Sekumpulan ahli keluarga penumpang warga China bagi pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370 yang marah berarak ke Kedutaan Malaysia di Bejing untuk menuntut lebih banyak jawapan mengenai pesawat terhempas itu, lapor AFP.
Menurut AFP, kira-kira 200 ahli keluarga, sesetengahnya menangis sambil berpimpin tangan menjeritkan slogan "Kerajaan Malaysia pembunuh" dan "Kami mahu keluarga kami semula."
Pejabat kedutaan terletak empat kilometer dari Lido Hotel di mana pertemuan di antara wakil kerajaan Malaysia dengan keluarga penumpang MH370 dilakukan.

Drama terbaru itu berlaku selepas Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak semalam mengumumkan penerbangan pesawat MH370 berakhir di selatan Lautan Hindi.
Kebiasaannya, pihak berkuasa China akan bertindak tegas terhadap sebarang perhimpunan di Beijing.
Pegawai polis berpakaian hitam menghadang jalan menuju ke kedutaan Malaysia, lapor AFP.
Ahli keluarga yang tidak mahu dinamakan dan juga pemimpin tidak rasmi kumpulan tersebut memberitahu AFP, polis "mungkin sudah tahu" mengenai demonstrasi tersebut.
Berdozen ahli keluarga penumpang pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370 bertempur dengan polis di luar Kedutaan Malaysia di Beijing hari ini selepas mereka menuntut syarikat penerbangan tersebut dan kerajaan Malaysia memberikan penjelasan mengenai apa yang berlaku, lapor AFP.
Menurut agensi berita antarabangsa itu, ahli keluarga yang marah membaling botol air kepada polis dan membentuk rantai manusia di pagar kedutaan.
Kebanyakan peserta demonstrasi ditolak polis, menurut seorang saksi kepada AFP.
Seorang wanita pengsan di tempat kejadian.- tmi.

MH370 families clash with police in Beijing...
Dozens of angry relatives of passengers on a lost
Malaysian jetliner clashed with police in Beijing today, accusing the
Southeast Asian country of "delays and deception" a day after it
confirmed the plane crashed in remote seas off Australia.
About 20 to 30 protesters threw water bottles at the Malaysian embassy and tried to storm the building, demanding to meet the ambassador, witnesses said.
Earlier, the relatives, many with tear-stained faces, had linked arms
and chanted "Malaysian government has cheated us" and "Malaysia, return
our relatives" as they marched peacefully and held banners.
The relatives' grief and anger was unleashed on Monday night after Prime
Minister Najib Abdul Razak announced that Malaysia Airlines Flight
MH370, which vanished more than two weeks ago while flying to Beijing
from Kuala Lumpur, had crashed in the southern Indian Ocean.
Citing satellite-data analysis by British firm Inmarsat, he said there was now no doubt that the Boeing jet came down in the ocean in one of the most remote places on Earth - an implicit admission that all 239 people on board had died.
Citing satellite-data analysis by British firm Inmarsat, he said there was now no doubt that the Boeing jet came down in the ocean in one of the most remote places on Earth - an implicit admission that all 239 people on board had died.
Bad weather in the region far off Australia's western coast on Tuesday
forced the suspension of the search for any wreckage, just as a series
of satellite images and other sightings of floating objects had raised
hopes that debris from the plane
would be found.
Malaysia's confused initial response to the Boeing 777's disappearance
and a perception of poor communications has enraged many relatives of
the more than 150 Chinese passengers and strained ties between Beijing
and Kuala Lumpur.
After Najib's announcement, Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Xie
Hangsheng demanded Malaysia hand over all relevant satellite analysis
showing how Malaysia had reached its conclusion about the fate of the
Anger, grief
A group reportedly representing families issued a statement describing the Malaysian airline, government and military as "executioners" who constantly tried to delay and deceive them.
"We will take every possible means to pursue the unforgivable crimes and
responsibility of all three," said the statement on the microblog of
the Malaysia Airlines MH370 Family Committee.
The relatives protesting in Beijing held signs that said: "MH370, Don't let us wait too long!" and "1.3 billion people are waiting to greet the plane". They wore matching t-shirts that said: "Best of luck to MH370, return home safely."
The relatives protesting in Beijing held signs that said: "MH370, Don't let us wait too long!" and "1.3 billion people are waiting to greet the plane". They wore matching t-shirts that said: "Best of luck to MH370, return home safely."
"We've waited for 18 days and still, you make us wait. How long are we
supposed to hang on?" a woman surnamed Zhang told Reuters.
The protest ended after a few hours, when police told protesters to get on buses and escorted them away.
Criticism of the Malaysian national carrier mounted after some relatives
of those on board first received the news that the search for survivors
was over in an SMS from the airline, which said: "We have to assume
beyond all reasonable doubt that MH370 has been lost and none of those
on board survived."
At a news conference at Kuala Lumpur's international airport today,
company officials defended the move, saying the text message had only
been sent as a "last resort" to ensure that some relatives did not hear
the news first from media.
"This is a time of extraordinary emotions and we fully understand," said
Malaysia Airlines Chairman Mohd Nur Yusof. "In fact, we really feel for
the next of kin. In terms of how they react, it's emotional."
Asked whether he would resign over the crisis, the airline's chief
executive, Ahmad Jauhari Yahya, said that would be a "personal decision"
to be made at a later time.
Wreckage could hold key
Flight MH370 vanished from civilian radar screens less than an hour after taking off on March 8. No confirmed debris from the plane has been found since.
Wreckage could hold key
Flight MH370 vanished from civilian radar screens less than an hour after taking off on March 8. No confirmed debris from the plane has been found since.
Investigators believe someone on the flight may have shut off the
plane's communications systems. Partial military radar tracking showed
it turning west and re-crossing the Malay Peninsula, apparently under
the control of a skilled pilot.
Recovery of wreckage could unlock clues about why the plane had diverted so far off course. Theories range from a hijacking to sabotage or a possible suicide by one of the pilots, but investigators have not ruled out technical problems.
Recovery of wreckage could unlock clues about why the plane had diverted so far off course. Theories range from a hijacking to sabotage or a possible suicide by one of the pilots, but investigators have not ruled out technical problems.
An international air and sea search in the area on Monday spotted
several floating objects that might be parts of the plane and an
Australian navy ship was close to finding possible debris, Australian
Prime Minister Tony Abbott said.
But the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) said gale-force
winds, heavy rain and low cloud meant planes could not fly safely to the
zone on Tuesday, and waves of 6 metres (20ft) or more forced the navy
ship from the area.
The search site is far from commercial flight paths about 2,500 km
(1,550 miles) southwest of Perth, a region of deep, frigid seas known as
the Roaring 40s where storm-force winds and huge waves are commonplace.
Malaysia Airlines said in a statement that it would make arrangements to
fly relatives to Australia once it had approval from the investigating
Australia's Immigration Minister Scott Morrison said his department was
working with the airline and Beijing to facilitate visas. Relatives
would be given tourist visas with the usual fees waived, he said.
Costly, difficult probe
Najib's announcement opens the way for what will be one of the most costly and difficult air crash investigations ever.
Normally, an official investigation can only begin once a crash site has been identified. That would give Malaysia power to coordinate and sift evidence.
A government source told Reuters that Malaysia would lead the investigation, but hoped other countries, especially Australia, would play a major role.
Costly, difficult probe
Najib's announcement opens the way for what will be one of the most costly and difficult air crash investigations ever.
Normally, an official investigation can only begin once a crash site has been identified. That would give Malaysia power to coordinate and sift evidence.
A government source told Reuters that Malaysia would lead the investigation, but hoped other countries, especially Australia, would play a major role.
The United States said it was sending an undersea Navy drone to Australia, in addition to a high-tech black box detector, to help in the search.
The so-called black boxes - the cockpit voice recorder and flight data
recorder - record what happens during flight. Black boxes carry locator
beacons but they fade out after 30 days.
Najib said Inmarsat had performed further calculations on data gleaned
from faint pings picked up by satellite that initially only narrowed the
search area to two massive arcs.
That was not enough for some of the relatives. "There was no evidence," a
protester at the Malaysian Embassy surnamed Wang told Reuters.
"It was just based on analysis from the satellite data and nothing found. Why would we believe it?"- Reuters

Backlash over MAS text message to next-of-kin...
Malaysia Airlines (MAS) has come under fire over
its decision to break the bad news on the missing Flight MH370 via text
message to family-members of passengers.
The airline said the text message, in both Chinese and English, was sent
as "additional" means of contact, after most family-members in Beijing
had been contacted by telephone or in person.
However, an image of the text message published by the American and Australian media show very poor translation of the English version into Chinese.
A note at the bottom in the Chinese version states that it is a computer-generated translation.
‘Malaysia Airlines deeply regrets that we have to assume beyond any
reasonable doubt that MH370 has been lost and that none of those on
board survived,” reads the English version.
‘As you will hear in the next hour from Malaysia's Prime Minister, we
must now accept all evidence suggests the plane went down in the
Southern Indian Ocean.’
It is unclear why MAS could not get in contact with families in Beijing
to break the news in person, as it had been reported those who received
the text message were all at the Lido Hotel where they have been staying
since the plane was reported missing on March 8.
In Malaysia, families told reporters that they were informed to watch
the ‘live’ telecast of Najib's announcement, which was in English.
It is learnt that a mother of one of the Malaysian passengers was forced
to contact a reporter to ask what Najib had announced, as she does not
understand English.
MAS is due to hold a press conference at KLIA at 12.30pm today to provide further details.
Meanwhile, UK newspaper the Daily Telegraph reported that investigators believe Flight MH370 was an "apparent suicide mission". However, the claim has not been verified.
Quoting ‘official sources’ within the investigation, its correspondent
in Kuala Lumpur reported that the aircraft was flown in a "deliberate"
and "rational" manner to a point in the Indian Ocean.
The report said that, when asked about the possibility of on-board fire,
the ‘official source’ had said: “It just does not hinge together ...
(The investigators) have gone through processes you do to get the plane
where it flew to for eight hours. They point to it being flown in a
rational way.”
Najib last night announced that investigators have concluded that the
plane "ended" in the southern Indian Ocean, after using
never-used-before calculations based on Inmarsat satellite image
provider data.- MI

Takziah kepada keluarga mangsa MH370

The question is...HOW?!! from the Southeast Asia to The Indian Ocean is way too far! there must be something we don't know MH370...
Al-Fatihah. Rest in peace MH370
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