Lebih ramai pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat (PR) akan dihadapkan ke mahkamah selepas Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dijatuhkan hukuman penjara lima tahun oleh Mahkamah Rayuan semalam atas kesalahan liwat, kata Rafizi Ramli.
Pengarah Strategi PKR itu berkata, sekurang-kurangnya empat pemimpin pakatan pembangkang dari PAS, DAP, dan PKR sedang berhadapan kes mahkamah yang mana mereka dijangka akan dipenjarakan.
"Kalau Anwar boleh diperlakukan sedemikian, apa nasib kita saudara-saudari, apa nasib penjual sayur?" kata ahli Parlimen Pandan itu yang kini didakwa atas kesalahan di bawah Akta Perhimpunan Aman 2012 kerana merancang Perhimpunan Black 505 selepas Pilihan Raya 2013 lalu.
"Sudah 16 tahun mahkamah kita masih tidak boleh dipercayai untuk beri keadilan kepada rakyat," katanya, merujuk kepada penghakiman pertama yang mensabitkan Anwar pada 1998.
Rafizi berkata, Umno tidak akan berhenti menyekat pemimpin PR, termasuk memanipulasi sistem penghakiman.
Pemimpin muda PKR itu turut menggelar mereka yang mempercayai sifat jujur Umno adalah individu yang bodoh kerana ciri-ciri parti itu katanya tidak mempunyai sifat kejujuran.
"Umno dan Barisan Nasional (BN) tiada konsep jujur. Kalau kita ini ingat mereka jujur, bodohlah kita," kata Rafizi ketika Konvensyen Pakatan Rakyat ke-5 di Shah Alam hari ini.
Ahli Parlimen Pandan itu dalam ucapannya berkata, parti pemerintah itu mempunyai beberapa sifat yang negatif dan perlu dihancurkan.
"Umno dan BN tidak faham bahasa. Hendak ajar mereka hanya ada satu cara, kita hancurkan Umno dan BN.
"Sebab itu kita berhadapan dengan Umno, kita jangan sedikit pun lupa sifat dan ciri Umno," katanya, dan menambah, meskipun kepimpinan Umno bertukar, sifat dan ciri-ciri negatif Umno itu tidak pernah berubah.
Rafizi yang kelihatan berang dengan keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan mensabitkan kesalahan meliwat terhadap Ketua Umum PKR itu semalam berkata, parti pemerintah itu juga tidak memiliki sifat adil serta angkuh.
"Berapa kali kita hendak ditipu mereka, Umno dan BN tiada konsep adil, mereka tidak boleh faham kalau itu harta rakyat buat begini tak adil. Tak faham lagi?
"Umno dan BN angkuh dan tidak menghormati rakyat. Kita tegur mereka tangkap kita. Jangan lupa Umno dan BN angkuh sampai kiamat," katanya.
"Sifat dan jiwa Umno adalah rasuah. Makan rasuah, minum rasuah, tidur rasuah. Mereka tidak teragak-agak untuk menzalimi sesiapa sahaja. Zalim itu mainan mereka," katanya lagi.
Demi masa depan rakyat, Rafizi berkata, Umno dan BN perlu dihancurkan kerana tiada jalan lain untuk menjamin keadilan terhadap rakyat.
"Kalau tidak lawan Umno dan BN kita akan hancur. Hendak lawan Umno tidak boleh dengan cara konvensional. Mesti ada cara lain. Mereka gunakan bom berantai kita gunakan pisau, tidak boleh," katanya lagi.
Sehubungan itu, Langkah Kajang, kata Rafizi adalah tindakan drastik yang dilakukan PR untuk menghancurkan Umno.
"Mereka boleh sabotaj Langkah Kajang, tetapi kita kena jadikan Selangor sebagai benteng untuk ke Putrajaya.
"Saya menyeru (Menteri Besar) Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim dan kerajaan Selangor menggunakan kepakaran Anwar sebagai penasihat ekonomi untuk tewaskan Umno," katanya.- tmi

Penjarakan Anwar, Pakatan tidak lemah semangat, malahan semakin kuat...
Setiausaha DAP, Anthony Loke berkata isu memenjarakan Ketua Umum PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, tidak akan melemahkan semangat Pakatan untuk terus berjuang.
Katanya, tindakan mahkamah rayuan menjatuhkan hukuman penjara lima tahun itu bertujuan untuk menyekat Anwar daripada bertanding pada Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) DUN Kajang.
” Jangan BN ingat penjarakan Anwar dapat lemahkan pakatan, kita tidak akan berkubur, tetapi akan jadi semakin kuat.
” Lihat sahaja hikmah dari peristiwa tahun 1998, Kezaliman yang berlaku terhadap Anwar telah berjaya membawa PAS dan DAP duduk semeja bersama PKR,” katanya di Konvensyen Pakatan Rakyat, di Pusat Konvenyen Setia City, di sini.
Anthony juga menyeru rakyat bangkit menolak kerajaan Barisan Nasional dengan menjadikan PRK Kajang ini sebagai referendum dan hukuman daripada rakyat ke atas mereka.
“Jadikan PRK Kajang sebagai Mahkamah Rakyat untuk kita jatuhkan hukuman kepala Barisan Nasional,” katanya.

More PR leaders to join Anwar in jail...
A top Pakatan Rakyat leader today warned his fellow activists to brace themselves for more jail terms to be handed out to the coalition's members and leaders after opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was yesterday sentenced to five years for sodomy.
At least four leaders from the coalition's three parties, PAS, DAP and PKR, are facing court cases in which they will most probably be found guilty, said PKR strategy director Rafizi Ramli.
"Only a madman will think that we stand a chance of actually seeing a fair day in court," said Rafizi, referring to his own charge under the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012 for his role in planning the Blackout 505 rallies last year.
Any-means to stay in power
Rafizi said Umno, which leads the Barisan Nasional federal government, will use any means necessary to defeat Pakatan, including manipulating the judiciary.
Rafizi, who is also Pandan MP, said the use of the courts to cripple Pakatan by jailing its leaders and activists was shown in Anwar's case yesterday.
Pakatan had said the Court of Appeal's decision yesterday against Anwar was meant to stop the PKR de facto leader from contesting in the Kajang by-election. - TMI

Rafizi - There are other ways to get to Putrajaya...
The Umno-Barisan Nasional (BN) government may think it has sabotaged the opposition’s plans for Kajang, but Pakatan Rakyat is one step ahead of the game.
In a fiery speech at the Pakatan Rakyat Convention here, PKR strategic director Rafizi Ramli said the ruling government is gravely mistaken if it thought it has gained leverage with the verdict of the Appelate Court yesterday to convict coalition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim with five years of imprisonment.
He said the outcome was expected, and the opposition has prepared various options to ensure that Pakatan not only maintains its grip on Selangor, but also to take over Putrajaya.
“Sometimes we forget, there are many ways to get from Kajang to Putrajaya,” he told the delegates.
“If we cannot use the highway, we use the backroads. They roadblocked the backroads and the highway, we walk. They obstruct all the routes, we get a helicopter and we fly to Putrajaya.
“They block one route of the Kajang move, we have another 10 other routes to make sure Umno-BN is destroyed,” he added to claps from the crowd.
Rafizi said it was only a matter of time before Anwar was imprisoned and the coalition should not believed that the system as well as the federal government will be kind and fair towards Opposition leaders.
“I have a case in court and not once do I think I will be a free man. In a situation where we are fighting against a cruel government, only a mentally unstable person will think that we will get justice and a good judgement,” he said.
“Umno-BN will find way to imprison Anwar, whether its this week, or next week, or six months from now, but definitely before the 14th general election because they know that if Pakatan were to gain strength, that there is unity among people of different races to fight Umno/BN, Umno/BN will fail in the election.
“That is their move. That is their game. Our question should be, what is our next move? Do we back down?” he added.
He said Selangor has to be the platform to win over Putrajaya.
“If we have Datuk Seri Anwar in Selangor, the man most feared by BN, I call upon (Selangor Menteri Besar) Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim and the Selangor government to use his expertise as state financial adviser to the fullest to bring down Umno/BN,” he said.
“I call upon the Selangor government to complete all tasks given to its leadership so that we can use all our strength to defeat Umno/BN,” he added, to a resounding affirmation from the delegates present.
Rafizi said the first sodomy charge levelled against Anwar acted as a catalyst for apathetic youths the Reformasi movement, and this time around, more such young people are going to be “falling over” to get into politics.
‘Umno/BN too arrogant’
Rafizi said Umno-BN is too arrogant for its own good, and the very soul of the coalition is rooted in corruption.
He said this was the main reason why the coalition needs to be destroyed.
Rafizi said the coalition has failed to heed the voices of the people calling for change, failed to uplift the socio-economic conditions of the Malays and Bumiputeras by causing the race to be dependent on subsidies, using the law to persecute dissidents and the impunity by which its leaders operate.
“Cruelty is their game,” he said.
“For our future, they need to be brought down. There is no other way. Until then, we will continue losing millions of ringgit,” he added.
Yesterday, the Appelate Court reversed the High Court's acquittal of Anwar over a sodomy charge and sentenced him to five years imprisonment.
Opposition leaders asserted that the move was politically motivated to cripple the leader from contesting in the Kajang by-election.
PKR representatives had stated that party secretary general Datuk Saifuddin Nasution and strategic director Rafizi Ramli are possible candidates to replace Anwar in the by-election.
Anwar is also unable to contest for positions in the upcoming party polls next month.
The public had taken to social media to rally for Anwar, criticising the system for the persecution.- fz

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