Maka "hilang" dan "tenggelam" isu fitnah liwat 2 ?
Kerana PRK Kajang yang bertanding adalah PKR, maka dikaitkan Pilot MH370 adalah ahli PKR Cabang Subang.
Pilot hadir sewaktu perbicaraan rayuan kes fitnah liwat 2 dan kecewa dengan keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan. Lalu dikaitkan dengan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim .
MH370 belum jumpa lagi,dituduh Pilot bunuh diri dan rumah digeledah. Bagaimana tahu pilot bunuh diri? Sedangkan MH370 belum dijumpai.
Selesai je PRK Kajang 23 Mac , 24 Mac terus MH370 dijumpai. Maka "hilang" dan "tenggelam" cerita kekalahan BN dan kemenangan Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail.
Kenyataan Najib dalam Bernama,beliau berkata "membuat pengumuman berdasarkan analisis dari data yang di ambil dari AAIB dan Immarsat" , bermakna baru dapat hasil analisis dari data satelit tapi pesawat belum di temui lagi!
Lagi pun beliau hanya mendapat panggilan telefon dari PM Australia Tony Abbot tentang penemuan beberapa objek yg di percayai serpihan pesawat MH370. "Dipercayai"..... Tetapi telah membuat pengumuman hanya berdasarkan kepada panggilan telefon dan analisis data satelit ?
Pelik, Najib YAKIN bahawa itu adalah MH370 sedangkan Hisamuddin cakap operasi mencari diteruskan di Lautan Hindi yang mempunyai kedalaman yang luar biasa dan ternyata MH370 belum dijumpai. Bagaimana Najib begitu yakin?
Mungkin Bomoh 1Malaysia mampu mengupas isu ini. Hebat APCO ye.- jingga 13

3 pemimpin PKR disekat masuk Sarawak...
Beliau telah tiba di Sibu dengan penerbangan MH2712 pada jam 11.00 pagi tadi 25hb Mac 2014 bagi membantu calon KEADILAN dalam kempen PRK DUN Balingian, Sarawak.
Sejurus saja tiba di Lapangan Terbang Sibu pagi ini, beliau telah di maklumkan oleh seorang pegawai Imigresen yang bertugas bahawa satu arahan telah dikeluarkan oleh Pejabat Ketua Menteri Sarawak pada 22hb Mac 2014 untuk menyekat beliau dari memasuki Sarawak.
Dato' Saifuddin Nasution kini sedang menunggu penerbangan balik ke Kuala Lumpur.

Nampaknya gaya pemerintahan kuku besi cakap hebat besar kononnya pengaruh BN di Sarawak sukar di gugat adalah suatu pembohongan saja .. tidak mampu berhujah secara demokrasi maka diguna cara kuku besi .
Jelas kedudukkan BN di Sarawak tidak sekuat mana seperti digambarkan .. nampak luar kukuh tetapi dalamnya reput di mamah anai-anai.-f/bk
Baca Rafizi,Saifuddin dan Tian Chua dihalang masuk ke Sarawak...di sini dan sini
Pasukan siasatan berkata, mereka tiada niat menangguhkan dan masa itu diperlukan untuk membuat analisis dan mengukuhkan bukti.
Pemangku Menteri Pengangkutan Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein berkata, data satelit sahaja tidak konklusif seperti ditunjukan ketika kajian ditumpukan di Laut China Selatan.
“Kami terima data satelit dari China yang menunjukkan (serpihan) di Laut China Selatan (dan) mengarahkan semula pencarian kami di kawasan yang sudah dibuat, dan ia negatif,” katanya.
Ketua Pengarah Jabatan Penerbangan Awam (DCA) Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman menambah, data satelit yang diterima pada 13 Mac perlu dianalisis, ia satu-satunya siri "handshake" – isyarat antara pesawat dan satelit.- mk

Why make crash finding only after 12 days...
timing of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's announcement that MH370
fell into the Indian Ocean last night became a point of contention at
the press briefing by Malaysian authorities today.
A reporter from China had questioned why Malaysia had made such a
conclusion only last night although satellite data cited was available
since March 12.
To this, the investigation team said there was no intended delay and
that time was needed for further corroboration and analysis.
Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said that satellite data
alone is not conclusive as shown when the search was concentrated in the
South China Sea.
"We received satellite data from China sighting (debris) in the South
China Sea (and) redirected our search in areas we had already searched,
and it was negative," he said, to illustrate his point.
Department of Civil Aviation director-general Azharuddin Abdul Rahman
added the satellite data received on March 12 needed to be analysed as
on its own, it was only a series of "handshakes" between the plane
equipment and the satellite.
"As a result of the analysis by the United States team, together with
Federal Aviation Administration, (the team) came up with the two
corridors and this was announced in Mar 15.
"It took that long because it needed a lot of work to analyse the sixth
handshake. Yesterday, there was refinement of the information on the
sixth handshake and this is to be refined again," he said.
Remote chance of survival
Remote chance of survival
The satellite in question is owned by Inmarsat, a British satellite
telecommunications company. The satellite is geostationary and sits
above the Indian Ocean.
To another question, MAS CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya said that given the available evidence, it is highly unlikely to find any survivors.
"The plane would have very little fuel by then and there are no land mass nearby. I suppose we can conclude it must have went down in the water.
"That is a very remote area. We are talking about (spending) 18 days (in the water)... For anyone to survive that long is extremely, extremely remote," he said.
However, Hishammuddin assured that search and rescue efforts are still underway.
"God willing, we will save (them) if they still can be saved," he said.- mk
To another question, MAS CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yahya said that given the available evidence, it is highly unlikely to find any survivors.
"The plane would have very little fuel by then and there are no land mass nearby. I suppose we can conclude it must have went down in the water.
"That is a very remote area. We are talking about (spending) 18 days (in the water)... For anyone to survive that long is extremely, extremely remote," he said.
However, Hishammuddin assured that search and rescue efforts are still underway.
"God willing, we will save (them) if they still can be saved," he said.- mk

MH370 signal loss consistent with fuel limit...
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 vanished after mysteriously cutting
communications with air traffic controllers, the aircraft's automated
ping to Inmarsat's satellite has been the only clue to its final
Building on that data, authorities today revealed the aircraft finally
"logged off" from the satellite network by 9.15am and the timing was
consistent with the aircraft's fuel limit.
"No response was received from the aircraft at 0115 UTC (9.15am
Malaysian time), when the ground earth station sent the next log on/log
off message. This indicates that the aircraft was no longer logged on
the network.
"Therefore, sometime between 0011 UTC (8.11am) and 0115 UTC (9.15am),
the aircraft was no longer able to communicate with the ground station.
"This is consistent with the maximum endurance of the aircraft," acting
Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein told a press briefing in Kuala
Lumpur this evening.
To date, Malaysian authorities have not once uttered the word "crash"
despite already indicating all passengers had likely perished after the
plane went down in the Indian Ocean.
However, Hishammuddin's assertion that Inmarsat's satellite losing
connection with MH370 by 9.15am gives an indication of the time frame
the aircraft may have crashed.
It gives investigators an idea of MH370's final resting area as the
aircraft could have still flown on between the last complete satellite
handshake at 8.11am and 9.15am, when the connection was lost.
"I must emphasise that this is not the final position of the aircraft," he said in reference to the 8.11am handshake.
Partial ping discovered
The ping at 8.11am was first used by investigators to establish the northern and southern corridors search area. Since yesterday, the search area has been narrowed down to the south-most portion of the southern corridor.
"I must emphasise that this is not the final position of the aircraft," he said in reference to the 8.11am handshake.
Partial ping discovered
The ping at 8.11am was first used by investigators to establish the northern and southern corridors search area. Since yesterday, the search area has been narrowed down to the south-most portion of the southern corridor.
further revealed investigators have observed a seventh and partial
handshake that was sent out at 8.19am from the aircraft.
"At this time this transmission is not understood and is subject to further ongoing work," he said.
This was on top of the previously reported six complete handshakes that
were sent out with the last one being at 8.11am after the Aircraft
Communications Addressing and Reporting System (Acars) was turned off.
These pings were also the basis of analysis that finally concluded that plane ended up in the southern Indian Ocean.
Responding to scepticism over investigators' confidence, Hishammuddin
said Inmarsat and the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) had
measured the "Doppler effect" experienced by the pings which is also
known as Burst Frequency Offset.
'Good correlation with southern corridor'
This measured Doppler effect was then plotted along side what the
predicted Doppler effect would be if the plane had flown in the northern
or southern corridor.
"The analysis showed poor correlation with the northern corridor, but good with the southern correlation corridor...
"In order to establish confidence in its theory, Inmarsat checked its
predictions using information obtained from six other Boeing 777
aircraft flying on the same day in various directions. There was good
agreement," he said.
The ping is sent out in a form of wave. The top point of every wave, like water ripples, spreads out uniformly.
However, when the wave is emitted from a moving object, then the speed
of every wave points will vary, depending on a number of factors,
including the object's own velocity relative to the receiver.
The easiest way to observe the Doppler effect is in how the sound of the
siren on board a moving police car appears to change as it passes an
In this case, Hishammuddin said, the Burst Frequency offset changed
depending on location of the aircraft on an arch of possible positions
and the measured Doppler effect indicated in was in the southern Indian
Ocean. - mk
No One...
No one, and I mean NO ONE without any assistance on-ground can take control of a modern jet and make it disappear.
NO ONE can just board a plane, and hijack it without any distress signal.
NO ONE can subdue 2 pilots, 10 flight crew and 227 passengers without having arms on board (or have tampered with the planes systems while the plane was still on the ground in dock) to take control of a plane while in flight.
NO ONE who is not trained and an expert can disable all of a plane's communication systems while in flight.
NO ONE without the flight training and expertise can fly a meticulously planned flight route that evades national and military radar with all communications disabled.
NO ONE can simply make a plane disappear in complete silence.
And, there is NO REASON to crash a plane into one of the most remote parts of the Indian Ocean unless SOMEONE WANTED #MH370 to just disappear and to make SAR so impossible that the reason for the disappearance remains as #MysteryMH370 - f/bk

Macammana Najib boleh terima bulat bulat apa yg British maklum kepada dia. Bagaimana kalau British beri maklumat salah. Sebab British dan US adalah abang adik. Kenapa US tidak dapat mengesan pesawat tersebut, bahkan mereka punyai sistem yang paling canggih didunia, sehinggakan kalau duit lima sen di atas jalanraya pun mereka mampu untuk melihat dengan berpuloh satelit diangkasa. Kenapa Malaysia sanggup jadi macai US. Apa ugutan US terhadap pemimpin Malaysia yang diketahui amat lemah dalam dunia hari ini.
Bila PM Australia umum dalam parlimennya yang pesawat2 Australia ada jumpa serpihan2...Najib sudah panik kerana dia nak jadi hero dan orang pertama yang umum sesuatu tentang kapalterbang MH370.
Secara diam2 Najib tak mahu negara lain jadi champion dalam urusan MH370.
Just imagine kalau serpihan yang ditemui benar2 dari MH370 nama PM Australia akan naik dan Najib dahlah prestasinya dalam tangani isu MH370 ini dah teruk lagi teruklah kemaluannya(oops!!!)
So dia decided to umum tentang nasib MH370 itu walaupun bukti2nya hanya berdasarkan data2 satelit British tanpa bukti2 konkrit spt. serpihan2 yang ditemui.Sabit tu waris2 penumpang dari China dan juga Malaysia mengamuk sakan.Najib lebih rela dikritik asalkan berita sedih itu datang daripada mulutnya dan bukan daripada orang2 lain.
Kesilapan Najib di sini adalah kerana gitu ghairah nak buat statement dan jadi jaguh walaupun dia hanya rely kepada bukti data satalit tanpa hard evidences. Sabit tu China dan ramai lagi kutuk dia habis2an.
Aku pelik bila ajak bincang dalam parlimen pasal MH370 dia suruh speaker Pandikar Mulia sekat..tapi ada hati pula datang bawa usul takziah!!! Gitulah orang2 BN/UMNO hendaknya, dlm trajedi macam ni masih nak main politik...
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