Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng terus meraikan majlis berbuka puasa di negeri ini meskipun ditegah beberapa kumpulan fanatik yang mengecamnya berbuat demikian.
Dalam majlis berbuka puasa di Masjid Kampung Baru yang berlangsung baru-baru ini, Guan Eng yang juga Setiausaha Agung DAP turut menyerahkan bantuan kebajikan berupa barangan keperluan harian dan kerusi roda kepada 50 golongan asnaf kariah berkenaan.
Dalam ucapannya, beliau berkata bahawa Kerajaan Negeri telah membelanjakan RM457 juta dalam usaha menaikkan syiar Islam negeri itu atau 84 peratus lebih tinggi dari peruntukan kerajaan terdahulu.
“Kita (Kerajaan Negeri) ada lebihan sebab amalkan pentadbiran bersih, jadi kita (Kerajaan Negeri) tolong dan kongsi sama kongsi dengan rakyat. Apa salah kita tolong Islam?” soalnya lapor Buletin Mutiara.
Menurutnya, walaupun kerajaan negeri banyak membantu pembangunan hal ehwal Islam di Pulau Pinang, ia juga tidak bermakna beliau memusuhi mana-mana kaum atau agama.
Sebaliknya Guan Eng menegaskan bahawa pihaknya Cuma cuma anti rasuah dan anti kemungkaran.
Hadir sama, Exco Hal Ehwal Agama, Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna, Dato’ Abdul Malik Abul Kassim; ADUN Air Itam, Wong Hon Wai; Ahli Parlimen Bukit Bendera, Zairil Khir Johari; Ahli Majlis bagi Majlis Bandaraya Pulau Pinang (MBPP) Syerleena Abdul Rashid; Pegawai Khas Kepada Ketua Menteri, Mejar (B) Zaidi Ahmad dan Pegawai Koordinator Agenda Ekonomi Saksama (AES), Abdul Wahab Long.
Abdul Malik dan Zairil yang turut berucap pada majlis itu turut mengecam beberapa kumpulan yang cuba menafikan hak Ketua Menteri untuk berbuka puasa bersama umat Islam yang disifatkan bukan ajaran Islam sebenar. -Roketkini.com

Yuran Shafee: Kerajaan Bohong
Kepada Parlimen
SR mendakwa duit yang dipercayai dicuri daripada 1MDB itu dibayar kepada Shafee oleh Perdana Menteri,Datuk Mohd Najib Abdul Razak. Tapi seorang pengulas yang memakai pengenalan “anonymous” telah menghantar komen dalam posting bertajuk “Negara Kafir Lebih Peduli Penipuan 1MDB” dan mengherdik saya agar tidak lagi menulis mengenai 1MDB.
Saya sering kebingungan. Aneh seribu kali aneh. Ramai penyokong Najib, Umno dan kerajaan yang masuk blog ini mengulas menggunakan “anonymous” yang mereka tahu saya tidak akan siar. Saya hairan mengapa mereka takut guna nama sendiri atau nama samaran. Logiknya, bila sokong Najib, Umno dan kerajaan mereka tidak perlu berasa takut. Yang patut takut adalah pembahas anti-Najib, Umno dan kerajaan.
Mungkin penyokong Najib ini malu dengan tahap perbahasan mereka yang hambar atau mereka tidak ikhlas menyokong Najib. Boleh jadi sesetengah daripada mereka adalah penulis dedak yang terpaksa menghantar komen setakat memenuhi kuota dedak mereka.
Pada 1 Jun, portal berita UK itu melaporkan yang Shafee terima dua pembayaran daripada akaun peribadi Najib di AmBank nombor 2112022011906. Satu pada 11 September 2013 sebanyak RM4.3 juta dan satu lagi pada 17 Februari 2014 berjumlah RM5.2 juta.
Persoalannya sekarang ialah bukan sahaja Shafee dibayar yuran yang begitu besar sebagai pendakwa raya helikopter tetapi kemungkinan kerajaan telah berbohong kepada Parlimen mengenainya. Baca seterusnya...
Even Durians, China Wants To Colonize...
The popularity of the fragrant durian, referred to here as the “king of fruits”, has skyrocketed among Chinese tourists. They are particularly fond of the Musang King variety, a strain of durian prized for its creamy, sweet flavor. In recent years, this spike in popularity has resulted in several knock-on effects.
There is now a lack of supply in Singapore, as Malaysian farmers are keen to export to China, where they can fetch double to triple the price. Those durians do make it to market for Singaporeans are more expensive, and of a substandard quality, compared to previous harvests before the Chinese demand took over.
Also feeling the pains of price hikes are Malaysians themselves. Desaru Fruit Farm director Alice Tong has said her farm welcomes twenty to thirty busloads of tourists per week. Unsatisfied even with the readily available Musang King exported to China, they seek a “fresher and more fragrant” fruit at the source. This increased demand has meant that the price has gone from RM30 per kilo, to RM60-RM90 now.
Fancy starting leaving the city life behind, and striking it rich with a durian farm? Here are some basic tips: The trees take 120 days to go from flower to fruit, and the peak season runs from May to end of August. The flesh is dependent on the age of tree, and the soil, and in your favor, Chinese tourists prefer to pay the premium price for fancy strains, as they are more skeptical of cheaper, kampung durian. The premium trees grow in the equatorial foothills at around 1000m above sea level. The cooler weather at night helps set the fruit after they are pollinated by bats.
If the fragrant durian is too much of a hot garbage juice in a flower patch aroma for your liking, also popular with Chinese tourists are mango, pineapple and dragon fruit. Green thumbs, time to turn that soil into gold.- coconut/kl
Did Shafee use Najib's RM9.5 mil.
to pay off the judges in anwar's trial...
A pro-Umno portal has debunked the allegation by Sarawak Report that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak had paid prominent lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah RM9.5 million.
The allegation, which suggested that the money could have originated from former 1MDB subsidiary SRC International, led to the opposition claiming that it pointed to the existence of a political conspiracy against Anwar Ibrahim.
Shafee acted as prosecutor with regard to Anwar’s case of sodomising a former aide when the matter was heard in the higher courts.
However, MyKMU.net described the Sarawak Report allegation as “the worst of all its lies” regarding Najib and 1MDB.
“Why should Najib pay the prosecutor (to secure a conviction) when it is the judges who make the decision. Furthermore, it is the prosecutor’s task to ensure the defendant is convicted,” it said.
The portal claimed that the latest allegation revealed that Pakatan Harapan and former premier Dr Mahathir Mohmad have run out of ammunition to use against Najib, apart from 1MDB. - mk
mushiro - MyKMU is not denying the fact that Najib paid Shafee Rm 9.5 million and they are also not saying why Najib paid Shafee the Rm 9.5 million. MyKMU understands that it is not the prosecutor who secures a conviction and it is the judges who make that decision. So the question is if this money was used by Najib and Shafee to pay off the judges to secure a conviction.
Anonymous 5 - We had in the past had the go in between to judges 'correct, correct, correct ..Lingam and now we have Shafee. Mykmu thats what must have happened . If no conspiracy than umno should have RCI to clear our perceptions as laymen are not stupid like the thieves who got caught and put a puppet appandi or would have been jailed by now mo1. The judges did an overtime one day hearing imprisonment that night without consideration on flying carpets and acquital by high court over years. Shafee distributed the loot . He will win any case like correct.
Well Thats Fantastic - How can a massively over paid outside contracted prosecutor influence the many element of this trial? He could easily bribe the judge, he could pay to have evidence tampered with, he can pay witnesses to say what he wishes. Why the need to pay for a prosecutor when we have public prosecutors already being paid government salary to do their jobs? Very fishy.
AJ - These fools can't even figure that out? Err by employing a so called high power private prosecutor, isn't it easier to pay off some judges? Couldn't that be the reason why the AG's persecutors were bypassed? Show us the money trail fools.
homesick - I got one question for all the pro Umno morons. If this allegation and all the past allegations are false, then it is definitely libel. Why are there still no legal actions taken against Sarawak Report? So, pro Umno morons, please enlighten all of us.

Toksah mimpi mahu tukar status tanah di Pulau Jerejak

OK pulak!!! teka kat mana...

Agak2 berapa lama perlu saya tunggu utk Dato baikpulih jalan Kpg. saya?
Jawapan - Tunggulah sehingga wakil rakyat tu mampuih dan diadakan P/Raya Kecil.
Tika tu Santa Claus mai bawa macam2 ole-ole...
Tika tu Santa Claus mai bawa macam2 ole-ole...

'Janda' pun ada jual kat Mudah.my

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