sangat kompleks dan Najib dan kroninya sudah pun memulakan percaturan awal untuk memastikan mereka dapat mengagalkan pendakwaan. Najib sudahpun menggunakan khidmat bekas Peguam Negara Amerika Syarikat, John Ashcroft untuk mewakilinya.
Jika Peguam Negara yang juga Pendakwa Raya Negara gagal dalam kes 1MDB ini, Najib dan kuncu-kuncunya akan terlepas begitu sahaja. Dan inilah yang Najib dah mula buat. Perasan tak status-status FB Najib Razak sejak kebelakangan ni macam berilmiah dan cerdik sikit? Ini salah satu strategi dia untuk menang dalam kes 1MDB.

Dan sekarang ni kita boleh faham tak? Sepatutnya sebagai orang Islam, kita soal semula diri kita - Kenapa tidak ada orang Melayu Islam yang sehebat dan setanding Tommy Thomas? Di mana kita orang Melayu Islam ini apabila diperlukan untuk selamatkan dan bantu negara?
Lagi mau gaduh. Jom cermin diri kita! - f/bk

Agong perlu melaksanakan syor kerajaan...
Langit tak selalu cerah...
1. Siapa sangka seorang insan yang usianya hampir 93 tahun yang pernah dicaci , dikutuk dan dimaki hamun dengan kata - kata kesat seperti "orang tua nyanyuk ", "tak sedar diri”, "bodoh", "stupid" dan berbagai bagai cemuhan lagi mampu menumbangkan Najib yang hampir 30 tahun lebih muda dari beliau.
2. Siapa sangka bahtera lanun Bugis yang konongnya kuat dan hebat akhirnya tenggelam juga dek kerana ketamakan dan kerakusan sendiri, justeru ia dengan sendirinya memalukan masyarakat Bugis itu sendiri.
3. Siapa sangka rakyat kali ini telah tidak sanggup membenarkan diri mereka terus ditipu, diperbodoh, diugut dan dizalimi oleh mereka ysng telah diberi kepercayaan sejak sekian lama.
4. Siapa sangka, akhirnya pada hari Rabu 9hb Mei 2018 , hanya 2 hari sebelum UMNO menyambut ulangtahun kelahirannya yang ke 72 tahun berserta parti - parti komponen dalam Barisan Nasional ( BN ) berjaya ditumbangkan.
5. Siapa sangka Najib, Perdana Menteri ke 6 yang merupakan anak Tun Razak , Perdana Menteri ke 2 sanggup melakukan pembohongan, penipuan dan rompakan demi rompakan dengan sewenang - wenangnya tanpa punyai perasaan malu dan takut.
6. Siapa sangka buat pertama kali dalam sejarah Negara ini sejak Merdeka, seorang bekas Perdana Menteri dan Presiden UMNO, parti yang tertua dan terbesar akhirnya akan didakwa di mahkamah atas tuduhan mencuri , merompak , menyalahguna kuasa dan lain - lain pertuduhan lagi.
7. Siapa sangka UMNO semasa Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Alhaj dan Tun Abdul Razak yang pernah menentang komunis dengan bantuan Askar Melayu dan 'Home Guard' tiba - tiba di bawah pimpinan Najib bukan sahaja menjalin persahabatan dengan mereka bahkan sanggup mengadaikan tanah - tanah strategik seperti Lapangan Terbang Tentera Udara Sungai Besi dan memberi projek - projek raksaksa kepada Komunis China.
8. Siapa sangka lagu ciptaan Allahyarham P Ramlee disuatu ketika dahulu 'Ku Sangka Panas Hingga Ke Petang , Rupanya Hujan Di Tengah Hari' menjadi kenyataan pada hari ini - ALFATIHAH.
9. Siapa sangka pandangan Dr. Mahathir kira - kira 30 tahun dahulu bahawa pada 2020 atau awal lagi, akibat sikap pemimpin - pemimpin UMNO berlumba - lumba merebut jawatan dan politik wang ketika itu, orang Melayu akan menolak UMNO itu sendiri, telah pun terbukti kebenarannya.
10. Siapa sangka Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad yang pernah menjadi PM ke 4 selama 22 tahun mulai 1981, akhirnya diberi kepercayaan oleh majoriti rakyat jelata sekali lagi memimpin negara ini sebagai Perdana Menteri ke 7.
11. Kepada Pakatan Harapan ( PH ) jadikanlah apa yang berlaku kepada UMNO dan BN ini sebagai IKTIBAR.
12. Jika pokok yang besar dan kuat mampu ditumbangkan, apatah lagi dahan yang masih rapuh.
13. Semoga dahan itu bukan saja tidak dicantas malah perlu diperkuatkan lagi bagi menghadapi angin kencang dan ribut yang mungkin berlaku.
14. Sejak PRU ke 12 dalam tahun 2008 dan PRU ke 13 dalam tahun 2013 , pembangkang ketika itu yang terdiri dari PKR , DAP dan PAS - Tamrin Tun Ghafar

Rejecting a “clean” Tommy Thomas
as AG – Dr.M’s bait for the monarchies...
as AG – Dr.M’s bait for the monarchies...
Mahathir is on a mission impossible to reform the country’s 61 years of tyrannical rule under previous Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition government. Even if it’s true that he is trying to correct his 21 years of iron-fist rule, to reform the system within 2 years is next to impossible. But the 93-year-old man has very little time to spare, considering his advanced age.
Not everyone is impressed with the new government though. Even foreigners can’t accept the fact that Malaysia is probably moving towards becoming the Norway of Asia – giving rival neighbour Singapore a run for its money. As component parties within BN are engaged in dog-bite-dog drama, while licking their wounds, a crisis appears to have exploded.
Apandi Ali, an extremely corrupted Attorney General appointed by ex-Prime Minister Najib Razak, has refused to resign with dignity. Mr. Ali has been under the illusion that he’s still untouchable, and can only be removed through a tribunal. Without a functioning Attorney General Chambers, the new government is facing many legal issues, including prosecuting Najib.
Now, the King and other Malay rulers have shown their real agenda. Apparently, “Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Muhammad V (the King)”, has sparked a major disagreement with PM Mahathir Mohamad, who proposed to appoint senior lawyer Tommy Thomas (below) as the new Attorney General. The King’s refusal was largely due to the fact that Thomas isn’t a Malay-Muslim.
Heck, not only Tommy Thomas isn’t a Malay-Muslim but an ethnic-Indian, he is also a Christian. However, after Mr. Thomas received massive support from Malaysians, especially the netizens, as well as coalition’s leaders, there has been a new twist to the story from the palace. The King now argues that he wants somebody who has been a judge or even a retired judge.
Without the King realizing it, he was caught shooting his own foot as he tries very hard to justify that he wasn’t a racist and certainly not a religious bigot. How can he claim not being a racist when he insisted the A.G. must be able to advise him on Syariah matters? How can a non-Muslim attorney general advise him on the Islamic matters is beyond comprehension. There’s no such thing as half-pregnant.
The Federal Constitution doesn’t prohibit a non-Malay or a non-Muslim to be appointed as the Attorney General. It’s only by tradition that the previous BN government had practiced the racist policy – appointing only a Malay-Muslim as Attorney General. Syahredzan Johan, a constitutional lawyer, said the King and the Council of Rulers have no constitutional basis to interfere in the appointment.

Yang di-Pertuan Agong - Sultan Muhammad V
Truthfully, when ex-PM Najib Razak sacked former A.G. Gani Patail in July 2015 as he was finishing the charge paper to prosecute the prime minister, and subsequently the appointment of friendly-Apandi Ali as the new Attorney General, the then-Agong (King) obediently consented. So why wasn’t there a problem during Najib regime but is a major problem with Mahathir administration?
If you care to study the body language of Sultan Muhammad V (the King) during the swearing in of Mahathir Mohamad as the Malaysia’s 7th Prime Minister on May 10th, obviously the Agong wasn’t happy with the ceremony. Like his good buddy Najib Razak, the Sultan of Kelantan was equally shocked with the stunning victory of the Pakatan Harapan coalition.

Mahathir Swearing-In Ceremony As 7th PM
Now that the new government wants to sack Apandi Ali and appoint Tommy Thomas, the monarchy appears to be interfering with the running of the government. He has forgotten that Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy, not absolute monarchy. More importantly, agreeing to a no-nonsense A.G. means even the monarchy will be subjected to the rule of law, which could jeopardise sultans’ interest.
But the biggest question here is not Sultan Muhammad V of Kelantan, as the Agong, playing politics to undermine Mahathir administration. The biggest question here is – had not Mahathir anticipated such rejection from the monarchy in the first place? As we had written previously, the monarchies should be careful what they wish for. Mahathir wasn’t born yesterday.
It looks like with the exception of the Sultanate of Johor, the rest of the monarchies had forgotten how Mahathir stripped the once powerful but arrogant sultanates of their immunity. And for a country with only 32-million populations, Malaysia has a jaw-dropping nine (9) monarchies. And if you add in the Agong, who is elected every 5 years among themselves, there are 10 monarchies.
So, did the old but cunning Mahathir deliberately throw a cat among the pigeons? Now that the palace said the King doesn’t care whether the Attorney General is an Indian, Chinese or Malay, what will happen if Mahathir presents the following 4 names as demanded by the King – Gopal Sri Ram, Tommy Thomas, Ambiga Sreenevasan and Ramkarpal Singh?

Attorney-general-Apandi Ali-dancing-with-ministers
Will the King choose Gopal Sri Ram as he fits the bill the most or none at all because all of them are not Muslims? Can you see how the King will be humiliated as Mahathir hangs him out to dry? At the end of the day, Mahathir is telling the people hungry for reforms and angry for blood that it isn’t his fault that Najib cannot be prosecuted or reforms cannot take place.
Mahathir is giving the monarchies enough rope to hang themselves when they choose to play politics. The monarchies will be seen as protecting crooks Najib and Rosmah. The monarchies will be seen as preventing a clean judiciary. The monarchies will be seen as practicing racism. The monarchies will be seen as worshipping a corrupt system. The monarchies will be seen as irrelevant and a wastage.
After all, the people have been told horror stories by newly appointed MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) Chief Commissioner Mohd Shukri Abdull – that the commission have met with the Conference of Rulers twice to assist on the progress of the investigation of 1MDB scandal but were left “disappointed” – because the monarchies had chosen to turn a blind eye.
People are flabbergasted why the King refuses to appoint a clean candidate as the A.G. People are asking – what is so important about appointing a Malay-Muslim as the country’s top lawyer. Apandi Ali was the best Malay-Muslim A.G. money can buy who was appointed by Najib and endorsed by the Agong (King) and see what had they done to the country. - ft

How is your relationship
with Anwar Ibrahim?
Anwar had served in various ministries and his last post was deputy prime minister. Nobody can run a government alone. A PM needs a Cabinet that supports him and honest civil servants with integrity. He also needs good, honest advisers and must never forget the rakyat. Anwar is aware of all these. Continue Reading...

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