Anwar: Why interview me? I'm not the PM...
Touching on this at a ceramah in Kajang last night, the opposition leader said he was perplexed at the media spotlight trailing him instead of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak ov this matter.
"I asked them (the foreign media), why interview me? I am not the prime minister. They replied, 'We want answers'," he added.
Since the Beijing-bound Boeing 777 vanished from radar screens on March 8, the Malaysian government has come under intense criticism for its handling of the crisis.
Anwar, too, has joined the brickbat bandwagon, taking Najib and his ministers to task.
"In Australia, it was Prime Minister Tony Abbott who immediately presented to Parliament when he received information (about MH370)," he said, contrasting the Malaysian government's refusal to discuss the incident in the Dewan Rakyat.
In Australia, it's Prime Minister Tony Abbott immediately presented to Parliament when he received information (on MH370)," he said, contrasting the Malaysian government's refusal to discuss the incident in the Dewan Rakyat.
He had then recalled that when he was deputy prime minister, Malaysia had purchased a Marconi radar system considered to be among the most effective in the world for the northern region of Malaysia.
Anwar then chastised his opponents for accusing him of "politicising" the MH370 incident in his media blitz.
"They (BN) are angry that I am being interviewed. (They say) who is Anwar? But everyone wants information," he said.
Najib's administration has not only come under criticism from the international media, but also domestically. Opposition MPs had been disgruntled left out of a briefing to parliamentarians on the MH370 incident
Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein had defended the briefing for BN MPs only, saying the opposition did not ask for one and that he was prepared to do so, if requested.- malaysiakini
Anwar - Media asing beratur temubual saya

Gaya ade...Teloq takde...

P-8 Poseidon tidak temui apa-apa objek, lapor NBC...
Menurut NBC News, kapal terbang pengintip itu selesai melalui kawasan itu namun tidak menemui apa-apa objek.
Namun begitu, kapal terbang lain dalam perjalanan ke kawasan yang sama.
Sebelum ini, Jabatan Keselamatan Maritim Australia (AMSA) memaklumkan pihaknya mengesan dua imej oleh satelit Australia kemungkinan besar adalah serpihan pesawat MH370 yang hilang, namun ia kurang jelas dengan objek yang besarnya berukuran 24 meter.
"Ia adalah objek yang saiznya wajar dan kemungkinan ditolak oleh air dengan tenggelam timbul di permukaan laut," kata John Young, Pengurus Besar kepada Divisyen Tindakan Kecemasan, satu unit di bawah AMSA memberitahu sidang media hari ini.
Australia menghantar empat buah kapal terbang dan dua kapal laut ke kawasan pencarian di Lautan Hindi itu untuk mengenalpasti objek yang dikesan oleh satelit itu.
Air di kawasan itu adalah 'dalam beberapa ribu meter' dan penglihatan yang kabur akan menyukarkan pencarian, walaupun cuaca adalah sederhana, kata Young.
Imej satelit itu kabur namun saiznya sesuai sekali dengan serpihan kapal terbang, lapor Reuters. – tmi

Gov't admits giving Perkasa 'a little allocation'...
The federal government has admitted to financially aiding right-wing NGO
Perkasa, but clarified that is has not set aside a specific annual
In a written answer to PKR's Bayan Baru MP Sim Tze Tzin today, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Shahidan Kassim said "a little allocation" was set aside to help the NGO to organise a seminar on unity.
Sim (left) later demanded that MCA respond to this issue as it was associated with a party which is officially backing Perkasa.
He said he was "shocked" with the answer given by the government, while at the same time casting his suspicion if the government's backing Perkasa stopped with a single event.
"The prime minister with his 1Malaysia slogan talks about national unity, but behind the curtains, the government has given financial assistance to a NGO that has threatened to burn the Bible," he said.
"I challenge MCA to not join a cabinet that supports racial extremists," Sim said during a press conference at the Parliament lobby.
He said that the Kajang voters should be able to see for themselves the "hypocrisy of BN-Umno".
He said he was "shocked" with the answer given by the government, while at the same time casting his suspicion if the government's backing of Perkasa stopped with a single event.
"The Prime Minister with his 1Malaysia slogan talks about national unity, but behind the curtains, the government has given financial assistance to a NGO that has threatened to burn the Bible," he said.
"I challenge MCA to not join a cabinet that supports racial extremists," Sim said during a press conference at the Parliament lobby.
He said that the Kajang voters should be able to see for themselves the "hypocrisy of BN-Umno".- malaysiakini
In a written answer to PKR's Bayan Baru MP Sim Tze Tzin today, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Shahidan Kassim said "a little allocation" was set aside to help the NGO to organise a seminar on unity.
He said he was "shocked" with the answer given by the government, while at the same time casting his suspicion if the government's backing Perkasa stopped with a single event.
"The prime minister with his 1Malaysia slogan talks about national unity, but behind the curtains, the government has given financial assistance to a NGO that has threatened to burn the Bible," he said.
"I challenge MCA to not join a cabinet that supports racial extremists," Sim said during a press conference at the Parliament lobby.
He said that the Kajang voters should be able to see for themselves the "hypocrisy of BN-Umno".
He said he was "shocked" with the answer given by the government, while at the same time casting his suspicion if the government's backing of Perkasa stopped with a single event.
"The Prime Minister with his 1Malaysia slogan talks about national unity, but behind the curtains, the government has given financial assistance to a NGO that has threatened to burn the Bible," he said.
"I challenge MCA to not join a cabinet that supports racial extremists," Sim said during a press conference at the Parliament lobby.
He said that the Kajang voters should be able to see for themselves the "hypocrisy of BN-Umno".- malaysiakini

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