Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob said,
"This decision was made because the government takes into consideration the people's interest,"
"We did not listen to the opposition. The Umno Youth wing had also raised the issue. It has nothing to do with the opposition."
“Percayalah kepada kerajaan (kerana) kerajaan hari ini adalah kerajaan yang mendengar segala pandangan daripada rakyat. Sebelum membuat sesuatu keputusan kerajaan akan ambil kira semua sudut." “Apa yang kerajaan buat ini jelas menggambarkan kerajaan sentiasa prihatin kepada rakyat. Jadi, saya harap cukuplah jangan percaya kepada cerita bohong daripada pembangkang ini.”
“Saya dapat lihat dalam blog, dalam Facebook, dalam risalah yang dikeluarkan oleh pembangkang mengatakan bahawa kerajaan akan menaikkan harga. Ada yang kata 20 sen, 30 sen. Semua cerita itu adalah cerita bohong, cerita tidak benar,” katanya.
And Lim Guan Eng replied....

Lim Guan Eng listed three likely reasons behind the decision: —
1.Pakatan Rakyat (PR) had successfully exposed the large subsidies enjoyed by corporate giants,
2.Barisan Nasional (BN) intends to hold snap elections soon,
3. the ruling pact fears pushing subsidy cuts would cause a loss of popular support.
“Such unfair price increases will not go down well with the voters. BN is worried about the surprising electoral strength of PR,” he said. Lim however noted that since no deadline had been imposed on the postponement, the government was likely to proceed with its plan to cut subsidies after snap elections are called.
“Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob refused to specify how long the government would maintain current prices.
“In other words, once the snap elections are won by BN, then clearly nothing would stop them from removing subsidies and allowing prices to increase,” he said.
Lim predicted that corporate giants like independent power producers (IPPs), TNB and Felda would likely escape subsidy cuts, pointing to recent statements made by MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek and Energy, Green Technology and Water Minister Peter Chin Fah Kui.
Should I thank the Minister? NO...NO...NO
Wait and see, berapa lama harga sekarang boleh kekal..
Who are you trying to bullshit?
laaaa bukan subsidi tu bukan ke 'opium' ke? lenaaaaaaaaa.... habaq pi ja 'subsidy rationalization' SUWE rakyat terima :D
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