Diculik dan dipukul sehingga tidak sedar diri dan lebih mengejutkan, mangsa, seorang remaja lelaki berumur 18 tahun didakwa diliwat oleh sekumpulan lelaki menggunakan sesuatu objek yang tidak dikenalpasti.
Mangsa kini berada dalam keadaan mati otak di Hospital Pulau Pinang bertarung nyawa selepas kejadian malam Jumaat lepas.Menurut ahli keluarga, mangsa dan rakannya terserempak dengan kumpulan lelaki berkenaan di Island Glades kira-kira jam 11 malam.
Menurut rakan mangsa, kumpulan lelaki itu memukulnya dengan topi keledar dan menculik serta melarikan mangsa dengan kereta.
Beberapa jam kemudian, mangsa ditemui dalam keadaan tidak sedar diri di dalam kereta yang sama di Minden Heights, kira-kira dua kilometer dari tempat diculik.
Ahli keluarga berkata, pada awalnya pihak hospital memaklumkan bahawa mangsa mengalami kecederaan di bahagian kepala, pinggang dan tangan selepas dimasukkan ke wad kecemasan Hospital Pulau Pinang.
Namun pada hari ini, mereka dimaklumkan bahawa berlaku pendarahan di bahagian dubur mangsa yang menunjukkan kesan koyak disebabkan oleh tindakan liwat. Kesan itu didakwa akibat memasukkan sesuatu objek seperti botol di bahagian sulit mangsa.
Mereka juga mendakwa terdapat kesan lecur di bahagian belakang badan mangsa. Namun pihak hospital masih belum mengeluarkan kenyataan berhubung kejadian berkenaan.
Justeru, pihak keluarga mangsa mendesak siasatan terperinci dilakukan segera dan kesemua suspek ditahan dan dibawa ke muka pengadilan.
Ketua Polis Daerah Timur Laut, Supritenden Anuar Omar dalam satu kenyataan berkata enam suspek telah ditahan setakat ini dan direman selama empat hari untuk membantu siasatan. - f/bk

Peguam Anwar Akan Berlepas
Ke UK Ambil Dokumen...
Dokumen ini yang dipercayai dibekalkan oleh seorang bekas pegawai kanan SPRM kepada portal pembocoran maklumat kerajaan itu penting untuk digunakan untuk menyokong rayuan Anwar bagi membatalkan sabitan hukuman yang dijatuhkan ke atas beliau oleh Mahkamah Persekutuan pada tahun 2015.
Penting untuk pasukan peguam Anwar ke London kerana dalam pendedahan itu, Sarawak Report tidak menyertakan sekali dokumen yang dimaksudkan itu. Sekalipun dokumen itu disertakan, ia tidak asli kerana di muat turun dari Internet, sebab itu perlu untuk pasukan guaman Anwar terbang ke London dan mendapatkan dokumen itu sendiri.
Sekalipun dimaklumkan ia adalah 5 hakim Mahkamah Persekutuan dan 3 hakim Mahkamah Rayuan sebelumnya yang membuat keputusan untuk menyabitkan Anwar dengan kesalahan tersebut (bukan Shafie), tapi jumlah pembayaran dalam jumlah yang besar tersebut sudah tentu menimbulkan tanda tanya yang besar.
Apatah lagi, Shafie bertindak sebagai pendakwaraya dalam kes Anwar semasa di peringkat Mahkamah Persekutuan setelah pendakwaraya yang mengendalikan kes tersebut, Datuk Yusof, bersara awal. - btmmari.blogspot

Pride comes before a fall, for Shafee...
Last week, lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah, assumed the role of Jason, when he refused to comment on the Sarawak Report (SR) allegation, that he had received RM9.5 million from Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
For someone who is normally verbose and whose "legalese talk" enables his clients to escape prosecution, Shafee acted out of character, when reporters descended on him with the SR allegation; but all he could mutter, was "I will issue a statement, but not today," before he sped off in his car. Neither did he say when he would make the statement.
If Shafee was not the recipient, then a straight answer, like "No" would have sufficed, and in typical Malaysian style, followed by a, "I'll see you in court, if you keep repeating the allegation with the intent of destroying my reputation".
Shafee said nothing. So, for as long as he keeps silent, speculation that there was government interference in former opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's Sodomy II trial will keep building.
In February 2015, when Shafee was the lead prosecutor in the Sodomy II trial, he was riding high on his victory, having overturned Anwar's High Court acquittal. The sentence was five years' jail.
Victors are supposed to show magnanimity in triumph, but not Shafee. Such was his arrogance that soon after sending Anwar to Sungei Buloh prison, Shafee, with his sidekick, Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin, organised a series of roadshows to cement Anwar's supposed guilt. This move is unheard of in civilised nations.
I joked then that if Shafee was tired of the high drama legal life, he could become a porn film narrator. He was full of energy and could not contain himself when he embarked on the government-sponsored roadshow to justify Anwar's conviction.
Shafee sexed up the talks with lewd descriptions, and allowed his ripe imagination to fantasise about things that were not mentioned in court, like Anwar tweaking his accuser, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan's nipples, and asking him, "Can I f**k you today?"
Why Saiful was not charged is explained
Shafee discussed Saiful's testimony, in which he stated Anwar's preference for condoms and lubricants. He detailed various acts in sequence and claimed that the subservient Saiful found it hard to refuse his boss' sexual advances.
He also said that Saiful was not charged for consensual sodomy because to do so would discourage others, in similar circumstances, from lodging reports.
Shafee, like most Umno Baru political script writers, knows the psyche of the depraved section of the Malaysian public. There is nothing like sex to spice up boring, everyday politics and for besmirching political opponents. Only this time, the roadshow backfired.
Instead of convincing the rakyat of Anwar's guilt, they were turned-off and kept away, so the government discontinued its support of the roadshow.
To most people, organising the roadshow just showed how much contempt Najib has for Anwar. It also exposed the vindictive nature of the people behind it.
Nevertheless, Shafee and Khairy continued their roadshow to near tiny audiences. The talks were mostly in Penang and the Klang valley. Shafee delighted in providing lurid details from Saiful's evidence-in-camera, a move to which several lawyers objected.
What was on their minds when the tag-team of Shafee and Khairy did this? Did they want Anwar's total humiliation? Or to prove their absolute loyalty to their boss, Najib? What was the point of the exercise?
Sentence had already been passed and Anwar was safely behind bars. Shafee and Khairy's performance seemed like an overkill. Did they think it necessary to justify Anwar's conviction in this manner?
It merely showed, to a discerning public, that the government was not confident that the rakyat was convinced of Anwar's guilt. Did the government have something to hide? Why did they need to drive home the false message that Anwar was guilty?
In 2015, the cocky Shafee was so full of arrogance that he thought nothing of lowering himself and talking dirty in the roadshow, which he used to tarnish Anwar's character.
Today, he slinks away, like a coward, and dodges questions about Najib's RM9.5 million allegation. It was a trial that sent Najib's nemesis behind bars and ended Anwar's political career. It was also a warning to others that Najib could do the same to those who got in his way.
Perhaps, Shafee is not aware of the saying, "Pride goes before destruction and haughtiness before a fall."
Really Shafee?
Lawyers are supposed to uphold the law. The allegation of RM9.5 million does not lend him any credibility and brings his profession into disrepute. What justice?
Perhaps, it was not Shafee’s legal genius, which helped to turn the tables on Anwar.
As for wrecking lives, Shafee has wrecked the hopes and dreams of Malaysians to be rid of corrupt politicians and crooked lawyers. He tarnished his profession, and destroyed a functioning democracy from operating.
With this allegation in mind, Shafee’s past cases should be re-examined. - Mariam Mokhtar,mk
Both MO1, Shafee can’t dodge the press forever

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