Dr Mahathir juga mengakui yang BN akan menjadi kerajaan yang lemah dan akan menghadapi masalah ‘defection’ selepas pilihanraya dan sebagainya. Mahathir meramalkan yang BN akan mendapat majoriti 2/3 jika BN menghadapi PRU kali ini dengan lebih kuat dan melakukan pemilihan calon dengan tepat.
Keupayaan Dr Mahathir untuk menelah keputusan PRU itu menjadi persoalan kepada yang berfikir. Dalam pada UMNO menghadapi masalah yang besar sekarang, mana mungkin UMNO itu akan mendapat kemenangan majoriti 2/3 di Dewan Parlimen?
Walau bagaimana pun sesiapa sahaja termasuk Dr Mahathir sendiri berhak untuk meramalkan keputusan PRU itu nanti, kerana pilihanraya itu pun belum diadakan lagi.
Pihak lain pula ramai yang meramalkan Pakatan Rakyat (PR) akan menang ‘hands down’ dan akan melakukan perubahan besar kepada lanskap politik buat pertama kali dalam sejarah kemerdekaan negara kita.
Dr Mahathir berkata yang Pakatan Rakyat ini hanya sekumpulan manusia yang berpakat-pakat untuk melakukan kejahatan. Tetapi semua pakat-pakat yang beliau lakukan sekarang terbukti sebagai pakat-pakat jahat untuk kepentingan segelintiran pemimpin dan kroni-kroni mereka sahaja.
Salah satu dari dua ramalan itu akan menjadi kenyataan: samada yang mengatakan BN akan kalah atau pun pihak yang mengatakan BN akan kekal memenangi PRU itu nanti.
Tetapi apa yang hendak saya nyatakan di sini ialah, tidak semua ramalan Dr M itu menjadi kenyataan. Ramai yang berkata Dr Mahathir hanya berkata-kata dengan apa yang beliau hendak dengar sahaja.
Pada tahun 1985 dahulu beliau meramalkan yang PBS (Parti Bersatu Sabah) yang baru sahaja wujud tidak akan berjaya mengalahkan parti Berjaya dan kerajaan yang dipimpin oleh Harris Salleh di Sabah. Dr Mahathir mempunyai keyakinan seratus peratus yang Berjaya akan dapat mengekalkan mandat dalam pilihanraya negeri pada tahun itu kerana PBS adalah parti baru dan tidak mungkin berjaya.
Dr Mahathir begitu berkeyakinan yang Berjaya akan berjaya dan beliau terus memberikan sokongan terbuka kepada Berjaya untuk mengekalkan kuasa di Sabah. Dr Mahathir dalam ucapan beliau di Sabah dalam kempen pilihanraya itu telah berucap dengan penuh keyakinan dan beliau berjanji yang beliau akan berenang atau tenggelam bersama Berjaya.
Akhirnya Berjaya telah tumpas dengan teruknya sehinggakan Harris Salleh sendiri telah kalah di kawasannya sendiri, di Tenom. Tetapi Dr Mahathir berubah pendirian dan tidak mahu tenggelam bersama Berjaya seperti yang beliau janjikan semasa kempen pilihanraya itu.
Dr Mahathir sedar yang beliau telah tersalah membuat ramalan terhadap keputusan pilihanraya negeri itu. Dr Mahathir terus berenang dan membiarkan sahaja Harris Salleh tenggelam sendirian.
Sesungguhnya tidak mustahil jika UMNO mengalami keadaan seperti yang di alami oleh Berjaya. Apabila rakyat mahukan perubahan, keadaan itu akan wujud dengan sekelip mata sahaja.
Rakyat akan menolak dan meruntuhkan parti yang telah terlalu lama menjadi ‘sanctuary’ kepada semua pemimpin-pemimpin dan kroni-kroni yang rakus selama ini.
Rasanya Dr Mahathir akan tersalah ramal lagi kali ini - aspanaliasnet.blogspot.com
Pemimpin BN tolak ramalan ‘kerajaan lemah’ Mahathir

20 September,14 tahun yang lalu...
14 tahun yang lalu pada hari ini 20 hb September, Anwar berucap di depan lebih 50,000 penyokong di Masjid Negara. 2 minggu sebelum itu pada 2 September 1998, media seperti Utusan Malaysia atau nama timangannya "Utusan Meloya" serta TV3 suku menyiarkan berita dan afidavit penuh dari beberapa individu bahawa Anwar Ibrahim terlibat dalam perlakuan liwat.
Rakyat mula menyoal, kalau betul Anwar bersalah, pasti dia bukan begini peribadinya. Orang bersalah tidak akan berani berceramah di hadapan khalayak ramai, apatah lagi untuk bertentang mata dengan ribuan manusia.
Sebagai manusia berakal, kami perlu mencari kepastian. Ketika itu, dari dua hingga ke 20 September, setiap malam di rumah Anwar diadakan ceramah.Pada satu malam, kami berkesempatan untuk kali pertama mendengar ucapan mantan Timbalan Perdana Menteri itu di rumahnya di Bukit Damansara. Siang itu, penulis ucapan beliau Dr. Munawar Anees ditangkap.
Ceramah beliau pada malam itu mematikan keraguan saya termasuk satu baris pidato yang sangat penting dan signifikan.Kata Anwar, merujuk penangkapan Dr Munawar, lebih kurang begini:
"Kenapa tangkap orang-orang saya? Tangkap saya. Saya pemimpin!!!". Hanya mereka yang "berani kerana benar" boleh berbicara seperti itu. Kata-kata seperti ini tidak mampu lahir dari mulut seorang yang bersalah. Atas kebenaran ini, dia berdiri tegak dan mencabar para rangkaian konspirator. Sehari sebelum dipecat, dia diberi kata oleh oleh Dr Mahathir - "dipecat atau menghadapi tuduhan yang memalukan", dan ini diiringi tawaran lumayan untuk bertugas di Bank Dunia sekiranya beliau memilih untuk meletak jawatan. Jawab Anwar, "Kenapa saya harus meletak jawatan, saya tidak bersalah."
Gurkah-gurkah politik di'port' berani bertaruh potong 'konek' dan percaya semua pemimpin Umno/BN dalam situasi ini akan memlilih jawatan di Bank Dunia.
Atas kebenaran ini, dia menerjang segala risiko demi membela orang yang dipimpin. Saya percaya kalaulah situasi ini dihadapi oleh Dr Mahathir, sejak awal beliau sudah lari ke kandang kuda di Argentina dan membiarkan pengikut-pengikutnya menghadapi segala risiko.
Satu kriteria penting bagi seseorang pemimpin berwibawa. "Apabila berhadapan dengan pilihan laba, beliau memilih untuk mempertahankan prinsip walau pun risikonya penjara.
Akhir kalam, rencana ini tidak membicarakan soal politik kepartian, tetapi keperluan membawa Malaysia keluar dari kebobrokan rasuah, merompak harta negara, merembat wang rakyat yang menghalang kemajuan negara.Umno/BN terjebak dalam lubuk keji ini dan mereka sendiri tidak mampu mencari jalan keluar, apa lagi membawa rakyat keluar.
Sebagai alternatif, kita punya seorang pemimpin yang berani, bertanggungjawab, berprinsip dan mempunyai jiwa pembela rakyat. Hanya seorang pemimpin tanpa rasuah seperti Anwar dengan gagasan Pakatan Rakyat mampu mengemudi Malaysia kembaliberdaulat dengan rakyat yang berjati diri.- dollah yankee

How will it end for UMNO...
How does it feel to know that maybe, in the not too distant future - first quarter of 2013 at the latest – you will no longer be Prime Minister of Malaysia? That you will no longer be the First Lady of Malaysia (though self proclaimed as it were?). Think! You are no longer the center of attention. Your words no longer carry any weigh with those who once jump to your every whims and fancies? Quiet a sobering thought if these things are important to you is it not?
For those whose belief in ALLAH is firm and genuine this will not be too much of a problem. Pak Lah is such a man – he is content with the place that he now finds himself in. There is no desire within him to go back to those days when he was Prime Minister of Malaysia. He has done it all and now he will let go of all that came with power and the status that such a position accorded him. He is comfortable within himself.
For those that still crave for power, recognition and a sense of self-importance that is no longer theirs, it is hard. It is hard to accept that you are no longer relevant to the political dynamics of UMNO and this Nation of ours. Hard to accept that all the trappings of power, the awe and the so called reverence of those that seek your attention while you were Prime Minister is now no longer around you.
So how will it be for those in UMNO who staked so much importance to the power and wealth that political position in government gives them–how are they now preparing themselves for the possibility –the real possibility – of defeat at the 13th general election?
It is not just a figment of Pakatan Rakyat’s imagination that UMNO might no longer hold power after the 13th general election! This is not just a possibility that UMNO will no longer be in government after the 13th general election that disturbs these politicians – it is what comes with losing power that frightens them! So much so that they have all begun to think of what will come should that defeat become a reality.
My thoughts go back to the final moments of Hitler, Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi. All were powerful tyrants who ruled over their people with contempt for anybody’s interest but their own. All of them, when at their height of their power, walked the world stage with arrogance and complete confidence that their rule would go on and on and on. And all of them at the last conscious moments of their life must have thought back to those glory days and must have asked themselves “Where did I go wrong? What did I do wrong”
Hitler’s last hours in his bunker were surreal. He had already lost touch with reality and all that concerned him was that the Russians would not be able to display his corpse to the public after he commit suicide. The man who was responsible for the death of almost 50 million died at his own trembling hands while his whole world was crumbling around him.
Saddam Hussein walked bravely towards the hangman’s noose though only Allah knows what was in his heart when his time came to die.
Gaddafi could not understand what it is that he has done that would make his own people want to humiliate him even as they kill him.
All of them were delusional and out of touch with the reality around them in the moments before death even as their own supporters tried to shield them from the reality that they were in. Can you see the similarity with those that were once holding political power in Malaysia and those that are, for the moment, still holding political power in Malaysia? Najib, Muhyiddin, Mahathir, Nazri, that Din guy in the Rumah Minister…even Rosmah…they all know that the 13th general election may well be their last hurrah!
Their last hurrah going into the election…not coming out of it. And what they will do now to try and cling on to power will be decided by what kind of person that political power has made them to be!
We know that Mahathir still crave for attention and thinks he still is the same Mahathir that he once was for over twenty two years as our Prime Minister! What a difference between Pak Lah and Mahathir. The former content and at peace with where he now finds himself at – in retirement. The latter all bluster without substance. He and Brahim Berok deserve each other. We see them as the Emperor without any Clothes!
But what about Najib? What will he now do to cling to power? Lying and deception are already his modus operandi. Will he now resort to outright criminality without any though to its consequences? Yes even now he is already resorting to criminality but he at least can and does hide behind the façade of his position as Prime Minister of Malaysia. His position keeps him beyond the reach of Altantuya.
cara ini saja Najib boleh menang
Beyond the abuses he scandals and financial mismanagement he perpetrated whilst in MINDEF. Beyond money politics in UMNO and Barisan Nasional and beyond the use of his executive power in government for personal and political gain. But for how long? Even Mahathir while he was Prime Minister, did not have the hatred so many of us now feel for Najib though of course Mahathir had Siti Hasmah to soften his image. Najib unfortunately is burden with Rosmah.
The hatred for Mahathir came after he left office. Najib, unlike any other sitting Prime Minister of our Nation now has the ire and contempt of so many Malaysians. Too many to ignore and dismisses as merely being the empty baying of Pakatan Rakyat politicians who can now sense blood as they move in for the kill.
To much anger from the people even for Najib’s people to keep away from Najib’s sensibility. And above it all we know that Rosmah’s knows that her FLOM’s position is now under threat. So what will Najib do to save himself, for he, of all people, knows that what he has done during his time in Public Office is just waiting to be put into the Public Domain for all of us to digest and for an independent Judiciary to deliberate!
UMNO is now under siege but unlike the UMNO of old, this UMNO Baru does not have the substance to weather the coming storm. Who amongst UMNO leaders now are with substance? The only thing that stands between them and us is money. Lots and lots of money that they have taken from our Nation. Without money they are nobody –not even deserving of our pity or our concern. And when that money that they have taken from us is taken away from them then what is left?
Imagine these UMNO leaders in opposition!

An inquisition in the manner they have abuse the trust of the people in carrying out their duties as our Ministers? All of them face the potential of being incarcerated for deeds done and executive powers abused. No one, none of them, can stand isolated from the collective responsibility they all must accept for the plundering and pillaging of our Nation’s wealth.
If you are in Barisan Nasional now you will have to hope that what Najib’s government has done so far in the hope of BUYING victory in the 13th general election is enough! Somehow I do not think it will be enough. The people have long memories of what they have had to put up with during UMNO reign of corruption, arrogance and self-serving government all done in the name of Ketuanan Melayu and 1 Malaysia. Huh!
Government is supposed to be one of the Pillars of Society. Politicians make up these Pillars! What sort of pillars do these Barisan Nasional politicians make! We gave this UMNO led Government the right to make laws and enforce them. They are supposed to be the good people who prevent the evil within our society from banding together to do evil on our Nation. And yet this Barisan Nasional Government mocks us by doing the stealing themselves.
They use the Law Enforcement agencies to punish our own good people for offences they say is against our National interest when the truth is that it is against Barisan Nasional interests. This Barisan Nasional Government is bent on destroying our society, as we know it by using Race and Religion to divide and rule our Nation. All that they do is calculated to keep them in power and to destroy our country!

They now use religion to control not only the Muslim in Malaysia but also put fear into non-Muslims in the name of protecting Islam. They allow extremists and power hungry politicians to use bad religion to control our people. UMNO’s religion is not Islam…it is materialism, which has insidiously infiltrated every aspect of our society like a parasite breeding greed and arrogance.
Our future lies without this Barisan Nasional government – without UMNO. It is time to enter a new paradigm with Pakatan Rakyat that will allow us all to come together and reject the cocky ways of UMNO. We need to redefine our national good to move away from UMNO’s defined path that will surely ruin our Nation – if it has not already done so. No compromises...ABU!- Hussein A Hamid@steadyaku-husseinhamid.blogspot
BN leaders brush off Dr M’s ‘weak govt’ prediction
1 comment:
Inna Lillahi Wainna Hi Roji'un ... Al Fatihah
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