"Kalau rumah kita orang nak masuk, kita tak benarkan, maka kena hormatlah. Takkan dah orang tak bagi masuk, kita nak masuk juga.
Jika tidak di jemput masuk ke dalam rumah mmg x blh masuk,masalahnya BAZAAR RAMADAN bukannya rumah,tempat awam....jika dikata kan BANGGANG,marah,nak dikata tak pandai pn,belajar sampai masuk U dan jadi MENTERI la plak... - Tatak Nama
Bukankah Bazar Ramadhan sepatutnya untuk semua. Bukan untuk UMNO sahaja? Sepatutnya tidak timbul isu orang ini boleh masuk orang itu tak boleh masuk.
Jika Bazar Ramadhan itu khas untuk orang-orang UMNO dan orang lain tidak dibenarkan untuk masuk ke sana, maka kita cadangkan supaya di lain kali mereka tulis signboard besar-besar disitu: BAZAR RAMADHAN INI HANYA UNTUK ORANG UMNO SAAAJA."
UMNO perlu terima hakikat bahawa rakyat di Kluang sudah memilih DAP sebagai wakil rakyatnya. Jadi apa dosa dan salah wakil rakyat di situ membahagikan kurma di kawasannya? - greenbloc

Ariss Salam - Bangang punya menteri..pasar ramadhan tu sapa2 pun boleh masuk..itu kan tempat awam bukannya rumah..klu itu tempat org2 umno knp cina & india bleh pula shoping kat situ..knp x usir dorang pula..ni akibat dah kena racun dedak oleh bossss...
Zainal Yusof - Menteri2 era najib adalah dari kalangan org yg tak cerdik.Sebenarnya apa yg dicakapkan ini mencerminkan rasa marah dan kecewa kerana Parlimen Kluang tak dapat dirampas oleh umno.
Yusof Hussien - UMNO masih tak boleh menerima kekalahan pilihanraya di Kluang, sebab itu UMNO yang segaja mencari pasal membuka bazar di tengah-tengah bandar Kluang, sedang Kluang sudah diwakili oleh DAP. Jadi tugas seorang wakil rakyat Kluang bermesra dengan warga Kluang tidak boleh dihalang. Ini sikap fasis orang UMNO tak tahu adab dan temadun dunia hari in.
Emanan Nan - Beri kurma tiga empat bijik boleh jejaskan pendapatan para perniaga,apa la bangang Dato razali ne klu nak backup samseng2 bahalul tu jangan la sampai Dato pun nampak mcm bangang!
A battle for Nik Aziz’s legacy in Kelantan...
As PAS and its splinter Amanah gear up to prove which is the better party to champion the Malay state, two leaders stand out because of their ties to the former PAS spiritual leader.
The first is Nik Mohamad Abduh, the eldest son of the former PAS spiritual leader. The PAS Central Working Committee member is seen as the embodiment of his family’s legacy.
At the other corner of the ring is Amanah vice-president Husam Musa, previously touted as Nik Aziz’s protégé who reputedly was line for the Kelantan menteri besar post, which Nik Aziz held for 23 years.
Political analyst Atory Hussain believes that besides the right to lead the people of Kelantan, this will most definitely be at stake during the general election, based on current political developments.
“Nik Abduh does try to live up to his father’s name but his efforts remain unfulfilled as he devoid of the charisma Nik Aziz. A son doesn’t necessarily inherit his father’s traits.
Cooperation with UMNO
“Nik Abduh is too young and still lacks experience. I feel that he doesn’t understand Nik Aziz’s principles as well as Husam does.
“Husam, along with Amanah, have always adhered to the ideals of Nik Aziz. Husam, who was Nik Aziz’s apprentice was much closer to the latter and knows more about his master’s struggle,” he told Berita Daily recently
Atory, a former political science lecturer at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), said PAS had been acting differently since the death of Nik Aziz, especially its move to establish political cooperation with Umno.
Although often reminded by PAS leaders that they are traitors, Amanah leaders have remained steadfast with Nik Aziz’s teachings, Atory said.
Political analyst, Prof Dr Azizuddin Sani, said Nik Aziz’s shoes were too big to be filled and nobody could lay claim his legacy, no matter how close they were to him.
“Nobody can lay claim, whether Husam, a trained pupil in line for the Kelantan MB post, or Nik Abduh. His legacy will forever remain his,” said the Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) don. - beritadaily
The Tourism Tax is to raise tax revenue for the gomen. There is only one tax revenue account for the gomen.
There are no separate 'tourism taxes only', 'petroleum taxes only' or 'personal income taxes only' accounts.
Tax revenue is tax revenue. Period.
The gomen can use the tax revenue any which way they want.
To pay RM14 Billion dredging contracts, to scratch the Hippo's butt, or whatever.
Nazri is just being stupid again. Even Anifah Aman thinks so, except Anifah did not say so. - ostb

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