13 March 2014

Sapa bayar bomoh 1Malaysia? BN(Bomoh Negara) kot; dan betulkah seorang pakar IT kesan pesawat MH370...

Sidang Dewan Rakyat hari ini gempar apabila Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim membahaskan isu kehilangan pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370 termasuk memberi kebenaran “bomoh 1Malaysia” melakukan upacara di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA).

Anwar berkata imej negara tercemar ekoran daripada kegagalan kerajaan menangani krisis negara sehingga dikritik hebat oleh media antarabangsa.

Katanya situasi memalukan itu ditambah dengan insiden semalam di KLIA apabila kerajaan membenarkan seorang bomoh yang dibayar melakukan upacara bagi mengesan lokasi pesawat MH370.

  "Ini amat memalukan. Siapa yang membenarkan, siapa yang membayar bomoh itu, ini jelas perbuatan khurafat dan kemudian media antarabangsa pula dipanggil buat liputan.

"Insiden ini perlu disiasat, ia merupakan satu perbuatan bodoh dan memalukan Malaysia sebagai negara Islam," katanya di Dewan Rakyat hari ini.- tmi

Apakah hukum kita buat parody tiru tok bomoh. Adakah dikira berdosa mengumpat atau mengaibkan bomoh tersebut?

parody bomoh 1Malaysia...

Anwar: Who gave 'bomoh 1Malaysia' approval...

Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim today demanded that the government tells who gave permission for a bomoh to conduct rituals inside KLIA to locate the missing Malaysia Airlines jet.

"This is KLIA. Who gave permission? Is it MAS, is it Department of Civil Aviation?" Anwar asked in the Dewan Rakyat today while debating the royal address.

He said the presence of the bomoh had made Malaysia a laughing stock of the international community.

"Even Barack Obama (US president) must have been amazed with our stupidity," he said.

Anwar went on to call the bomoh "Bomoh 1Malaysia", referring to the 1Malaysia pin the bomoh was wearing.

"He even had a 1Malaysia tag on him. This is bomoh 1Malaysia," he said, to the laughter of the House.

Meanwhile, a group of Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) officers arrived at the airport at 10.30am to monitor the area, according to The Star Online today.

“This is to avoid people from becoming syirik (deviant)...

“(Anyone doing) anything that is against syariah principles and fatwa will be asked to disperse and if they refuse, we will arrest them under Section 7 of the Syariah Criminal Offences Enactment (Selangor) 1995 for false doctrine,” Jais Sepang district enforcement chief Zaifullah Jaafar Shidek is quoted as saying.- malaysiakini

Has IT manager found missing Malaysian Airlines MH370...

IT manager Mike Seberger said he may have detected the missing Malaysian Airlines plane on a high-resolution satellite photo

One of the millions of people gripped by the mystery of flight MH370 may have tracked down the missing jet... simply by surfing the internet.

IT manager Mike Seberger said he may have detected the missing Malaysian Airlines plane on a high-resolution satellite photo taken above the seas where it went missing.

The image he spotted shows a plane-shaped object under a bank of white cloud in the Gulf of Thailand, an arm of the South China Sea.

42 ships and 39 aircraft from 12 different countries have been drafted in to search for the missing Boeing 777 and the 239 passengers - with no success. 

Continue reading here.

Satelit negara China mendakwa menemui tiga objek yang terapung di perairan Laut Cina Selatan yang dipercayai mempunyai kaitan dengan kehilangan pesawat Boeing 777 - MH370 Sabtu lalu.

Menurut laporan berita saluran CNN itu, objek-objek terabit dianggarkan berukuran sekitar 13 kali 18 meter, 14 kali 19 meter dan 24 kali 22 meter.

Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Industri Pertahanan Kebangsaan negara itu yakin penemuan ini adalah petunjuk baru kepada kes kehilangan MH370.

Imej berkenaan dirakamkan pada 9 Mac lalu di selatan Vietnam atau timur laut Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur.

Ia berkedudukan di koordinat longitud 105 perpuluhan 63 darjah timur, 6 perpuluhan 7 darjah utara pada latitud.

Pesawat MH370 yang sepatutnya mendarat di Beijing pukul 6.30 pagi Sabtu dilaporkan hilang dari radar kira-kira pukul 1.40 pagi Sabtu.

Gerakan mencari besar-besaran mencari dan menyelamat yang dilancarkan oleh pelbagai negara sehingga semalam gagal menemui sebarang petunjuk dan perkembangan tersebut hanyalah menambah lagi kerisauan dan kebimbangan terhadap keluarga dan waris 239 penumpang dan krew yang berada dalam pesawat tersebut.-f/bk

Malaysia Airlines MH370: China in new 'debris' clue

Data enjin MH370 cetus persoalan baru...

Satu laporan Wall Street Journal menyebut penyiasat Amerika Syarikat mengesyaki bahawa pesawat MH370 kekal dalam penerbangan selama kira-kira lima jam dalam keadaan yang belum dikenalpasti.

Laporan berkenaan, memetik seorang pegawai penyiasat penerbangan dan seorang pegawai keselamatan negara itu menyebut, pesawat itu mungkin terbang selama empat jam selepas melewati lokasi terakhir yang disahkan.

Laporan itu berdasarkan data yang dihantar secara automatik dan dimuat turun dari program penyelenggaraan dan pemantauan enjin di pesawat Boeing 777 itu, lapor Wall Street Journal.

Data berkenaan membangkitkan persoalan baru mengenai nasib yang menimpa pesawat membawa 239 orang dalam dari Kuala Lumpur ke Beijing itu.

Laporan itu seterusnya menyebut pegawai anti-keganasan negara tersebut kini melihat kepada kemungkinan bahawa pesawat berkenaan mungkin dilencong ke satu lokasi lain selepas alat pengesan dalam pesawat itu dimatikan untuk mengelak dari dikesan radar.

Laporan itu muncul ketika pihak berkuasa masih tidak pasti di lautan mana hendak mencari pesawat tersebut yang hilang pada hari Sabtu selepas berlepas dari Kuala Lumpur.

Kali terakhir pesawat itu dikesan pada skrin radar awam ialah sejurus sebelum jam 1.30 pagi Sabtu, kurang satu jam selepas ia berlepas dari Kuala Lumpur, ketika ia terbang menuju ke arah timur laut melintas muara Teluk Thailand ke Beijing.

WSJ berkata ia tidak jelas sama ada penyiasat mempunyai bukti yang menunjukkan kemungkinan berlaku keganasan atau pengintipan.

"Setakat ini, pegawai keselamatan negara AS berkata tiada sesuatu yang khusus yang menunjuk ke arah keganasan, walaupun mereka tidak menolak kemungkinan itu.

"Tetapi ketidakpastian yang besar tentang di mana pesawat itu menuju, dan mengapa ia nampaknya terus terbang begitu jauh tanpa transponder beroperasi, telah menimbulkan teori di kalangan penyiasat bahawa pesawat itu mungkin telah dikuasai atas sebab-sebab yang tidak jelas kepada pihak berkuasa Amerika Syarikat.

"Ada antara teori itu telah dikemukakan kepada pegawai keselamatan negara dan kakitangan kanan daripada pelbagai agensi Amerika Syarikat, demikian menurut seorang biasa dengan perkara itu," kata laporan itu lagi.

Dalam satu taklimat, WSJ berkata, pegawai telah diberitahu bahawa para penyiasat secara aktif memantau tanggapan bahawa pesawat itu telah ditukar arah "dengan niat untuk menggunakannya kemudian untuk tujuan lain".

Dengan penerbangan selama lima jam, termasuk sejam di udara sebelum terputus hubungan, memungkinkan pesawat itu sampai sejauh Lautan Hindi, sempadan Pakistan atau Laut Arab.

Menurut WSJ, sistem pemantauan enjin pesawat itu disediakan oleh pengeluarnya, Rolls -Royce PLC, dan secara berkala menghantar data tentang keadaan enjin itu, operasi dan pergerakan pesawat itu.

"Sebagai sebahagian daripada perjanjian penyelenggaraannya, Malaysia Airlines menghantar data enjin langsung kepada Rolls -Royce untuk analisis.

"Sistem ini menyusun data dari dalam dua enjin Trent 800 pesawat 777 dan menghantar gambar prestasinya, dan juga ketinggian dan kelajuannya.

"Ia dikumpul dan dihantar dalam setiap 30 minit, kata seorang yang biasa dengan sistem tersebut."- malaysiakini

New twist: Engine data shows jet flew on for hours...

Adding another puzzling twist to the MH370 saga, US investigators now suspect that the plane remained airborne long after radar disappearance based on engine data.

A Wall Street Journal report said investigators believe that the Boeing 777 with 239 people on board had flown for about four hours or hundreds of miles past the time it reached its last confirmed location.

Quoting those familiar with the investigation, the report said the information was obtained from the data automatically downloaded and sent to the ground from the Boeing 777's engines as part of a routine maintenance and monitoring programme.

The financial daily also said that counter-terrorism officials are probing the possibility of the pilot or someone else had diverted the aircraft towards an undisclosed location after turning off the jetliner's transponders to avoid radar detection.

The report comes as authorities remain uncertain about which ocean to search for the jetliner that went missing on Saturday after taking off from Kuala Lumpur.

The last definitive sighting of the aircraft on civilian radar screens came shortly before 1:30am on Saturday, less than an hour after taking off from Kuala Lumpur, as it flew northeast across the mouth of the Gulf of Thailand bound for Beijing.

Describing the investigation as fluid, WSJ added that it is not clear if investigators had evidence indicating possible terrorism or espionage.

"So far, US national security officials have said that nothing specifically points toward terrorism, though they haven't ruled it out.

"But the huge uncertainty about where the plane was headed, and why it apparently continued flying so long without working transponders, has raised theories among investigators that the aircraft may have been commandeered for a reason that appears unclear to US authorities.

"Some of those theories have been laid out to national security officials and senior personnel from various US agencies, according to one person familiar with the matter," read the report.

At one briefing, WSJ said officials were told that investigators are actively pursuing the notion that the plane was diverted "with the intention of using it later for another purpose".

A total flight time of five hours, including the one hour it was airborne before losing contact, could see the jet reaching as the Indian Ocean, the border of Pakistan or even the Arabian Sea.

According to WSJ, the engines' onboard monitoring system is provided by their manufacturer, Rolls-Royce PLC, and it periodically sends data about engine health, operations and aircraft movements to facilities on the ground.

"As part of its maintenance agreements, Malaysia Airlines transmits its engine data live to Rolls-Royce for analysis.

"The system compiles data from inside the 777's two Trent 800 engines and transmits snapshots of performance, as well as the altitude and speed of the jet.

"Those snippets are compiled and transmitted in 30-minute increments, said one person familiar with the system."

No such data exists

Meanwhile, a senior Malaysia Airlines official told Reuters that nosuch data existed, while a second official said he was unaware of it.

A spokeswoman for engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce had no immediate comment.

Malaysia Airlines has said previously that the Trent engines stopped transmitting monitoring signals when contact with the plane was lost.

As frustration mounts over the failure to find any trace of the plane, China heaped pressure on Malaysia to improve coordination in the search. Around two-thirds of the people aboard the lost plane were Chinese.

Vietnamese and Malaysian planes scanned waters where a Chinese government agency website said a satellite had photographed three "suspicious floating objects" on Sunday.

The location was close to where the plane lost contact with air traffic control.

Aircraft repeatedly circled the area over the South China Sea but were unable to detect any objects, said a Reuters journalist aboard one of the planes.

One US official close to the investigation said the Chinese satellite report was a "red herring".

On Wednesday, Malaysia's air force chief said military radar had traced what could have been the jetliner to an area south of the Thai holiday island of Phuket, hundreds of miles to the west of its last known position.

His statement followed a series of conflicting accounts of the flight path of the plane, which left authorities uncertain even which sea to search.

In a related development, India's Defence Ministry ordered the deployment of ships, aircraft and helicopters from the remote Andaman and Nicobar Islands today to search for a missing Malaysian airliner that disappeared from radar screens last Saturday.- malaysiakini


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