Mahkamah juga menjatuhkan hukuman penjaran lima tahun atas kesalahan tersebut dan Anwar dibenarkan ikat jamin sebanyak RM10,000.
Persoalan yang timbul kini, ialah siapakah yang bakal dipertaruhkan oleh PKR dan Pakatan Rakyat untuk bertanding dalam pilihan raya kecil DUN Kajang.
Nama dua Pengarah Strategi PKR, Rafizi Ramli dan Setiausaha Agung parti itu, Datuk Saifuddin Nasution Ismail disebut-sebut bakal menggantikan Anwar sebagai calon PKR dalam pilihan raya kecil DUN Kajang.
Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) menetapkan pilihan raya kecil DUN Kajang dilaksanakan pada 23 Mac nanti manakala penamaan calon pula pada 11 Mac.- astro awani

Sabitan untuk pastikan saya tak bertanding...
Anwar Ibrahim hari ini berkata sabitan terhadapnya hari ini adalah untuk memastikan beliau tidak boleh bertanding di Kajang.Katanya, yang cukup menariknya ialah pendakwa yang dilantik kerajaan, Datuk Muhammad Shafee Abdullah membuat rujukan khas kepada Kajang dalam mitigasi.
"Peguam saya telah diminta mengosongkan tarikh 7-10 April, dan tarikh-tarikh ini telah dibawa ke hadapan kerana ini (Kajang)," katanya.
"Karpal mempunyai perbicaraan kes bunuh pada hari Khamis dan dia telah diminta mengosongkan tarikh itu untuk perbicaraan ini," katanya.
Ditanya apa yang akan berlaku kepada Kajang tanpanya, ahli politik yang berusia 66 tahun itu berkata, kawasan pilihan raya itu akan menjadi lebih kuat.
Sambil ketawa Anwar berkata beliau yakin partinya akan menjadi lebih kukuh lagi kerana "bos mereka dalam kepayahan".
"Saya secara peribadi akan ke sana dan berkempen bagi memastikan kemenangan," katanya.- malaysiakini

Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS) sungguh terkejut dan ingin merakamkan kekesalan yang tidak terhingga terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan dalam proses penghakiman yang begitu tergesa-gesa menjatuhkan hukuman bersalah terhadap Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam rayuan pendakwa terhadap Kes Sodomi II pada hari ini.
PAS dan kalangan rakyat awam sudah tentu bertegas bahawa prinsip keadilan mestilah bukan sahaja ditegakkan dengan penuh telus dan bermaruah, tetapi ianya mestilah dapat dilihat ditegakkan dengan prosesnya yang begitu teliti, cermat dan berlaku adil mengikut prinsip undang-undang yang bebas. Apatah lagi sekiranya kita merujuk kepada sistem keadilan perundangan Islam yang menekankan bahawa sedikit sahaja keraguan dalam proses perbicaraan itu sudah cukup untuk membebaskan seseorang yang didakwa. Prinsip keadilan sebegini tidak dapat dilihat dalam kes yang menimpa Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Ini dengan sendirinya akan berterusan menghakis keyakinan rakyat terhadap sistem keadilan dalam negara kita ini.
PAS berkongsi kekecewaan ini dengan anggota keluarga Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim, terutamanya isteri beliau Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah yang juga Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) dalam menghadapi ujian yang sangat berat ini. PAS akan terus memberikan segala bentuk sokongan kepada beliau dan ahli-ahli PKR, serta seluruh penyokong Pakatan Rakyat dalam meneruskan rayuannya ke Mahkamah Persekutuan sehingga keadilan dapat ditegakkan dan kezaliman dapat diruntuhkan.
Dato’ Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang
Presiden PAS

Hadi Awang -PAS will be there for Anwar’s family, PKR and Pakatan...
PAS president Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang said the party shared the disappointment of Anwar Ibrahim’s family, especially Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, who is also PKR president on the horrible injustice that befell her husband, who was sentenced to five years jail today.
Hadi said he was shocked at the haste of Court of Appeal in wanting to deliver the five years jail sentence against the opposition leader after overturning High Court’s decision to acquit Anwar over the charge of sodomising his former aide six years ago.
“PAS and the public insist that the principle of justice must not only be uphold with full transparency and dignity, but it must also be upheld with a careful, detailed and fair process in accordance to the law,” said Hadi in a statement made available to Harakahdaily.
The Marang MP said under the Islamic justice system, a slight of doubt would be sufficed to acquit a person.
“Such justice could not be seen in the case that befalls Anwar. This directly erodes the people’s confidence towards our country judiciary system,” added Hadi.
PAS, said Hadi, would continue to give support to Anwar and his family, PKR and Pakatan Rakyat in the latter’s quest to appeal against the sentencing at the Federal Court level.- harakahdaily

Conviction was to ensure I can't contest in Kajang...
Anwar Ibrahim today said his conviction today is to make sure he could not contest in Kajang.
He said interestingly enough, government-appointed prosecutor Muhammad Shafee Abdullah made a special reference to Kajang in the mitigation.
“My counsel had been told to vacate the dates April 7 to 10, and these dates were brought forward because of this (Kajang),” he said.
“Karpal has a murder case on Thursday and he has been asked to vacate the dates for this trial,” he said.
Asked as to what will happen to Kajang without him, the 66-year-old says the constituency will grow stronger.
“Insyaallah (God-willing) my party will be able to consolidate further because their boss is in trouble,” he laughed.
“I will personally go there and campaign to ensure victory,” he said.
To queries about Shafee describing him as a national threat, Anwar replied, “You see the corrupt, the murderers, the rapists all in collusion (in this).
“So I become a national threat,” he said.
Shafee, in his submission, had said that as a leader of the opposition Anwar opens himself to blackmail and extortion and this resulted in him being a danger to national security.
‘I am the victim’
Anwar stressed that he has been made the real victim as a result of the conviction.
“Yes I’m the victim. You can see the conduct, there is no reference to the facts in the law. The judges follow strictly the script given to you. This is a criminal trial. You mean to say it’s beyond reasonable doubt (leading to this conviction)?,” he asked.
He warned that the government has not learnt the wrath of the people.
Anwar also did not mince his words on the conduct of the judges in the prosecution’s appeal, describing them as pathetic.
“It is pathetic to see the conduct of the judges behaving in this manner,” he said.
Look at Justice Aziah Ali, Anwar said she clearly could not control herself.
“She showed so much venom and anger. She is not fit to be a judge. She fixed the date in the hearing of the appeal and not the deputy registrar in this case.
While Karpal asked for the sentencing to be made next week, owing to he wanted to present the medical report as Anwar suffers from hypertension, back ailment and heart problem, the court rejected it outright, he said.
in the court’s judgment, it reflects mostly the prosecution or Shafee’s
submission as not an iota of the defence submission was placed in this
verdict, he added.
However, Anwar showed calmness despite the conviction, describing that the party will continue on.
“The beauty of this is it’s not just Anwar, it’s a struggle. So you want to cut off Anwar, you put Anwar in prison, the party and the movement will become stronger. You deny Anwar the seat I believe, God willing, the people of Kajang will support us. I will be there to campaign every day,” he said.
‘Never such haste’
Karpal said he had never seen a case rushed like this before in his many years of legal practise.
The 73-year-old DAP chairperson decried the manner they rushed through things in deciding the sentence without the medical report.
His views were also echoed by PKR Youth chief Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin, who is also Bukit Katil MP, who said there are two dangerous precedents set in the hearing of the case.
“Firstly is the court saying tampering of evidence is all right? This will have an impact on all criminal cases as in this case there is evidence of the plastic being opened. This will have to be decided in the Federal Court.
on mitigation of sentence, is it not necessary to show medical
report,” said Shamsul Iskandar, who is also a practising lawyer.
Subang MP and PKR central committee member Sivarasa Rasiah said Anwar’s conviction shows that Umno is scared of Anwar.
“Initially the dates of hearing were fixed for April 7 and 10 about three weeks ago. However, following Kajang, they have moved forward the hearing dates to today,” he said.
PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli described the conviction and sentence as a travesty of justice.- malaysiakini
He said interestingly enough, government-appointed prosecutor Muhammad Shafee Abdullah made a special reference to Kajang in the mitigation.
“My counsel had been told to vacate the dates April 7 to 10, and these dates were brought forward because of this (Kajang),” he said.
“Karpal has a murder case on Thursday and he has been asked to vacate the dates for this trial,” he said.
Asked as to what will happen to Kajang without him, the 66-year-old says the constituency will grow stronger.
“I will personally go there and campaign to ensure victory,” he said.
To queries about Shafee describing him as a national threat, Anwar replied, “You see the corrupt, the murderers, the rapists all in collusion (in this).
“So I become a national threat,” he said.
Shafee, in his submission, had said that as a leader of the opposition Anwar opens himself to blackmail and extortion and this resulted in him being a danger to national security.
‘I am the victim’
Anwar stressed that he has been made the real victim as a result of the conviction.
“Yes I’m the victim. You can see the conduct, there is no reference to the facts in the law. The judges follow strictly the script given to you. This is a criminal trial. You mean to say it’s beyond reasonable doubt (leading to this conviction)?,” he asked.
He warned that the government has not learnt the wrath of the people.
“It is pathetic to see the conduct of the judges behaving in this manner,” he said.
Look at Justice Aziah Ali, Anwar said she clearly could not control herself.
“She showed so much venom and anger. She is not fit to be a judge. She fixed the date in the hearing of the appeal and not the deputy registrar in this case.
While Karpal asked for the sentencing to be made next week, owing to he wanted to present the medical report as Anwar suffers from hypertension, back ailment and heart problem, the court rejected it outright, he said.
However, Anwar showed calmness despite the conviction, describing that the party will continue on.
“The beauty of this is it’s not just Anwar, it’s a struggle. So you want to cut off Anwar, you put Anwar in prison, the party and the movement will become stronger. You deny Anwar the seat I believe, God willing, the people of Kajang will support us. I will be there to campaign every day,” he said.
‘Never such haste’
Karpal said he had never seen a case rushed like this before in his many years of legal practise.
The 73-year-old DAP chairperson decried the manner they rushed through things in deciding the sentence without the medical report.
His views were also echoed by PKR Youth chief Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin, who is also Bukit Katil MP, who said there are two dangerous precedents set in the hearing of the case.
“Firstly is the court saying tampering of evidence is all right? This will have an impact on all criminal cases as in this case there is evidence of the plastic being opened. This will have to be decided in the Federal Court.
Subang MP and PKR central committee member Sivarasa Rasiah said Anwar’s conviction shows that Umno is scared of Anwar.
“Initially the dates of hearing were fixed for April 7 and 10 about three weeks ago. However, following Kajang, they have moved forward the hearing dates to today,” he said.
PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli described the conviction and sentence as a travesty of justice.- malaysiakini

Anwar out of Kajang polls...
Anwar Ibrahim will not be able to contest the Kajang by-election on March 23 as his Sodomy II conviction disqualifies him as a candidate.PKR vice-president N Surendran said since Anwar has been convicted, "disqualification cannot be avoided".
Article 47 of the federal constitution states that an individual who is convicted will not be qualified to be a candidate if the conviction includes a prison term of more than a year, or a fine above RM 2,000.
This is also stated in the Election Commission’s (EC) guidebook for election candidates.
Despite the stay, Anwar appears to be, at least by the rules, still disqualified to contest in Kajang.
This will throw serious doubts into PKR's Kajang move, raising questions as to who will replace Anwar as the party’s candidate for the by-election.
This could also mean that Abdul Khalid Ibrahim will remain the Selangor menteri besar for the foreseeable future.
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's defence lawyer Karpal Singh (pic) said with the Appeals Court ruling, the opposition leader could not contest in the Kajang state by-election.
"With today's conviction, Anwar can't file his nomination paper for the Kajang by-election on March 11 (this Tuesday)," he told reporters at the court.
Anwar was sentenced to five years' jail by the Court of Appeal today, after the court found him guilty of sodomising his former aide Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, five years ago.
Justice Datuk Balia Yusof Wahi, who led a three-man panel in hearing the prosecution's appeal in the case, however, granted Anwar's application for a stay of the sentence, pending appeal with bail of RM10,000, to be paid by 11am Monday.
He also said the defence would be filing its appeal this Monday, after the formalities for bail were done.
They had 14 days to file a notice of appeal, he added.
Meanwhile, lawyer R. Sivarasa also echoed similar views, saying that the Federal Constitution and the State Constitution did not allow for Anwar, who had been convicted, to contest in the by-election and could not offer his nomination papers on Tuesday. – tmi/malaysiakini

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