Baju kurung hanya untuk pelajar Melayu...
Ini kerana, pemakaian seragam baju kurung ke sekolah selama ini yang disangkakan perkara biasa di kalangan pelajar bukan Melayu, rupa-rupanya sesuatu yang “luar biasa” di SMK Seri Mutiara Cheras.
Peristiwa itu melibatkan pelajar sekolah bukan Melayu Tingkatan Tiga di sekolah berkenaan, yang disuruh segera meninggalkan kawasan sekolah kerana memakai seragam baju kurung atas alasan ianya khusus untuk pelajar Melayu.
Alasan yang dangkal dan bagaikan mustahilnya ianya berlaku. Sukar dipercayai masih ada “golongan berpendidikan” yang akan bertindak sedemikian rupa. Memang keterlaluan. Persoalannya, siapakah guru besar di situ?
Jika khalayak yang membaca berita tersebut yang di siarkan akhbar Malay Mail, merasakan tindakan pihak sekolah berkenaan memang menjengkelkan, apatah lagi pelajar tersebut serta penjaganya.
Menurut akhbar tersebut, Britney Nicole yang bercerita jujur semalam memberitahu bahawa dia memakai baju kurung di sekolah lamanya, jadi dia tidak tahu apa kesalahannya.
Memberitahu bahawa kawan-kawan di sekolah barunya itu juga prihatin mengenai kejadian tersebut, Britney mengakui takut mahu ke sekolah berikutan diberi amaran terakhir dan tidak akan dibenarkan masuk ke kelas kecuali jika memakai seragam pinafor.
Kamu Melayu atau Cina?
Britney, yang berasal dari etnik Lun Bawang, menjelaskan bahawa pada hari pertama ke sekolah, pembantu kanan sekolah bertanyakannya jika dia seorang Melayu atau Cina, lalu diberitahu dia dari Sarawak.
Ibu saudaranya yang ada bersamanya pada ketika itu berkata, pihak sekolah memberitahunya bahawa seragam baju kurung hanya untuk pelajar Melayu, bukan Melayu hendaklah pakai seragam pinafor.
Apabila Britney hadir ke sekolah memakai seragam baju kurung, pihak sekolah melarangnya masuk ke perkarangan sekolah dan menyuruhnya menunggu di luar sehingga dijemput pulang.
Akhirnya, Britney terpaksa menunggu selama tiga jam (7 -10 pagi) sehingga bapa saudara menjemputnya.
Sementara itu, bapa saudara Britney juga mendapati terdapat ibu bapa lain juga tidak puas hati dengan kod pakaian seragam di sekolah berkenaan, malah merasakan mereka dibuli untuk mengikut kehendak pihak sekolah itu.
Apabila dihubungi akhbar berkenaan, Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan II, P Kamalanathan berkata, “Sebenarnya, kejadian seumpama itu tidak sepatutnya berlaku.
“Kementerian sedang menyiasat. Jika ianya benar, tindakan akan diambil, ” tegasnya.
Beliau juga berkata bahawa sekolah itu tidak berhak menetapkan pemakaian baju kurung hanya untuk pelajar Islam. Pihak sekolah, bagaimanapun tidak dapat dihubungi untuk komen.
Guru-guru juga dilarang berbaju kurung?
Sementara itu, Ketua Pemuda MCA, Chong Sin Woon mempersoalkan jika larangan pemakaian baju kurung juga dikenakan terhadap guru-guru bukan Melayu.
Meluahkan kekesalannya terhadap pihak sekolah SMK Seri Mutiara Cheras, yang melarang pelajar memakai seragam baju kurung ke sekolah, Chong berkata, sering terdapat guru-guru, malah guru besar wanita bukan Melayu memakai baju kurung di sekolah-sekolah lain ketika waktu bertugas.
Dalam satu kenyataan hari ini, Chong yang merupakan Ketua Biro Pendidikan MCA berkata, “Tidakkah ianya paradoks jika pendidik bukan Melayu boleh memakai baju kurung sebaliknya pelajar bukan Melayu tidak boleh?
Dapatkan BR1M beli seragam?
Chong merasakan cara pihak sekolah berkenaan tidak boleh diterima lebih-lebih lagi pelajar tersebut di suruh pulang malah, dilaporkan bahawa penjaganya disuruh mendapatkan wang BR1M untuk membeli seragam baru untuknya.
Beliau juga mengingatkan bahawa, Malaysia, sebagai sebuah negara berbilang banga, setiap rakyatnya berbangga memakai pakaian tradisional kaum-kaum lain, satu amalan yang mengeratkan lagi rasa saling hormat dan menghargai antara kaum.
“Tidak ada sebab atau sebarang kewajaran untuk SMK Seri Mutiara dengan sengaja melemahkan semangat pelajar tersebut atau mengecilkan status kewangan penjaganya,” kata Chong.
Chong seterusnya mengajak kesemua pelajar sekolah, sama ada di sekolah rendah mahupun sekolah menengah yang mempunyai seragam baju kurung supaya memakainya ke sekolah masing-masing, sebagai tanda perpaduan (solidarity).
Memang benar kata-kata Chong itu. Memang sukar dipercayai perkara sedemikian boleh berlaku. Mungkinkah guru/guru-guru terbabit perlu disekolahkan?- fmt
Tun Razak buat, Najib cuma janji...
Bekas Setiausaha Politik Tun Razak, Tan Sri Abdullah Ahmad menyelar cara Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang hanya pandai bercakap namun tidak pernah melaksanakan janjinya.
Kata Abdullah, kelakukan Najib jauh berbeza berbanding ayahnya yang berusaha keras ke segenap pelusuk negara untuk bertemu dan menyelesaikan masalah rakyat.
“Yang penting sekarang adalah kerajaan (pimpinan Najib) harus mengotakan setiap kata yang diucapkan(walk the talk) seperti Gerakan Moderat Global (GMM). Benda ni mesti dilaksana.
“Akhirnya rakyat akan melihat bukan daripada cakap atau retorik, tetapi perbuatan.
“Dalil yang paling baik sekali adalah menerusi perbuatan,” katanya dalam forum Memperingati Tun Razak di Mandarin Court Hotel, semalam.
Antara panelis lain selain Abdullah semalam adalah Ketua Parlimen DAP Lim Kit Siang, Naib Presiden PKR Nurul Izzah Anwar, Editor The Malaysia Insider dan dimudahcara oleh Naib Pengerusi DAP Teresa Kok Suh Sim.
Beliau yang berkhidmat selama 14 tahun bersama Tun Razak kecewa dengan masalah kemiskinan dan jurang kaum yang melebar dibawah pentadbiran Najib.
“Masalah ketidakadilan, antara kaya dan miskin. Bukan antara Melayu, Cina dan India sahaja, tetapi dalam komuniti masing-masing itu sendiri nampaknya makin melebar
“Cina dengan Cina jurangnya makin melebar, Melayu apatah lagi bertambah-tambah jauhnya. Dulu tidak ada miskin bandar.
“Idea Tun Razak adalah untuk mengangkat setiap orang dan bukannya menjadikan mereka miskin,” ujarnya di hadapan lebih 100 hadirin.
Abdullah yang lebih dikenali sebagai Dolah Kok Lanas merupakan mantan Ahli Parlimen Machang menggsa kerajaan memanfaatkan bakat setiap individu di Malaysia tanpa mengira kaum.
“Semua orang di Malaysia ini boleh menyumbang kepada negara, semua orang ada tempat di sini.
‘Malangnya bakat mereka tidak dimanfaatkan,” katanya. –
Tun Abdul Razak would sympathise with G25...
"I wonder, if Tun Razak is still around, would he have been more sympathetic with the call made by Eminent Malays and their supporters, through an open letter for PM to provide leadership?” he asked.
The G25 rose to prominence when it wrote an open letter to Najib last month, urging for the voice of moderation by asking him to show leadership in the wake of intolerant voices from right-wing groups such as Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) and Perkasa.
G25 is now waiting for Prime Minister's Office to arrange a meeting appointment with prime minister Najib Abdul Razak.
The forum, dubbed "Remembering Tun Razak" was held last night in conjunction with the 39th anniversary of the second premier.
It was organised by, the mouthpiece of DAP.
The other two speakers were PKR's Lembah Pantai parliamentarian Nurul Izzah Anwar and the editor of news portal The Malaysian Insider, Jahabar Sadiq.
The forum was moderated by DAP Seputeh parliamentarian Teresa Kok.
'Father hands-on, son hands-off'
Lim described Abdul Razak as a “hands-on" type of leader, who goes on the ground while his son, Najib as rather "hands-off", who played golf in Hawaii during the heavy flood period.
"For the nation to survive, we should be open, liberal and moderate. Moderate Malaysians should come out to reclaim their lands," he said.
Meanwhile, Abdul Razak's former political secretary Abdullah Ahmad, or fondly known as Dollah Kok Lanas, was moved by the forum held to commemorate his former boss.
"Ironically, this was not held by Umno to commemorate Tun Razak, but it was DAP commemorating him," he said.
In fact, a tahlil or special prayer was organised for Abdul Razak by Umno last night too.
"The rich stayed together to protect their wealth, but the poor quarrelling among themselves, so they keep on dividing.
"And, as long they can divide all of you, I feel sorry for you," he said.
Razak left a legacy in uniting the nation in the May 13 aftermath, as well as to better the living standard of Malaysians, he stressed.
'Nation-based party system unlikely'
Abdullah was pessimistic that with the deeply-rooted religious and racial sentiments and extremisms, it was hard for Malaysians to transform from race-based party to nation-based party system.
"This is very hard, as we lack the political will," he said, in response to the political secretary Dyana Sofia Mohd Daud of DAP during the question and answer sessions.
With such sentiments running deep among the voters, he said, there seems to be no future for both PKR and DAP for the time being.
He also opined that the nation need the talent of all races in order to progress and catch up with neighbouring countries like Singapore, he said.
"Malaysia is not performing badly, but it can be better or can be as good as Singapore," he said.
A DAP member from Kepong had asked what should be done so Malaysians could restore their pride following the regressive performance and few developments that “bring shame to the people”.- mk
Din says 'no' to school rules on baju kurung...
Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said today schools should not impose rules not approved by the Education Ministry.
Muhyiddin said this when asked about recent news reports of a non-Malay Form 3 schoolgirl in Cheras being sent out of the school for wearing a baju kurung.
The victim’s father said the student was told that wearing the 'baju kurung' was only reserved for Malay students.
“There is no order from the ministry to any school to stop non-Malay students from wearing the baju kurung.
He emphasised that the wearing of baju kurung in school, especially by non-Malays, is something to be promoted as it is accepted as part of the national attire,” he said.
The Pagoh MP added that Putrajaya would be investigating the matter and the school involved, as what it did was not right and needed to be corrected.
A report by The Malay Mail said the student of Sarawakian descent was queried by her teachers on her racial origin.
When the teacher found out she was a non-Malay, she was told that she should wear a pinafore instead of the ‘baju kurung’.
The girl was ordered to go home by her teachers at 7am and had to wait outside the school compound till 10am, for her father to pick her up.
The daily also reported Deputy Education Minister II P Kamalanathan as saying that the school had no right to impose such a rule. - mk
Principal: Girl didn't wear baju kurung decently...
Miscommunication and misinterpretation of information by students and parents resulted in the issue over the wearing of 'baju kurung' by non-Muslim students, a school principal claimed today.
Mohd Amir Abdul Ghani, principal of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seri Mutiara, said the school never prohibited any non-Muslim female student from wearing the baju kurung, but only emphasised that the attire had to be correctly worn.
"If they want to wear the baju kurung, the students have to wear them properly, which means buttoning up all the way. When we tell them this, they say we (the school) do not allow them to wear the baju kurung.
"The school has never stopped anyone from wearing the baju kurung," he told Bernama today.
He said the school's request that all the buttons on the baju kurung be fastened was meant to protect the decency of the students and for their own safety.
Mohd Amir said a discussion was held among the principal, the parent-teacher association and the guardian of the student concerned (complainant) today to resolve the conflict.
He stressed that the female student concerned would return to school and was free to wear the baju kurung.
Mohd Amir said he was not in school on the day the incident happened and claimed that there was a miscommunication between the teacher and student.
The principal believed that if he had been in school on that day, the incident would not have happened and gone viral on the social media.
Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said the education ministry never issued a directive stopping non-Muslim female students from wearing the baju kurung to school as it was in line with the ministry's policy to promote unity.
Media reports claimed that a 15-year-old student was prevented from wearing the baju kurung by the school administration because the attire was meant only for Malay female students.
Mohd Amir said he would really encourage non-Muslim female students who wanted to wear the baju kurung as it was a symbol of a united, plural society in Malaysia.
He said the majority of students in the school were Chinese and, before this, the baju kurung had never been an issue among them.
A Bernama check found several non-Muslim teachers of the school wearing the baju kurung.- mk
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