Identitinya dikenalpasti sebagai Pouria Nour Mohmammad Mahrdad, 19, pemegang pasport dikeluarkan negara Austria yang dilaporkan hilang oleh pemiliknya.
Katanya, semakan polis mendapati, Pouria (pic,atas) yang memasuki Malaysia pada 28 Februari itu tiada kaitan dengan kumpulan pengganas.
"Tiada kemungkinan bahawa dia adalah anggota sebarang kumpulan pengganas.
"Apabila kita kenalpasti beliau sebagai penumpang dengan pasport curi, kami memfokuskan kepadanya dan menyebarkan kepada pasukan polis seluruh dunia dan tentulah kami mendapat jawapan sangat pantas.
"Kita tahu dia hendak berhijrah ke Jerman sebab kita berhubung dengan ibunya. Ibunya sedang menunggu ketibaannya di Frankfurt.
"Apabila dia tidak muncul, dia menghubungi kami di sini, sebab itu itulah kami tahu dia adalah orang yang sama yang menggunakan pasport palsu," katanya.
Pihak berkuasa sedang mengesan identiti seorang lagi penumpang (kanan) yang memegang pasport dicuri, katanya dalam sidang media di Kuala Lumpur hari ini.
Polis mendedahkan gambar kedua-dua individu berkenaan hari ini.- malaysiakini

Iranian with stolen passport has no terror links...
One of the two men who boarded Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 with stolen passports is a 19-year-old Iranian national who was on his way to Germany.
At a press conference today, Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar (left) identified the youth as Pouria Nour Mohammad Mehrdad.
Pouria was in possession of the Austrian passport that had been reported stolen by its owner.
The police chief said checks revealed that the youth, who entered Malaysia on Feb 28, was not linked with any terror network.
"It is not likely Pouria (below) is a member of any terror organisation," Khalid told a press conference at Sama-Sama Hotel at the KL International Airport.
"When we identified him being a traveller on a stolen passport, we focused on him and disseminated his information to our counterparts all over the world and we got replies very fast."
When news of the stolen passports emerged, investigators began to look into the possibility of a terrorist attack.
The second man (above), who is in possession of a stolen Italian passport, has yet to be identified.
The police have also released images of the two men.
Khalid said police had established Pouria's identity after they made contact with his mother.
"We know he wanted to migrate to Germany because we are in contact with his mother. His mother was waiting for him to arrive in Frankfurt.
"When he never arrived, she contacted us here, that is why we know he is the same one using the stolen passport," he said.
He said Pouria had never been to Malaysia prior to this.
Flight MH370 which departed from Kuala Lumpur at 12.41am on March 7, was due to arrive in Beijing at 6.30am but lost contact over the Gulf of Thailand at 1.30am.
To date, a massive search has been launched in the South China Sea as well as over the Straits of Malacca, considering indications that the plane may have turned back.
However, no sign of the aircraft has been found.
'Immigration SOP complied with'
Also present at the press conference was newly-minted Immigration director-general Aloyah Mamat, who said the authorities had reviewed CCTV footages and confirmed all standard operating procedures was complied with in regard to the two imposters.
"I reiterate that all the department's standard operating procedures had been followed by the immigration officers in conducting clearance and verification of the two subjects," Aloyah said.
She said Pouria and the other imposter had entered Malaysia on Feb 28 and gone through immigration checks three minutes apart, respectively using an Austrian passport (P2979523) and Italian passport (YA3189197).
They were issued a social visit pass for 90 days after immigration officers were satisfied with their inspection, she said.
Pouria and the other individual departed for Beijing on flight MH370 on March 7 and presented themselves themselves for immigration check at 8.31pm and 8.43pm respectively

Interpol secretary general Ronald Noble said Iranian nationals Pouria Nour Mohammah Mehrdad, 19, and Delavar Seyed Mohammadreza, 29, travelled to Malaysia on their Iranian passports before switching to the stolen Austrian and Italian documents. Pic – Dailymail
Aloyah said immigration did not detect the fake identity as it was Pouria's first trip to Malaysia and therefore the immigration department only obtained his biometric for the first time.
The same biometric information was used to depart the country, she said.
However, Aloyah said, she was not certain whether the passport used contained biometric features.
Shortly after flight MH370 went missing, Malaysia Airlines released a passenger manifest that included the names of Austrian Christian Kozel and Italian Luigi Miraldi.
However, both the Austrian and Italian foreign ministries had denied their citizens were on the flight, adding that their passports were stolen in Thailand wo years ago.
These facts raised a red flag that two passengers on the flight were imposters and prompted the police to look at the possibility of whether the duo were hijackers or merely individuals travelling with false documents.- malaysiakini

Aksi Raja Bomoh di KLIA cuba mengesan MH370...
Bernama semalam melaporkan, kehilangan MH370 mendapat perhatian "Raja Bomoh Sedunia Nujum VIP" Ibrahim Mat Zin yang mendakwa dijemput seorang pegawai tertinggi negara ke KLIA bagi menggunakan ilmu tradisional dan solat hajat.
Ibrahim berkata, beliau menggunakan bubu mata pancing dan teropong yang diperbuat daripada buluh untuk meminta dan berdoa supaya melepaskan mangsa agar dapat dijumpai secepat mungkin.
Berpengalaman selama 50 tahun, Ibrahim menjadi popular melalui perkhidmatan kejadian Highland Tower runtuh, pencarian mayat semasa banjir Kuala Dipang, Kampar Perak dan kes pembunuhan seorang ahli politik oleh Mona Fendy.
Dalam video di atas dia kata dia naik kapalterbang dari Kuala Lumpur ke Kota Kinabalu melintas di Tawau?.. ini buat aku confuse, sebab KK terletak di Utara Sabah dan Tawau di Tenggara Sabah.
Katanya VVIP yang jemput dia ni... Kalau VVIP negara ni tentulah dari kalangan pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO...

Sementara itu bekas mufti Perlis Datuk Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin menegur penggunaan aktiviti perbomohan untuk mencari pesawat MH370 yang hilang ketika dalam perjalanan dari Kuala Lumpur ke Beijing Sabtu lalu.
Sambil menyifatkan langkah itu sebagai "satu kerja bodoh", Asri berkata, langkah “khurafat dan tahyul” itu tidak boleh diterima sama sekali kerana ia tidak dapat diterima akal waras.
“Ini tahyul, khurafat, kerja bodoh dan tidak waras. Agama tidak dapat terima (langkah ini). Dengan buat begitu, dia (bomoh) beri gambaran salah pada ajaran Islam.
“Dia seolah ambil kesempatan. Siapa yang membawanya (untuk tujuan itu), amat malang dan memalukan,” kata Dr Mohd Asri yang juga pensyarah Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) itu.
Asri menegaskan, dalam Islam, tiada sesiapa yang mengetahui perkara ghaib kerana ia di luar pengetahuan manusia.
“Tiada siapa boleh buat kuasa tuhan. Kalau boleh, sudah tentu Nabi Muhammad menjampi semua penentangnya supaya terima Islam.
“Kuasa-kuasa ghaib ini kalau berlaku menggunakan perantara syaitan. Mungkin (hasilnya) jadi, tapi ia bukan ajaran Islam,” katanya. - malaysiakini
Ex-mufti slams bomoh intervention...
Former Perlis mufti Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin (above) has criticised the move to call in a bomoh (shaman) to locate the missing MH370 aircraft.
Describing it as an act of "stupidity", he said rational minded people cannot accept such things, which are forbidden in Islam and considered superstitious.
"This is superstition, stupidity, and irrational. Religion cannot accept this and by doing so, the bomoh has given a wrong impression about Islam.
"It is as if he has taken advantage (of the situation). Who brought him there? This is very embarrassing," the Universiti Sains Malaysia lecturer told Malaysiakini.
The bomoh, Ibrahim Mat Zin, who is known as Raja Bomoh Sedunia Nujum VIP, arrived at KLIA yesterday, claiming to have been invited by one of the country's top leaders, to help locate the missing plane using a spiritual method and prayer.
"We used fish trap hook and a bamboo binoculars to look and ask for the victims to be found as soon as possible," he had told reporters at the airport.
Meanwhile, Asri stressed that Islam states that nobody can understand the supernatural as it is beyond human comprehension.
"Nobody can replicate the power of God. If this was the case, Prophet Muhammad would have surely cast a spell on all those who opposed him to embrace Islam.
"These supernatural powers, even if they work, it is because of the help of the devil. This is not part of Islam’s teaching," he added.
The Boeing 777 jetliner, with 239 people onboard, has been missing since Saturday morning.- malaysiakini

Karpal Singh didenda RM4,000...
Ahli Parlimen Bukit Gelugor, Karpal Singh hari ini dijatuhi hukuman RM4,000 oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur terhadap pertuduhan mengeluarkan perkataan berbaur hasutan terhadap Sultan Perak berhubung pengguguran Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin sebagai Menteri Besar pada 2009.
Menurut Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Azman Abdullah, pihak pembela gagal mewujudkan keraguan munasabah ke atas kes pendakwaan.
Karpal, 73, yang juga Pengerusi DAP Kebangsaan dituduh mengeluarkan kenyataan itu di firma guamannya di Jalan Pudu Lama pada 6 Februari 2009.
Beliau didakwa mengikut Seksyen 4(1)(b) Akta Hasutan 1948 yang membawa hukuman maksimum penjara tiga tahun dan denda RM5,000 atau kedua-duanya.

Penyokong2 Karpal Singh...
Sementara itu anaknya, peguam Gobind Singh memberitahu ekoran denda itu Karpal Singh hilang kelayakan sebagai Ahli Parlimen Bukit Gelugor sementara menunggu rayuan difailkan.
Di bawah Perlembagaan Persekutuan, Karpal menghadapi risiko hilang kelayakan sebagai ahli Parlimen jika didenda lebih RM2,000 atau dipenjara melebihi tempoh setahun.
Para pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat memenuhi ruang mahkamah sementara menunggu keputusan hukuman dijatuhkan.
Timbalan Presiden dan Setiausaha Agung PAS, Mohamad Sabu dan Datuk Mustafa Ali turut hadir.- harakahdaily

Karpal fined RM4,000 for sedition, to appeal...
Senior lawyer Karpal Singh has been fined RM4,000 for sedition by the Kuala Lumpur High Court, thereby losing his eligibility to represent the parliamentary constituency of Bukit Gelugor.
The prosecution had pressed for a custodial sentence, as a deterrent, in submitting at the mitigation stage of the case this morning.
“The court recognises Karpal as a senior lawyer who has been involved in many cases. The sentence is meant as a deterrent to anyone who makes comments about the rulers,” he told a packed court-room.
Karpal Singh and his son, lawyer and Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo, later said a notice of appeal will be filed within 14 days against the sentence at the Court of Appeal and at the Federal Court if necessary.
Notice of appeal was filed last week against the conviction.
On Feb 21, Justice Azman had found him guilty of sedition over the remark that action can be taken against the Perak sultan for removing Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin as menteri besar during the 2009 imbroglio in the state assembly.
Section 4 of the Sedition Act provides for a maximum fine of RM5,000 or a maximum jail term of three years, or both.
Karpal is the second person in as many years to be convicted of sedition. Hindraf leader P Uthayakumar was found guilty last year and is serving an 18-month jail sentence.
Observers from Britain and the US, Lawasia’s Mark Trowell, were in court today, alongside former UN special rapporteur Param Cumaraswamy, Bar Council chairperson Christopher Leong, vice-chairperson Steven Thiru, and Cyrus Das who is representing the Commonwealth Lawyers Association.
PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim, vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar, treasurer William Leong and Tamrin Ghafar were among those from Pakatan Rakyat, along with Nizar and former Bersih 2.0 chairperson Ambiga Sreenevasan and current chairperson Maria Chin Abdullah.
PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu and secretary-general Mustafa Ali; and DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng and veteran leader Lim Kit Siang were also present.
‘Selective prosecution’
Earlier, Gobind and his younger sister, Sangeet Kaur, had mitigated for Karpal to be bound over owing to his physical condition, as he has been wheelchair-bound since a traffic accident in 2005.
Sangeet said that, following the accident, her father has had to be fully aided because his spinal injury prevents him from using all his limbs. She presented two medical reports to back her assertions.
There have been worse instances of sedition, Gobind noted, citing the cases of Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali, who had threatened to burn the Malay-language Bible, Perkasa vice-president Zulkifli Noordin and academician Ridhuan Tee Abdullah.
“Why hasn’t the prosecution or the Attorney-General’s Chambers taken action against them, but only against Pakatan representatives? Where is the equality of the law protected by the federal constitution? All this denotes selective prosecution,” he said.
He submitted that remarks of seditious tendency, under Section 3(1), had been repealed with the withdrawal of the 1969 Emergency proclamation in 2011.
DPP Noorin Badaruddin submitted that, while the Section 3(1) had been repealed, the offence stands as the remark was made in 2009.
In asking for a deterrent sentence, including jail time, she said the people’s respect for the Malay rulers has been affected by such circumstances.
Gobind wanted the court to hear submissions from the Bar Council and Cyrus, but the judge did not allow this.- malaysiakini

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