Mejar Zaidi: Indoktrinasi pesong konsep 'taat'...
Ramai anggota keselamatan hari ini keliru di
antara konsep taat kepada negara dan taat kepada parti yang memerintah,
kata bekas juruterbang TUDM, Mejar Zaidi Ahmad.
Kekeliruan itu, katanya, berlaku akibat proses indoktrinasi yang berterusan sejak lama menerusi ceramah dari pegawai atasan dan media.
yang aktif menyuarakan pandangan politiknya menerusi laman Facebook
"Sokong Mejar Zaidi TUDM" berkata terdapat di kalangan anggota
keselamatan menegur tindakannya itu.
"Kebanyakan sama ada mereka didoktrinkan melalui pelbagai talk (ceramah) atau pelbagai media bahawa ketaatan kepada negara itu adalah ketaatan kepada parti yang memerintah.
"Itu adalah satu konsep yang salah.
"Hari ini pun, kalau buka FB ada yang kata, saya ini tidak taat kepada negara, tidak mengikuti sumpah seorang tentera.
"Jadi mereka tak faham konsep itu. Kita berikrar taat kepada negara, kita bukan taat kepada Umno.
"Jadi itu perkara yang berbeza," katanya dalam wawancara dengan Malaysiakini.
Ditanya untuk memperincikan kaedah indoktrinasikan itu, Zaidi berkata pada masa dahulu mereka kebiasannya dimomokkan dengan konsep "jangan lupa tangan yang memberi rezeki".
"Leadership (kepimpinan) di airforce (tentera udara) ini dia akan keliling pengkalan dan antara isu yang dia akan cakap adalah jangan lupa tangan yang menyuap rezeki ke mulut.
'Itu konsep salah'
"Jadi kita kena faham dari perkataan itu.
"Harap-harap ini tak berlaku lagi. Itu konsep salah," katanya.
Kesedaran terhadap perkara itu mendorong Zaidi untuk menggunakan masanya selepas dipecat daripada perkhidmatan, untuk mengelilingi negara membetulkan perkara itu termasuk dakwaan menipu dalam pilihan raya.
"Jadi kita kena cakap yang ini tidak betul dan kita kena beritahulah faktanya.
"Jadi ramai yang tak faham konsep mentaati ini. Kalau parti yang memerintah itu menipu, awak pun kena ikut menipu, itu tak betullah.
"Sebab itu fokus saya sekarang hendak pergi roadshow (jelajah) atas apa-apa platform sama ada parti politik atau bukan parti politik," katanya lagi.
Zaidi dipecat mahkamah tentera selepas diputuskan bersalah memberi kenyataan media tanpa kebenaran Majlis Angkatan Tentera.
Beliau juga diputuskan bersalah menyiarkan surat pertukarannya kepada media tanpa kebenaran.
Keputusan itu dijatuhkan sewaktu Zaidi memfailkan semakan kehakiman kesnya itu di Mahkamah Tinggi.
Ia juga dibuat sewaktu peguam Zaidi memboikot kes itu kerana salah seorang ahli mahkamah didakwa meninggalkan komen pada berita kes itu di laman Facebook.- mk
Kekeliruan itu, katanya, berlaku akibat proses indoktrinasi yang berterusan sejak lama menerusi ceramah dari pegawai atasan dan media.
"Kebanyakan sama ada mereka didoktrinkan melalui pelbagai talk (ceramah) atau pelbagai media bahawa ketaatan kepada negara itu adalah ketaatan kepada parti yang memerintah.
"Itu adalah satu konsep yang salah.
"Hari ini pun, kalau buka FB ada yang kata, saya ini tidak taat kepada negara, tidak mengikuti sumpah seorang tentera.
"Jadi mereka tak faham konsep itu. Kita berikrar taat kepada negara, kita bukan taat kepada Umno.
"Jadi itu perkara yang berbeza," katanya dalam wawancara dengan Malaysiakini.
Ditanya untuk memperincikan kaedah indoktrinasikan itu, Zaidi berkata pada masa dahulu mereka kebiasannya dimomokkan dengan konsep "jangan lupa tangan yang memberi rezeki".
"Leadership (kepimpinan) di airforce (tentera udara) ini dia akan keliling pengkalan dan antara isu yang dia akan cakap adalah jangan lupa tangan yang menyuap rezeki ke mulut.
'Itu konsep salah'
"Jadi kita kena faham dari perkataan itu.
"Harap-harap ini tak berlaku lagi. Itu konsep salah," katanya.
Kesedaran terhadap perkara itu mendorong Zaidi untuk menggunakan masanya selepas dipecat daripada perkhidmatan, untuk mengelilingi negara membetulkan perkara itu termasuk dakwaan menipu dalam pilihan raya.
"Jadi ramai yang tak faham konsep mentaati ini. Kalau parti yang memerintah itu menipu, awak pun kena ikut menipu, itu tak betullah.
"Sebab itu fokus saya sekarang hendak pergi roadshow (jelajah) atas apa-apa platform sama ada parti politik atau bukan parti politik," katanya lagi.
Zaidi dipecat mahkamah tentera selepas diputuskan bersalah memberi kenyataan media tanpa kebenaran Majlis Angkatan Tentera.
Beliau juga diputuskan bersalah menyiarkan surat pertukarannya kepada media tanpa kebenaran.
Keputusan itu dijatuhkan sewaktu Zaidi memfailkan semakan kehakiman kesnya itu di Mahkamah Tinggi.
Ia juga dibuat sewaktu peguam Zaidi memboikot kes itu kerana salah seorang ahli mahkamah didakwa meninggalkan komen pada berita kes itu di laman Facebook.- mk
Willing to die for Malaysia, but not lie for UMNO...
Major Zaidi Ahmad is willing to put his life on the line for Malaysia
should she go to war. But he will not remain silent over alleged
fraudulent practices to safeguard the ruling coalition.
While he has sworn allegiance to the nation, the sacked Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) pilot stressed that this does not extend to being loyal to Umno.
"We swore allegiance to the country, not Umno. These are two different things," Zaidi told Malaysiakini in a recent interview.
He was referring to the the indelible ink fiasco during the last general election.
As for the majority of military personnel voting for BN, Zaidi had attributed this to indoctrination.
Military personnel, he said, are taught that loyalty to the government is equivalent to loyalty to the country.
And those who go against the system, like himself, are branded as unpatriotic.
"They are indoctrinated in various talks or (through the) media that loyalty to the country means loyalty to the ruling coalition.
"I was accused of not being loyal to the country, that I failed to abide by my pledge as a military man," he said.
Zaidi, who served with RMAF for 26 years, noted that an example of indoctrination, was the constant reminder that personnel should not "bite the hand that feeds them".
The air force instructor was last week sacked from the RMAF after a lengthy court martial.
Zaidi, after voting in the last general election, had lodged a police report after discovering that the Election Commission's (EC) indelible ink was delible.
His police report received widespread media attention, landing him in hot soup with the RMAF.
The military court found him guilty of speaking to the media without the Armed Forces Council's authorisation, and making public an RMAF letter on disciplinary action against him.
Breaking the indoctrination
Zaidi stressed that he would have no qualms abiding by the prime minister's command to fight in a war.
However, he said, that in peace time, military personnel should not merely nod their heads even if the government does wrong.
"If our country goes to war and the Parliament approves the decision, the military must abide by our leader who is our prime minister. It is wrong to refuse.
"But this is about the government doing something not right by cheating in the general election, that is wrong," he said.
though he is no longer with the military following his expulsion, Zaidi
said he still hopes to change hearts and minds on this issue.
As such, Zaidi noted that he would be using his free time to hold talks in the hope of reaching out to military personnel.
"Many do not understand the concept of loyalty. If the ruling coalition cheats and we just follow, that is wrong.
"That is why my focus now is to go on roadshows or use any other platforms, be it political parties or otherwise (to explain the matter)," he added.
Zaidi had refused to appeal his sacking, citing bias against him.
The officer presiding over the trial had allegedly asked Zaidi to tap rubber if he was not interested in the air force.
A judicial review of the military court is pending before the High Court in Kuala Lumpur.- mk
While he has sworn allegiance to the nation, the sacked Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) pilot stressed that this does not extend to being loyal to Umno.
"We swore allegiance to the country, not Umno. These are two different things," Zaidi told Malaysiakini in a recent interview.
He was referring to the the indelible ink fiasco during the last general election.
Military personnel, he said, are taught that loyalty to the government is equivalent to loyalty to the country.
And those who go against the system, like himself, are branded as unpatriotic.
"They are indoctrinated in various talks or (through the) media that loyalty to the country means loyalty to the ruling coalition.
"I was accused of not being loyal to the country, that I failed to abide by my pledge as a military man," he said.
Zaidi, who served with RMAF for 26 years, noted that an example of indoctrination, was the constant reminder that personnel should not "bite the hand that feeds them".
The air force instructor was last week sacked from the RMAF after a lengthy court martial.
Zaidi, after voting in the last general election, had lodged a police report after discovering that the Election Commission's (EC) indelible ink was delible.
His police report received widespread media attention, landing him in hot soup with the RMAF.
The military court found him guilty of speaking to the media without the Armed Forces Council's authorisation, and making public an RMAF letter on disciplinary action against him.
Breaking the indoctrination
Zaidi stressed that he would have no qualms abiding by the prime minister's command to fight in a war.
However, he said, that in peace time, military personnel should not merely nod their heads even if the government does wrong.
"If our country goes to war and the Parliament approves the decision, the military must abide by our leader who is our prime minister. It is wrong to refuse.
"But this is about the government doing something not right by cheating in the general election, that is wrong," he said.
As such, Zaidi noted that he would be using his free time to hold talks in the hope of reaching out to military personnel.
"Many do not understand the concept of loyalty. If the ruling coalition cheats and we just follow, that is wrong.
"That is why my focus now is to go on roadshows or use any other platforms, be it political parties or otherwise (to explain the matter)," he added.
Zaidi had refused to appeal his sacking, citing bias against him.
The officer presiding over the trial had allegedly asked Zaidi to tap rubber if he was not interested in the air force.
A judicial review of the military court is pending before the High Court in Kuala Lumpur.- mk
Sabitan buka seribu persoalan, kata peguam...
Sabitan kesalahan terhadap bekas polis elit Sirul Azhar Umar “membuka seribu persoalan” berkaitan pembunuhan Altantuya Shaariibuu, kata peguamnya Kamarul Hisham Kamaruddin.
Walaupun menghormati keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan, Kamarul membangkitkan masalah berhubung motif pembunuhan itu.
tidak dikenal pasti terhadap anak guam sama (sama ada di Mahkamah
Tinggi, Mahkamah Rayuan atau Mahkamah Persekutuan,” katanya ketika
ditemui hari ini.
Perkara itu, katanya antara perkara yang dibahaskan orang ramai.
Kamarul (kiri), salah seorang daripada tiga peguam Sirul, juga membangkitkan isu panggilan telefon dan pesanan teks antara penganalisis politik Abdul Razak Bagind, DSP Musa Safri dan tertuduh pertama Azilah Hadri.
Semasa perbicaraan di Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam, Sirul mendakwa beliau dijadikan “kambing hitam” untuk “melindungi rancangan mereka”.
Kamarul kemudian mencadangkan bahawa anak guamnya diperangkap dalam kes pembunuhan warganegara Mongolia itu.- mk
Perkara itu, katanya antara perkara yang dibahaskan orang ramai.
Kamarul (kiri), salah seorang daripada tiga peguam Sirul, juga membangkitkan isu panggilan telefon dan pesanan teks antara penganalisis politik Abdul Razak Bagind, DSP Musa Safri dan tertuduh pertama Azilah Hadri.
Semasa perbicaraan di Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam, Sirul mendakwa beliau dijadikan “kambing hitam” untuk “melindungi rancangan mereka”.
Kamarul kemudian mencadangkan bahawa anak guamnya diperangkap dalam kes pembunuhan warganegara Mongolia itu.- mk
Conviction opens can of worms, says Sirul's lawyer...
Former police commando Sirul Azhar Umar’s conviction has 'opened a can of worms' with regard to the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu, says his lawyer Kamarul Hisham Kamaruddin.
While he respects the Federal Court verdict, Kamarul Hisham said, the problem was that the motive was not established.
"My client's conviction has opened a 'can of worms' as to what the motive of the murder was.
"The motive was not established against my client (whether in the in High Court, Court of Appeal or the Federal Court)," he said when met on the sidelines of another case today.
The lawyer, one of three who represented Sirul, said the evidence showed that calls and text messages were made among political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda, DSP Musa Safri and the first accused Azilah Hadri from three days before the incident.
"Who gave, and what were, the alleged instructions? Why was DSP Musa not called to testify?" he queried, referring to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s former aide de camp.
The lawyer said these are the questions which are being debated by the public.
Kamarul Hisham had, at the Court of Appeal and Federal Court, questioned the prosecution's move not to call DSP Musa/ The Court of Appeal said in its judgment that the non-calling of the former aide-de-camp had resulted in a serious misdirection of the case.
During the trial at the High Court in Shah Alam, Sirul had caused a stir when he claimed that he was being made into a “scapegoat” to “protect their plans”.
'My client could have been framed'
Kamarul Hisham had then suggested that his client could have been framed for the murder of the Mongolian national.
Last week, the Federal Court sentenced Sirul, who is currently believed to be in Australia, and Azilah to death.
Following the judgment, Altantuya’s father Setev Shaariibuu questioned the reason behind his daughter being killed and her remains blown up with explosives.
The Malaysian government is currently attempting to extradite Sirul, but Australian law dictates that a person facing the death penalty in his or her home country cannot be sent back.
The Altantuya murder, which remains a high-profile matter, saw Najib, who was then deputy prime minister and defence minister, being accused of involvement.
His close associate Abdul Razak, who admitted to having an affair with Altantuya, was charged with abetting the murder but was later acquitted without his defence being called.
The police, meanwhile, cleared Najib of any wrongdoing and Najib also swore his innocence in the name of God.
The murder was also linked to Malaysia’s procurement of two French Scorpene submarines, which Abdul Razak’s firm was tasked with purchasing and maintaining. - mk
Will Sirul sing like a canary on Altantuya?
Cakap kot lubang juboq...harga minyak dah turun,barang dok naik tak turun2 pun...
1 comment:
yang nak ngan umno tu hanya puak UG/GU ja.lebih kurang sama ja ngan umno kalu setakt ahli besa ja tak layan apa yang kita cadangkan tu.suara ahli besa tak da nilai pada UG/GU ni.
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