Anwar Mula Dikaitkan Dengan MH370, Apakah Rumahnya Pula Digeledah Selepas Ini...
Hari ini sudah masuk hari kesembilan kehilangan pesawat MH370 menghantui dunia.
Daripada jangkaan awal bahawa pesawat itu mungkin terhempas dengan fokus pencarian di Laut China Selatan dan Selat Melaka, pengumuman Perdana Menteri, Najib Razak dalam sidang akhbar yang tidak boleh ditanyakan soalan semalam, perhatian kini bertukar dimensi dengan kebarangkalian ianya dirampas atau sengaja disabotaj pula.
Sebagaimana yang didedahkan Najib juga, pesawat itu kini mungkin berada di sempadan antara Turkmenistan dan Kazashtan sehingga ke utara Thailand atau di koridor selatan yang mengunjur daripada Indonesia hingga ke Lautan Hindi.
Maklumat daripada radar TUDM bahawa pesawat itu sengaja dialihkan tujuannya serta sistem komunikasi juga dimatikan dengan sengaja, sudah pasti untuk mengelak dikesan, tumpuan kini ialah kepada mereka yang berada di dalam kokpit pesawat itu iaitu juruterbang, Kapten Zaharie Ahmad Shah dan pembantunya, Fariq Abdul Hamid.

“Persoalannya ialah jika pesawat itu dirampas, apakah juruterbangnya diugut oleh sekumpulan perampas yang menyamar sebagai penumpang atau beliau merupakan sebahagian daripada komplot rampasan itu?” tanya penulis Shahbudin Husin di dalam blognya.
Dalam perkembangan terbaru yang didedahkan oleh akhbar Daily Mail, Ahmad Zaharie juga didakwa berada di Mahkamah Rayuan pada 7 Mac untuk memberi sokongan moral kepada Anwar Ibrahim dan menyaksikan sendiri detik-detik hukuman 5 tahun penjara itu dijatuhkan.
Selepas mahkamah berakhir pada 7 malam, barulah beliau pulang ke rumah dan kemudian pada jam 9 malam terus bertolak ke KLIA untuk tugasan membawa pesawat MH370 ke Beijing.
Menurut Shahbudin lagi, selain akhbar luar negara, beberapa blog dan pengendali laman sosial pro Umno, tanpa segan-silu terus mengaitkan Zaharie dengan hukuman penjara terhadap Anwar sebagai punca kehilangan pesawat itu.- harakahdaily. Baca di sini
PKR bidas The Mail, tidak relevan kait dengan Anwar...
PKR hari ini membidas laporan media antarabangsa Daily Mail yang mengaitkan kapten Zaharie Ahmad Shah, juruterbang pesawat MAS MH370 dengan Ketua Umum, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Naib Presiden PKR, Tian Chua pada sidang media memberitahu adalah tidak relevan untuk mengaitkan insiden itu dengan Anwar.
Malah, beliau mendakwa maklumat yang disiarkan itu tidak benar dan hanya bersifat tanggapan yang tiada bukti kukuh.
"Ini isu keselamatan MAS, tidak releven langsung untuk dikaitkan dengan Anwar atau PKR," katanya di Bilik Gerakan Utama Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Kajang.
Sementara itu, Ahli Parlimen Subang Sivarasa Rasiah mengakui bahawa Kapten Zaharie adalah ahli PKR, namun tidak wajar untuk dikaitkan insiden tersebut dengan PKR.
Beliau bagaimana pun berkata bersedia untuk memberi kerjasama jika dipanggil oleh pihak polis.
"Zaharie sama seperti ahli yang lain, beliau menyertai PKR pada Januari tahun lalu di Cabang Subang. Isu ini tidak boleh kaitkan dengan PKR," tegasnya.- harakahdaily
Mungkinkah juruterbang rampas pesawat akibat kecewa Anwar bersalah kes Liwat II?
PKR refutes 'Anwar link' to lost MH370...
PKR today refuted UK-based tabloid Daily Mail's report
quoting police sources which claimed MH370 pilot Zaharie Ahmad Shah had
hijacked his own plane after being outraged at Opposition Anwar
Ibrahim's conviction for sodomy.
Subang MP R Sivarasa acknowledged that Zaharie joined PKR on Jan 23 last year but said it was unfair to insinuate that the party had something to do with Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 which vanished from civilian radar last Saturday.
"The media should not make speculations. Daily Mail is a tabloid, they did not refer to any (credible) source," he told a press conference in Kajang today.
The Daily Mail in a report today described Zaharie (left) as a "political fanatic" and "obsessive" supporter of Anwar following revelations that he was a PKR member.
Sivarasa noted that the report had labelled Zaharie based on claims that he had attended Anwar’s sodomy trial a day before MH370 took off and that he was supposedly a vocal social activist.
However, Sivarasa, who is also Subang division PKR chief, said the claims were “unverified”.
‘Like any other party member’
“The two claims were used to label him as a ‘political fanatic’ but that conclusion should not be made as they are based on unverified claims.
“He (Zaharie) was like the million other political party members out there,” he said.
Sivarasa, who knew Zaharie, described him as a friendly and kind person who had helped the Subang PKR division in the last general election and participated in its activities.
He added that he only found out that Zaharie was on the ill-fated flight last Sunday and had called his family to give words of encouragement.
“If the police want to meet me and ask about his (Zaharie’s) background, I am prepared to help, this is not a party matter,” he said.
Meanwhile, PKR vice-president Tian Chua (right),
who was also present at the press conference, said he did not want the
search for the missing MH370 to be politicised as it will not help in
finding the aircraft.
He added that all attention should be on finding the plane which has been missing for the ninth day today.
“We hope all parties, including the media and political parties including the ruling coalition, to respect the family and passengers of MH370.
“Do not make too many assumptions which could affect the investigation and hurt the feelings of family members.
“For us, we do not want to get into polemics of finger-pointing,” he said.
Anwar was on March 7, a day before MH370 went missing, convicted of sodomy and sentenced to five years in prison by the Court of Appeal.
The opposition leader had claimed his sodomy conviction, the second in his political career, was politically motivated and aimed at preventing him from contesting the Kajang by-election.
He temporarily remains a free man after the same court allowed a stay of execution and granted him bail of RM10,000 pending an appeal at the Federal Court.- malaysiakini
Subang MP R Sivarasa acknowledged that Zaharie joined PKR on Jan 23 last year but said it was unfair to insinuate that the party had something to do with Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 which vanished from civilian radar last Saturday.
"The media should not make speculations. Daily Mail is a tabloid, they did not refer to any (credible) source," he told a press conference in Kajang today.
Sivarasa noted that the report had labelled Zaharie based on claims that he had attended Anwar’s sodomy trial a day before MH370 took off and that he was supposedly a vocal social activist.
However, Sivarasa, who is also Subang division PKR chief, said the claims were “unverified”.
‘Like any other party member’
“The two claims were used to label him as a ‘political fanatic’ but that conclusion should not be made as they are based on unverified claims.
“He (Zaharie) was like the million other political party members out there,” he said.
Sivarasa, who knew Zaharie, described him as a friendly and kind person who had helped the Subang PKR division in the last general election and participated in its activities.
He added that he only found out that Zaharie was on the ill-fated flight last Sunday and had called his family to give words of encouragement.
“If the police want to meet me and ask about his (Zaharie’s) background, I am prepared to help, this is not a party matter,” he said.
He added that all attention should be on finding the plane which has been missing for the ninth day today.
“We hope all parties, including the media and political parties including the ruling coalition, to respect the family and passengers of MH370.
“Do not make too many assumptions which could affect the investigation and hurt the feelings of family members.
“For us, we do not want to get into polemics of finger-pointing,” he said.
Anwar was on March 7, a day before MH370 went missing, convicted of sodomy and sentenced to five years in prison by the Court of Appeal.
The opposition leader had claimed his sodomy conviction, the second in his political career, was politically motivated and aimed at preventing him from contesting the Kajang by-election.
He temporarily remains a free man after the same court allowed a stay of execution and granted him bail of RM10,000 pending an appeal at the Federal Court.- malaysiakini

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