06 October 2014

Maafkan PAS atas ‎isu MB Selangor...

Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Hulu Klang Saari Sungib yang dalam proses dipecat parti dihargai oleh parti PKR dan DAP atas pendiriannya menyokong Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail walaupun ditentang partinya. – Gambar The Malaysian Insider oleh Afif Raiezal, 5 Oktober, 2014.

Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Hulu Klang Saari Sungib(atas) meminta orang ramai memaafkan PAS meskipun partinya menganggap dirinya sebagai pembelot dan kini sedang dalam proses untuk memecatnya.

Bekas tahan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) itu juga mendedahkan beliau sudah berjumpa dengan pemimpin tinggi parti bagi memberi penjelasan tentang pendirian and tindakannya semasa kemelut menteri besar Selangor.

Saari berkata beliau menyerahkan kepada pimpinan parti untuk mengambil tindakan terhadapnya.

"Saya tahu sesetengah dari anda masih marah kepada PAS. Jadi mewakili PAS, saya mohon maaf kerana lambat membuat keputusan dalam isu calon menteri besar Selangor," katanya.

Saari dianggap sebagai hero oleh parti Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lain kerana keputusannya menyokong DAP dan PKR menyingkirkan Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim walaupun pendiriannya bertentangan dengan pendirian pemimpin tertinggi PAS.

Ketika Muktamar PAS September lepas, Saari dan Adun Morib Hasnul Baharuddin diserang ahli dan pemimpin PAS kerana keputusan mereka untuk memihak pada PKR dan DAP.

Namun Saari tetap meraih populariti di kalangan hadirin bukan PAS pada acara semalam dan ucapannya yang seringkali mendapat tepukan gemuruh.

Beliau juga turut menerima pujian daripada pemimpin DAP malam tadi atas tindakannya bersama 28 Adun PKR dan DAP untuk menyingkirkan Khalid dan memberi sokongan majoriti kepada Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail bagi jawatan menteri besar Selangor.

Malah Naib Presiden DAP Teresa Kok ‎turut dilihat menghadiahkan Saari dengan pokok buluh sebagai penghargaan atas keputusan menyokong parti PR meskipun menerima tentangan hebat daripada PAS.

"Dalam tradisi Cina, buluh simbolik kepada kelembutan dan integriti. Bagaimana tekanan pun, buluh hanya akan bengkok tetapi tidak patah," katanya sebelum memberikan pokok tersebut kepada Saari yang mendapat tepukan gemuruh dari orang ramai.

Saari dan Hasnul berdepan dengan kemungkinan dipecat daripada PAS kerana menyokong DAP dan PKR sebelum pendirian rasmi parti Islam itu sama ada mahu menyokong atau menolak pemecatan Khalid.

Namun apabila Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa PAS Pusat mengumumkan menerima pemecatan Khalid, keputusan itu di tarik balik beberapa hari selepas itu, walaupun Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang dan Majlis Syura memutuskan perkara sebaliknya.

Perpecahan dalam PAS dilihat semakin berlarutan terutama dalam krisis menteri besar Selangor dan tidak mencapai sebarang kata sepakat bersama PR dalam isu calon yang menggantikan Khalid.

Para penganalisis dan pemimpin PR mempersoalkan keputusan PAS kerana ia memberi kesan kepada pengundi Selangor yang dilihat mempunyai kesedaran politik.‎

Mereka percaya krisis tersebut akan menyebabkan PAS kehilangan kerusi pada pilihan raya akan datang akibat sentimen negatif orang ramai.

‎Seorang pemimpin yang berada di majlis makan malam tersebut berkata program itu juga dilihat sebagai peluang membuktikan kemarahan pengundi kepada PAS.

"Cina mengiktiraf Saari, beliau kini dilihat sebagai selebriti. Kita mahu tunjukkan mereka beliau juga merupakan pemimpin PAS."

Saari pula katanya tetap berpegang pada pendiriannya tanpa mengira persepsi daripada ahli PAS lain.

"Mereka boleh menyatakan apa sahaja, menghina saya. Namun saya sanggup buat apa sahaja untuk rakyat. Saya tidak mahu keluar daripada PAS, saya masih ahli PAS."

Bekas tahan Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) itu juga mendedahkan beliau sudah berjumpa dengan pemimpin tinggi parti bagi memberi penjelasan tentang pendirian and tindakannya semasa kemelut menteri besar Selangor.

Saari berkata beliau menyerahkan kepada pimpinan parti untuk mengambil tindakan terhadapnya. 

"Namun akhirnya saya berharap PR dapat bangkit semula, PAS dapat bergabung semula bersama DAP dan PKR mengambil alih negara Barisan Nasional (BN)."- tmi

PAS badly needs to rejuvenate to stay relevant...

It is a great relief the crisis of Selangor MB has finally been laid to rest. But rest assured Pakatan's nightmares are far from over. A lot of soul searching needs to be done. The top leaders of Pakatan badly need to go to the drawing board again to devise and revise its strategies and priorities in order to reclaim the support from all Malaysians.

As far as I am concerned PAS is the most vulnerable at this juncture. Its flip flop stands in Selangor fiasco puzzled not only its friends in Pakatan but also some of its own leaders. Maybe Umno also shared the same puzzlement so much so it did not feel there was a need to capitalise the issue to its political advantage.

Umno's inefficiency in capitalising on the Selangor issue appears to have upset former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad. To be fair to Umno, when its political enemies had assumed Umno' role in self-destructing their own political survival, what more it could do to aggravate the damage?

No doubt PAS is the most important partner in Pakatan. Whatever one may perceive about PAS, the destruction of PAS is not good for Pakatan. In the same vein the strength of PAS is a bonus to Pakatan.

Be that as it may, the partners in Pakatan must galvanise all the options they have to ensure PAS remains in Pakatan. No doubt the only winner if PAS is out from Pakatan would be BN.

But to stay in Pakatan, PAS itself needs to change. No, it must change. Failure to change is not an option for PAS.

The change, as far as I am concerned, must emanate from its top leadership. Like or not the top leaders of PAS have frustrated many Malaysians, particularly those who voted for PAS in the last general election. In fact many believe that PAS has unduly betrayed their trust and vanished their hopes.

True values of leadership absent

Two entities in PAS are the prime sources of political bewilderment to many. First is the PAS' president and the second is its syura council. The way these two entities seemingly exerted their power even within PAS has frightened those outside PAS. Of course the latter were justified to show their utmost concern, as this is the party that they have placed their trust, together with DAP and PKR, to helm political leadership in this country.

In Selangor fiasco the president and the syura council had unfortunately failed to seize the golden opportunity in exhibiting exemplary leadership in handling the crisis. It goes without saying that a true and able leadership is gauged when a leader is tested with crisis and tribulation.

The way these two entities in PAS handled the Selangor menteri besar issue left many to bewilderment and frustration thus eroding any residual trust they had in PAS.

It seemed that in venturing their decision making process the president and the syura council failed to display wisdom, humility and tolerance, which are the hallmarks of prophetic leadership shown by the beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).  Instead people saw anger, vengeance and even arrogance reigning supreme

There is another thing which has become the source of concern for many Malaysians in the way PAS showed its stand vis a vis the issue of appointment of a new Selangor MB by His Highness the sultan of Selangor. Yes, the royal institution , being part of our constitutional make up, deserves our utmost and undivided respect and honour.

Any disrespect of the monarchy deserves condemnation. Nevertheless the respect and honour to our royalty does not give anybody a licence to derail the royal institution from its constitutional position. We embrace constitutional monarchy thus it is in the interest of all Malaysians including the monarchy itself that the position of constitutional monarchy is kept in its proper place.

PAS has to resign to the fact that the idea of power sharing in governance is still new to the party. Many Islamic movements such as PAS would face this critical challenge in their political journey to power.

The success or failure of power sharing depends on the ability of the players in such a scheme to make necessary adjustments in their political manoeuvre. In a power sharing paradigm the threshold of tolerance is very high indeed. Thus to remain viable, all actors in power sharing agreement must be able to focus on long term rather than short term gains.

PAS needs to make necessary and bold adjustments to its strategies and priorities in order to keep it relevant to the current and future political scenario. The adjustment does not call it to forgo altogether its core principles. Taking into account that Islam is rich with excellent and persuasive traditions and precedents, I do not see PAS should feel it is constricted by Islam in order to readjust its political manoeuvre.

To think otherwise means to deny the richness and vastness of Islamic traditions and worst still, to deny the capability of Islam to remain relevant  at any periods of time.

Don't forget people are boss

PAS needs constant reminder that it operates within the democratic system to compete for power. But power resides in the people namely all Malaysians. To claim power from Malaysians, PAS leaders have to convince Malaysians that they are ready and willing to represent them in its quest for political leadership.

PAS equally has to respect the sanctity of democracy and be willing to defend it. It needs to honestly address the legitimate concerns that Islamic movements are using democracy to climb the ladder of power only to destroy it once they are in power.

But the most important, it has to prove its sincerity through actions rather than its verbal and rhetorical expression. In politics your actions speak louder than your tongue.

Political power is about trust. Trust, like Rome, is not built in one day. It has to undergo a long, painful and tenacious process. You need only one day to destroy the trust and once it is lost, you may need hundred years to rebuild it. A fragile trust is like a sand castle easy to be destroyed.

If PAS wants to stay relevant in Malaysian politics it has to build a solid and embedded trust among all races and religious beliefs in this country. Until and unless such a trust is solidly grounded, there is no point for PAS to expect its Islamic products would attract the market. In this respect, PAS badly needs a bold and major rejuvenation. This perhaps the first step for PAS to rebuild its trust and reclaim confidence, if any, from the people.- Mohd.Hanipah Maidin,MP Sepang,mk


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