Imej baharu satelit tentang kemungkinan objek beri harapan baharu...
Kementerian Pengangkutan berkata Malaysia menerima imej itu daripada pihak berkuasa Perancis pagi ini dan segera menyampaikan maklumat itu kepada pusat koordinasi penyelamat Australia.
Perkembangan terkini mengenai operasi mencari MH370 dimaklumkan melalui kenyataan kerana tidak ada sidang media hari ini.
Sidang media harian pada pukul 5.30 petang di Hotel Sama-Sama dekat Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa KL sejak 8 Mac telah dipindahkan ke Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) mulai hari ini.
Sebelum ini, Australia dan China mengeluarkan imej satelit menunjukkan objek yang bermungkinan mempunyai kaitan dengan MH370, di sekitar koridor selatan.

"Semua maklumat ini telah disalurkan kepada Australia sebagai negara yang mengetuai misi pencarian di kawasan berkenaan," menurut kenyataan itu.
Kementerian berkata Malaysia dimaklumkan oleh para pegawai Australia bahawa mereka tidak membuat apa-apa penemuan baharu berhubung MH370 setakat pukul 2.30 petang hari ini.
Sementara itu, Pihak Berkuasa Keselamatan Maritim Australia (Amsa) berkata operasi hari ini membabitkan pencarian visual.
Pengurus besar Amsa, John Young memberitahu sidang media di Canberra hari ini bahawa walaupun pencarian visual mengambil masa dan mungkin sukar tetapi keputusan yang dipersetujui adalah untuk meneruskan pencarian.
Amsa berkata imej satelit objek terapung di koridor selatan yang dirakamkan oleh China, semalam termasuk dalam kawasan pencarian.
Pencarian pesawat MAS yang membawa 239 penumpang dan anak kapal masuk hari ke-16 hari ini. - Bernama
Missing MH370: French Satellite Images Show Possible Debris...
France has new satellite images showing possible debris in southern search zone, Malaysia said Sunday.
“This morning, Malaysia received new satellite images from the French authorities,'' Malaysia's transport ministry said in a statement. "Malaysia immediately relayed these images to the Australian rescue co-ordination center.''
The ministry did not give any other details on the satellite images, but the Australian Maritime Safety Authority said it would soon release the pictures.
The latest lead comes as the international search for Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 entered its third week, with still no confirmed trace of the Boeing 777 that vanished with 239 people on board.
"This morning, Malaysia received new satellite images from the French authorities showing potential objects in the vicinity of the southern corridor," the Malaysian Transport Ministry said in a statement.

An international air and search resumed Sunday, zeroing in on two areas some approximately 1,500 miles southwest of Perth in an effort to find the object identified by China and other small debris including a wooden pallet spotted by a search plane on Saturday.
"The weather in the southern Indian Ocean is much clearer today than the past couple days, allowing for the full spectrum electronic and visual of search capability," Commander William J. Marks, spokesman for the U.S. 7th Fleet, said in an email, according to Reuters.
Earlier, the commander of an Australian navy ship involved in the search said its crew was “acutely aware” that families are anxious for news. “We see it as our role to do whatever we can to provide them the answers they deserve,” HMAS Success commanding officer Captain Allison Norris said.- ABC News
Amazing Facts Highlighted by Malaysian Airliner Mystery...
The coordinated search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight 370 has highlighted some interesting facts about the world and airplanes, including just how easy it is for a Boeing 777 airplane to simply vanish, despite the seeming pervasiveness of modern technology and network location services.
There's still much we have yet to learn about the details of the case, but amid all the theories and conjecture, ABC News has gleaned some impressive nuggets of information over the course of the two-week long investigation. Here are 16 of them.
1. Some parts of the Indian Ocean can reach 25,000 feet deep. That's 20 times the height of the Empire State Building, which measures 1,250 feet tall.
2. Brain death can occur at 45,000 feet in the air. Airplane oxygen masks can only provide about 10 to 15 minutes of air for passengers, which is more than enough time for a pilot to return a plane to lower altitude.
3. Two passengers used stolen passports -- one from Austria and one from Italy -- to board the flight. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Interpol introduced a worldwide database of lost or stolen passports, which has details of more than 40 million stolen or lost travel documents (passports, identity documents, visas) from 167 countries. The only countries that regularly check travelers against the database are the United Arab Emirates, the U.S., Britain, France and Switzerland according to Interpol officials.
4. Intense focus has been placed on finding the plane's black boxes, consisting of a cockpit voice recorder and a flight data recorder. Both are bright orange and each about the size of a coffee maker. Searchers only have about 30 days to find the boxes before the box stops pinging, making it much more difficult to locate. Even after the pinging stops, the batteries last for years and the data should be intact.
5. The flight data recorder will detail the last 25 hours of the plane's activity, from engine performance to the position of flight control surfaces, while the cockpit voice recorder tapes the sounds on the flight deck and cycles after two hours.
6. Both cockpit voice and flight data recorders work to an ocean depth of 20,000 feet, with a signal range of about 2 nautical miles, depending on variables like sea conditions. The signals are located using a device operated on the surface of the water or towed to a depth. The deeper the water the more difficult it will be to detect the pings.
7. There are approximately 41,821 airports in the world, 13,513 in the United States alone.
8. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is the world's 28th busiest airport with a yearly estimated traffic of more than 37 million travelers. Atlanta, Ga., ranks first, with more than 92 million people passing through and second is Beijing's Peking Airport with more than 78 million.
9. Flying is still one of the safest methods of transportation. On average, travelers would need to take one flight a day for about 10,000 years before they would involved in a fatal crash.
10. The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) estimates 90 percent of aircraft accidents worldwide are survivable.
11. The best option to maximize your chances of walking away from a plane crash is to sit in the rear end of the plane. One study found those sitting near the plane's tail are 40 percent likelier to survive than those in the first few rows.
12. The search is taking place in an extremely remote part of the Indian Ocean between Australia and the Antarctic known as the "roaring forties" for its sharp westerly winds and rough waters.- abc news

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