
Kini jika saya buat komen, katakan pasal budaya Kristian atau Cina(spt.mana yang pernah saya lakukan),puak2 Kristian dan Cina akan maki saya habis2an(juga pernah mereka lakukan). Ini adalah kerana saya bukanlah seorang Cina atau penganut agama Kristian. Oleh itu, menurut mereka,saya tak berhak membuat sebarang komen. Orang bukan Islam mempunyai lesen besar untuk mengejek-ejek hukum Hudud.
Seperti mana nasihat yang saya perolehi apabila saya membuat komen terhadap bangsa asing atau ugama mereka, mereka suruh saya mendalaminya dulu sebelum saya membuat komen. Jadi, jom kita 'belajar'.
Jenayah dibawah undang Islam dibahagikan kepada 3 kategori - Had,Tazir dan Qisas. Dan semua ini adalah dibawah undang2 Shariah. Undang2 Shariah sememangnya telah dan sedang dipraktikkan sepenenuhnya di Malaysia.
Oleh itu, Malaysia sudah dan telah lama melaksanakan undang2 Islam sejak sebelum Merdeka lagi. Jadi ,kenapa MCA bercakap seolah2 Malaysia masih belum melaksanakan undang2 Islam dan akan melaksanakann undang2 Islam ini bila PAS berkuasa?(PAS tak akan berkuasa dengan kurang daripada 50% kerusi yang mereka pertandingkan dan itu jika mereka menang).
Kini,ada tujuh kesalahan jenayah di bawah Had(Hudud).Ini adalah,pembunuhan,murtad,mencuri,merompak,berzina,
fitnah,dan minum arak.
Ok, bolehkah anda tunjukkan yang mana satu diantara kesalahan2 yang tersebut di atas yang tak dikenakan hukuman di Malaysia?
Jika anda membunuh,anda akan mati -- anda di hukum gantung.
Anda tak boleh tinggalkan Islam(murtad) -- anda akan ditahan dan dihantar untuk pemulihan.
Jika anda didapati berada di tempat yang tersembunyi
(belakang pokok atau dalam bilik hotel)dengan seorang perempuan atau laki yang bukan muhrim(isteri/suami) anda,anda akan ditangkap.
Jika anda menfitnah seseorang, orang tersebut boleh saman anda atau anda ditangkap kerana fitnah jenayah(seperti apa yang berlaku terhadap saya)
Jika anda menipu,mencuri,rompak,curi barang di kedai dsbnya, anda akan dijel.
Jika anda ditangkap minum bir,wine atau minuman keras(atau berjudi) anda akan ditangkap,rotan dan jel.
Sekarang,nyatakan kepada saya,mana di antara yang sebut di atas tidak merupakan jenayah di Malaysia? Dan,seperkara yang harus diingat: semuanya itu adalah perbuatan jenayah bukan di negeri Kelantan dan Kedah yang diperintah oleh PAS,malah di semua negeri2 yang dikuasai BN.
Undang2 tak boleh diluluskan oleh negeri. Ianya diluluskan oleh Parlimen. BN adalah kerajaan pusat,sedangkan UMNO adalah pihak majoriti di Parlimen.
Oleh demikian, MCA tak seharusnya cabar DAP berkaitan dengan PAS atau undang2 Islam. PAS memang tak boleh buat apa2 untuk menukar undang2 Federal atau mengenakan undang2 baru. Hanya UMNO saja boleh berbuat demikian kerana ia adalah pemimpin dalam BN.
Apa yang harus MCA buat adalah untuk mencabar UMNO untuk menghapuskan undang2 Shariah, iaitu undang2 yang kekal ada sebelum negara ini mencapai kemerdekaannya.
Kenapakah,ianya menjadi satu kesalahan jika saya minum bir atau berseks dengan wanita bukan isteri saya? Kenapa saya tak boleh tinggalkan Islam,ikut kemahuan saya? Bukankah semua perbuatan ini adalah perbuatan jenayah di Malaysia?
DAP silap dalam pemerehatiannya. PAS bukanlah Kerajaan Pusat. Ia tak boleh lulus undang2.Walhal,seandainya PAS berkuasa,ia tak boleh luluskan undang2 yang sudah sedia ada. Hanya UMNO saja boleh hapuskan semua undang2 Shariah yang ada itu.
Apa yang hendak dihebohkan tentang PAS sama ada boleh atau tidak boleh lakukan sesuatu bila berkuasa kelak? Sepatut kita hendaklah maki UMNO, apa yang UMNO boleh dan tak boleh buat kerana bukankah UMNO kini sedang berkuasa?
Saya tak bermasalah,kalau kerajaan nak hapuskan undang2 Shariah. Sebenarnya,saya cabar kerajaan untuk menghapuskan undang2 Shariah. Lantaran itu,perbuatan seks luar nikah, zina dsbnya tidak lagi merupakan satu jenayah di Malaysia. Tapi, UMNOlah yang patut melakukannya. PAS, sebagai pembangkang,tidak mempunyai kuasa berbuat demikian.. UMNO adalah rakan sekatil MCA, bukan DAP.
Aiyah,tak perlu saya terjemah semua ini dalam Mandarin atau sehendaknya. Bodoh punya Cina MCA!!! - Raja Petra Kamaruddin,
Malaysia Today
(Petikan di atas adalah terjemahan daripada artikel RPK berjodol "Would MCA dare do what it's telling DAP to do" yang disiarkan dalam portal Malaysia Today. Anda boleh baca artikel asal di bawah)
Would MCA dare do what it’s telling DAP to do?
MCA is daring DAP to sever its ties with PAS because, according to MCA, PAS is propagating Hudud. (Read the news report from The Star below).
Now, if I were to comment on, say, Christianity or Chinese culture (which I have done so), the Christians and Chinese would whack me to kingdom come (which they have done so). This is because I am neither Chinese nor Christian. Hence I have no right to comment, say they. Non-Muslims, however, have a lesen besar (open season) to whack something close to the heart of a Muslim, namely Hudud.
As what many tell me when I comment about something not of my race or religion: go learn before commenting. So, let’s ‘go learn’.
Crimes under Islam come under three categories: Had (serious), Tazir (less serious) and Qisas (restitution). And all these come under the Sharia, which Malaysia is already practicing and is being implemented with vigour.
Hence, Malaysia is already implementing Islamic laws and has been doing so long before Merdeka or Independence of 31st August 1957. So why is MCA talking as if Malaysia does not yet implement Islamic laws and only plans to do so in future if PAS comes to power? (And PAS can’t come to power with less than 50% of the seats they contest and even less that they win).
Now, there are seven crimes under Had (Hudud). These are murder, apostasy, theft, adultery, defamation (false accusation of adultery or fornication), robbery, and alcohol-drinking.
Okay, can you point out which of the above are not already punishable in Malaysia?
If you commit murder you die -- you will be hanged.
You cannot leave Islam (apostasy) -- you will be detained and sent for religious rehabilitation.
If you are found in a secluded spot (like behind a tree or in a hotel room) with a woman/man not your wife/husband you will be arrested.
If you defame someone that person can sue you or you will be arrested and charged for criminal defamation (like I was).
If you cheat, commit fraud, rob, steal, shoplift, or whatever, you go to jail.
If you are caught drinking beer, wine or liquor (or even gamble) you will be arrested, whipped and jailed.
Now, tell me, which of those that I mentioned above are not yet crimes in Malaysia? And note one very important point: they are crimes not only in PAS-led states such as Kelantan and Kedah but throughout Malaysia, Barisan Nasional-states included.
Laws can’t be passed by the states. They must be passed by Parliament. And BARISAN NASIONAL is the federal government while Umno holds the majority in Parliament.
Hence, MCA should not challenge DAP regarding PAS or Islamic laws. PAS can’t do a damn thing to change the federal laws or to impose new laws. Only Umno can do that since it is the leader of Barisan Nasional.
What MCA should do is to challenge Umno to remove the Shariah, which is already there and has been since before Independence. Why is it a crime if I drink beer or bonk a woman who is not my wife? Why can’t I renounce or leave Islam if I want to? Why are all these ALREADY crimes in Malaysia?
DAP is looking in the wrong direction. PAS is NOT the federal government. It can’t pass laws. In fact, even if it is in power it also can’t pass laws that are already there in the first place. Only Umno can remove all these Shariah laws that are already there.
And what is there to scream about what PAS may or may not do if it ever comes to power? We should scream about what Umno can or cannot do since it is already in power.
I have no problem if the government wants to abolish the Shariah. In fact, I challenge the government to remove the Shariah. Then drinking, extramarital sex, adultery, etc., would no longer be crimes in Malaysia. But it will have to be Umno that does that. PAS, which is in the opposition, has no power to do that. And Umno is MCA’s partner, not DAP’s partner.
Aiyah, do I need to translate this into Mandarin or what? Bodoh punya Cina MCA!- Raja Petra Kamaruddin,Malaysia Today.
source: malaysia today

Sever ties with PAS over hudud, Tee Yong tells DAP
(The Star) - The MCA has challenged DAP to sever its ties with PAS, which intends to implement hudud laws and make the country an Islamic state. MCA Young Professionals Bureau chairman Datuk Chua Tee Yong said DAP had yet to answer whether PAS’ hudud law would affect the non-Muslims or cause any negative impact on the political, social and economic development.
His challenge came about after DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng asked MCA to sever ties with Perkasa and ban its members from attending Perkasa’s events.
“In fact, all the non-Muslim MPs in Pakatan Rakyat have never really stood up and gone against what PAS is hoping to achieve or ask PAS to amend its party constitution.
“It is very clear that they can implement PAS’ hudud law and make Malaysia an Islamic state.
“So, the DAP should sever its ties with PAS because PAS is a religion-based party. It is very clear that DAP has been helping PAS,” he said after a meeting with a Buddhist society.
Chua, who is also Labis MP, said DAP had always been inconsistent and must give an answer to the Chinese community about its stand.
“First, they say MCA is a race-based party, very Chinese and a racist party. At the same time, they also say Perkasa is a very racist party.
“When there are two racist parties fighting for two different races, how can they have ties or cooperation? How can they work together? It is impossible as we fight for the Chinese and they fight for the Malay rights.
In KUALA LUMPUR, MCA deputy president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said the party would not be barring members from attending activities of NGOs.
“(MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek) has mentioned many times that NGOs can have their activities, but we obviously cannot support those that promote racism,” he said.
“We cannot bar our members from attending functions ... we can only advise,” he added.
On whether MCA would advise members against attending Perkasa functions, he said: “We are still studying their agenda.” The issue of MCA’s ties with Perkasa surfaced when a MCA branch chairman was spotted at a Chinese New Year open house in which Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali gave out money in white packets, which is a taboo in the Chinese culture.- the star
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