Penglibatan Anwar: Media asing ‘politikkan’ kehilangan MH370, dakwa Hishammuddin...
Dakwaan penglibatan Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam kehilangan MH370 dipolitikkan oleh media asing, kata Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein.
Pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan berkata demikian ketika disoal wartawan mengenai penglibatan Anwar dalam kehilangan penerbangan Malaysia Airlines MH370.
Katanya isu politik merupakan perkara kedua kerana fokus Putrajaya kini tertumpu ke arah misi mencari pesawat yang hilang sejak 8 Mac itu.
Dakwaan penglibatan Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam kehilangan MH370 dipolitikkan oleh media asing, kata Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein.
Pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan berkata demikian ketika disoal wartawan mengenai penglibatan Anwar dalam kehilangan penerbangan Malaysia Airlines MH370.
Katanya isu politik merupakan perkara kedua kerana fokus Putrajaya kini tertumpu ke arah misi mencari pesawat yang hilang sejak 8 Mac itu.

Akhbar tabloid Britian Daily Mail melaporkan pada Ahad kemungkinan juruterbang, Kapten Zaharie Ahmad Shah bertindak mensabotaj pesawat kerana kecewa Mahkamah Rayuan mendapati Anwar bersalah meliwat bekas pembantunya Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan pada 2008.
Bagaimanapun Setiausaha Agung PKR, Datuk Saifuddin Nasution Ismail memberitahu The Malaysian Insider, walaupun Zaharie merupakan anggota seumur hidup PKR, perkara ini mustahil untuk berlaku kerana ia melibatkan nyawa ramai orang.
Selepas lebih seminggu gagal menemui MH370, penyiasat kini menumpukan siasatan ke arah juruterbang dan anak kapal serta penumpang bagi meneliti punca kehilangan pesawat Boeing 777-200ER itu daripada sudut lain.
MH370 yang membawa 227 penumpang termasuk 12 anak kapal hilang daripada radar selepas sejam berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur, Sepang dalam perjalanan ke Beijing. – tmi
Anwar tolak teori rampasan sebab kecewa Liwat II
MH370: Mengapa k’jaan tidak sedia berdepan PR - Anwar
Pakatan Rakyat menyelar tindakan pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussien yang mengenepikan mereka dalam Taklimat MH370 pada malam ini di sebuah hotel.Bagi Pakatan Rakyat tindakan menteri tersebut solah-olah menganggap insiden itu bukan melibatkan kepentingan negara dan orang ramai.
Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim mempersoalkan mengapa kerajaan tidak bersedia untuk berdepan dengan semua Ahli Parlimen termasuk Pakatan Rakyat.
"Saya tidak faham mengapa taklimat itu hanya melibatkan MP BN sahaja," bidas Anwar dalam sidang media di Parlimen hari ini.
Sementara itu, Ahli Parlimen Tumpat Datuk Kamarudin Jaffar berkata kerajaan telah menolak saranan umum agar insiden kehilangan pesawat MAS itu ditangani bersama bukan sahaja peringkat negara tetapi dunia.
"Jadi kita kecewa. Menteri terbabit hanya mahu bertemu dengan wakil rakyat BN. Satu perjumpaan di luar bangunan parlimen," katanya.
Kamarudin telah membangkitkan perkara ini di dalam dewan semalam namun Ahli Parlimen Tanjung Karang Datuk Seri Noh Omar menegaskan pertemuan itu adalah sulit untuk mengelakkan daripada pengetahuan media.
Namun Kamarudin membidas kenyataan Noh itu sambil menyifatkan edaran surat jemputan taklimat kepada Kelab Penyokong Kerajaan (BBC) itu sudah diketahui umum.
"Tidak perlu sulit lagi. Surat pun dah diedarkan mesti sudah diketahui umum," tegas Kamarudin.
Justeru Pakatan Rakyat mendesak Hishammuddin bersedia untuk datang ke Dewan Rakyat bagi membincangkan tentang kehilangan pesawat MH370 yang membabitkan 12 anak kapal dan 227 penumpang dari 14 negara.-harakahdaily

Maldives island residents report sighting of 'low flying jet'...
Whilst the disappearance of the Boeing 777 jet, carrying 239 passengers has left the whole world in bewilderment, several residents of Kuda Huvadhoo told Haveeru on Tuesday that they saw a "low flying jumbo jet" at around 6:15am on March 8.
They said that it was a white aircraft, with red stripes across it – which is what the Malaysia Airlines flights typically look like.
Eyewitnesses from the Kuda Huvadhoo concurred that the aeroplane was travelling North to South-East, towards the Southern tip of the Maldives – Addu. They also noted the incredibly loud noise that the flight made when it flew over the island. Continue reading here.

Plane's vanishing is above politics, says Hisham...
Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein today clarified that the situation concerning the disappearance of MH370 is above partisan politics.
After a brief pause, Hishamuddin said: "The government's focus since Day 1 is to search and rescue MH370.
"The issue of politics was raised by foreign press - Daily Mail and CNN today. Our position remains that this issue is above politics."
Earlier, in his written statement that was read out, Hishammuddin had also said the following: "I would also like to state that the search for MH370 is bigger than politics.
"I urge all Malaysians to put our differences aside and unite during this difficult time as we focus on finding the aircraft and the 239 people on board."
British tabloid Daily Mail had published an article, quoting
sources, which painted pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, a PKR member,
as a fervent supporter of Anwar and a "political fanatic".Earlier, in his written statement that was read out, Hishammuddin had also said the following: "I would also like to state that the search for MH370 is bigger than politics.
"I urge all Malaysians to put our differences aside and unite during this difficult time as we focus on finding the aircraft and the 239 people on board."
It also claimed that he had attended the trial of the opposition leader and wept when the conviction verdict was revealed, hours before the Beijing-bound aircraft took off, therefore suggesting that Zaharie could have hijacked the plane in protest.
This has since been disputed by PKR.
Blood relations questioned
However, despite claiming that the issue is above politics, Hishamuddin had drawn flak from the opposition for not inviting its lawmakers to a special briefing on MH370, slated for tonight.
Responding to the matter on his Twitter account, Umno MP Kota Belud Abdul Rahman Dahlan said the Transport Ministry did not issue invitations to BN MPs.
He explained that the ministry had responded to a request for a briefing by the BN Backbenchers Club.
Meanwhile, a French reporter had also asked Hishammuddin during the press conference to confirm if the latter was a cousin of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
The reporter also asked if Hishammuddin was "protecting" Najib.
An annoyed Hishammuddin, who misheard the question, replied with the following: "I can confirm Najib is my cousin... I don't know what I am protecting him from. I do not wish to go down this line of questioning."
The matter was not raised again by other reporters.
During the initial stages following the plane's disappearance, Hishamuddin and Malaysian officials came under intense criticism over the allegedly inept handling of the crisis.- malaysiakini

Chew Mei Fun blames Pakatan for music fest disaster...
BN candidate for Kajang Chew Mei Fun has blamed the death of six people due to drug abuse in the recent Future Music Festival Asia (FMFA) in Kuala Lumpur to the Selangor government's failure to curb social ills in the Pakatan Rakyat state.
"The recent deaths due to drug abuse at the FMFA reflect the failure of the Pakatan state government in managing social problems in their state.
Menteri Pelancungan dan Kebudayaan Nazri Tun A.Aziz merasmikan majlis,kenapa calon BN Kajang Chew Mei Fun cakap salah kerajaan PR Selangor...
"I regret that six innocent young lives have been lost at the music festival which was held at Bukit Jalil stadium(for your info Mei Fun,B.Jalil stadium is in KL), and I am also saddened by the fact that this could have been avoided if only Pakatan had been more effective in implementing their policies," she said in a statement today.
According to Chew, BN froze all applications for massage parlours when it administered Selangor in 2006, but claimed the number of massage parlours drastically rose from 800 to 3,200 after the opposition took control in 2008.

She also alleged the hike in illegal cybercafes in the state outnumber licensed cybercafes "three to one".
"It is clear the numbers of illegal massage parlours, cybercafes and entertainment centres have increased under Pakatan. This is one of the reasons for Selangor’s deteriorating social values," she added.
Chew further asked why Pakatan is allowing this to happen as they sit and watch. - malaysiakini
amah - Chew Mee Fun must have failed in basic Malaysia Geography, cannot diffentiate between KL and Selangor or she is just another joker who try to spin issue.
Disgusted - See how Mai Farn has twisted BN's problem to put the blame on Pakatan for the fiasco. Where was the event held in KL and KL is under Federal Government and Bandar Raya who are responsible for giving the permits and governing the conduct of the event participants. It is clear cut that the festival got the backing from Nazri the Culture and Tourism Ministry and and Youth and Sports Minister Khairy.
The organiser of the event Iqbal Ameer must be an UMNO crony to get the permit and all other approvals. As for her statement of illegal massage parlours, cybercafes and entertainment centres having increased under Pakatan the Pakatan Government has been helpless and unable to control the mushrooming of these centres as they can only fine them or shut them down only to find them opening in another place with protection from BN and police. It is all about corruption which is covertly practiced by BN's people. KL too has numerous such palces but Chew chooses to ignore it. Screw you Chew!!!

Tengok pemimpin negara China,protect rakyatnya...Pemimpin kita tuduh juruterbang nak bunuh diri la... simulator ada tunjuk landasan negara itu negara ini....

Kalu mau gaji besaq,kutuklah Anwar habis2an dan dapat habuan.Bila dicampur dgn elaun Senator hampir RM 30,000.Macai2 UMNO tak kisah cukup dengan BRIM kan.Macai UMNO otak sumbat...Baca sini

agaknya chei mei fun telebih makan daun ketom kot..
Dia mabuk todi sama!!!!
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