Mahathir kritik Rosmah berlagak macam PM...
Tun Mahathir Mohamad hari ini sekali lagi mengkritik Rosmah Mansor,
isteri Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak, yang dikaitkan dengan
gaya hidup mewah.
“Saya didatangi oleh ramai kumpulan-kumpulan dan individu yang mengadu terhadap kepimpinan Datuk Seri Najib.
"Mereka datang berkali-kali dan meminta saya buat sesuatu supaya Najib berhentikan dasar dan pendekatannya.
“Yang datang bukan sahaja orang Melayu dan ahli Umno tetapi juga orang Cina.
“Mereka amat tidak senang dengan isteri Najib, dengan cara hidup mewahnya, dengan lagaknya seakan-akan ia perdana menteri,” katanya.
Menulis dalam blognya hari ini, Mahathir berkata akibat desakan itu bertalu-talu, beliau cuba menegur Najib tetapi tidak berkesan.
”Desakan supaya saya membuat sesuatu untuk menyedarkan Najib akan kemerosotan sokongan kepadanya, dan kebencian kepada tindak-tanduknya serta cara hidup mewah isterinya datang bertalu-talu kepada saya.
“Buatlah sesuatu, kata mereka. Saya jawab saya sudah buat tetapi tidak berkesan,” kata perdana menteri paling lama dalam sejarah Malaysia itu.
'Keadaan amat serius'
Bagaimanapun, kata Mahathir, apabila beliau mula mendengar berkaitan dakwaan skandal 1MDB, beliau merasakan keadaan sudah menjadi amat serius.
masa itu maklumat tidak banyak. Saya terpaksa buat keputusan untuk
hantar kepada Najib surat menyatakan saya tidak sokongnya lagi.
“Najib hanya mengarah orang berdekatan dengannya supaya saya tarik balik surat saya.
"Kerana ia tidak dedah penarikan sokongan saya, terpaksalah saya dedah sendiri,” katanya lagi.
Mahathir (atas) pada 29 April membangkitkan dakwaan gaya hidup Rosmah susulan khabar angin beliau membelanjakan RM3 juta hanya untuk hiasan bunga-buangan ketika majlis perkahwinan anaknya.
“Isunya ialah, orang bercerita. Ia mungkin salah atau betul. Saya tak pasti kalau ia benar, tetapi saya fikir ada yang fakta. Itu jadi masalah,” tulisnya sebelum ini.- mk
“Saya didatangi oleh ramai kumpulan-kumpulan dan individu yang mengadu terhadap kepimpinan Datuk Seri Najib.
“Yang datang bukan sahaja orang Melayu dan ahli Umno tetapi juga orang Cina.
“Mereka amat tidak senang dengan isteri Najib, dengan cara hidup mewahnya, dengan lagaknya seakan-akan ia perdana menteri,” katanya.
Menulis dalam blognya hari ini, Mahathir berkata akibat desakan itu bertalu-talu, beliau cuba menegur Najib tetapi tidak berkesan.
”Desakan supaya saya membuat sesuatu untuk menyedarkan Najib akan kemerosotan sokongan kepadanya, dan kebencian kepada tindak-tanduknya serta cara hidup mewah isterinya datang bertalu-talu kepada saya.
“Buatlah sesuatu, kata mereka. Saya jawab saya sudah buat tetapi tidak berkesan,” kata perdana menteri paling lama dalam sejarah Malaysia itu.
'Keadaan amat serius'
Bagaimanapun, kata Mahathir, apabila beliau mula mendengar berkaitan dakwaan skandal 1MDB, beliau merasakan keadaan sudah menjadi amat serius.
“Najib hanya mengarah orang berdekatan dengannya supaya saya tarik balik surat saya.
"Kerana ia tidak dedah penarikan sokongan saya, terpaksalah saya dedah sendiri,” katanya lagi.
Mahathir (atas) pada 29 April membangkitkan dakwaan gaya hidup Rosmah susulan khabar angin beliau membelanjakan RM3 juta hanya untuk hiasan bunga-buangan ketika majlis perkahwinan anaknya.
“Isunya ialah, orang bercerita. Ia mungkin salah atau betul. Saya tak pasti kalau ia benar, tetapi saya fikir ada yang fakta. Itu jadi masalah,” tulisnya sebelum ini.- mk
Rosmah behaves like she's PM, says Dr M...
Dr Mahathir Mohamad has once again targetted Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's wife, Rosmah Mansor.
Disclosing that he has received complaints about her, he said among the grouses is that she behaves like the prime minister instead.
The former premier said those who complained about her were not only Malays and Umno members, but Chinese as well.
are not comfortable with Najib's wife, her lavish lifestyle and her
behaviour as if she is the prime minister," he added in his latest blog
Mahathir also claimed that numerous groups and individuals had expressed concern about Najib's leadership and urged him to do something.
"They came repeatedly and asked me to do something so that Najib would stop his policies and approaches," he added.
Following this, the former premier said he attempted in vain to advise and reprimand the prime minister.
"He (Najib) is confident about his approach, that giving money would entice the people. He truly believed that the people love him.
"He believed that although Umno and BN are not popular, he is well-liked and would become an idol and icon.
"He believed the mammoth rallies with 'I Love PM' placards proved how much the people liked him," added Mahathir.
said he was overwhelmed with calls to make Najib realise that support
was eroding and there is "hatred" towards his actions as well as his
wife's lavish lifestyle.
"'Do something,' they told me. I replied that I have but it is not effective," he added.
The premier's wealth and his family's extravagant lifestyle has also courted international attention with reports of this being published in the New York Times and Indonesia's Tempo magazine.
Following the New York Times report, the Prime Minister's Office attributed Najib's wealth to inheritance.
However, his siblings issued a joint statement claiming that such talk tainted the reputation of their father, whom they described as a frugal man.
Mahathir has warned that Umno would be defeated in the next general election if Najib continues to lead.- mk
Disclosing that he has received complaints about her, he said among the grouses is that she behaves like the prime minister instead.
The former premier said those who complained about her were not only Malays and Umno members, but Chinese as well.
Mahathir also claimed that numerous groups and individuals had expressed concern about Najib's leadership and urged him to do something.
"They came repeatedly and asked me to do something so that Najib would stop his policies and approaches," he added.
Following this, the former premier said he attempted in vain to advise and reprimand the prime minister.
"He (Najib) is confident about his approach, that giving money would entice the people. He truly believed that the people love him.
"He believed that although Umno and BN are not popular, he is well-liked and would become an idol and icon.
"He believed the mammoth rallies with 'I Love PM' placards proved how much the people liked him," added Mahathir.
"'Do something,' they told me. I replied that I have but it is not effective," he added.
The premier's wealth and his family's extravagant lifestyle has also courted international attention with reports of this being published in the New York Times and Indonesia's Tempo magazine.
Following the New York Times report, the Prime Minister's Office attributed Najib's wealth to inheritance.
However, his siblings issued a joint statement claiming that such talk tainted the reputation of their father, whom they described as a frugal man.
Mahathir has warned that Umno would be defeated in the next general election if Najib continues to lead.- mk
Pilihanraya Kecil...
2. BN akan menang besar di Rompin kerana ini kubu UMNO dan JJ amat popular. Lagipun calon PAS lemah dan PAS mempunyai masalah dalaman.
3. Di Permatang Pauh pula parti lawan berpecah kerana hudud PAS. PAS tidak akan sokong PKR. Azmin Ali pula berhasrat mengalahkan Wan Azizah. Ada kemungkinan BN boleh menang pun.
4. Kejayaan UMNO dan BN dalam kedua-dua PRK akan menunjuk bahawa dakwaan saya Najib tidak disukai ramai adalah salah. Dan Najib boleh dapat kemenangan dalam PRU 14.
5. Saya berada dalam keadaan serba salah. Sebagai ahli UMNO saya hendak BN menang. Tetapi kemenangan akan mengekalkan kepimpinan Najib dalam PRU 14. Dan saya yakin BN pimpinan Najib akan kalah PRU 14.
6. Keputusan PRK di kedua-dua kawasan menunjuk sangkaan penyokong Najib bahawa dakwaan saya yang Najib tidak dapat sokongan ramai lebih tepat dari harapan mereka.
7. Sesungguhnya saya menghadapi dilema sejurus selepas Dato Sri Najib mengambilalih tampuk Kerajaan dari Tun Abdullah. Harapan saya bahawa Najib akan betulkan kesalahan Abdullah tidak menjadi kenyataan.
8. Sebaliknya ia mengekalkan dasar dan tindakan Abdullah. Bukan sahaja jambatan dan landasan berkembar keretapi tidak dilaksana, ia mendokong kononnya liberalisme Abdullah.
9. Dasar luar negara juga ditukar dengan mengutamakan persahabatan dengan kuasa besar seperti AS dan Eropah.
10. Secara tersembunyi ia mengambil penasihat British dan mengguna pakar runding (consultant) luar.
11. Ia gemar mengadakan perhimpunan rakyat upahan yang menatang sepanduk kecil yang dibekal kepada mereka dengan tulisan “I love PM” dan menyanyi lagu “IM4U”. Mereka ini datang kerana dibawa dengan bas dari jauh, diberi makan dan upahan.
12. Untuk mendapat sokongan orang Cina, Najib membelakangkan DEB, mengurangkan tempat dan biasiswa bagi penuntut bumiputra di universiti, dan melayan segala tuntutan parti pembangkang. Dipercayai bahawa dengan slogan “Ah Jib Gor” abang Ajib, orang Cina akan sokongnya.
13. Najib juga percaya bahawa wang tunai adalah raja (cash is king). Jika wang diberi maka rakyat akan sokong dirinya. Maka diperkenalkan BR1M, wang percuma untuk rakyat.
14. Sebelum PRU 13 diarah supaya dikumpul 70,000 orang Cina di Kelang untuk mendengar kempennya. Tak sampai 15,000 yang datang. Mereka tidak hirau ucapan Najib. Najib kalah teruk di sini pada PRU 13.
15. Saya tidak percaya semua ini akan memulihkan sokongan kepada BN. Tetapi sangkaan saya ialah prestasinya dalam PRU 13 akan menjadi lebih baik dari Abdullah.
16. Harapan saya tidak menjadi kenyataan. Prestasi Najib lebih buruk dari Abdullah.
17. Saya harap Najib akan ambil iktibar dari PRU 13. Tetapi tidak. Ia meneruskan dengan pemberian wang. Ia masih mengekalkan penasihat Britishnya. Tingkat 4 diperbesarkan. Pejabat PM dipenuhi dengan ramai anggota yang diberi tugas-tugas ciptaan. Gaji yang diberi tidak mengikut system gaji pegawai Kerajaan.
18. Jawatan-jawatan bertaraf menteri diwujud untuk memberi tempat kepada yang bersara. Ditubuhkan badan bebas yang mengambilalih kerja dan tugas jabatan-jabatan Kerajaan seperti EPU. Mereka ini dibayar gaji yang tinggi, yang menyebabkan pegawai Kerajaan berasa kecewa.
19. Saya didatangi oleh ramai kumpulan-kumpulan dan individu yang mengadu terhadap kepimpinan Dato Sri Najib. Mereka datang berkali-kali dan meminta saya buat sesuatu supaya Najib berhentikan dasar dan pendekatannya.
20. Yang datang bukan sahaja orang Melayu dan ahli UMNO tetapi juga orang Cina. Mereka amat tidak senang dengan isteri Najib, dengan cara hidup mewahnya, dengan lagaknya seakan-akan ia Perdana Menteri.
21. Menerima desakan dari mereka ini saya cuba nasihat dan tegur Dato Sri. Tetapi tidak berkesan. Ia yakin caranya, pemberian wang olehnya akan memikat hati orang ramai. Dia percaya benar bahawa rakyat begitu sayang dengannya. Dia percaya walaupun UMNO dan BN tidak popular tetapi ia begitu disukai ramai dan ia akan jadikan dirinya sebagai idola dan ikon UMNO dan BN. Ia percaya perhimpunan-perhimpunan besar yang diadakan, dengan sepanduk I love PM membuktikan betapa rakyat suka kepadanya.
22. Desakan supaya saya membuat sesuatu untuk menyedarkan Najib akan kemerosotan sokongan kepadanya, dan kebencian kepada tindak-tanduknya serta cara hidup mewah isterinya datang bertalu-talu kepada saya.
23. Buatlah sesuatu, kata mereka. Saya jawab saya sudah buat tetapi tidak berkesan.
24. Tetapi, apabila saya mula mendengar berkenaan 1MDB, saya berasa keadaan sudah menjadi amat serius. Pada masa itu maklumat tidak banyak. Saya terpaksa buat keputusan untuk hantar kepada Najib surat menyatakan saya tidak sokongnya lagi.
25. Najib hanya mengarah orang berdekatan dengannya supaya saya tarik balik surat saya. Kerana ia tidak dedah penarikan sokongan saya, terpaksalah saya dedah sendiri.
26. Saya terima lebih banyak maklumat berkenaan 1MDB. Saya terkejut dengan jumlah hutang yang begitu tinggi. Kerajaan sendiri tidak pernah hutang begitu banyak. Hutang ini pula dibuat secara off-budget, iaitu tanpa mendapat kelulusan Kabinet atau Dewan Rakyat.
27. Saya tidak dapat terima pembelian stesen janakuasa dengan harga lebih tinggi dari harga pasaran. Ini bukan soal satu dua juta atau sepuluh duapuluh juta. Kelebihan harga mencecah ribuan juta sedang lesen operasi kilang sudah hampir tamat dan nilainya akan jatuh kepada ratusan ribu ringgit sahaja. Kenapa tidak tunggu sehingga tamat lesen.
28. Bila ditanya Najib berkata apabila nilai naik, kilang-kilang boleh dijual untuk mendapat untung. Ini bukan kerja Kerajaan – jual beli syarikat.
29. Saya tidak percaya 1MDB akan dapat untung dari penjualan kilang yang dibeli dengan harga begitu tinggi. Hari ini kita tahu yang syarikat kilang elektrik 1MDB tidak pun dapat disenarai di bursa.
30. Saya dapati penarikan sokongan saya kepada Najib tidak berkesan. Sementara itu masalah 1MDB semakin meruncing. 1MDB tidak dapat bayar faedah keatas hutang 42 billionRinggit. Wang yang kononnya dilabur di Cayman Islands tidak dapat dibawa balik.
31. Pelaburan dan JV dengan Petro Saudi kabur dan wang pelaburan tidak begitu jelas di mana berada.
32. Apabila lapuran polis dibuat berkenaan Jho Low dengan 1MDB, rumah pihak yang melapur dirampas dan dianya diisytihar muflis.
33. Pemberita yang melapur bahawa Majlis Raja-Raja tidak bersetuju dengan hudud PAS telah ditangkap kerana kononnya menyalahi undang-undang hasutan. Kemudian hakim melepas mereka kerana ia bukan hasutan.
34. Tindakan ke atas pemberita disyaki untuk menakutkan orang ramai dari membuat apa-apa kenyataan anti-Kerajaan.
35. Saya berasa terdapat salahguna kuasa oleh Kerajaan. Agensi-agensi Kerajaan diguna untuk ugutan. Rakyat semakin tidak suka kepada Kerajaan. Saya lebih berkeyakinan BN akan kalah PRU 14 jika dipimpin oleh Najib.
36. Saya tidak dapat terima negara diperintah oleh Pakatan. Dasar-dasar dalam parti-parti dalam pakatan bertentangan antara satu dengan yang lain. DAP lebih utamakan kepentingan orang Cina. PAS mendakwa ia bukan Melayu, hanya Islam. Keislaman PAS hanyalah untuk politik bukan sebenarnya untuk Islam. Sebab itu PAS mengkafirkan UMNO kerana bekerjasama dengan orang kafir tetapi kemudian PAS memeluk orang kafir. Parti Keadilan hanya untuk Anwar jadi Perdana Menteri.
37. Jika Pakatan menjadi Kerajaan, huru-hara akan berlaku. Kemajuan negara akan terjejas dan rakyat semua kaum akan menderita.
38. Saya sedar jika saya tidak sokong Najib parti lawan akan ambil kesempatan. Sebaliknya jika Najib pimpin BN dalam PRU 14, BN akan kalah. Luah mati mak, telan mati bapak.
39. Jika kepimpinan UMNO dan BN hendak ditukar, ia harus dibuat sebelum masa untuk pemulihan terlalu singkat sebelum PRU 14.
40. Akhirnya saya terpaksa dedah kesalahan Najib dalam 1MDB. Duit berbillion Ringgit sudah hilang dan tidak mungkin didapati balik. Secara langsung atau tidak langsung Najib bertanggungjawab terhadap kehilangan yang besar ini.
41. Kerana perbuatan yang tidak bertanggungjawab ini Najib tidak lagi layak untuk menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia. - chedet
Dr M 'in dilemma',but can't bear Pakatan win...
“Billions of ringgit have been lost and probably cannot be recovered,” warned Mahathir. “It’s not exactly clear where the monies went.”
“Because of this irresponsible act, Najib was no longer fit to be Prime Minister.”
He concedes that if he doesn’t support Najib, the Opposition would take advantage of the situation. “If Najib leads the Barisan Nasional (BN) into the 14th General Election in 2018, it would be defeated. So, if there are to be changes in the Umno and BN leadership, it must be done before GE14.”
If Pakatan Rakyat forms the Federal Government in Putrajaya, he warned, there will be chaos in the country. “The development of the country would be set back and the people would suffer.”
He repeated points that he had made before on the informal opposition alliance being a marriage of convenience. “PKR was only about Anwar Ibrahim becoming Prime Minister, DAP was about the Chinese and PAS was all about using Islam for political expediency,” reiterated Mahathir. “PAS is willing to embrace the kafir (infidels) while at the same time referring to Umno as a party of infidels.”
The former Prime Minister said that he cannot accept the country being run by Pakatan Rakyat. “In Permatang Pauh, the Opposition was at loggerheads and Azmin Ali would probably like to have seen Wan Azizah defeated.”
Rompin, he said, was an Umno stronghold where the late Jamaluddin Jarjis was very popular. Besides, he pointed out, the PAS candidate was weak.
In any case, he lamented, the results in both by-elections showed that Najib was not popular and would never be able to gain the people’s support. “The BN faces continued decline with Najib leading the coalition.”
He went on to talk about the abuse of power by the Najib Administration. “The transition from Abdullah Badawi to Najib saw no changes. Najib did not discontinue what Badawi had been doing. He added to that with his own style by bribing people with money and surrounding himself with British advisers and foreign consultants who have alienated the civil service.”
“The foreign policy has been changed to stress on ties with Europe and the United States.”
Among others, he alleged that Najib was paying people to turn up at rallies stage-managed to show that he has the support of the people, senior civil servants were being sidelined by appointees, government agencies were being used to threaten people, and journalists were being harassed to force the people not to make any anti-government statements. “He’s obsessed with the ‘I love PM’ and ‘IM4U” stage-managed events. The Chinese continue to spurn him.”
He cited the case of an individual who lodged a police report on the 1MDB scandal. “His house was seized and he was declared a bankrupt.”
He clarified that whatever he had expressed were matters conveyed to him by people who were unhappy with Najib. “They asked me to do something about the situation. “It’s not only Malays who have been coming to me but Chinese too.”
“They said ‘do something’. I said that I did but it’s not working. Yet the complaints kept coming about BN losing support over the lifestyle of Najib and his wife Rosmah. People hate them and the government.” - fmt

Rompin and Permatang Pauh – Who They Hate More – Hudud, GST Or...
By-elections for Rompin and Permatang Pauh have come and gone. As expected, both winners and losers claimed they didn’t lose, literally speaking. Barisan Nasional “Taikors” who retains Rompin seat said the results are positive to them. Pakatan Rakyat “Taikors” who retains Permatang Pauh seat said the results means Malaysian Tsunami is coming. Nobody admits that the results show voters’ displeasure.
First, let’s take a look at Rompin. The seat was up for grab after Emperor Najib Razak’s chief strategist, Jamaluddin Jarjis or popularly known as JJ, was killed in an eerie helicopter tragedy. While everybody expected Barisan to retain the seat, nobody predicted the majority would be in such a humiliating manner. Slashed from 15,114 majority votes two years ago, to merely 8,895 votes, BN is still licking its wounds.
Sure, a win is still a win, and the (majority) number is still sexy, BN bootlickers explained to their emperor. But that’s a whopping 41% lost in majority, an unbelievable and unacceptable losses. Conveniently, the blame was put on lower turnout (39,198 votes or 73.5%). Cool – so using 2013’s turnover of 85.5% as a yardstick, BN mathematicians believe the “absent” 6,651 votes would have added up nicely to its 23,796 votes to yield 30,447 votes, a figure roughly won by JJ.
Of course, that assumption can only be true if all the 6,651 absent voters would have ended up voting for BN. Amazingly, BN lost 6,244 votes while PAS lost 25 votes in the same by-election, despite lower turnout. From another perspective, a lower turnout of 12% would cause BN’s votes tumble by 20.8% while PAS’s votes drop by 0.2%. Obviously, PAS is the biggest winner, considering the massive manpower, money and resources dumped by BN.
Here’s the fun part – did PAS excel due to “Hudud” or multi-scandals hitting Emperor Najib Razak? Since Najib is carrying bags of scandals now, ranging from 1MDB’s RM42 billion debt to Empress Rosmah’s lavish spending hobby, it’s hard to say which scandal(s) actually pissed off Rompin voters. Or could it due to protest votes on GST issue? Regardless, it’s highly unlikely PAS did well because of its hudud ambition.
The reason is pretty simple. Rompin voters, whereby 87% are ethnic-Malay, would have had scrambled to cast their votes for PAS in drove, if they really “love hudud” as much as PAS conservatives would want the ethnic to believe. It seems the swing of Malay votes against BN happens everywhere in Rompin – ranging between 3-6% in non-Felda areas to as high as 10% in Felda areas (refer to statistics chart above).
Felda settlements have traditionally been BN strongholds. For oppositions to enter Felda territory to give a speech is like for United States army entering ISIS stronghold to persuade them to give up their arms. It was neither 1MDB scandal, Rosmah’s Birkin bags nor Hudud which angered these otherwise simple-minded illiterate settlers. They felt cheated by FGV (Felda Global Ventures) who forced them to sell the oil palm fruits below market price.
Their supposedly FGV cash cow shares are now as worthless as toilet papers, trading at RM2.09, below IPO price of RM4.45. After losing more than 50% between the last general election in 2013 and now, what you need to do is to throw in anti-GST flame to keep the anger burning and voila, you’ve battalions of very upset settlers who couldn’t wait to teach BN a lesson. And that was precisely what the Malay settlers did.
Another proof that PAS’s baby hudud was working against the party – the swings in Chinese votes to BN in Rompin. Areas with substantial Chinese voters – Bandar Baru Rompin, Kuala Rompin, Endau – all have 14%, 27% and 16% Chinese voters respectively had swung between 4.4% to 9.6% in favour of the evil BN. The writing is on the wall how anti-GST has helped PAS candidate, but not Hudud.
Sure, the presence of Chinese in Rompin is insignificant to PAS. But if these rural Chinese could show their displeasure, what more with urban Chinese in other states? Again, it’s beyond the logic why PAS still plays with Hudud cards. Wouldn’t it be nice to attack on bread and butter issues instead of hudud? Since this hudud toy doesn’t bring in significant benefits to PAS vote bank as can be seen in Rompin, why still so stubborn about it?
In Permatang Pauh, Wan Azizah managed a reduced majority as compared to her hubby – Anwar Ibrahim – who is now feeding mosquitoes in prison. Her majority of 8,841 is 24.5% lower than husband’s 11,721 two years ago. Proportionately, Wan Azizah has gotten 18.2% lesser votes than Anwar, while BN’s Suhaimi Sabudin did better by getting 15.3% lesser votes. That’s on a platform of 14.9% lower turnout voters this time.
Thus, one can roughly say the status quo remains in Permatang Pauh. However, the Chinese in Permatang Pauh did what the Malay in Rompin have done. They punished the incumbent candidate. While the Felda settlers swung in favour of opposition PAS in Rompin, the Chinese swung in favour of opposition BN in Permatang Pauh. The primarily reason – Hudud - and to a lesser extent GST.
Voting districts of Sungai Semambu, Teluk Wang which consists of 21% and 26.7% Chinese voters saw a swing of 0.04% and 3.4% in favour of BN. While Kampung Cross Street 2, which comprises 76.7% Chinese voters saw a 3.9% swing to BN, a whopping 13.5% increase in Chinese votes for BN at Sungai Lembu (98.6% Chinese area) polling district has sent minion MCA dancing on the streets with joy (*grin*).
However, while minion MCA is bragging about their little success about securing 30.4% of Chinese votes in Sungai Lembu (they did only 16% two years ago), Emperor Najib’s UMNO has everything to worry about Malay votes in Permatang Pauh. Despite BN promises of hundreds of millions of projects, PKR Wan Azizah has captured about 5% more young Malay votes than UMNO.
Here’s the biggest problem for opposition Pakatan, which consists of PKR, DAP and PAS. Despite mountains of scandals hitting BN, not to mention “assistance” from Godfather Mahathir in punching and jabbing Emperor Najib, both PAS and PKR couldn’t secure significant new votes which could catapult them to the Putrajaya. With BN at its weakest point now (Najib didn’t even dare to use his celebrity poster), it really sucks that Pakatan could achieve so little.
Stop finding excuses that BN couldn’t do any better to capitalise on PR’s internal infightings too. That’s because BN is in power at the federal government while PR is not. If the status quo remains, it simply means BN will still be in power comes the next general election. And that is sufficient to make BN happy. The rural ethnic-Malays care about bread and butter issues, while the ethnic-Chinese hate everything about BN, plus hudud. Go figure. - financetwitter
Sedarlah UMNO, Rompin dan Permatang Pauh sudah beri ‘isyarat’ berjaga-jaga

EPF sudah, KWAP sudah, PETRONAS sudah, TNB pun sudah...
Agak2 Najib berani tak nak ambil peruntukan PERMATA utk 'bail out' 1MDB...

Idup bersama..mati bersama...
Nak terus lawan Mahathir...

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