Pengakuan Tun Musa Hitam...Sebelum ini rakyat disajikan dgn berita..."Semasa kejadian Memali Mahathir (PM ketika itu) tiada didalam negara iaitu berada diChina"

Musa Hitam dedah Dr Mahathir berada di KL ketika peristiwa Memali...
Selepas hampir 30 tahun peristiwa Memali berlaku, bekas timbalan perdana menteri Tun Musa Hitam mendedahkan bahawa perdana menteri ketika itu Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad berada di Kuala Lumpur, bukannya China sebagaimana yang diberitakan sebelum ini.
Pendedahan ini dibuat sendiri oleh Musa yang juga menteri keselamatan dalam negeri ketika peristiwa itu berlaku pada 19 November 1985 yang mengorbankan 14 orang dan berpuluh yang lain cedera.
Musa mendedahkan perkara ini dalam Diskusi Politik Malaysia: Dulu dan Sekarang anjuran Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan yang diadakan di Kota Bharu malam kelmarin.
Turut serta bersama beliau sebagai panel adalah naib presiden PAS Datuk Husam Musa dan moderatornya adalah Profesor Madya Datuk Dr Mohmamad Agus Yusof.
Musa ketika menjawab soalan Agus berkata, Dr Mahathir berada di Kuala Lumpur ketika kejadian itu bahkan, "Dua tiga hari selepas kejadian itu pun dia berada di Kuala Lumpur."
Ia disambut oleh Agus dengan berkata "Oh my God," dengan nada terkejut ekoran pendedahan Musa itu kerana media melaporkan Dr Mahathir berada di China ketika kejadian itu berlaku.

"Ok, my God, our God," kata Musa menyambut kenyataan Agus sambil ketawa dengan pendedahan itu.
Dalam diskusi itu juga Musa berkata, "titik hitam dalam politik saya adalah Memali, saya cakap terus terang." Musa berkata, itulah juga yang dinyatakan beliau kepada kawan-kawanya dalam politik dan di mana-mana.
Menurut ensiklopedia bebas, Wikipedia, peristiwa Memali berlaku pada 19 November 1985. Insiden ini mengorbankan 14 orang dan berpuluh-puluh yang lain tercedera serta penahanan beratus-ratus orang.
Kesemua yang ditahan telah dibebaskan kecuali 36 orang.
Mereka ditahan di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA).
Dalam pertempuran antara orang kampung dengan pihak polis, Ustaz Ibrahim Mahmud atau lebih dikenali dengan Ibrahim Libya terbunuh.
Polis memanggil operasi ini sebagai 'Operasi Angkara atau Operasi Hapus'.
"Ketika itu Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad selaku Perdana Menteri Malaysia berada di China," menurut Wikipedia, dan kini baru didedahkan sebaliknya oleh Musa apabila beliau berkata ketika itu Dr Mahathir berada di Kuala Lumpur.

Peristiwa Memali berlaku apabila polis cuba menahan Ibrahim Libya di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) kerana didakwa mengamalkan ajaran sesat.
Ibrahim pula tidak mahu menyerah diri kalau mahu ditahan di bawah ISA. Akibatnya polis merempuh perumahan Ibrahim Libya dan pengikutnya dengan kereta perisai dan mengakibatkan 14 terbunuh.
Musa dipersalahkan dengan peristiwa itu dan Dr Mahathir selaku perdana menteri terlepas kerana dia diberitakan berada di luar negara ketika itu, iaitu China.
Pendedahan Musa hari ini akan memberikan satu episod baru dalam peristiwa hitam ini.
PAS menyifatkan semua yang terbunuh sebagai mati syahid manakala Sultan Kedah Tuanku Abdul Halim menziarahi kubur Allahyarham dan pengikutnya serta menyiramkan air mawar di atas pusara mereka. – tmi
Isu Memali: Musa perbetul fakta yang dikelirukan
Memali remembered
Dr Mahathir was in Kuala Lumpur during 1985 Memali incident, says Musa Hitam...
One of the longest-kept secrets surrounding the bloody Memali incident was laid bare last night: that the then prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad (pic) was in Malaysia when police forces killed Ibrahim Libya and his followers in a clash.
For decades, it was reported that his deputy Tun Musa Hitam took charge of the operations as home minister in 1985 because Dr Mahathir was in China for a visit.
The context of last night's revelation by Musa in Kota Baru is important because the then deputy prime minister's image took a major hit and he subsequently fell out with Dr Mahathir.
The Memali incident occurred at a remote village in Baling, Kedah, in November 1985.
A team of policemen laid siege to the village of about 400 people and where the late Ibrahim Mahmud, also known as Ibrahim Libya had been running a religious school.
The incident resulted in 14 civilian deaths and two police deaths.

During the incident, Dr Mahathir had reportedly been in China but Musa claimed that he was in fact in Malaysia at the time.
He made the revelation during a political discussion yesterday in Kota Baru, which was organised by the Kelantan government.
Also present at the discussion were PAS vice-president Datuk Husam Musa and moderator Professor Madya Datuk Dr Mohammad Agus Yusof.
When asked by Agus whether Dr Mahathir was in Kuala Lumpur during the incident, Musa said two to three days afterwards, he was still in the capital.
In response, Agus said in a shocked tone “Oh my God” as the media had consistently reported that Dr Mahathir was in China during the incident.
"Ok, my God, our God," Musa said in an amused tone in reply to Agus's reaction.
During the discussion, Musa said: "The darkest moment in my political career was Memali, I am being honest."
He said that was also what he told his friends in politics.
The Memali incident saw hundreds of people detained. All were later freed except for 36 who were detained under the Internal Security Act.
Following the Memali incident, Musa was blamed as he was reportedly the acting prime minister at that time.
Dr Mahathir was supposedly visiting China at the time.
Musa's shocking revelation will open up a new episode in the tragic incident.
PAS has described all those who died as martyrs.
Sultan of Kedah Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah also paid his respects at the graves of Ibrahim and his followers. – tmi
An incident that ‘should not have happened’
Memali: A Policeman Remembers
Search for MH370 shifts significantly after new lead...
An international air and sea taskforce hunting for the wreckage of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was re-directed today to an area 1,100km north of where they have been searching for more than a week, after Australian authorities received new radar information from Malaysia.
The dramatic shift in the search area, moving it further than the distance between London and Berlin, followed analysis of radar data that showed the missing plane had travelled faster, and so would have run out of fuel quicker, than previously thought.
The new search area is larger, but closer to the Australian west coast city of Perth, allowing aircraft to spend longer on site by shortening travel times.
It is also vastly more favourable in terms of the weather as it is out of the deep sea region known as the Roaring 40s for its huge seas and frequent storm-force winds.
"I'm not sure that we'll get perfect weather out there, but it's likely to be better more often than what we've seen in the past," John Young, general manager of the emergency response division of Australian Maritime Safety Authority (Amsa) told reporters.
"We have moved on from those search areas to the newest credible lead," he said.
For more than a week, ships and surveillance planes have been scouring seas 2,500km south-west of Perth, where satellite images had suggested there could be debris from Flight MH370, which went missing on March 8 with 239 people aboard.
Ten aircraft searching on Friday were immediately re-directed to the new area of 319,000 sq km, roughly the size of Poland, around 1,850km west of Perth. The Australian Geospatial-Intelligence Organisation was also redirecting satellites there, Amsa said.
A flotilla of Australian and Chinese ships would take longer to shift north, however, with the Australian naval ship the HMAS Success not due to arrive until Saturday morning.
At that time, the Boeing 777 was making a radical diversion west from its course from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
ATSB Chief Commissioner Martin Dolan said radar and satellite polling data had been combined with information about the likely performance of the aircraft, speed and fuel consumption in particular, to arrive at the best assessment of the area in which the aircraft was likely to have entered the water.
An international investigative team continued to analyse the data, Dolan said, which "could result in further refinement of the potential flight path of MH370".
Shifting searches
The latest twist underscores the perplexing and frustrating hunt for evidence in the near three-week search. It comes less than a day after the latest reports of sightings of possible wreckage, captured by Thai and Japanese satellites in roughly the same frigid expanse of sea as earlier images reported by France, Australia and China.
Satellite images had shown suspected debris, including pieces as large as 24 metres, within the original search area in the southern Indian Ocean.
Officials believe someone on board may have shut off the plane's communications systems before flying it thousands of miles off course, where it crashed into the ocean in one of the most isolated and forbidding regions on the planet.
Theories range from a hijacking to sabotage or a possible suicide by one of the pilots, but investigators have not ruled out technical problems.
David Brewster, a visiting fellow at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre at the Australian National University, said it was surprising that the new data analysis was just coming to light.
"The Malaysians have never really had to handle a search and rescue operation of this nature before so it is maybe complicated by lack of experience," Brewster said.
"There is no doubt they haven't got their systems working smoothly in terms of sharing within Malaysian organisations or with neighbouring countries."
The US Navy said on Friday it was sending a second P8-Poseidon, its most advanced maritime surveillance aircraft, to help in the search.
"It's critical to continue searching for debris so we can reverse-forecast the wind, current and sea state since March 8 to recreate the position where MH370 possibly went into the water," said Commander Tom Moneymaker, a US 7th Fleet oceanographer.
"We've got to get this initial position right prior to deploying the Towed Pinger Locator since the MH370's black box has a limited battery life and we can't afford to lose time searching in the wrong area," Moneymaker said.
The prolonged and so far fruitless search and investigation have taken a toll, with dozens of distraught relatives of 150 Chinese passengers clashing with police and accusing Malaysia of "delays and deception".
Chinese insurance companies have started paying compensation to the families of passengers, some of the firms and state media said. - Reuters

Apa Khabar RazakSAT, Tengah Buat Apa Tu...Dapat cerap Imej MH370...

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