07 September 2012

Pak Samad: Polis tanya soalan yang depa sudah tahu jawapannya...

Pihak polis langsung tidak menyoal Sasterawan Negara, Datuk A. Samad Said berhubung puisi "Janji Demokrasi" yang dibacanya ketika perhimpunan di Dataran Merdeka, Khamis lalu.

Sebaliknya soalan yang ditanya berkisar tentang perhimpunan Janji Demokrasi anjuran Gabungan Janji.

Justeru beliau memilih untuk tidak menjawab soalan-soalan yang ditanya kecuali mengenai maklumat dirinya sahaja.

"Saya memilih untuk tidak menjawab semua soalan itu kecuali infomasi diri saya sahaja.

"Seingat saya, tiada langsung soalan mengenai puisi yang ditanya," kata beliau selepas memberikan keterangan di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Dang Wangi petang ini.

Beliau disiasat di bawah seksyen 9 Akta Perhimpunan Aman 2012.

Pak Samad juga berkata, beliau bukan penganjur perhimpunan sebaliknya hanya diundang membaca puisi.

Sementara itu, Pengarah Eksekutif Empower Maria Chin Abdullah yang turut dipanggil memberi keterangan mempersoal tindakan polis yang menyoal siasat orang yang hadir menyambut merdeka.

"Kami hanya menyambut merdeka, jadi polis nak dakwa atas kesalahan apa? soalnya.

Peguam, Latheefa Koya berkata, polis hanya membuang masa memanggil mereka sedangkan soalan yang ditanya sudah diketahui jawapannya.

"Tanya pasal sidang media yang Maria adakan, sedangkan berita ada, video ada, semua ada bukti. Kenapa panggil soal siasat lagi? katanya.

Turut hadir peguam Datuk S Ambiga dan ahli jawatankuasa Bersih, Hishammudin Rais.

Polis memberi notis kepada Pak Samad yang juga Pengerusi bersama Gabungan Pilihan Raya Adil dan Bersih (Bersih) dan Maria jam 4 petang semalam meminta mereka hadir ke balai polis.

Siasatan hari ini merupakan tindakan ketiga ke atas Pak Samad selepas tindakan sama dijalankan ke atasnya pada Mac 2009 berhubung dasar pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeri.Siasatan kedua pula berhubung puisi berjudul "Unggun Bersih" yang dibacanya di majlis pelancaran BERSIH 2.0 pada Jun 2011.

Ketua Polis IPD Dang Wangi, ACP Zainuddin Ahmad sebelum ini berkata, polis akan menyiasat sama ada sasterawan itu melanggar undang-undang dengan membaca sajak dalam perhimpunan Janji Demokrasi itu mengikut Akta Perhimpunan Aman 2012.- harakahdaily

Janji Demokrasi organiser: Police questions irrelevant...

Janji Demokrasi rally organiser Maria Chin Abdullah described the questions posed by the police to her and another key leader A Samad Said during today's interview as "irrelevant".

NONE"They only asked questions about the press conference held at the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (on Aug 24)," she said.

She and Samad therefore took the stand of not answering any question, Maria (left) told the media after coming out of the police station.

Police had summoned the duo to the Dang Wangi district police headquarters this afternoon to give their statements in relation to the controversial incidents that took place during the Merdeka eve rally at Dataran Merdeka.

 "The questions they want to know about the press conference were: who were there, what was my role during the press conference and what was my role at Dataran Merdeka.

"Who were there and what was the purpose of organising the rally,"  said Maria.

Tag didn't fit person 

She was represented by lawyer Latheefa Koya while Bersih 2.0 co-chairperson S Ambiga and lawyer Syahredzan Johan represented Samad, who is also co-chairperson of the election reform coalition.

The interview lasted some 40 minutes with 25 questions raised. 

NONESamad (centre in photo) said the police notice sent to him yesterday had been cancelled as he was not the rally organiser but simply invited to recite a poem at the event.

"I was summoned based on irrelevant issues. The notice had been withdrawn. 

"Several routine questions were asked, but I chose not to answer any of them except those related to my personal information.

"There was no question asked about the poem as far as I can remember," said the national laureate. 

 Elaborating further, Ambiga explained that Samad had his statement recorded today as witness under Section 110 of the Penal Code.

Yesterday's notice was issued under Section 9(5) of the Peaceful Assembly Act 2011 and had described Samad as organiser, she added.

While the duo was having their statements recorded, some 20 activists from NGOs waited outside the police station in a show of support.- malaysiakini

Maria Chin: Soalan polis 'tidak relevan'


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