01 March 2023

Hadi - Don't blame us if you fall again...

The federal government has been cautioned not to point fingers at the opposition if it collapses again.

Debating Budget 2023 in Parliament today, Abdul Hadi Awang (Perikatan Nasional–Marang) said that should such an incident repeat itself, it would be because of the government’s inadequacy and weaknesses.

“If it falls again, don’t blame us. Not breaking through the roof, but the roof is leaking, the doors are left ajar, and the walls are crumbling.

“The success in changing the government (in 2020) was not through the backdoor, but because its roof was leaking and its glass walls were shattered.

“After the 15th general election (GE15), Pakatan Harapan component parties did not have enough seats and were forced to combine all the small and diseased parties to ensure they had a sufficient number in their turbulent government,” he said.

The PAS president also said parties that cooperated in glass houses should not throw stones to hide their weaknesses. “This is because their glass walls reveal everything that happens within; they also shatter easily,” he said.

Hadi (above) also said the current administration must not take revenge on civil servants after the Harapan coalition failed to secure their votes in GE15.

“Credible politicians with integrity must provide justice to all quarters, regardless of religion, race, whether they are supporters or opposition.”

The infamous Sheraton Move political coup in February 2020 saw the Harapan administration’s collapse and the resignation of Dr Mahathir Mohamad as prime minister. - mk

If your neighbour hse door open and roof leaking and walls crumbling..do you offer to help them repair it or do you go in and take over their house and kick them out? So what you did is it loving your neighbour? Aren't you just opportunist who lust after your neighbour house? - RedParrot1151

If you and Din go around collecting SDs for the Sheraton Move, you were the ones poking holes in the roof. If not for antihopping law, you'd do the same again. Don't just complain about govt allocation to MPs. Please state in the house what you need the funds for and how you made good use of your last allocation other than 'donations' before GE. - Yellowkancil0051

Hadi speaks like a possessed lebai. The language he spews of leaking roof and crumbling walls with his toxic tongue exposes his inner self and the level of haltered and outrage that consumes him. Never have we seen this kind of venom spilled by a spiritual leader. He is seething with so much contempt for the unity government. This lebai misses the power and attention he commanded as a roving minister in the backdoor regime. Especially the gaji buta paid to him to prevent him getting in the way. People like Hadi that brand non-Muslims as infidels not worthy of leadership position fit only as pak turut have no qualms lapping up on the taxes monies. To Hadi their taxes are halal. Doesn't he have any shame to spilling froth just to put his hands on constituency allocations? - magnanimous46

We have a taste of PAS governing capabilities under two PMs. Unfortunately, I can't even recall one good thing that they have done. The middle east envoy was in Trengganu most of the time. We won't blame you if Anwar failed but we certainly don't want PAS in the government again.- Kunta Kinte

Orang Islam diajar tak masuk ceroboh rumah orang walaupun pintu terbuka atau atap bocor. Tapi tak tahulah ajaran Islam apa yang pak lebai ni belajar sampai nafsu gila kuasa membuak-buak. - iammi

Sekali lagi lebai Hadi hanya pandai bercakap tanpa membawa hujah dan fakta. Di mana atap bocor, pintu mana yang terbuka dinding mana yang pecah? Lebai Hadi kena ingat, kerajaan gagal di bawah Abah Cow dulu hanya bertahan 18 bulan tanpa kami tebuk atap atau khianat.  Abah Cow terpukang jatuh kerana di dalan rumahtangga PN waktu itu bergaduh siang malam angkara berebut makan. Kami dalam PH hanya memerhati sahaja dari jauh sambil makan sotong celup tepung.  Jangan salahkan kami ok.

Begitulah hasad dan dengkinya lebai Hadi terhadap kerajaan perpaduan, lebih2 lagi dengkinya beliau terhadap PMX, Anwar Ibrahim. Dengkinya itu berpunca dari rasa malu yang teramat sangat kerana satu dunia menyaksikan lebai Marang yang pernah jadi duta khas makan gaji buta itu begitu sombong mendahului takdir pada malam keputusan PRU15.  

Belum pun SPR umum apa2, Hadi mengadakan PC dan menyatakan partinya telah membentuk kerajaan bersama PN . Keesokannya, dengan bangga MP kaki ponteng Parlimen ini melaungkan kata2 "Sudah cukup jumloh...melebihi dari cukup...tunggu istana panggil mengadap"  dilaungkan depan wartawan dengan raut wajah umpama Abu Lahab mengejek Nabi. Semoga Allah pelihara dan lindungi  kita dan kerajaan perpaduan ini dari puak hasad dan dengki serta pengkhianat. - SR


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