![An object measuring 22 meters by 13 meters [72 feet by 42 feet] was seen by a Chinese satellite, Hishamuddin Hussein told reporters.](http://media3.s-nbcnews.com/j/newscms/2014_12/272286/china-satellitecctv-twitter-630a_443eec30b94a0210248128b9de816b49.nbcnews-fp-720-320.jpg)
Pemangku menteri pengangkutan itu berkata China akan membuat pengumuman dalam beberapa jam lagi berhubung serpihan yang ditemui di koridor selatan itu.
“Berita yang baru saya terima, Kedutaan China menerima imej satelit objek terapung di koridor selatan dan mereka menghantar kapal untuk mengesahkannya.

“Beijing akan mengumumkannya dalam beberapa jam lagi. Objek terapung ini 22 meter panjang dan 30 meter lebar,” katanya dalam satu sidang media di Hotel Sama-Sama di Sepang hari ini.
Berikutan makluman itu, kerja pencarian MH370 akan diperluaskan berhubung maklumat yang diperoleh kerajaan China itu.
Dua hari lalu, Perdana Menteri Australia Tony Abbott mengumumkan dua objek yang berkemungkinan berkaitan dengan pencarian pesawat hilang dirakam imej satelit.
Sehubungan itu, pasukan pencari bergegas ke kawasan yang dimaksudkan Australia di kawasan terpencil kira-kira 2,500km barat daya Perth.
Sebelum ini dilaporkan kerja pencarian tertumpu kepada dua koridor iaitu utara dan selatan dengan andaian pesawat dapat terbang tujuh jam daripada ia dilaporkan hilang.
Koridor utara merangkumi sempadan Kazakhstan dan Turkeministan ke utara Thailand manakala koridor selatan merangkumi Indonesia ke selatan Lautan Hindi. – tmi

New images of floating objects spotted by Chinese satellite...
A high-resolution Earth observation satellite spotted a floating object approximately 22 metres by 13 metres in size, on March 18, said the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence on Saturday evening.
The location where this object was discovered was about 120 kilometres southwest of where Australia said two suspicious objects were captured on satellite imagery a few days ago.
Earlier on Saturday Malaysian Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein also said that the Chinese ambassador to Malaysia had received satellite images of "floating objects in the southern corridor," and that the Chinese were sending ships to verify.
“The Beijing government will announce this in a couple of hours,” he added.
The search for objects spotted floating in the Indian Ocean on Saturday marked two weeks since Malaysia Airlines flight 370 and the 239 people on board vanished from radar screens.
Australian and US military planes flew back to base empty-handed last night after a fruitless search of one of the most remote places on the planet, having spent the day scouring the seas more than 2,260 kilometres off the west coast of Australia.
The clock is ticking on the 30-day period within which the flight's crucial black box data recorder must be found before its batteries run out, which stops it emitting a 'ping' location signal.
Without the black box investigators may never discover what caused the Boeing 777 to disappear.
As an international armada of military and civilian vessels heads for the area, fears are growing that by the time they get there the objects spotted by satellites will be unrecoverable, having sunk or been swept away by powerful currents.

"The most sophisticated aircraft and vessels are heading in that direction [off the west coast of Australia]. Some assets have actually covered the area," Malaysia's acting transport minister, Hishammuddin Hussein, said.
Search teams flying over the southern Indian Ocean have been hampered by poor visibility and bad weather.
Two P-3 Orion aircraft from the Royal Australian Air Force and the US P-8 Poseidon are among the aircraft leading the search of the potential wreckage site. One P-3 Orion from New Zealand and two more types of the same Orion from Japan have been deployed.
China reacted quickly to the report of suspected debris and extended its search efforts southward.- scmp
According the Xin Hua news agency, the horse-shoe shaped object is in southern Indian Ocean, about 120km from another object discovered by a United States satellite which was revealed by Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott on Thursday.
It is not clear whether the satellite images are depicting the same object or two different objects.
Reuters reported China said an image of the object had been captured by its high-definition earth observation satellite 'Gaofen-1'.
The location was south by west of the possible debris announced by Australia on Thursday, said the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (Sastind).
Tropical cyclone Gillian
The Chinese embassy in Kuala Lumpur said that the object was discovered today when the satellite images were analysed. It immediately relayed the information to both Malaysia and Australia.
However, as half a dozen nations set their sights in the Indian Ocean, their search efforts are being threatened by tropical cyclone Gillian which have began to develop near Christmas Island.
"A cyclone warning has been declared for tropical cyclone Gillian, which is located in the southern corridor. Very strong winds and rough seas are expected there today," said Hishammuddin.
"There are vessels heading in that direction and some of them may have to go through (the cyclone) to get to the (search) area."
The southern corridor extends from western Sumatra in Indonesia to the southern Indian Ocean - a busy sea route with an average depth of nearly 4km. - mk
Komunikasi 54 minit terakhir MH370 didedahkan The Telegraph...
Komunikasi pada 54 minit terakhir antara pesawat MH370 yang hilang pada awal pagi 8 Mac dengan menara kawalan didedahkan The Telegraph.
Laporan itu juga mendedahkan transkrip komunikasi juruterbang bersama dan menara kawalan, dan lain-lain pengawal trafik udara , bermula dari masa Boeing 777-200ER itu berlepas dari landasan hingga ke kedudukannya di ketinggian yang mencecah puluhan ribu kaki di atas Laut China Selatan.
Transkrip bermula pada 00.25 dengan arahan am daripada menara kawalan kepada juruterbang pesawat Boeing 777-200ER milik Malaysia Airlines (MAS). Perbualan terperinci bermula pada 00.36.
Ia termasuk pertukaran dari satu lokasi di mana penyiasat percaya pesawat itu telah disabotaj, dan juga perkataan terakhir pembantu juruterbang, Fariq Abdul Hamid ,27: "All right, good night. "
Penganalisis berkata urutan mesej yang muncul sebagai "perfectly routine". Walau bagaimanapun, mereka berkata terdapat dua ciri yang menonjol sebagai berpotensi ganjil.
Yang pertama adalah mesej dari kokpit pada 01:07. yang memberitahu menara kawalan, pesawat itu terbang pada 35,000 kaki. Ini mengulangi mesej yang disampaikan enam minit lebih awal.
Tetapi, ia berlaku pada 1:07, ketika ACARS, peranti isyarat pesawat, menghantar mesej terakhir sebelum ia dipadamkan dalam masa 30 minit kemudian, seperti disengajakan. Satu transponder berasingan telah dipadamkan pada 01:21, namun penyiasat percaya ACARS telah ditutup sebelum 01:19 iaitu ketika komunikasi dari Fariq.
Ciri lain yang pelik, yang boleh dijadikan sebab pesawat itu disyaki mengalami kemalangan adalah bila hilangnya komunkasi dan seterusnya penyerahan pengawal trafik udara di Kuala Lumpur kepada petugas di Bandaraya Ho Chi Minh.

Read more at: http://www.astroawani.com/news/show/mh370-komunikasi-54-minit-terakhir-didedahkan-the-telegraph-32295?cp

Read more at: http://www.astroawani.com/news/show/mh370-komunikasi-54-minit-terakhir-didedahkan-the-telegraph-32295?cp
"Jika saya mahu merampas pesawat tersebut, ia akan menjadi point di mana saya akan melakukannya," kata Stephen Buzdygan, bekas juruterbang British Airways yang memandu 777s.
"Mungkin ada sedikit ruang kosong di antara pengawal trafik udara ... Ia adalah satu-satunya masa semasa penerbangan mereka akan mungkin tidak telah dapat dilihat dari bawah," katanya.
Maklumat yang didedah The Telegraph itu menambah spekulasi mengenai nasib MH370, sama ada ia adalah mangsa kemalangan tiba-tiba atau dirampas. Transkrip ini juga menunjukkan bahawa jika juruterbang yang terlibat, mereka sangat berhati-hati untuk menyembunyikan niat sebenar mereka.
Menurut transkrip kokpit, dari saat tanda masuk di 12.36 apabila pesawat itu masih di atas darat, Fariq, melakukan rutinnya memberitahu lokasi, kenaikan dan ketinggian.
Walaupun dia telah mengambil pendekatan yang sedikit kasual dan pada masa-masa berlepas dari kata-kata rasminya, tidak apa-apa tanda bahawa kapal terbang akan hilang.
Sesetengah pakar berkata mereka tidak melihat apa-apa yang boleh membuatkan mereka merasa ada perbuatan jahat munkin telah berlaku.
The Telegraph mendakwa mereka telah berulang kali meminta pihak MAS, Pihak Jabatan Penerbangan Awam Malaysia (DCA) dan pejabat Perdana Menteri untuk mengesahkan rekod komunikasi ini namun hanya pejabat Perdana Menteri memberi jawapan bahawa data itu tidak akan didedahkan.
Pesawat MH370 berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) awal pagi 8 Mac dalam penerbangannya ke Beijing.
Namun pesawat itu dilaporkan hilang dari radar awal pagi 8 Mac dan masih hilang hingga ke hari ini.- astroawani.com

Revealed: the final 54 minutes of communication from MH370...
The last 54 minutes of cockpit communication aboard the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 have been disclosed.
A transcript of conversations between the co-pilot and the control tower, and other air traffic controllers, runs from the time the Boeing 777 was taxiing to its last known position thousands of feet above the South China Sea.
It includes exchanges from a point at which investigators believe the plane had already been sabotaged, as well as the last words of Fariq Abdul Hamid, 27, the co-pilot: "All right, good night."
Analysts said the sequence of messages appeared "perfectly routine". However two features, they said, stood out as potentially odd.
The first was a message from the cockpit at 1.07am, saying the plane was flying at 35,000ft. This was unnecessary as it repeated a message delivered six minutes earlier.
But it occurred at a crucial moment: it was at 1.07am that the plane's Acars signalling device sent its last message before being disabled some time in the next 30 minutes, apparently deliberately.
A separate transponder was disabled at 1.21am but investigators believe the Acars was shut down before Hamid's final, 1.19am farewell.
The other odd feature, one reason for suspicions that the plane's disappearance was no accident, was that its loss of communication and subsequent sharp turn west occurred at the handover from air traffic controllers in Kuala Lumpur to those in Ho Chi Minh City.
"If I was going to steal the aeroplane, that would be the point I would do it," said Stephen Buzdygan, a former British Airways pilot who flew 777s.
"There might be a bit of dead space between the air traffic controllers. It was the only time during the flight they would maybe not have been able to be seen from the ground."
The fresh details add to speculation over the fate of MH370, whether it was the victim of a sudden accident or a hijacking. The transcript also suggests that if the pilots were involved, they were very careful to hide their true intentions.- smh.com
Read the detailed conversation begins at 00.36.here.


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