Pakar cuba dapatkan data yang dipadam dalam simulator penerbangan...
Pemangku menteri pengangkutan itu berkata, pakar tempatan dan antarabangsa sedang meneliti simulator milik juruterbang tersebut.
"Beberapa data dipadam daripada simulator dan pasukan forensik cuba mendapatkan semula data tersebut," kata Hishammuddin pada sidang media di Hotel Sama-Sama, Sepang hari ini.
Dalam sidang media sama, Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar memberitahu media, data tersebut dipadamkan pada 3 Februari.
"Pasukan forensik kami daripada unit jenayah siber, MAS dan pakar antarabangsa cuba mendapatkan semula maklumat tersebut," kata Khalid.
Daripada siasatan simulator tersebut, Khalid berkata pihaknya menemui tiga jenis permainan masih berada dalam simulator tersebut.
"Kita mendapati tiga permainan simulator penerbangan.
"Pertama Flight Simulator X, kedua Flight Simulator 9 dan ketiga X Flight N," kata Khalid.
Khalid juga berkata sepanjang siasatan dijalankan, pihak polis mendapat kerjasama yang baik daripada ahli keluarga kedua-dua juruterbang dan pembantunya.
Sabtu lalu, pegawai penyiasat Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) merampas simulator penerbangan Kapten Zaharie Ahmad Shah di rumahnya di Shah Alam.
Ia kemudian dipasang semula semalam di ibu pejabat Bukit Aman bagi mencari petunjuk kehilangan MH370 yang masih misteri.
Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak pada sidang media khasnya petang Sabtu lalu berkata, siasatan kini beralih dan tertumpu kepada anak kapal pesawat berdasarkan kepada petunjuk baru.
Menafikan terdapat unsur rampasan, Najib berkata, pesawat MH370 berpatah balik ke arah barat selaras dengan tindakan yang disengajakan oleh seseorang dalam kapal terbang itu.
Usaha mencari dan menyelamat MH370 kini masuk fasa kedua melibatkan koridor utara meliputi sempadan Kazakhstan dan Turkmenistan sehingga ke utara Thailand manakala koridor selatan, dari Indonesia hingga selatan Lautan Hindi.
MH370 yang membawa 239 penumpang termasuk 12 anak kapal hilang daripada radar selepas sejam berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur, Sepang dalam perjalanan ke Beijing. – tmi
Apa pula komen warga laman sosial apabila polis dan pakar sibuk mencari data simulator Kapten Zaharie yang dipadamkannya...

MH370: Files were deleted from flight simulator of pilot aboard missing jet...
Hishammuddin Hussein told a news conference that the pilot, Capt. Zaharie Ahmad Shah, is considered innocent until proven guilty of any wrongdoing, and that members of his family are cooperating in the investigation. Files containing records of simulations carried out on the program were deleted February 3, Malaysian police chief Khalid Abu said.
Deleting files would not necessarily represent anything unusual, especially if it were to free up memory space, but investigators would want to check the files for any signs of unusual flight paths that could help explain where the missing plane went.
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 with 239 people aboard disappeared March 8 on a night flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Malaysian authorities have not ruled out any possible explanations, but have said the evidence so far suggests the flight was deliberately turned back across Malaysia to the Strait of Malacca. They are unsure what happened next.
Investigators have identified two giant arcs of territory spanning the possible positions of the plane about 7 hours after takeoff, based on its last faint signal to a satellite. The arcs stretch up as far as Kazakhstan in central Asia and down deep into the southern Indian Ocean.
Police are considering the possibility of hijacking, sabotage, terrorism or issues related to the mental health of the pilots or anyone else on board, and have asked for background checks from abroad on all foreign passengers.
Hishammuddin said such checks have been received for all the foreigners except those from Ukraine and Russia, which account for three passengers, and that nothing suspicious has turned up so far.
Relatives of passengers on the missing airliner have grown increasingly frustrated over the lack of progress in the search, in its 12th day on Wednesday. Planes sweeping across vast expanses of the Indian Ocean and satellites peering on Central Asia have turned up no new clues in the hunt.
"It's really too much. I don't know why it is taking so long for so many people to find the plane. It's 12 days," Subaramaniam Gurusamy, 60, said in an interview from his home on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur. His 34-year-old son, Pushpanathan Subramaniam, was on the flight heading to Beijing for a work trip.
"He's the one son I have," Subaramaniam said.
Before Wednesday's news briefing at a hotel near the Kuala Lumpur airport, two Chinese relatives of passengers held up a banner saying "Truth" in Chinese and started shouting before security personnel escorted them out.
"I want you to help me to find my son!" one of the two women said.
Aircraft from Australia, the US and New Zealand on Wednesday scoured a search area stretching across 305,000 square kilometers (117,000 square miles) of the Indian Ocean, about 2,600 kilometers (1,600 miles) southwest of Perth, on Australia's west coast. Merchant ships were also asked to look for any trace of the plane.
Nothing has been found, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority said.
China has said it was reviewing radar data and deployed 21 satellites to search the northern corridor of the search area stretching as far as Kazakhstan, although it is considered less likely that the plane could have taken that route without being detected.
Those searches so far have turned up no trace of the plane, Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei said on Wednesday.
Indonesian defense minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro said Indonesia military radar didn't pick up any signs of Flight 370 on the day the plane went missing. He said Malaysia had asked Indonesia to intensify the search in its assigned zone in the Indian Ocean west of Sumatra, but said his air force was strained in the task.
"We will do our utmost. We will do our best. But you do have to understand our limitations," Purnomo said.
Hismammuddin said both the southern and the northern sections of the search area were important, but that "some priority was being given to that (southern) area." He didn't elaborate.-times of india
There's been chaotic scenes in Malaysia, after relatives of passengers on flight #MH370 were forcibly removed from a news conference in Kuala Lumpur. BBC's Jonah Fisher tried to speak to some of them - and was met by a line of police.

Kesiannya kat kawan tu. Mana nak cari orang cerdik macam tu. Menteri apa tau!,,takat dok simpan betina depalah juara. Xmau kalu depa letup.
Ponggg...pecah berderai badan kawan tu.
Sampai laa pun kita yang xdak kena mengena dok ingat ada jugak manusia kejam sampai macam tu. Gamak noo bersepai badan kawan tu. Cuba bayang macamana rasa mak bapak dia, ahli keluarga dia waima bangsa dia pun akan tuntut bela.
"“Captain Shah was well known to many in the flight simulation community because he had developed an online presence in which he dedicated many hours of his time to promoting the enjoyment of flying generally, and flight simulation specifically,” Mr. Randazzo wrote.
“In a manner of speaking, our community appears to have lost one of our own by virtue of the fact that he was also an accomplished 777 captain flying for a well-respected airline.”"
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