Mohd Rafizi, 35, memfailkan permohonan itu melalui peguamnya Latheefa Koya di pejabat pendaftar Mahkamah Tinggi di sini pada 9.30 pagi.
Latheefa, yang ditemui pemberita selepas memfailkan permohonan itu, berkata antara alasan permohonan itu, termasuk prosiding jenayah yang dihadapi Mohd Rafizi di Mahkamah Sesyen didakwanya merupakan satu penyalahgunaan kuasa oleh pihak pendakwaan, bersifat selektif dan bermotifkan politik.
Sementara itu di Mahkamah Sesyen, Hakim Aslam Zainuddin menetapkan 10 Oktober ini untuk sebutan semula kes Mohd Rafizi dan kerani bank Johari Mohamad yang didakwa bersubahat dengannya.
Beliau menetapkan tarikh itu selepas peguam N.Surendran yang mewakili kedua-dua tertuduh memohon tarikh sebutan baharu sementara menunggu permohonan Mohd Rafizi untuk mengetepikan pertuduhan itu didengar di Mahkamah Tinggi.
Mengaku tidak bersalah
Pada 1 Ogos lepas, Mohd Rafizi mengaku tidak bersalah mendedahkan dokumen penyata baki akaun pelanggan Public Bank Bhd iaitu National Feedlot Corporation (NFC), National Meat & Livestock Sdn Bhd, Agroscience Industries Sdn Bhd dan Pengerusi NFC Datuk Seri Dr Mohamad Salleh Ismail, yang beliau mempunyai akses, kepada Yusof Abdul Alim dan Erle Martin Carvalho di Ibu Pejabat PKR di Merchant
Square, Jalan Tropicana Selatan, Petaling Jaya, pada 7 Mac lepas.
Beliau didakwa mengikut Seksyen 97(1) Akta Bafia yang boleh dihukum mengikut Seksyen 103 (1) (a) akta sama yang memperuntukkan hukuman penjara maksimum tiga tahun atau denda maksimum RM3 juta atau kedua-duanya, jika sabit kesalahan.
Johari, 41, juga mengaku tidak bersalah bersubahat dengan Mohd Rafizi pada tarikh dan di alamat yang sama.
Johari didakwa mengikut Seksyen 112 (1) (c) Bafia, dan boleh dihukum menurut Seksyen 103 akta sama.-FMT
Rafizi to hit the road to expose Bafia abuse...
PKR director of strategy Mohd Rafizi Ramli, who is facing criminal charges under the Banking and Financial Institutions Act 1989 (Bafia), will embark on a roadshow to highlight how the law has been applied inconsistently.
“Thus there are two cases that are running parallel - one in court and another, we will be exposing to the public. We will show how Bafia is not being used in the people’s interest.
“We believe that many people feel victimised by the banks who are violating this law,” he told reporters at the Shah Alam court complex, today.
On Aug 1, Rafizi and former Public Bank clerk Johari Mohamad were jointly charged under Section 97 of the law for disclosing NFC financial documents to the press.
The duo can be jailed up to three years or fined up to RM3 million upon conviction.
Rafizi said being charged under this law was somewhat of a blessing in disguise because others who are aggrieved by the law have begun to contact him.
He said his new contacts want to expose the wrongful use of personal information by banking institutions which have been ignored by the authorities.
“Our campaign will be interesting because although Bafia was applied in the NFC case, many other cases are not receiving the same attention,” he said.
Four weeks after the trial commenced, Rafizi fought back by establishing the National Oversight and Whistleblowers (NOW) centre to lobby for law reforms to protect whistleblowers.-malaysiakini
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