MH370 disahkan berakhir di selatan Lautan Hindi...
Penerbangan Malaysia Airlines MH370 yang hilang sejak 8 Mac lalu disahkan berakhir di sebuah kawasan terpencil di selatan Lautan Hindi.
Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang mengumumkan perkembangan terbaru ini kepada pemberita sebentar tadi berkata beliau dimaklumkan mengenai perkara ini oleh wakil Cawangan Siasatan Nahas Udara (AAIB) dari Britain.
Najib berkata, pakar analisis data satelit Inmarsat, yang sebelum ini memberi anggaran lokasi pesawat itu di dua koridor utara dan selatan, merumuskan pesawat malang itu mengakhiri perjalanannya di tengah-tengah Lautan Hindi di barat bandaraya Perth, Australia.
"Ini merupakan lokasi terpencil, jauh dari mana-mana kawasan landasan.
"Dengan penuh rasa sedih dan kesal, saya ingin memaklumkan kepada anda, bahawa berdasarkan data baru ini, penerbangan MH370 berakhir di selatan Lautan Hindi," kata Najib dalam sidang media yang turut disiarkan secara langsung.
Dalam kenyataan ringkasnya, Najib berkata butiran terperinci akan diumumkan pada sidang media esok.
Tambahnya, maklumat terbaru ini dikongsi awal kepada umum untuk menunjukkan komitmen pihak berkuasa Malaysia kepada keterbukaan dan atas rasa hormat terhadap anggota keluarga yang terlibat.
Najib juga memaklumkan bahawa anggota keluarga sudah diberitahu mengenai perkembangan tersebut.
"Bagi mereka, beberapa minggu yang lalu amat menyayat hati. Saya faham berita ini lebih sukar diterima. Saya menyeru pihak media menghormati privasi mereka, dan memberi mereka ruang menghadapi saat-saat sukar ini," kata Najib.
Sementara itu, ahli keluarga penumpang yang terlibat telah menghadiri sesi taklimat tergempar malam ini, dan rancangan sedang diatur bagi menerbangkan mereka dengan pesawat khas ke Australia, menurut laporan Sky News.
Sumber yang dipetik Sky News berkata ahli keluarga yang terlibat akan dibawa terlebih dahulu ke Beijing sebelum diterbangkan ke Australia, selepas beberapa serpihan dipercayai milik pesawat MH370 dikesan di sebuah kawasan terpencil di selatan Lautan Hindi.
Manakala BBC memetik khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) yang dihantar oleh MAS kepada keluarga terlibat, yang memberitahu bahawa tiada penumpang yang terselamat.
"Dengan penuh rasa kesal, Malaysia Airlines percaya bahawa tidak syak lagi MH370 hilang dan tiada yang terselamat," kata SMS sepertimana dipetik badan penyiaran Britain itu.
Petang tadi, Putrajaya mengesahkan pasukan penyelamat Australia sedang bergegas ke sebuah kawasan terasing di lautan untuk cuba mendapatkan serpihan yang dilihat sebelumnya.
Serpihan yang berbentuk bulatan dan segi empat itu merupakan peninggalan pertama penerbangan MH370 yang ditemui setelah 17 hari usaha mencari dan menyelamat yang paling besar pernah diadakan untuk sebuah pesawat.
Misi pencarian pesawat MH370 merupakan yang paling lama dalam sejarah penerbangan awam moden.
Rekod tempoh pencarian sebelum ini adalah 10 hari iaitu dalam nahas Boeing 737-400 milik PT Adam Skyconnection Airlines, yang hilang di perairan Sulawesi pada 1 Januari, 2007. - tmi

Missing MH370 'Ended' in Indian Ocean...
Najib Razak said flight data suggested the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777's "last position was in the middle of the Indian Ocean west of Perth, [Australia]."
He added: “This is a remote location, far from any possible landing site. It is therefore with deep sadness and regret that according to this data the flight ended in the southern Indian Ocean.”
The prime minister said his conclusion was based on work by the U.K. Air Accidents Investigation Branch and satellite firm Inmarsat, which had been "performing further calculations on the data, using a type of analysis, never before used in an investigation of this sort."
After more than two weeks of mystery and speculation, Najib's announcement was the first official confirmation of the fate of the Boeing 777 that vanished on March 8.

“Malaysia Airlines have already spoken to the families of the passengers and crew to inform them of this development,” the prime minister added. “For them the past few weeks have been heartbreaking. I know this news must be harder still.”
The families of Flight 370's passengers were sent text messages by the airline telling them that the plane had been "lost and that none of those aboard have survived."

Selamat Omar (tengah) dan isterinya, ibu bapa kepada jurutera penerbangan MH370 Mohd Khairul Amri...
Selamat Omar, the father of a 29-year-old aviation engineer who was on the flight, said some members of families of other passengers broke down in tears at the news. "We accept the news of the tragedy. It is fate," Selamat told The Associated Press in Kuala Lumpur.
Earlier, an Australian plane spotted an "orange rectangular object" and a "gray or green circular object" while searching for the aircraft, officials said. They were seen around 1,550 miles southwest of Perth, Australia.
Flight 370 disappeared from civilian radar screens less than an hour after taking off from Kuala Lumpur for Beijing with 239 people on board.
Attention and resources in the search for the Boeing 777 have shifted from an initial focus north of the equator to an increasingly narrowed stretch of rough sea, thousands of miles from the plane's original flight path.
A spokeswoman for Britain's Department for Transport refused to comment on the AAIB's involvement, saying it was a “live investigation” being led by the Malaysian authorities.
In a statement, Malaysia Airlines said that the "ongoing multinational search operation will continue, as we seek answers to the questions which remain." - nbc news
'No one has survived': Missing Malaysia Airlines plane lost in ocean...
Malaysia Airlines tonight announced that the missing flight MH370 crashed into the Indian Ocean with no survivors.
In a statement to the families of those with relatives on board, the airline said: "We deeply regret that we have to assume beyond any reasonable doubt that MH370 has been lost and that none of those on board have survived..we must now accept all evidence suggests the plane went down in the Southern Indian Ocean."
The news came after Chinese relatives in Beijing were called to the second floor of the Lido Hotel for an emergency meeting.
Paramedics attended the scene.
It is believed that relatives in Kuala Lumpur will be flown to Perth tonight.

Malaysian authorities earlier said that Australian search teams had identified two objects in the Indian Ocean possibly linked to missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370, and it was hoped that they would be picked up within hours.
At a daily press conference into the disappearance of the jet, Malaysia's Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said the Australians had sent a ship to investigate.
The sighting comes just hours after Chinese spotter teams were reported to have seen "some suspicious objects" floating in the sea.
"A few minutes ago, the prime minister received a call from the prime minister of Australia who informed him that Australian search aircraft had located two objects in the Australian search area, one circular and one rectangular," Hussein said.
"HMAS Success is in the vicinity and it is possible that the objects could be received within the next few hours or by tomorrow morning at the latest."
He added: "HMAS Success remains the only vessel in the search area. A number of Chinese vessels are expected to commence arriving within the search area on the 25th of March."- scmp

Here is the full statement from Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak on investigators' conclusion that MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean and that no one on board survived:

Indian Ocean/Lautan Hindi

Gambaran kedalaman lautan hindi, lautan ke 3 terbesar dan paling sunyi di muka bumi...

Al-Fatihah. Rest in peace MH370
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