Cara kerajaan BN urus krisis MH370, calar imej Malaysia...
Anwar Ibrahim menyifatkan penyelesaian yang digunap akai kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) bagi menangani krisis kehilangan pesawat Malaysia Airlines System (MAS) MH370 mencalar imej Malaysia di mata dunia.
Anwar berkata, teguran yang dikeluarkan pemimpin negara ASEAN juga memperlihatkan bahawa kerajaan cukup lemah dalam menguruskan krisis yang sedang berlaku seperti tidak mempunyai sebarang pengalaman.
Beliau turut mempertikaikan maklumat yang bercanggah dikeluarkan pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan, Pengarah Jabatan Penerbangan Awam dan MAS berhubung misteri kehilangan terbabit.
“Dia sebenarnya baru selesa dengan media yang dikongkong jadi bila berdepan dengan media bebas antarabangsa, dia kelam kabut. Bagaimana boleh timbul empat pasport, dua pasport, pesawat hilang, lepas tiga hari tentera udara kata patah balik.
“Semalam, kata tak pasti. Kita tidak boleh urus krisis dengan begini, kenyataan mesti disahkan dan tidak boleh ragu-ragu kerana itu yang diberitahu oleh bekas Panglima Angkatan Tentera kepada saya,” katanya.
Hujah Anwar disokong Ahli Parlimen Pokok Sena, Datuk Mahfuz Omar yang menyifatkan Malaysia bukan sahaja kehilangan MH370 tetapi kredibiliti negara dan pimpinan turut terpalit sama ekoran gagal menguruskan krisis berkenaan.- selangorku

Gov't feels international heat over plane crisis...
"Malaysia's governing elite has clung to power without interruption since independence from Britain almost six decades ago through a combination of tight control of information, intimidation of the opposition and, until recently, robust economic growth.
"But worldwide bafflement at the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has challenged the country’s paternalistic political culture and exposed its coddled leaders to the withering judgments of critics from around the world.
"Relatively free from natural disasters and other calamities, Malaysia has had little experience with handling a crisis on this scale.
"It is also an ethnically polarised society where talent often does not rise to the top of government because of patronage politics within the ruling party and a system of ethnic preferences that discourages or blocks the country’s minorities, mainly ethnic Chinese and Indians, from government service."
The above are excerpts from a New York Times article published yesterday, which is the latest in a series of reports which have taken Malaysian authorities to task.
Lee, who said that Malaysian leaders have never faced such pressure to perform before, added that she was embarrassed with how Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein rejected a reporter's assertion yesterday that the search for the airplane had been disordered.
"It's only confusion if you want it to be seen to be confusion," Hishammuddin had said at the news conference before an international audience.
Beijing sees red
Also quoted was former Bar Council president Ambiga Sreenevasan, who told New York Times that the Malaysian government is accustomed to getting its way, and the crisis surrounding the missing plane is holding officials accountable in ways unfamiliar to them.
Meanwhile, Ibrahim Suffian, the director of independent pollster Merdeka Centre, said the authorities response to the crisis revealed a lack of precision both in government and in the society over all.
"There's a tolerance for a lack of attentiveness to detail," he said. "You have a tendency of not asking so much and not expecting so much."
Apart from this, he said it also highlighted a lack of competence in government. "There's always been a kind of wait-for-instructions-from-the-top attitude," he added.
In another development, the South China Morning Post reported that Beijing had slammed Malaysia's "pretty chaotic" answers concerning the missing Malaysia Airlines plane.
"It's pretty chaotic, so up to this point we too have had difficulty confirming whether [information is] accurate or not," said Qin, responding to conflicting information provided about the flight path of flight MH370, according to the daily.
"[China] has requested Malaysia to verify the 'turn-back' rumours and act accordingly," Qin later said in a statement on the ministry's website, "and notify the situation to China timely."
Following the intense criticism, Malaysian authorities have claimed that they are doing their best.
Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad had also defended the efforts taken by the Malaysian side to locate the plane.- malaysiakini

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