Alkisah 'tuan besar' bot haram Malaysia...
Beberapa hari lepas kerajaan Indonesia menunaikan janji mereka untuk memusnahkan bot nelayan asing yang menceroboh perairan mereka. Sebenarnya hal tersebut tidak patut kita hairan kerana mereka bawah Presiden Joko Widodo atau Jokowi telah memberi banyak amaran awal.
Amaran terakhir disiarkan oleh International New York Times pada 19 disember dan olih The Straits Times Singapura pada 20 Disember 2014. Di Malaysia kurang dilaporkan.
Insiden tersebut menerima berbagai reaksi di Malaysia, antaranya beremosi dan marah. Sebelum menjadi begitu emosi, kita perlu melihat secara rasional isu ini. Bagaimana jika nelayan golongan termiskin kita dilanda ancaman sama, yang mana pihak berkuasa perlu bertindak lebih tegas?
Sebenarnya isu sama sudah lama melanda nelayan kita, malah lebih dahsyat lagi. Dahulu nelayan Thailand yang banyak menceroboh. Sekarang pula banyak daripada Vietnam dengan bot lebih besar.
Pada awal 2014 lebih kurang 200 nelayan Malaysia berarak ke parlimen untuk menyampaikan sekali lagi masalah mereka kepada kerajaan. Ahli parlimen yang bersimpati dengan rintihan mereka dituduh menghasut kerana membawa mereka masuk ke kawasan Parlimen.
Menteri berkenaan berjanji untuk mengambil tindakan dalam isu itu, termasuk menjalankan pemantauan lebih ketat daripada udara. Isu bot nelayan asing, penggunaan pukat tunda haram dan cara haram menangkap ikan oleh warga asing, salah laku nelayan asing warga Vietnam antara isu lama yang berulang.
Nelayan Vietnam masuk Mydin
Cerita "tuan besar" Malaysia di belakang operasi ini juga tidak ditangani sebagai sepatutnya. Janji hanya tinggal janji oleh kerajaan untuk membela mereka.
Di pelabuhan Chedering Terengganu, misalnya, nelayan Vietnam bebas keluar masuk tampa pasport dan boleh bebas pergi membeli belah di Mydin dan mengadakan perlawanan bola sepak di pantai Chendering!
Begitu mesranya kerajaan Malaysia kepada warga asing. Perkara ini telah saya timbulkan di parlimen beberapa kali untuk tindakan. Tetapi tiada apa yang berubah.
Sekarang Jokowi yang baru beberapa bulan bertugas menunjuk sikap yang tegas untuk membela nelayan Indonesia. Beliau menunjukkan kepimpinannya sedangkan berpuluh tahun kerajaan Malaysia leka dalam isu ini.
Bot pendaftaran Malaysia yang ditangkap, mengikut laporan, sebenarnya dianggotai oleh empat orang warga Myanmar! Bukan warga kita pun dan mungkin dibiayai orang orang besar VIP kaya Malaysia. Bukan kepentingan nelayan miskin sebenar Malaysia terlibat di sini.
Jadi kerajaan Indonesia membela rakyat Indonesia golongan nelayan miskin sementara kerajaan Malaysia membela rakyat Myanmar yang menjaga kepentingan tokoh korporat kaya! Jadi siapakah pula yang akan membela nelayan miskin rakyat Malaysia?
Sepuluh tahun tambah RM14
Beberapa bulan lepas Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) mendakwa 23 kontraktor yang menipu dalam skim bantuan kerajaan untuk membaiki rumah nelayan Dungun, Terengganu.
Jumlah RM500,000 itu sepatutnya untuk nelayan miskin tetapi sekali lagi golongan nelayan menjadi mangsa.
Jika Jokowi yang baru bertugas beberapa bulan boleh membela nasib nelayan di perairan Indonesia yang mempunyai 18,000 pulau, kenapa kerajaan Malaysia yang memerintah selama 57 tahun tidak dapat membela nasib nelayan Malaysia.
Sedangkan negara ini hanya mempunyai berapa puluh pulau sahaja?
Jawapannya adalah perbezaan azam dan kesungguhan politik – yang tiada di Malaysia!
Sudah sampai masanya kerajaan lebih prihatin nasib nelayan miskin daripada membenarkan nelayan asing Vietnam yang membawa bot pendaftaran Malaysia, yang dimiliki tokoh korporat kaya yang mencuri rezeki orang kita sendiri. Ikan makin berkurangan di perairan Malaysia ekoran aktiviti haram nelayan asing.
Kajian terbaru mendapati peningkatan pendapatan nelayan Kemaman, Terengganu meningkat dari RM400 kepada RM414 dalam masa sepuluh tahun. Kenaikan RM14 dalam sepuluh tahun!
Kita perlu sistem kerajaan membela golongan miskin tertindas dan bukan membela pihak korporat yang sudah kaya raya. Malaysia perlu mencontohi pemimpin Jokowi yang peka denyutan nadi naluri rakyat dan bersimpati dengan rintihan mereka.
Pimpinan kita terlalu selesa dan terlalu lama mengabaikan rakyat biasa.- Datuk Raja Kamarul Bahrin,MP Kuala Terengganu, mk
MP: Emulate Jokowi against illegal fishermen...
Instead of being outraged at Indonesia's move to
sink illegal fishing boats, including Malaysian registered ones,
Putrajaya should emulate the republic's resolve in defending its own
fishermen, said Kuala Terengganu MP Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah Raja Ahmad.
Indonesia President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo who took office October last year, had instructed illegal fishing boats encroaching into the republic's waters to be sunk in a bid to safeguard fish supplies for local fishermen.
"If president Jokowi who is only in power for a few months can defend his country's fishermen in Indonesian waters with over 18,000 islands, why is the Malaysian government unable to do defend fishermen after 57 years in power?" said Raja Bahrin in a statement today.
Raja Bahrin (left)
pointed out that Malaysia had been plagued by illegal fishing boats
from Thailand and now Vietnam, which he said come with even bigger boats
and are more aggressive.
He said the foreign fishermen use illegal and damaging fishing methods in Malaysian waters to the detriment of local fishermen.
Furthermore, he said big businessmen have also hired foreigners to commandeer big fishing boats capable of big hauls for quick profit.
"In fact, Vietnamese fishermen are free to enter and leave the Chedering Port in Terengganu without passports and even go shopping at Mydin and holding a football tournament at Chendering beach," he said.
Repeated complaints
He said despite repeated complaints in Parliament, the matter fell on deaf ears.
In contrast, he said, Jokowi (right) is firm in defending his country's fishermen.
He further pointed out that the Malaysian-registered boat seized by Indonesia and subsequently destroyed with dynamite, was manned by four Myanmar nationals.
Instead of protesting against the boat's destruction, which Raja Bahrin said likely belonged to a big businessman who hired the foreign workers, the government would do better to defend poor local fishermen.
"The Indonesian government defends its poor fishermen while the Malaysian government defend Myanmar nationals and wealthy corporate leaders.
"Who will look out for poor Malaysian fishermen?" he said.
He claimed the income of fishermen in Kemaman, Terengganu had only increased by a meagre RM14 in the last 10 years, from RM400.
Raja Bahrin said it is time for Putrajaya to act against illegal fishing as well as Malaysian-registered boats using foreigners to fish.- mk
Indonesia President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo who took office October last year, had instructed illegal fishing boats encroaching into the republic's waters to be sunk in a bid to safeguard fish supplies for local fishermen.
"If president Jokowi who is only in power for a few months can defend his country's fishermen in Indonesian waters with over 18,000 islands, why is the Malaysian government unable to do defend fishermen after 57 years in power?" said Raja Bahrin in a statement today.
He said the foreign fishermen use illegal and damaging fishing methods in Malaysian waters to the detriment of local fishermen.
Furthermore, he said big businessmen have also hired foreigners to commandeer big fishing boats capable of big hauls for quick profit.
"In fact, Vietnamese fishermen are free to enter and leave the Chedering Port in Terengganu without passports and even go shopping at Mydin and holding a football tournament at Chendering beach," he said.
Repeated complaints
He said despite repeated complaints in Parliament, the matter fell on deaf ears.
He further pointed out that the Malaysian-registered boat seized by Indonesia and subsequently destroyed with dynamite, was manned by four Myanmar nationals.
Instead of protesting against the boat's destruction, which Raja Bahrin said likely belonged to a big businessman who hired the foreign workers, the government would do better to defend poor local fishermen.
"The Indonesian government defends its poor fishermen while the Malaysian government defend Myanmar nationals and wealthy corporate leaders.
"Who will look out for poor Malaysian fishermen?" he said.
He claimed the income of fishermen in Kemaman, Terengganu had only increased by a meagre RM14 in the last 10 years, from RM400.
Raja Bahrin said it is time for Putrajaya to act against illegal fishing as well as Malaysian-registered boats using foreigners to fish.- mk
Tracking the kingpin - from Macau to Vegas...
However, Phua’s lawyers withdrew the letter on December 29, 2014 because the Malaysian government had later objected to its use in court.
In their defence of Phua and his son Darren’s illegal gambling charges, the lawyers alleged that their clients had been entrapped and hence made through unlawful means.
In response, the US government represented by US attorney Daniel Bogden issued a 53-page reply to the Phua's legal challenge.
This response, which has been declassified, also included a whopping 295-page exhibit.
How the ‘Boss’ arrived in US
According to the exhibits which include FBI notes, blacked out witness testimonies, hundreds of WhatsApp, Skype and SMS chats, bank transfers in millions, as well as receipts and customs declarations, the duo has not been too discreet with their illegal activities.
How he was released after the Macau police paraded him along with a few others, as seen in Chinese newspapers clippings, hooded and all, is “unknown”.
Barely a few weeks before his infamous arrest in Las Vegas, Phua was apprehended in Macau last June 19 alongside 20 others for promoting illegal gambling and criminal association following a raid on his room at Wynn Hotel.
The authorities seized around HK$5 billion (RM2.3 billion) in illegal bets made on the Brazil World Cup tournament, the South China Morning Post quoted Macau police saying.
However, Phua was freed a couple of days later under unknown conditions, but legal documents containing text messages from Darren suggests that his father might have “friends in the police” who aided in his release on June 23, 2014.
Phua flew from the former Portuguese colony to Las Vegas in his private-owned Gulfstream G-550 business jet with the tail number N888XS, which according to the FBI notes is Phua’s lucky number.
High roller of the Caesars
Meanwhile early last June during the World Cup opening games, three complimentary villas on the Las Vegas strip in the famed Caesars Palace - numbered 8881, 8882 and 8888 - were readied for him - a red carpet welcome fit for a high roller.
Phua is reportedly also known to be actively involved in the gambling scene around Southeast Asia and internationally, even taking part in poker tournaments where stakes go up to seven-figure pots.
The FBI notes tell of how the reserved exclusive villas were fitted with various electronic equipment and communication facilities like fax machines and DSL cables at the request of the guests.
This smelt fishy, according to the FBI report, and the Caesars’ management at that point began to suspect the villas were being used as gambling dens.
Phua and his team had demanded complementary Wi-Fi with the installation of DSL lines and requested an “unusual amount of electronics equipment and technical support” for the villas to monitor World Cup soccer games in Brazil.
This was when the management realised the villas were being used to conduct an illegal Internet sports betting operation and they proceeded to inform the authorities, particularly the FBI.
The FBI, which was already keeping an eye on Phua after his elusive escape from Macau, decided to investigate the villas sending operatives posing as technicians.
Snooping in for the swoop
A Caesars Palace investigator told FBI agents that in one villa alone there were eight computers, five workstations, over 20 monitors, and additional large-screen televisions and Internet lines.
The court exhibits also show that the authorities worked alongside the DSL contractor to obtain enough evidence to raid the villas.
“The DSL contractor was sent to villa 8882 on July 4, 2014 to deliver a laptop requested by the occupants. That same day, the contractor also temporarily disconnected the internet service to villa 8881.
Convinced they had a case, the FBI decided to see from themselves before launching a raid of the premises.
The very next day, FBI agents posed as DSL technicians and entered villa 8882 to confirm that illegal betting was taking place, on the pretext of restoring Internet connection in the villa that was disconnected earlier.
Four days later, on July 9, 2014, the FBI and Nevada Gaming Board Control stormed the three villas after obtaining a search warrant from a US magistrate judge.
Preparing themselves like a scene from the movies, the authorities arrived at Caesars in street clothes and prepped themselves in three rooms in the hotel.
Once the operation was given the go ahead, they suited up and followed a Caesars employee who led the agents into the villas via the internal service elevators.
The authorities reported that they found Phua in villa 8882 with his son and another associate, where an online message found on his computer revealed that he had put bets reaching a grand total of HK$2.7billion (RM1.24 billion), according to court documents.
The accused were stated using the SBOBet and IBCBet sports betting websites, neither of which is licensed to operate in Nevada, to monitor odds and place bets, according to federal prosecutors.
The authorities did not arrest them that day itself, but took pictures of the equipment installed in the room and seized the items.
The notes from the FBI in the 295-page exhibit ends at this point.
Arrested days later
Bloomberg reported that Phua was arrested four days later in the lobby of the Palazzo Hotel, even though he had agreed to surrender, according to the July 14 filing by his lawyer.
This news report also tells of how Darren spilled the beans on the father.
Father and son are currently facing two charges: operating an illegal gambling business and transmission of wagering information.
While the duo have pleaded not guilty to the crimes, the other six who were arrested along with them have pleaded guilty and have been slapped with unsupervised probation with special conditions and fines.
The Royal Malaysian Police had in an earlier report to the FBI furnished details linking Phua to the criminal organisation, details that Zahid, the minister in charge of the police is now refuting.
The triad link is one of the reasons the FBI cited in obtaining the warrant to raid the Caesars villas.
That the letter was submitted to court and then withdrawn on the very same day, December 29, raises many questions.
The next day Hong Kong daily South China Morning Post reported Zahid's clarification that Phua is not a member of 14K, reproducing the home minister’s letter in full.
Phua’s lawyers’ representatives in Malaysia who happened to be prominent Umno lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah held a press conference on January 3, explaining Zahid had been asked to clarify what was said to be the PDRM’s allegedly erroneous report to the FBI.
As for the Phuas, the Las Vegas Review Journal reported last July that they are currently out on bail, after two professional poker players Andrew Robl and Phil Ivey, who are understood to be friends of the accused duo, posted their US$2.7million (RM9.63million) bail.
Phua senior’s US$48million (RM 171 million) Gulfstream G550 jet was used as collateral.
He is under house arrest in Las Vegas.
On Friday, the US Attorney’s office in an email to Malaysiakini said there would be a status hearing on January 22 on the Phuas’ cases.
For now, the Macau - Las Vegas trip may likely be a one-way trip for Phua, the high roller.- mk
Kotak hitam AirAsia ditemui.
They used to look after the balls or their balls only. No looking back man.
Sorry to say bro.their balls are already hard-boiled!!!
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