According to him, the arrests, which began as early as 7am today, were made under section 105 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) “to prevent illegal acts” from taking place. Most of them have been taken to Cheras police district for questioning where lawyers were said to have been barred from meeting the detainees.

The Kuala Krai PAS MP, Dr.Hatta Ramli had emerged from the mosque after prayers to address about 2,000 protesters gathered outside. Hatta said he was about to deliver a short speech before asking supporters to proceed towards the Sogo shopping complex when police moved into the crowd and forcibly dragged him to the ground from behind.
"I almost lost my balance and fell over on the supporters," he said.
In the melee, Hatta's collared T-shirt was ripped, exposing his torso.
"We were taken aback because they came from behind and there was no warning whatsoever (for us to disperse)," said Hatta, who was not arrested.
"But this is just part of our struggle, we managed to proceed to Sogo," he added.
Sementara itu golongan demostran yang pro-ISA dok rileks kat LRT...ptuiiiih....

dan yang ini pula dok tunggu member-member lain yang bayang pun tak nampak......ptuiiiih.........

Baca di sini dan sini.
Mampoi Kumpulan pro-ISA! Semua kau yang UMNO samseng mat rempit tidak bertelur pegi makan najis!
Geng babi pro-ISA tu sanggup buat apa saja demi duit. Kalau tak dapat duit ingat depa sanggup buat ka? Ambiklah duit yg tak seberapa tu bawak la masok kubog bersama. Kot boleh beli apa2 dlm lobang tu..
satu pandangan sahaja. Syanampak pemuda-pemuda yang gagah menendang kanister(tin) berasap pemedih mata.Ia bergolek berdekatan dan tin itu tetap berasap,Boleh tak dikutip dan dimasukkan kedalam beg platik dan diikat mulutnya supaya asap itu tidak keluar lagi ?
What if ISA is gone, and you are WRONG ?
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