Apa Hubungan Saiful Bukhari Dengan Daim...
Daim seperti yang kita tahu, adalah antara beberapa individu utama yang dinamakan sebagai konspirator yang terlibat mencipta tuduhan kononnya Anwar meliwat bekas pemandunya, Azizan Abu Bakar sehingga beliau dilucutkan jawatan sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri pada tahun 1998.
Kini nama Daim muncul kembali dalam kes membabitkan Saiful Bukhari juga, apakah maknanya ini?
Adakah wujud gerakan sama oleh Daim untuk menyabitkan Anwar dengan kesalahan meliwat Saiful? Apakah tuduhan kali inipun adalah satu konspirasi yang dicatur Daim untuk menjatuhkan Anwar?
Tidak hairanlah kenapa modus operandinya sama. Dulu aku fikir Mahathir yang merancang semua fitnah jahat ini, tapi rupa-rupanya Daim. Tidak hairanlah kenapa bila Mahathir dah bersara pun fitnah liwat ini masih ada, rupanya Mahathir saja yang bersara, tapi Daim tidak.
Daim ada kepentingan perniagaan yang banyak berkaitan dengan negara ini. Masuk akal kalau dia menggunakan pengaruhnya untuk menentukan siapa yang patut dan tidak patut menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia.
Justeru, aku menyeru pasukan peguam Anwar agar mengemukakan bukti terbaru ini sebelum Mahkamah Persekutuan menyampaikan keputusan mengenai rayuan Anwar terhadap hukuman penjara 5 tahun yang dikenakan Mahkamah Rayuan ke atasnya tahun lepas.
Peranan Daim (jika benar) tidak boleh diketepikan kerana ia pernah terbukti (di luar Mahkamah) dalam kes liwat pertama membabitkan Anwar dulu.- NPR
Will Anwar Kiss And Make Up With Najib?
Will Anwar and Najib kiss and make up? One analyst thinks we might see this happening soon.
Shahbudin Husin, in a blog posting commenting on the favourable coverage the Opposition Leader has lately been getting in the pro-Najib media, even speculates that PKR might abandon Pakatan Rakyat and join hands with Umno. He paints Anwar in an uncomplimentary light, which he has rarely done.
He says Najib needs the support of someone as popular as Anwar to help him keep his hold on power – which is getting more tenous every day – and Anwar needs Najib to escape prison for alleged sodomy.
He observes that Anwar’s long-time enemies – Mahathir Mohamad and Daim Zainuddin – have now become Najib’s enemies and this is why they may have come together.
“It’s known that Anwar still longs for power,” he writes. “If Najib is willing to share power with him and ensure that he does not go to prison, it’s not a big problem for Anwar to return the favour with his support.
“With Mahathir and Daim continuing to attack him, Najib probably fears that he will lose all hope of holding on to power if Anwar is sent to prison. He knows only Anwar has what it takes to help him face Mahathir and Daim.”
Shahbudin figures that with Anwar in Najib’s camp, BN can hope to regain non-Malay votes in the urban and semi-urban areas as well as among youths.
If the two really make up and BN and “Anwar’s team” form a unity government, he says, then Anwar is likely to get the Deputy Prime Minister’s job, with some members of his team, such as Nurul Izzah, Rafizi Ramli and Shamsul Iskandar, taking up Cabinet posts.
“Although he won’t be Prime Minister, it’ll still enough of a victory for Anwar,” he adds.
“Furthermore, with the split in Pakatan Rakyat getting ever more serious, Anwar’s hope for power through that coalition is getting dimmer every day.” - NPR
Lagi Najib Membisu, Lagi Ramai Yang Meluat...
Walaupun sudah berhari-hari bekas Menteri Kewangan, Daim Zainuddin diserang dan dimalukan oleh media arus perdana sehingga SPRM juga sudah terbuka untuk menyiasat kekayaannya, tetapi sampai hari ini Perdana Menteri, Najib Razak masih lagi berdiam diri mengenainya.
Belum ada sepatah perkataan pun keluar daripada mulutnya mengenai perkara ini, meski semua orang tahu media arus perdana adalah dibawah kawalannya.
Untuk itu, Najib perlu tampil untuk menjelaskan sekurang-kurangnya tiga persoalan ini:-
Pertama, beliau perlu menjelaskan apakah mengetahui permainan yang sedang dicatur oleh pegawai dan para penasihatnya, terutama oleh individu yang bernama HR mengenai serangan terhadap Daim melalui media arus perdana itu?
Kedua, jika mengetahui, apakah beliau merestui semua tindakan yang dilakukan oleh para pegawai dan penasihatnya itu, manakala kalau di luar pengetahuannya pula, kenapa setelah heboh diperkatakan, masih juga berdiam diri mengenainya?
Ketiga, apakah selepas Daim, bekas Perdana Menteri, Mahathir Mohamad dan anak-anaknya pula merupakan sasaran seterusnya untuk dimalukan melalui media arus perdana atau turut diseret kepada siasatan SPRM?
Tiga persoalan ini penting untuk dijawab dan dijelaskan oleh Najib kerana ahli-ahli UMNO seluruh negara ingin mengetahui hakikat sebenar mengenainya.
Sekarang ini, sementara ramai yang keliru di sebalik sikap berdiam dirinya itu, dalam masa yang lebih ramai sebenarnya yang meluat dengan cara serangan yang dilakukan keatas Daim ini.
Baca seterusnya...
Break your silence on Daim, Najib told...
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has been urged to break his silence in the face of the mainstream media assault on former finance minister Daim Zainuddin and thus put an end to Umno members’ curiosity about where he stands on the issue.
Shahbudin Husin, a former Federal Territory Umno information chief, says in his latest blog entry that some party members are disgusted that the media would be so virulent against a party veteran and others are simply confused.
He notes that it is common knowledge that mainstream broadcast and print media are under Barisan Nasional’s control and would heed any directive from the Prime Minister.
Now that it has come to the point of MACC investigating Daim for corruption, it is high time for Najib to issue a comment, he says.
He poses the following questions:
1.Is Najib aware of the nature of the game being played by his officers and advisers, particularly the individual referred to as HR? (Veteran journalist A Kadir Jasin mentioned these initials in a recent blog entry.)
2.If he does know about the game, does he endorse it? If he doesn’t, why doesn’t he say something about it, considering that it has become so controversial?
3.After Daim, will former prime minister Mahathir Mohamad and his sons be the next targets of media humiliation and MACC investigation?
Shahbudin says it would be irresponsible of Najib to ignore these questions because Umno members across the country want to know the reality of the situation.
He claims that Umno members “are saying this is not the right way to treat a former leader who has been critical only because he wants to see improvements in Umno”.
If the media attacks are not the result of a directive from Najib, he says, then the prime minister must order that they be stopped. - fmt
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