MH370-Anggota Keluarga Minta Bukti MH370 Berakhir Di Lautan Hindi...
Tuntutan tersebut disuarakan oleh kira-kira 30 anggota keluarga penumpang yang tiba dari China hari ini.
Mereka berharap taklimat tersebut dapat diadakan secepat mungkin dengan bantuan Kedutaan Besar China di Malaysia.
Wakil daripada anggota keluarga penumpang, yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Jiang Hui, berkata walaupun pelbagai taklimat serta penjelasan telah diadakan di China, namun mereka masih tidak jelas dan mahukan data lengkap terutamanya daripada pakar.
"Selama 22 hari menunggu, jawapan yang kami dapat daripada pihak MAS di sana (China) adalah terhad...Semuanya perlu dirujuk terlebih dahulu kepada kerajaan Malaysia untuk membuat sebarang kenyataan kepada kami.
"Oleh itu kami membuat keputusan datang ke Malaysia untuk mendapat lebih banyak maklumat mengenai insiden ini, terutamanya daripada pakar penerbangan seperti Rolls Royce dan Syarikat Boeing, selain daripada kerajaan Malaysia dan MAS," kata lelaki itu kepada pemberita.
Bercakap dalam bahasa Mandarin, beliau berkata pihaknya juga menuntut kerajaan Malaysia memohon maaf atas kelewatan penyebaran maklumat mengenai pesawat itu.
Jiang berkata pihaknya berharap agar kerajaan Malaysia dapat menunjukkan keikhlasan membantu mereka dari segi membekalkan maklumat sahih.
"Kami tidak akan meninggalkan Malaysia sehinggalah kami berpuas hati dengan penjelasan mengenai pesawat itu," katanya.
Difahamkan, kumpulan ini ditempatkan di Holiday Villa Subang pada pukul 10 pagi tadi dengan disambut oleh Duta Khas Perdana Menteri ke China Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting, Naib Presiden MCA Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun, dan kira-kira 40 orang anggota Crisis Relief Squad of MCA (CRSM).
Penerbangan MH370, yang membawa 227 penumpang termasuk 152 warga China dan 12 kru, hilang pada pagi 8 Mac kira-kira sejam setelah berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa KL pukul 12.41 tengah malam.
Pesawat itu sepatutnya mendarat di Beijing pada 6.30 pagi hari yang sama.
Najib kemudian mengumumkan pada 24 Mac, tujuh belas hari selepas pesawat itu hilang bahawa Penerbangan MH370 "berakhir di selatan Lautan Hindi".- BERNAMA
Chinese kin seek Putrajaya's apology...
Relatives of the Chinese passengers aboard MH370 have demanded that
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak apologise for 'prematurely' announcing
that the missing flight had 'ended' in the Indian Ocean.
After arriving from Beijing today, a spokesperson for the group of 35 relatives held a press conference in Subang at 2pm.
"We hope that from here, Malaysian authorities can fully disclose their evidence, and answer our questions.
"Secondly, we demand that the Malaysian government apologise for last
week’s confused communications and for holding up the search and rescue
"Thirdly, we demand that the Malaysian government and MAS apologise for
irresponsibly saying that the aircraft is destroyed without survivors
without a shred of evidence," Jiang Hui told reporters.
Quest for the truth
His red-eyed son then shouted "We want evidence, truth, and our loved ones!" while others wiped their tears.
On March 24, Najib had announced that MH370 had "ended" in the Indian Ocean based on analysis of satellite data. He stopped short of saying that it crashed.
Meanwhile in China, about 30 minutes before Najib’s announcement, MAS
began informing relatives of this and that there were no survivors.
MAS group CEO Ahmad Jauhari Yayha later defended this, saying that the
aircraft is running low on fuel at its last known location in a remote
part of the Indian Ocean, therefore the prospect of survival for an
extended period of time is "extremely, extremely remote".
Earlier today, the group of 35 landed at KL International Airport (KLIA)
this morning, but were quietly whisked to a hotel in Subang Jaya
through another exit, as reporters waited at the arrival hall.
More to come soon
Upon realising this, reporters rushed to the hotel to interview the
relatives, only to find that they were holding a meeting with government
and MAS representatives.
Jiang said that more relatives are expected to arrive from Beijing in
the coming days but is unable to confirm the exact number. The logistics
are being handled by MAS.
The group hoped to top Malaysian government officials will meet them and
answer their many queries, promising that they will act in a
"reasonable and legal way" throughout their stay.
"We hope Malaysia will show sincerity by arranging for someone someone
of authority to speak to us with the relevant data at hand and will be
able to communicate the truth," said Jiang.- mk
Pak Lah disenaraikan dalam siasatan NSA...
Edward Snowden telah membocorkan dokumen rahsia Perisikan US-NSA (National Security Agency's) kepada media Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine.
Bekas PM Malaysia Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi (Paklah), yang berkhidmat sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia dari Oktober 2003 hingga April 2009, disenaraikan dalam siasatan Amerika Syarikat melalui NSA sebagai "Sasaran Knowledge Base", satu pangkalan data yang direka untuk membina "profil lengkap" perisikan keutamaan sasaran berprofil tinggi.
Setelah Paklah letak jawatan, sebagai balasan Najib telah menganugerahkan Apco untuk menjadi penasihat beliau dengan bayaran lebih RM 70 juta setiap tahun. Apco pula diberi tender supply set komunikasi PDRM ?-f/bk

Edward Snowden documents show Malaysia is an Australia, US intelligence target...
Former Malaysian Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi, who served as Malaysian prime minister from October 2003 to April 2009, is listed in an extract from the US National Security Agency’s "Target Knowledge Base", a database designed to build up “complete profiles” of high priority intelligence targets.
Abdullah Badawi’s name appears in a list of eleven heads of government, including Germany’s Angela Merkel, Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, Belarus’s Alexander Lukashenko, and former Colombian president Alvaro Uribe. The top secret briefing, created in 2009, indicates that the full list of targeted heads of foreign governments contained 122 names. The final name on the list is Yulia Tymoshenko, who was Ukrainian prime minister at the time.
According to Der Spiegel a National Security Agency search program codenamed "Nymrod" enables intelligence analysis to search the database to "find information relating to targets that would otherwise be tough to track down". Nymrod sifts through signals intelligence reports based on intercepted communications as well as transcripts of faxes, phone calls, and data collected from computer networks. Each of the names in the database is considered a "SIGINT target" with automated data processing making it possible to manage more than 3 million entries.

Part of the trove of highly classified documents leaked by former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, the secret briefing published by Der Spiegel also shows that intelligence on foreign leaders is shared between all "5-eyes" intelligence partners – the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Former members of the Australian Parliament's joint intelligence committee have confirmed to Fairfax Media that the Malaysian government, political leadership and defence force have been long been targeted by Australia's electronic spy agency, the Australian Signals Directorate, and by the Australian Secret Intelligence Service.
Australia bugged Malaysia Cabinet ministers
Fairfax Media has been told that in the early 1990s Australian intelligence successfully eavesdropped on Malaysian Cabinet talks, recording highly uncomplimentary remarks by then Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammed about Indonesian President Suharto. A decade later parliamentary joint intelligence committee members were briefed on the Australian Signals Directorate’s access to Malaysian defence force communications, including interception of video conference channels used by Malaysia's defence chiefs.
Confirmation that Abdullah Badawi was targeted for intelligence collection is the latest in a series of unprecedented disclosures of US and Australian intelligence operations against South East Asian countries.
In August last year Fairfax Media revealed that the Australian Signals Directorate is in a partnership with British, American and Singaporean intelligence agencies to tap undersea fibre optic telecommunications cables through South East Asia. Fairfax Media also reported on the use of US and Australian embassies in East and South East Asia, including those in Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur, as secret bases for signals intelligence collection program codenamed "Stateroom".

In November the Guardian and the ABC reported that the Australian Signals Directorate had intercepted the mobile phone of Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, his wife and many of his closest political associates.
In response, Indonesia broke off formal military cooperation with Australia and demanded a new "code of conduct" be reached with Australia before cooperation resumes.
Other revelations have included cooperation between the US National Security Agency and its Australian counterpart in targeting a 2007 United Nations climate change conference in Bali.
According to other National Security Agency documents published by the New York Times, the Australian Signals Directorate has accessed bulk call data from Indosat, Indonesia’s domestic satellite telecommunications provider, and obtained nearly 1.8 million encrypted master keys, which are used to protect private communications, from Indonesia’s Telkomsel mobile telephone network in Indonesia, and developed a way to decrypt almost all of them.
Earlier this month, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said the new code of conduct being negotiated between Australia and Indonesia will include a clause dealing with intelligence activities.
"I made it quite clear that Australia would not use its resources - our intelligence resources - to the detriment of our friends and neighbours and that includes Indonesia," she told the ABC Lateline program.
Ms Bishop said Australia has submitted a draft of the code of conduct, which she described as a "joint understanding", however she expected progress to be slow in the lead-up to Indonesia’s legislative elections next week and presidential elections in July. - smh.com.au

MAS Pula Minta Bukti Dari Gomen Yang MH370 Terhempas Di Lautan Hindi...

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