“Kami tidak boleh bersuara dalam isu (dakwaan Deepak). Kami diarahkan tidak boleh berkata apa-apa. Malah semua media pro-kita tidak boleh melaporkan mengenai dakwaan Deepak. Kami tertekan kerana tahu isu ini adalah bom C4 buat Umno di PRU13,” kata sumber itu kepada Harakahdaily hari ini.
Sumber yang rapat dengan pemimpin tertinggi Umno berkata, ramai dalam Umno kini memohon Timbalan Presiden Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin untuk bertindak menyelamatkan Umno daripada ditenggelamkan oleh Najib dan isterinya.
“Masalah ada pada wanita tersebut… yang lelaki itu ok, tapi apa nak buat, mereka suami-isteri. Jadi, kalau nak buang wanita, kena buang yang laki bersama. Kami dok doa Muhyiddin akan bersuara untuk memanggil Najib turun takhta demi survival Umno,” kata beliau.
Ditanya samada beliau mempercayai dakwaan Deepak, sumber itu berkata “ada perkara yang boleh dipercayai” terutamanya mengenai bahagian-bahagian mengenai Rosmah.
Isnin lepas, buku 'Black Rose 1.0' mula diedarkan kepada umum. Buku setebal 26 muka surat sahaja itu penuh dengan pendedahan.
Namun ketika dihubungi Harakahdaily, Deepak enggan mengesahkan beliau yang menulis dan menerbitkan buku itu.
Sumber Umno itu seterusnya memberitahu, Umno cuba menutup isu Deepak dengan isu Amanat Haji Hadi yang sedang diperbesarkan dan disensasikan, supaya orang Melayu lebih tertumpu pada isu yang sudah 31 tahun berlalu itu mengenai Presiden PAS Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang daripada dakwaan Deepak.
“Isu Amanat Hadi ini sengaja dibesarkan – tapi apabila Haji Hadi minta jawab secara live semua kalut, tak tahu nak respon – jawapan berterabur. Tapi mereka akan terus main sehingga Deepak dapat disenyapkan,” kata beliau.
Ditanya apakah Umno percaya isu Amanat Hadi ini akan membawa undi pada mereka, sumber itu ketawa – “Ini untuk tutup isu Deepak sahaja, yang lain mereka tak pernah fikir pun.”
“Sekarang kami berharap Tan Sri Muhyiddin akan mengorak langkah, diharap beliau mendapat sokongan daripada bekas PM Tun Dr Mahathir. Kalau tak, Umno dalam bahaya. Tak berbaloi jika Umno jatuh kerana satu wanita yang…. “ kata sumber itu.
Ditanya apakah sambungan pada ayat tersebut, sumber itu berselorah, “Lu fikirlah sendiri.”
“Ahli-ahli Umno sekarang berharap Muhyiddin yang menerajui Umno ke PRU13. Masa ada 6 bulan sahaja lagi. Sempat jika Muhyiddin bergerak sekarang, beliau akan dapat sokongan padu jika beliau berani bersuara. Rasanya Tun Dr Mahathir pun dah terima siapa liabiliti sebenar buat Umno-BN masa kini,” tambah sumber itu lagi.
Harakahdaily turut cuba mengusik sumber apakah nasihat yang beliau ada untuk PAS.
“Bertahan dan jangan masuk perangkap seperti isu kalimah Allah. Penjelasan (Ketua Penerangan PAS) Tuan Ibrahim matikan satu senjata Umno terhadap PAS. Kini isu Amanat Hadi, Haji Hadi bertahan bagus untuk PAS, kerana dah nampak semua peringkat ahli dan pemimpin PAS kini rally (bersatu) di belakang presiden mereka untuk melawan Umno. Umno selama ini harapkan PAS berpecah dengan menggunakan si Jati dan kawan si Jati yang masih dalam PAS, tapi disebabkan nak tutup isu Deepak, kini mereka terpaksa guna isu amanat Haji Hadi, yang sebaliknya, telah menyatukan PAS semula,” katanya.
Ditanya samada beliau mengharapkan Umno akan tewas di PRU13, “Untuk negara, naluri saya kata ya. Demi diri sendiri, tidak. Sini tempat cari makan saya,” katanya sebelum beredar.-harakahdaily
Deepak kecewa dengan perjanjian tanah LTAT, Ropiaah untung besar...
“Saya rasa ia tidak adil, itu tanah saya, saya yang bayar, saya dapat jumlah yang sedikit, tetapi beliau (Ropiah) menerima habuan yang besar,” katanya menyuarakan kekecewaannya ketika sidang media hari ini.
Boustead Holdings Bhd, unit pelaburan LTAT, telah membeli pegangan 80 peratus saham dalam syarikat Deepak, Astacanggih Sdn Bhd pada nilai RM30 juta termasuk RM130 juta untuk tanah di Bukit Raja daripada Awan Megah.
“Beliau menerima nilai yang besar, sedangkan saya hanya mendapat modal saya,” katanya lagi.
Malah, beliau turut mengkritik rancangan kerajaan Selangor untuk menghalang status pemilikan tanah yang menurutnya “ironik” kerana kerajaan PR telah menghalangnya sejak 2008.
“Jika mereka benarkan pada ketika itu, sudah pastinya saya telah jual tanah itu sekarang,” tegasnya.
PKR melalui Pengarah Strategiknya, Rafizi Ramli ketika sidang medianya mendakwa pembelian syarikat Deepak Astacanggih Sdn Bhd oleh kerajaan adalah untuk menutup Deepak daripada terus melakukan pendedahan.
Menjawab perkara itu, Deepak berkata, beliau adalah seorang yang berprinsip dan tidak mudah untuk “membeli” dirinya.
“Kalau kata saya nak tutup mulut ... adakah saya tutup mulut sekarang?”
“Saya tidak akan dibeli,” tambah Deepak.
LTAT melalui unit pelaburannya Bousted Holdings Berhad, Khamis lalu mengumumkan rancangan untuk memiliki 200 ekar tanah daripada syarikat Awan Megah Sdn Bhd milik Ketua Wanita Umno Selangor Senator Datuk Raja Ropiaah Abdullah.
Pada hari yang sama, Deepak turut menarik balik saman yang dikenakannya terhadap Putrajaya atas kesalahan pelanggaran perjanjian terhadap tanah di Bukit Raja.
Deepak sebelum ini memfailkan saman terhadap Awan Megah terhadap pelanggaran perjanjian jual beli ke atas tanah 200 ekar tersebut, dan menamakan firma tersebut, Kementerian Pertahanan, unit hartanah kerajaan Syarikat Tanah Dan Harta Sdn Bhd dan Cebur Megah Development Sdn Bhd dalam samannya.
Astacanggih Sdn Bhd bersetuju untuk membeli tiga bahagian tanah itu pada 2007 untuk RM13 juta dan RM72 juta jaminan bank untuk bon tanah daripada Raja Ropiah, yang diberikan RM100 juta perjanjian penswastaan untuk membangunkan Pusat Pengajian Pertahanan Nasional (Puspahanas).
Tanah itu sepatutnya diletakkan di bawah syarikat bertujuan khas Cebur Megah kerana kerajaan tidak membenarkan tanah yang diswastakan dijual kepada pemenang. Tanah masih lagi dalam tangan kerajaan kerana projek itu akan dilaksanakan.
Ketua Wanita Umno Selangor itu didakwa menjual sebidang tanah pada RM2 juta tunai dan RM16 juta fasiliti overdraf dalam “kerjasama” dengan Guppyunip Sdn Bhd, syarikat yang mengkhusus kepada barangan plastik.- malaysian insider
Deepak says poorer from LTAT land deal, Ropiaah made more...
A unit of Boustead Holdings Bhd, owned by investment fund Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT), bought an 80 per cent stake in Deepak’s company Astacanggih Sdn Bhd for RM30 million as well as a RM130 million piece of land from Awan Megah last week.
It is not known what happened to the facility that was to be built by Raja Ropiaah’s company in exchange for the land.
“I think it’s unfair, it’s my land. I paid for it, I get pittance and she gets the lion’s share,” Deepak told a press conference here today.
“She got the appreciation (value) but I got nothing. I only got what I put in,” he said.
Deepak also noted that PKR’s plan to stop the deal by asking the Selangor government to sit on the land title transfer is ironic.
“If they had issued the land title then, I would’ve sold the land already by now,” he said.
Last Saturday, Rafizi alleged that a Boustead unit acquisition of Deepak’s company Astacanggih Sdn Bhd was an attempt to silence the businessman.
“This is worse than a bailout ... this is outright bribery to practically pay off and silence (Deepak),” Rafizi had told a press conference.
The PKR strategy director also accused Defence Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi of abusing his power by spending public money through government investment fund Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT), which owns Boustead, to acquire the loss-making property development company.
The politician added that if the recent allegations made by Deepak over the murder of Mongolian model Altantuyaa Shaariibuu had not been considered serious, it was unlikely that LTAT would have proceeded with the buyout.
Deepak recently also exposed an alleged deal between Awan Megah Sdn Bhd, the company owned by Selangor Wanita Umno chief Senator Datuk Raja Ropiaah Abdullah, and the federal government for a parcel of land involved in the acquisition by Boustead.-malaysian insider.
Deepak denies giving Rafizi the 'diamond papers'...
Deepak Jaikishan has denied knowledge of PKR directorof strategy Rafizi
Ramli’s allegations earlier today that he had purchased custom
jewellery for the prime minister’s wife Rosmah Mansor.
“I put it on record - I have never given it (the documents) to him. I have not given it to an intermediary to give it to him. That much I can promise you,” he told a press conference today.
The carpet trader also denied having ever seen the documents disclosed by Rafizi today, nor that he has any contact with him.
However, he declined to comment if Rafizi's (right) allegations were factual, citing legal advice.
He said his lawyers would take “a day or two” to reply to Rafizi before continuing with his own exposés, and blamed Rafizi for derailing his plans to launch his book today.
“We want to see all the documents that he is talking about. We do not know what the documents are because he has (only) put one document there, and we want to see everything,” he said.
Responding to Rafizi’s challenge to explain the allegations, Deepak instead urged Rafizi’s party de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim to disclose the source and authenticity of the documents, and the latter’s intention of exposing them without his permission.
“The opposition leader should come forward. If he is really prime minister-material, he must have the courage. Don’t stand behind proxies (Rafizi), come forward.
“We will discuss this face-to-face, with or without the media,” he said.
No support from politicians
addition, he expressed disappointment at politicians across the
political divide for failing to support him, especially Anwar (left) for denying meeting him.
He claims that he had met with many senior government and opposition politicians, but all left him to fend for himself in his exposés.
“Everyone wants me to come forward and expose, but they hide behind other people. If you want to expose the truth, you must come forward... I have met them and they supported me.
“Today when the temperature has gone up to 200 degrees, everyone says, ‘Oh, there is 200 degrees heat, and a 350kph typhoon coming towards Deepak, stay away,’” he said, adding that he now has to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep.
He said he was able to obtain legal representation for a hearing on Nov 29 because of the support, but is now alone again.
During the hearing at the Kuala Lumpur High Court, he was represented by PKR leaders N Surendran and R Sivarasa.
“I need some form of assurance. I need some form of consistency in which things are managed and exposed. Like today’s exposé by Rafizi, I honestly don’t know what he is talking about,” he said, while stressing that he is not interested in political mudslinging.-malaysiakini
“I put it on record - I have never given it (the documents) to him. I have not given it to an intermediary to give it to him. That much I can promise you,” he told a press conference today.
The carpet trader also denied having ever seen the documents disclosed by Rafizi today, nor that he has any contact with him.
He said his lawyers would take “a day or two” to reply to Rafizi before continuing with his own exposés, and blamed Rafizi for derailing his plans to launch his book today.
“We want to see all the documents that he is talking about. We do not know what the documents are because he has (only) put one document there, and we want to see everything,” he said.
Responding to Rafizi’s challenge to explain the allegations, Deepak instead urged Rafizi’s party de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim to disclose the source and authenticity of the documents, and the latter’s intention of exposing them without his permission.
“The opposition leader should come forward. If he is really prime minister-material, he must have the courage. Don’t stand behind proxies (Rafizi), come forward.
“We will discuss this face-to-face, with or without the media,” he said.
No support from politicians
He claims that he had met with many senior government and opposition politicians, but all left him to fend for himself in his exposés.
“Everyone wants me to come forward and expose, but they hide behind other people. If you want to expose the truth, you must come forward... I have met them and they supported me.
“Today when the temperature has gone up to 200 degrees, everyone says, ‘Oh, there is 200 degrees heat, and a 350kph typhoon coming towards Deepak, stay away,’” he said, adding that he now has to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep.
He said he was able to obtain legal representation for a hearing on Nov 29 because of the support, but is now alone again.
During the hearing at the Kuala Lumpur High Court, he was represented by PKR leaders N Surendran and R Sivarasa.
“I need some form of assurance. I need some form of consistency in which things are managed and exposed. Like today’s exposé by Rafizi, I honestly don’t know what he is talking about,” he said, while stressing that he is not interested in political mudslinging.-malaysiakini
Deepak - 'Saya tak pernah beri Rafizi apa-apa dokumen'


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