Raja Bomoh nak saman Khairy RM200 juta...
Raja Bomoh Sedunia, Datuk Mahaguru Ibrahim Mat Zin menyelar Menteri Belia dan Sukan, Khairy Jamaluddin sebagai budak hingusan yang kurang ajar dan biadab.
Menurutnya, Khairy sepatutnya berjumpa dengannya terlebih dahulu bagi mendapatkan penjelasan sebenar, sebelum mengeluarkan apa-apa kenyataan yang diperoleh daripada media.
“Budak-baru baru yang jadi menteri ni, tak usahlah nak ambil publisiti atas nama Datuk. Biar saya buat kerja, kalau nak cari publisiti pergilah cari orang lain dan bukan atas nama saya.
“Tak baik. Orang-orang muda ni, (seharusnya) menghormati orang yang lebih tua. Jangan kata itu haram, ini haram. Berjumpalah dahulu. Mahkamah kalau nak jatuh hukum pun, kena siasat dulu” jelasnya ketika ditemui semalam.
Khairy yang juga merupakan Ketua Pemuda Umno, di dalam akaun Twitternya sebelum ini menyifatkan upacara ritual, Raja Bomoh itu sebagai memalukan. Beliau turut berkata tindakan perlu diambil terhadap bomoh “tikar terbang” tersebut.
“Seseorang perlu menangkap bomoh permaidani ajaib itu. Ia memalukan,” katanya.
Terdahulu, ahli parlimen Rembau itu turut memaklumkan beliau telah menghubungi Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom agar menangani isu berkaitan Raja Bomoh ini.

Mengulas lanjut, Ibrahim turut menggesa Khairy agar menarik kembali kenyataan yang dikeluarkan sebelum ini atau berdepan dengan tindakan saman kerana mengeluarkan kenyataan yang memalukan dirinya.
“Saya tidak takut dengan dia. Letak jawatan sebagai menteri, boleh lawan dengan saya. Dia pun bukan senonoh sangat perangai.
“Biar saya cakap terang-terang pada Khairy Jamaluddin. Saya cabar dia. Letak jawatan (sebagai Menteri) dan saya letak jawatan sebagai mahaguru. Kita try fight. Saya tampar dia macam buaya nanti, baru dia tahu.
Ibrahim turut mengatakan, keputusan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak melantik Khairy sebagai ahli kabinet adalah merupakan satu keputusan yang salah.
“Kalau perkara ini melarat, saya akan buat memorandum untuk berjumpa dengan (Perdana Menteri) Najib bersama semua ahli silat kita seramai 500 ribu orang.
“Dia budak baru, dia ingat saya baru setahun jagung?. Orang kampung dia bolehlah dia gempar di Rembau, kena bodoh. Ibrahim Mat Zin, dia (Khairy) jangan gempar.
Beliau turut menyifatkan Khairy sebagai seorang menteri yang gila, kerana sering bergaduh dengan semua orang - Suara TV
Raja bomoh ugut saman jika tuduh ritual langgar syariat...
Individu yang menggelarkan dirinya Raja Bomoh mengugut akan menyaman pihak yang menuduh ritualnya di KLIA dalam usaha mengesan kehilangan Pesawat MH370 sebagai melanggar syariat.Utusan Malaysia hari ini melaporkan bahawa Ibrahim Mat Zin berkata, ritual ala menaiki permaidani terbang dengan memegang kelapa, serta menggantung bubu dengan teropong buluh yang dilakukan mereka dibuat berlandaskan syariat Islam.
“Penggunaan barang itu hanya sebagai simbolik atau petua yang diturunkan oleh orang tua dan bukannya untuk dipuja.
“Saya harap orang ramai tidak mudah menuduh saya terpesong daripada ajaran Islam dan tindakan mahkamah akan diambil kepada mereka yang degil,” katanya dipetik akhbar Umno itu.
Tindakan kumpulan pembomohan itu sebelum ini dikecam banyak pihak dan disifatkan sebagai sesuatu yang khurafat dan memalukan umat Islam dan Malaysia yang kini menjadi perhatian dunia.
Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (Jakim) sendiri menyifatkan tindakan tersebut jelas adalah bertentangan dengan Islam. Baca seterusnya di sini

I'll slap you like a croc, bomoh warns Khairy...
Among the characters who has gained international stardom amid the ongoing MH370 crisis is Ibrahim Mat Zin, the bomoh (shaman) who is conducting a supernatural search and rescue mission for the missing plane.
However, Ibrahim, in a Suara TV recording, issued a stern warning to the youth and sports minister not to cross his path and challenged the later to a duel.
"This boy who just became a minister should not seek publicity using me. Let me do my work (to locate the plane). Don't classify what I do as haram (forbidden in Islam). Meet me first... even the court, before delivering a verdict must investigate a case," he said.
Ibrahim also demanded that Khairy retract his statements, which among others, referred to the bomoh as an "embarrassment and magic carpet shaman".
Saying that he was not afraid of Khairy (left), he urged the Umno Youth chief to quit his cabinet post and then enter into a bout with him.
In the original quote in Malay, Ibrahim said: "Biar saya cakap terang-terang pada Khairy Jamaluddin. Saya cabar dia. Letak jawatan (sebagai menteri) dan saya letak jawatan sebagai mahaguru. Kita 'try fight'. Saya tampar dia macam buaya nanti, baru dia tahu."
The bomoh, who is often seen decked in a coat and wearing a 1Malaysia pin, also said that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak had erred in appointing Khairy as a minister.
"If this drags on, I will send a memorandum to Najib together with all 500,000 silat members," he warned.
The bomoh claimed that he was called by a government leader to help with the search and rescue mission, prompting opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim to raise the matter in Parliament.
Today, the Transport Ministry issued a statement denying that it or other agencies had anything to do with Ibrahim.- malaysiakini

Siapa Yang Jemput?

Saintis China kait gegaran dengan kehilangan MH370...
Sekumpulan pakar seismologi di universiti terkemuka China berkata mereka mengesan gegaran (seismik) di dasar laut antara Vietnam dan Malaysia pada 8 Mac yang mungkin akibat impak hentaman.
"Ia bukan zon seismik, oleh itu, apabila dilihat pada masa dan tempatnya, ia mungkin ada kaitan dengan pesawat MH370 yang hilang itu," kata satu kenyataan yang disiarkan di lamanweb Universiti Sains dan Teknologi China.
Ini juga telah dilaporkan oleh akhbar South China Morning Post.
Kenyataan disiarkan ketika pegawai AS mula menumpukan pencarian mereka di Lautan Hindi selepas hampir seminggu usaha mencari pesawat di Laut China Selatan terus gagal, dengan menyatakan ada tanda-tanda pesawat itu mungkin berpatah balik selepas putus hubungan dan diterbangkan pada arah barat selama beberapa jam. - malaysiakini
Chinese researchers say ‘seafloor event’ may have been linked to MH370

Radar data suggests MH370 flown towards Andamans...
Two sources said an unidentified aircraft that investigators believe was Flight MH370 was following a route between navigational waypoints - indicating it was being flown by someone with aviation training - when it was last plotted on military radar off the country’s north-west coast.
The last plot on the military radar’s tracking suggested the plane was flying toward India’s Andaman Islands, a chain of isles between the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal, they said.
Waypoints are geographic locations, worked out by calculating longitude and latitude, that help pilots navigate along established air corridors.
A third source familiar with the investigation said inquiries were focusing increasingly on the theory that someone who knew how to fly a plane deliberately diverted the flight, with 239 people on board, hundreds of kilometres off its intended course from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
“What we can say is we are looking at sabotage, with hijack still on the cards,” said that source, a senior Malaysian police official.
All three sources declined to be identified because they were not authorised to speak to the media and due to the sensitivity of the investigation.
Officials at Malaysia’s Transport Ministry, the official point of contact for information on the investigation, did not return calls seeking comment.
Malaysian police have previously said they were investigating whether any passengers or crew had personal or psychological problems that might shed light on the mystery, along with the possibility of a hijacking, sabotage or mechanical failure.
The comments by the three sources are the first clear indication that foul play is the main focus of official suspicions in the Boeing 777's disappearance.
As a result of the new evidence, the sources said, multinational search efforts were being stepped up in the Andaman Sea and also the Indian Ocean.
Last sighting
In one of the most baffling mysteries in modern aviation, no trace of the plane nor any sign of wreckage has been found despite a search by the navies and military aircraft of more than a dozen countries.
The last sighting of the aircraft on civilian radar screens came shortly before 1.30am Malaysian time last Saturday (1730 GMT Friday), less than an hour after it took off from Kuala Lumpur, as the plane flew north-east across the mouth of the Gulf of Thailand. That put the plane on Malaysia’s east coast.
Malaysia’s air force chief said on Wednesday an aircraft that could have been the missing plane was plotted on military radar at 2.15am, 320km north-west of Penang island off Malaysia’s west coast.
This position marks the limit of Malaysia’s military radar in that part of the country, a fourth source familiar with the investigation told Reuters.
When asked about the range of military radar at a news conference on Thursday, Malaysian acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said it was “a sensitive issue” that he was not going to reveal.
“Even if it doesn’t extend beyond that, we can get the cooperation of the neighbouring countries,” he said.
The fact that the aircraft - if it was MH370 - had lost contact with air traffic control and was invisible to civilian radar suggested someone aboard had turned its communication systems off, the first two sources said.
They also gave new details on the direction in which the unidentified aircraft was heading - following aviation corridors identified on maps used by pilots as N571 and P628. These routes
are taken by commercial planes flying from South-East Asia to the Middle East or Europe and can be found in public documents issued by regional aviation authorities.
In a far more detailed description of the military radar plotting than has been publicly revealed, the first two sources said the last confirmed position of MH370 was at 35,000 feet about 144km off the east coast of Malaysia, heading towards Vietnam, near a navigational waypoint called ‘Igari’. The time was 1.21am.
The military track suggests it then turned sharply westwards, heading towards a waypoint called ‘Vampi’, north-east of Indonesia’s Aceh province and a navigational point used for planes following route N571 to the Middle East.
From there, the plot indicates the plane flew towards a waypoint called ‘Gival’, south of the Thai island of Phuket, and was last plotted heading north-west towards another waypoint called ‘Igrex’, on route P628 that would take it over the Andaman Islands and which carriers use to fly towards Europe.
The time was then 2.15am. That’s the same time given by the air force chief on Wednesday, who gave no information on that plane’s possible direction.
The sources said Malaysia was requesting raw radar data from neighbours Thailand, Indonesia and India, which has a naval base in the Andaman Islands.- Reuters
Amerika ada petunjuk MH370 terhempas di Lautan Hindi, kapal digerakkan untuk mencari

yang datang wartawan dunia
wartawan yang tak perlu lesen cetak
tak ada noktah untuk bertanya
maka terserlah kebodohan pemimpin malaysia
maka terbogeng cawat pegawai malaysia
maka nampak hasan malek menteri malaysia -tukar tiub

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