Ketika berucap, Teresa Kok menyatakan kebimbangannya tentang ugutan menerusi SMS, insiden simbah cat di pejabatnya dan tawaran untuk menampar beliau oleh NGO yang mengguna nama ‘Islam’.
Beberapa minit selepas itu, beliau didatangi seorang lelaki yang dengan sengaja memecahkan sebiji telur di tapak tangannya, ketika berpura-pura mahu bersalam dengan Ahli Parlimen Seputeh itu.
Insiden spontan itu berlaku sebaik saja Teresa selesai menyampaikan ceramah beliau di padang awam Sama Gagah, Permatang Pauh malam tadi.
Lelaki berkenaan, muncul ketika Teresa cuba mengambil tempat bersebelahan dengan bekas Menteri Besar Perak, Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaludin selepas selesai ucapannya.
Selepas melumurkan telur di tangan Teresa, lelaki itu cuba beredar, namun ditahan hadirin yang melihat kejadian itu. Difahamkan, dia kemudian ditangkap dan dibawa ke balai polis untuk disiasat.
Sementara itu, portal Malaysiakini melaporkan, Teresa menafikan beliau ditampar dalam kejadian itu, seperti dilaporkan Utusan Malaysia malam tadi.
Utusan sekitar tengah malam tadi mengirim SMS yang menyebut: “Ahli parlimen Seputeh, Teresa Kok ditampar seorang lelaki tidak dikenali selepas berceramah di Taman Cermai, Permatang Pauh 11.30 malam tadi.”
Akhbar milik Umno itu kemudiannya menerbitkan pembetulan bahawa Kok hanya diberi telur tembelang, yang pecah ketika bersalaman. - keadilandaily

Utusan Meloya online buat berita palsu dan tarik balik, takut kena saman jutaan ringgit nanti...
Teresa Kok 'egged' by unidentified man...
Seputeh MP Teresa Kok was "egged" by a stranger
after speaking about her controversial Chinese New Year video clip
during a ceramah in Permatang Pauh in Penang last night.
However, Kok denied that she had been slapped by the unidentified assailant, as reported by a Malay-language daily.
Utusan Malaysia
sent an SMS alert around midnight, stating: “Seputeh MP Teresa Kok was
slapped by an unknown man after a ceramah at Taman Cermai, Permatang
Pauh at 11.30pm”.
However, the Umno-owned daily soon issued a correction, saying Kok had not been slapped but was instead “handed” a rotten egg by a man, which later broke when they shook hands.
When contacted, Kok said the incident occurred after she had explained her video "Onederful Malaysia CNY 2014" to a crowd of some 300 people, when a man in his 30s approached her as she was sitting down.
"He said he wanted to shake my hand. So I extended my hand and shook his. Only then I realised he held an egg in his palm. The egg broke, soiling my hands and a little spilled on my clothes," she told Malaysiakini.
Kok said the man tried to leave as soon as the egg broke, but he was surrounded.
The situation then turned slightly chaotic and Kok said she did not know what happened to the man.
Kok: I did not insult Malays, soldiers or Islam
During her ceramah, Kok told the crowd that she did not insult the Malays, their religion or the soldiers who fought during the Lahad Datu incursion in Sabah with her video.
said the crowd remained calm during her presentation, even when she
told them that they should judge the matter for themselves after viewing
her 11-minute “creation”, where she acted as a host to three Feng Shui masters.
"I also told the crowd that Pakatan Rakyat leaders are being continously attacked, for example PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim with the sodomy charges and DAP national chief Karpal Singh with the sedition charge," she added.
Kok was heavily criticised for her video, resulting in a protest by a coalition of Malay NGOs that slaughtered chickens and smeared the blood over banners featuring the faces of several opposition leaders, including Kok's.
The group also offered bounty (below) to anyone who was willing to slap Kok, with the act recorded as evidence.
However, Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi later dismissed the slap cash offer, stating it does not constitute a threat.
Kok had been invited by Solidarity Anak Muda Malaysia (Samm) to show and explain the content of her video to the public.
Accompanying Kok during the ceramah was DAP's Bukit Mertajam MP Steven Sim and PAS' Changkat Jering assemblyperson Nizar Jamaluddin.
Emboldened by Najib gov't's inaction
Sim, when contacted by Malaysiakini, said he had initially not planned to attend the ceramah but changed his mind after being informed that Kok would be present in his constituency.
"We had heard from sources that there would be trouble, so I came to see if I could help.
"After ‘attacking’ Kok, the man was prevented from leaving by several members of the crowd and was later taken away by the police present at the ceramah site," he said.
Sim (left) added that it was unfortunate the incident took place just three days before International Women's Day.
"This is not only gutter politics and politics of hatred and violence but also the bullying of a woman leader.
"We have never seen male leaders subjected to threats like that, from being target of the slap offer and now this," he added.
Sim said the attackers were definitely emboldened by the inaction on the part of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's administration on the earlier slap threat and chicken slaughter on a public road.
He urged Najib to “stop the madness” and come out to condemn both the chicken blood protesters and tonight’s attacker, as well as take stern legal action against them.
Manwhile the unidentified man who ‘egged’ Seputeh MP Teresa Kok after she gave a ceramah in Permatang Pauh is being investigated by the police.
State CID chief Mazlan Kesah said the man, 25, was taken to Bandar Perda police station last night after he shook Kok’s hand with an egg, breaking it, and soiling her hand and clothes.
“He has been released on police bail and will be probed under Section 160 of the Penal Code for committing affray,” Mazlan told reporters today.
The punishment for committing affray carries a one-month jail sentence or a fine of RM200 if convicted.
It is learnt that the police are also probing the organiser of the ceramah, attended by about 300 people, in Sama Gagah, Permatang Pauh under the Peaceful Assembly Act (PAA) for illegal assembly. Under the PAA, organisers are supposed to inform the police of their gatherings 10 days in advance.
Kok was present to explain her controversial video ‘Onederful Malaysia CNY 2014', when the stranger approached her to shake her hand.
Kok only realised he had an egg in his hand after she shook his hand, and was rather amused with the incident.
The incident comes after Kok had been vilified by various quarters for allegedly insulting the Malays, Islam, government leaders and soldiers who lost their lives in Lahad Datu, Sabah.
Last month, a coalition of Malay NGOs protested against her by slaughtering chickens and smearing the blood over banners featuring Kok and several opposition leaders.
The group also offered a bounty to anyone who was willing to slap Kok, with the act recorded as evidence.
While the opposition condemned the act and lodged several police reports, Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi dismissed the slap cash offer, saying it does not constitute a threat. - malaysiakini
However, Kok denied that she had been slapped by the unidentified assailant, as reported by a Malay-language daily.

However, the Umno-owned daily soon issued a correction, saying Kok had not been slapped but was instead “handed” a rotten egg by a man, which later broke when they shook hands.
When contacted, Kok said the incident occurred after she had explained her video "Onederful Malaysia CNY 2014" to a crowd of some 300 people, when a man in his 30s approached her as she was sitting down.
"He said he wanted to shake my hand. So I extended my hand and shook his. Only then I realised he held an egg in his palm. The egg broke, soiling my hands and a little spilled on my clothes," she told Malaysiakini.
Kok said the man tried to leave as soon as the egg broke, but he was surrounded.
The situation then turned slightly chaotic and Kok said she did not know what happened to the man.
Kok: I did not insult Malays, soldiers or Islam
During her ceramah, Kok told the crowd that she did not insult the Malays, their religion or the soldiers who fought during the Lahad Datu incursion in Sabah with her video.

"I also told the crowd that Pakatan Rakyat leaders are being continously attacked, for example PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim with the sodomy charges and DAP national chief Karpal Singh with the sedition charge," she added.
Kok was heavily criticised for her video, resulting in a protest by a coalition of Malay NGOs that slaughtered chickens and smeared the blood over banners featuring the faces of several opposition leaders, including Kok's.
The group also offered bounty (below) to anyone who was willing to slap Kok, with the act recorded as evidence.
However, Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi later dismissed the slap cash offer, stating it does not constitute a threat.

Accompanying Kok during the ceramah was DAP's Bukit Mertajam MP Steven Sim and PAS' Changkat Jering assemblyperson Nizar Jamaluddin.
Emboldened by Najib gov't's inaction
Sim, when contacted by Malaysiakini, said he had initially not planned to attend the ceramah but changed his mind after being informed that Kok would be present in his constituency.
"We had heard from sources that there would be trouble, so I came to see if I could help.
"After ‘attacking’ Kok, the man was prevented from leaving by several members of the crowd and was later taken away by the police present at the ceramah site," he said.

"This is not only gutter politics and politics of hatred and violence but also the bullying of a woman leader.
"We have never seen male leaders subjected to threats like that, from being target of the slap offer and now this," he added.
Sim said the attackers were definitely emboldened by the inaction on the part of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's administration on the earlier slap threat and chicken slaughter on a public road.
He urged Najib to “stop the madness” and come out to condemn both the chicken blood protesters and tonight’s attacker, as well as take stern legal action against them.
Manwhile the unidentified man who ‘egged’ Seputeh MP Teresa Kok after she gave a ceramah in Permatang Pauh is being investigated by the police.
State CID chief Mazlan Kesah said the man, 25, was taken to Bandar Perda police station last night after he shook Kok’s hand with an egg, breaking it, and soiling her hand and clothes.
“He has been released on police bail and will be probed under Section 160 of the Penal Code for committing affray,” Mazlan told reporters today.
The punishment for committing affray carries a one-month jail sentence or a fine of RM200 if convicted.
It is learnt that the police are also probing the organiser of the ceramah, attended by about 300 people, in Sama Gagah, Permatang Pauh under the Peaceful Assembly Act (PAA) for illegal assembly. Under the PAA, organisers are supposed to inform the police of their gatherings 10 days in advance.
Kok was present to explain her controversial video ‘Onederful Malaysia CNY 2014', when the stranger approached her to shake her hand.
Kok only realised he had an egg in his hand after she shook his hand, and was rather amused with the incident.
The incident comes after Kok had been vilified by various quarters for allegedly insulting the Malays, Islam, government leaders and soldiers who lost their lives in Lahad Datu, Sabah.
Last month, a coalition of Malay NGOs protested against her by slaughtering chickens and smearing the blood over banners featuring Kok and several opposition leaders.
The group also offered a bounty to anyone who was willing to slap Kok, with the act recorded as evidence.
While the opposition condemned the act and lodged several police reports, Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi dismissed the slap cash offer, saying it does not constitute a threat. - malaysiakini
Utusan's SMS Teresa SLAPPED by unknown man a childish EGG prank

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