"Selagi saya tak melihatnya dengan mata saya sendiri,saya percaya ayah saya masih hidup"kata anak Kpt.Zaharie...
Ahmad Seth, 26, berkata beliau membaca semua berita spekulasi dan teori yang tersebar luas di laman sosial, termasuk tuduhan bapanya merampas pesawat yang hilang pada 8 Mac itu.
Dalam pertemuan 5 minit dengan wartawan akhbar itu, Ahmad Seth yang juga pelajar jurusan Bahasa Jepun di sebuah kolej swasta berkata, apa yang dibacanya tidak meninggalkan kesan di hati kerana beliau lebih kenal bapanya, berbanding orang lain.
“Apa yang saya baca langsung tidak meninggalkan kesan di hati dan saya tidak mempedulikan spekulasi itu kerana sebagai anak, saya lebih mengenali beliau berbanding orang lain.
“Walaupun saya tidak begitu rapat dengannya kerana ayah terlalu sibuk bertugas, kami memahami antara satu sama lain,” katanya seperti dilaporkan Berita Harian.
Selepas lebih seminggu pesawat itu hilang, siasatan terhadap juruterbang dan anak kapal serta semua penumpang dijalankan dengan lebih giat.
Polis turut memeriksa rumah Zaharie dan pembantu juruterbang, Pegawai Pertama Fariq Abd Hamid serta merampas simulator penerbangan milik Zaharie sebelum dipasang semula di balai polis untuk membantu siasatan.
Zaharie juga dikaitkan dengan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim apabila dikatakan sebagai pengikut fanatik ketua pembangkang itu dan turut berada di mahkamah untuk mendengar keputusan berhubung kes liwat Anwar, sehari sebelum pesawat MH370 berlepas ke Beijing.
Bagaimanapun, sehingga kini, hasil siasatan mendapati tiada motif dapat dikaitkan antara Zaharie dengan tindakan merampas pesawat atau mematikan sistem komunikasi dan transponder MH370.
Ahmad Seth berkata, beliau tenang dan tidak terkejut ketika mendengar pengumuman Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak mengenai pesawat itu yang berakhir di tengah Lautan Hindi.
“Saya hanya akan percaya mengenai pengumuman pesawat (terhempas) selepas pasukan penyelamat menjumpai bukti seperti serpihan pesawat atau mayat.
Selagi tiada pengesahan dan saya tidak melihatnya dengan mata saya sendiri, saya percaya ayah masih hidup,” katanya.
Berita Harian melaporkan pencarian keluarga Zaharie sejak kehilangan MH370 hampir menemui jalan buntu selepas isterinya, Faizah Khanum Mustafa Khan dan anaknya dikatakan keluar dari kediaman mereka di Seksyen 13, di Shah Alam, selepas pesawat dilaporkan hilang.
Ahmad Seth berkata, ibunya kini tinggal bersama-sama ibu saudaranya.Beliau berkata, aktiviti hariannya berjalan seperti biasa dan kelas tidak terganggu kerana perkara itu.
“Saya lebih senang menghabiskan masa bersama rakan, tambahan pula kelas di universiti baru bermula.
Maaflah, ada kawan di dalam, saya perlu melayan mereka,” katanya sebelum mengakhiri pertemuan seperti dilaporkan akhbar itu.MH370 hilang daripada radar pada 8 Mac lalu selepas sejam berlepas dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur, Sepang bagi perjalanan ke Beijing dengan membawa 239 penumpang dan anak kapal.
Pada isnin, perdana menteri mengumumkan berdasarkan analisis data satelit daripada Inmarsat, pesawat milik Malaysia Airlines itu mengakhiri perjalanannya di kawasan terpencil di selatan Lautan Hindi, dengan tiada kawasan pendaratan yang berhampiran.- tmi

'I know my father,' says missing pilot's son...
The son of the experienced pilot who flew the missing Malaysian Airlines flight has insisted his father was not the kind of man who would hijack a plane.
Ahmad Seth, the youngest of Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah's three children, told Malaysian media he has paid no attention to suggestions his father may have been involved in a hijacking or suicide mission.
“I've read everything online. But I've ignored all the speculation. I know my father better,” the 26-year-old student told the New Straits Times, an English-language newspaper in Malaysia.
Amid the incessant theories about the flight, which disappeared on March 8, many have speculated about state of mind and political persuasions of the 53-year-old pilot at the controls of flight MH370.
This week, a New Zealand publication claimed to have spoken to one of Captain Shah's friends who said the experienced pilot was going through a number of relationship problems and felt that his life was crumbling at the time of the ill-fated flight.
Shortly after the plane vanished, attention turned to whether Captain Shah or his co-pilot, Fariq Abdul Hamid, had deliberately crashed the jet as part of a suicide mission.
The political leanings and religious beliefs of Captain Shah have also been closely examined in the media. It has been claimed the captain was a political activist who attended the trial of Malaysia’s opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim, just seven hours before he took control of the passenger jet.
"We may not be as close as he travels so much. But I understand him,” Mr Seth said.
He said the family was holding out for “the right confirmation” that the aircraft ended its journey in the southern Indian Ocean.
"I will believe it [that there are no survivors] when I see the proof in front of my eyes," he said.
He is the first of the pilot's immediate family members to speak publicly since the search began.
Captain Shah joined Malaysia Airlines in 1981 and was certified by Malaysia’s Department of Civil Aviation as a simulator test examiner.
He had 18,365 flying hours experience, and had installed a Boeing 777 flight simulator in his home, from which he made YouTube videos.- smh.com.au

My dad may still be alive, says Capt Zaharie's son...
MH370 pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah's youngest son said he knows
better than to believe any of the speculation about the missing plane.
26-year old Ahmad Seth Zaharie was quoted saying in the New Straits Times (NST) that he was aware of some of the wild theories including accusations that his father hijacked the plane or that Zaharie was a political fanatic but dismissed them all.
He added that he has not given up hope that MH370 passengers, including his father, may still be alive.
"I've read everything online. But I've ignored all the speculation. I know my father better," Ahmad Seth was quoted telling reporters at his home.
"We may not be as close as he travels so much. But I understand him," he added.
Ahmad Seth said that he was not surprised by the government's announcement on Monday night that the aircraft had ended in the Indian Ocean but he would still cling on to hope.
"Now we are just waiting for the right confirmation (for wreckage or bodies). I will believe it when I see the proof in front of my eyes," he said.
Meanwhile, Utusan Malaysia quoted a source saying that apart from MAS and Malaysian cyber-forensic experts, Capt Zaharie's flight simulation data have been shared with two other countries besides the United States.
The source said that further investigations were also being carried out by China and Indonesia.
Yesterday, US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had said that it would complete its work in recovering deleted data from Zaharie's hard disc in a day or two.- mk
26-year old Ahmad Seth Zaharie was quoted saying in the New Straits Times (NST) that he was aware of some of the wild theories including accusations that his father hijacked the plane or that Zaharie was a political fanatic but dismissed them all.
He added that he has not given up hope that MH370 passengers, including his father, may still be alive.
"I've read everything online. But I've ignored all the speculation. I know my father better," Ahmad Seth was quoted telling reporters at his home.
"We may not be as close as he travels so much. But I understand him," he added.
Ahmad Seth said that he was not surprised by the government's announcement on Monday night that the aircraft had ended in the Indian Ocean but he would still cling on to hope.
"Now we are just waiting for the right confirmation (for wreckage or bodies). I will believe it when I see the proof in front of my eyes," he said.
Meanwhile, Utusan Malaysia quoted a source saying that apart from MAS and Malaysian cyber-forensic experts, Capt Zaharie's flight simulation data have been shared with two other countries besides the United States.
The source said that further investigations were also being carried out by China and Indonesia.
Yesterday, US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had said that it would complete its work in recovering deleted data from Zaharie's hard disc in a day or two.- mk

Juruterbang Air Asia X Digantung Tugas Selepas Komen MH370 Di Facebook...
Seorang pegawai kanan Air Asia X telah digantung tugas selepas menghantar satu mesej awam di Facebook yang menafikan pesawat MH370 telah terhempas dan menunjukkan bahawa kerajaan telah menyembunyikan maklumat mengenai pesawat itu.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulan AirAsia Tan Sri Tony Fernandes mengesahkan penggantungan itu lewat malam Selasa melalui Twitter, menyatakan bahawa penggantungan itu dibuat sementara menunggu siasatan terhadap pegawai berkenaan telah melanggar dasar syarikat.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif AirAsia X Azran Osman Rani memberi jawapan penjelasan kepada Pengerusi MyWatch R. Sri Sanjeevan yang memberi komen terhadap 'post' Fernandes bahawa penggantungan itu diberikan bukan kerana dasar syarikat tetapi sebagai 'arahan khusus' berdasarkan sensitiviti persekitaran mengenai penerbangan MH370.- mstar

AirAsia has no business curbing an employee’s freedom of expression...
You have no business to intrude into the rights of individuals and their freedom of speech and expression.
It is not acceptable for AirAsia X to suspend a pilot over MH370 remarks posted in his personal Facebook account unless it is against the law, abusive or pornographic.
Are you saying individuals lose their right to freedom of speech and expression when they are employed by Air Asia and its subsidiaries?
Mixing politics with your service and business is certainly worse than an act of expressing an honest opinion on an issue that has gripped the world.
Malaysiakini reported today (March 26) that AirAsia X, the long-haul arm of budget carrier AirAsia, has suspended a pilot for comments he made online on the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, pending a domestic inquiry.
“AirAsia X senior first officer has been suspended pending investigation as company policies were broken in Facebook posting,” Fernandes, the group CEO of AirAsia, said in a tweet on March 25.
AirAsia X CEO Datuk Azran Rani Osman added that the first officer contravened a “specific directive” not to publicly comment on the ongoing search.
“(There is a) specific directive to our crew on public comments on MH370. (There is a) duty of care not to be hurtful,” he wrote in response to Fernandes' tweet.
When contacted, AirAsia X said that it would not be releasing any further details on the matter.
Fernandes and Azran would do well to be reminded that the constitutional right of Malaysians to freedom of speech and expression supersedes the so-called “specific directive” and “company policies” that the pilot had run foul of.
Let’s go into the specifics of what the senior first officer posted:
Ø For f**k’s sake lah... Is there any concrete proof that MH370 has indeed crashed?! It’s not right to simply assume when you have no evidence to back up your claims!
Ø (The) supposed debris ... isn’t even confirmed to be from the plane yet! Show us the proof then tell us MH370 has crashed.
Ø Till then, stop hiding facts! It's obvious to even a blind man that there (are) tons of info the government definitely knows and isn’t sharing yet!”
Now, Malaysians, judge for yourselves whether the three postings are fair comment or abusive or insensitive or hurtful.- antdaily

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