Gambar serpihan oleh penumpang China yang dimuatnaik laman Weibo
China dakwa jumpa serpihan pesawat, mungkin milik MH370...
Beberapa serpihan pesawat dilaporkan ditemui di luar pantai Timur Barat Malaysia, namun ia masih belum dapat disahkan sebagai milik pesawat MH370 milik Malaysia Airlines yang hilang.
Pegawai kanan Pentadbiran Penerbangan Awam China, Li Jiaxiang berkata, serpihan terbabit ditemui di kawasan longitud 103.29 darjah timur dan latitud 6.42 darjah utara.
“Penemuan ini bagaimanapun masih menanti pengesahan daripada pasukan mencari yang tiba di lokasi,” ujarnya di dalam satu laporan berita.
“Kita masih lagi belum pasti dengan lokasi sebenar pesawat tersebut, dan masih berharap akan keajaiban bahawa semua penumpang selamat,” kata Li seperti yang dilaporkan oleh China News.
12 anak kapal MH370...
Satu lagi laporan menyebut bahawa serpihan itu konsisten dengan satu gambar serpihan yang diambil oleh seorang penumpang yang menaiki sebuah lagi pesawat Malaysia Airlines dari Beijing ke Kuala Lumpur, yang telah mendarat pada pagi Ahad.
Gambar-gambar tersebut dikatakan sebagai imej serpihan yang terapung di permukaan laut, setelah 90 minit perjalanan dari Kuala Lumpur.
Semalam, pesawat Tentera Udara Vietnam mengesan dua tumpahan besar minyak di kawasan di mana pesawat Boeing 777-200 MAS itu dilaporkan hilang dan sehingga kini , proses mencari MH370 yang membawa 239 orang itu masih dijalankan.- astroawani.com/news

Debris spotted but unsure if it belongs to MH370 -- Chinese aviation official...
Some debris has been reportedly spotted off the east coast of West Malaysia, but it is still unconfirmed if it belonged to the missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 flight, according to a top Chinese aviation official.
Civil Aviation Administration of China director Li Jiaxiang said the sighting was made in an "area of longitude 103.29 degrees east and a latitude 6.42 degrees north.
“With relevant technical measures, suspected debris has been seen in the area of longitude 103.29 degrees east and a latitude 6.42 degrees north. This is pending confirmation by the arrival of the search teams,” said Li in Beijing, according to news reports.
Li, however, said that he was still awaiting confirmation from the search teams of the find.
"We are still unclear about the exact situation and position of the plane, and hold hope that the passengers are miraculously alive," he said, according to a report by China News.
"It is also unclear at the moment if the plane was involved in a terrorist attack," he added.
According to another report, the debris find were apparently consistent with photos supposedly taken by a Chinese passenger on board another MAS flight from Beijing which landed safely in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday morning.
The photos show what appears to be fragmented debris floating on waters about 90 minutes out to sea from KL.
There has been no significant clues to the condition of MH370, which has been missing for more than 30 hours since it disappeared from traffic control radar since Satuday 2.40am.
Yesterday, two large oil slicks spotted on Saturday by the Vietnamese air force.
The search and rescue efforts, involving the ships and aircrafts of several countries, continues.- astroawani.com/news

A video clip of a man dialing the number of his elder brother was shown on Beijing Television's news bulletin. The call got connected, but no one picked up.
The man, who did not give his name, spoke to reporters at a Malaysia Airlines briefing in Beijing. He claimed that he made a total of three calls, but no one answered.
Desperate family members have asked Malaysia Airlines to use satellite technology to pick up the mobile phone signals of passengers before their phones run out of batteries.- f/bk

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It is better to search then just do nothing dont comment for something you know no knowledge for. Pray for MH370
Source quoted from Awani News bro. bukan reka2 sendiri.
moga semua selamat.
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