Geli hati dengar alasan menteri...
Kenyataan seorang Menteri berhubung 17,000 penerima Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M) yang enggan menerima bantuan tersebut dianggap melucukan, kata bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
“Saya berasa geli hati apabila seorang menteri menyifatkan keengganan 17,000 golongan individu menerima BR1M sebagai bukti kematangan rakyat di negeri ini.
“Ini menunjukkan bahawa kerajaan gagal memahami sentimen rakyat. Kegagalan parti politik untuk memahami permasalahan dan keperluan masyarakat merupakan satu kerugian besar dalam bidang politik,” katanya yang dipetik dari blognya, Chedet.com, hari ini.
Sebelum ini, media melaporkan, Menteri Kewangan Kedua, Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah berkata, penolakan itu membuktikan rakyat Malaysia semakin ‘matang’ dan tidak memerlukan bantuan dari kerajaan.
"BR1M tahun ini agak luar biasa kerana masyarakat kita makin matang. Ada 17,000 penerima BR1M 2.0 tahun lalu yang tulis surat kepada kita menyatakan bahawa keluarga mereka tidak memerlukan BR1M.
"Walaupun sebahagian besar daripadanya masuk dalam senarai penerima tetapi merasakan bahawa mereka bukan keluarga yang memerlukan," katanya yang turut memaklumkan nama 17,000 penerima itu akan dikeluarkan daripada senarai penerima BR1M.
Tambah Mahathir lagi, kerajaan telah memperuntukkan RM3.5 bilion kepada 7 juta rakyat Malaysia dan ianya disifatkan satu pembaziran dengan jumlah yang besar.
“Masih terdapat golongan individu atau keluarga yang miskin di negara ini, kita sepatutnya menggunakan peruntukan tersebut untuk membantu mereka,” jelasnya.- sinar harian

Dr M again criticizes Najib's dependence on BR1M to appease the people...
1. I am amused by the remarks of a Minister that the refusal by 17,000 people in Ipoh to accept the BRIM handout is a mark of their maturity.
2. Actually quite a few people said to me that BRIM is bribe especially when given just before elections. It is the same as giving people placards to raise when you pass. It does not really reflect their feelings or sentiments. Those feelings are better expressed through the votes they cast. Their voting is what reflects their maturity. Of course their feelings may be expressed more crudely.
3. Failure to understand public sentiments would be disastrous for politicians. Self-delusion is even worse.
4. BRIM is costly for a Government facing deficits and shouldering huge debts. At RM500/- per person for 7 million people it would cost the Government 3.5 billion Ringgit. Increase that to RM1,200/- the cost would be 8.4 billion Ringgit. That is a lot of money. Yet there is still a lot of very poor people in the country. Do we really need BRIM. Even without BRIM there was good support by the people. If they do not support it must be because they are not happy with something, maybe even with BRIM. Find out what they are not happy with and you will know what you should do.
5. I am a supporter of the Government. I worked hard to help the party in the last election. But I must admit that I disagree with quite a few things the government is doing.
6. I will not say more.- - chedet.cc

Haritu heboh suruh Anwar Ibrahim jangan kempen tunggu lepas penamaan, ni calon BN kempen apa cerita?

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