Hakim Balia berkata pendakwaan mendapati hakim membuat kesilapan dalam keputusannya.
“Hakim membuat tafsiran salah berhubung integriti sampel. Beliau memutuskan bahawa beg plastik HKL telah diganggu.
“Kami meneliti bukti oleh IO Jude Blacious, apa yang dia buat adalah memotong bahagian bawah plastik dan memasukkan bekas itu kedalam setiap sampul.
"Gangguan itu pada beg plastik dan bukannya bahan bukti. Materi sampel tersebut masih utuh dan tidak menjejaskan sampel.
Katanya, hakim berkenaan menyimpulkan bahawa gangguan itu hanya ke atas beg plastik, dan telah memeriksa alasan penghakiman berkenaan.
“Kami mendapati hakim tiada alasan untuk menyimpang dari dapatan awalnya (ketika memerintah membela diri).”
Tambahnya, hakim itu juga membuat kesilapan dalam mendengar kenyataan pakar asing.
“Kami membenarkan rayuan dan mendapati (tertuduh) bersalah atas pertuduhan”.
Wan Azizah dan anak-anaknya dilihat mengalirkan air mata.
Anwar berkata kejadian pada 1998 kini berulang apabila mahkamah juga mendapati beliau bersalah pada jam 5 petang.
"Ia berulang lagi, mereka mahu letak saya dalam lokap, sebab itulah mereka tidak mahu teruskan dengan mitigasi," katanya.
Persidangan mahkamah bersambung semula. Mitigasi bermula. Peguam Karpal berkata Anwar mengalami sakit belakang, tekanan darah tinggi dan masalah jantung.
"Saya perlu mengemukakan laporan perubatan berhubung perkara ini dan berharap agar diberikan masa.”
Pendakwaraya Shafee berkata laporan perubatan boleh dijadikan “pengurusan selanjutnya” untuk kes tersebut.
Katanya, hukuman adalah ke atas ke atas kesalahan terbabit.
Balia menyoal sekiranya terdapat mitigasi lain.
Karpal menegaskan bahawa pembelaan memerlukan masa untuk menyediakan laporan perubatan.
“Kesemua perkara ini perlu dimasukkan ke dalam rekod. Tiada gunanya menggesa-gesa perbicaraan ini,” katanya.
Balia: "Kami akan memberikan hak anda"
Karpal: Yang Arif, apabila anda mengambil kira hukuman, laporan perubatan itu akan menunjukkan responden dan hukuman yang dikenakan, Apa yang digesa-gesakan?
Balia: Kami tidak tergesa-gesa.
Karpal: Saya tidak dapat mendapatkan arahan dari anak guam saya.
Balia: Anda tidak boleh menjalankan mitigasi?
Balia berkata mahkamah menjatuhi hukuman lima tahun penjara ke atas Anwar.
Hakim Balia selepas berunding dengan dua lagi hakim menyoal sekiranya pembelaan selesai merayu untuk meringankan hukuman.
Karpal berkata beliau tidak mengenepikan hak untuk membuat rayuan tersebut.
Shafee pula berkata, sekiranya terdapat keadaan tertentu, pendakwaan tidak akan membantah.
Wan Azizah dan anak-anaknya dilihat mengalirkan air mata.
Anwar berkata kejadian pada 1998 kini berulang apabila mahkamah juga mendapati beliau bersalah pada jam 5 petang.
"Ia berulang lagi, mereka mahu letak saya dalam lokap, sebab itulah mereka tidak mahu teruskan dengan mitigasi," katanya.
Persidangan mahkamah bersambung semula. Mitigasi bermula. Peguam Karpal berkata Anwar mengalami sakit belakang, tekanan darah tinggi dan masalah jantung.
"Saya perlu mengemukakan laporan perubatan berhubung perkara ini dan berharap agar diberikan masa.”
Pendakwaraya Shafee berkata laporan perubatan boleh dijadikan “pengurusan selanjutnya” untuk kes tersebut.
Katanya, hukuman adalah ke atas ke atas kesalahan terbabit.
Balia menyoal sekiranya terdapat mitigasi lain.
Karpal menegaskan bahawa pembelaan memerlukan masa untuk menyediakan laporan perubatan.
“Kesemua perkara ini perlu dimasukkan ke dalam rekod. Tiada gunanya menggesa-gesa perbicaraan ini,” katanya.
Balia: "Kami akan memberikan hak anda"
Karpal: Yang Arif, apabila anda mengambil kira hukuman, laporan perubatan itu akan menunjukkan responden dan hukuman yang dikenakan, Apa yang digesa-gesakan?
Balia: Kami tidak tergesa-gesa.
Karpal: Saya tidak dapat mendapatkan arahan dari anak guam saya.
Balia: Anda tidak boleh menjalankan mitigasi?
Balia berkata mahkamah menjatuhi hukuman lima tahun penjara ke atas Anwar.
Hakim Balia selepas berunding dengan dua lagi hakim menyoal sekiranya pembelaan selesai merayu untuk meringankan hukuman.
Karpal berkata beliau tidak mengenepikan hak untuk membuat rayuan tersebut.
Shafee pula berkata, sekiranya terdapat keadaan tertentu, pendakwaan tidak akan membantah.
Sekarang kita tahu: Mengapa Shafee Abdullah menjadi Pendakwa Raya, mengapa SPR menetapkan PRK Kajang dalam tempoh 2 bulan.
Laporan langsung di sini.

Anwar found guilty of sodomy 2,jailed 5 years...
Anwar Ibrahim is looking at a long jail sentence after the Court of Appeal found him guilty of sodomising his former aide six years ago.
There was an uproar in the courtroom when the verdict was read out, overturning the High Court's earlier decision to acquit him for sodomy.
The prosecution says the judge have erred in its decision.
"The learned judge had misconstrued on the integrity of the samples. He ruled there was tampering of the HKL plastic bag.
"We have scrutinise evidence of the IO Jude Blacious what he did was cut the bottom of the plastic and put the recepticle, in each envelope."
"The tampering is on the plastic bag and not the evidence. The seals of the samples are intact and did not compromise the samples."
He said if the learned judge conclude the tampering is on the plastic bag only, and having examined the grounds in the judgment.
"We find the judge has no reason to depart from his earlier finding (in calling the defence)."
"The learned judge has failed and appreciate in coming to the conclusion. The judge has erred in listening to the foreign experts.
"We find the judge had misdirected itself on the issue of the integrity of the sample.
"We allow the appeal and found guilty of the charge."
It was an unanimous decision.
Karpal applies for mitigation to be done next week.Shafee objects saying appeal has been delayed.
"If mitigation ought to be required it should be done today. We should hold the mitigation today I am also unprepared but am prepared to hold it today."
Karpal blasts back, saying if Shafee is on this side, “he would say that mitigation would be done on another day.”
"He is speaking with a forked tongue and this is why a mercenary DPP should not be appointed."
Justice Balia says, “We will allow time and come back in one hour.”
Anwar stands up and says, “We do it (sentencing) now.”
Karpal applies for mitigation to be done next week.Shafee objects saying appeal has been delayed.
"If mitigation ought to be required it should be done today. We should hold the mitigation today I am also unprepared but am prepared to hold it today."
Karpal blasts back, saying if Shafee is on this side, “he would say that mitigation would be done on another day.”
"He is speaking with a forked tongue and this is why a mercenary DPP should not be appointed."
Justice Balia says, “We will allow time and come back in one hour.”
Anwar stands up and says, “We do it (sentencing) now.”
Judge Datuk Balia Yusof Wahi, who is leading a three-man bench, has yet to pass sentence, which is a jail term of up to 20 years.
Police asks court to get ready. It will be called into session soon for sentencing.
Court in session. Mitigation begins. Defence lawyer Karpal says Anwar suffers from back pain, high blood pressure and heart ailment.
"I have to submit a medical report on this and pray that we will be given time. I cannot be making statements from the bar."
Prosecutor Shafee says the medical report can be "onward management" of the matter.
He said sentencing is on the offence.
Balia asks whether there will be other mitigation.
Karpal stresses that the defence need time to prepare the medical report.
"All this matters must be placed on record. No reason to rush this trial," he says.
Balia: "We are giving you your right."
Karpal: My lord, when you consider the sentence, the medical report will set out what the respondents and the sentence to be imposed. What is your hurry?
Balia: We are not in a hurry.
Karpal: I am unable to take instructions from my client.
Balia: You are unable to mitigate?
Judge Balia, after consulting with the other two judges, asks whether that is all.
Karpal says he is not abandoning the right to mitigation.
Shafee says if there is certain conditions, the prosecution will not object.
"We know he has back condition and we are willing to take the statement from the bar," he says.
Karpal says the court has to consider the sentence along with the medical report.
Balia says the DPP is not challenging it. Karpal says this court is not being reasonable.
"Can I take it that a medical report is not necessary?"
Balia says they will take it for whatever it is worth.
"Under the circumstances of this case, a medical report is not necessary," says the judge.
Judge Balia says that the court will pass sentence.
Shafee says he took instructions from the attorney-general, who is in Sabah.
"The complainant is a young man, 23 years old, and an employee under his (Anwar's) charge."
"The circumstances is clear from the notes. This is not the first time the accused has taken advantage of him," says Shafee.
Karpal says that statement has been expunged.
Shafee says that no condom was used and this was an irresponsible and dangerous act.
"He took advantage of the Saiful," he says.
Anwar shouts from the dock: "You have got what you wanted."
Shafee says Anwar has conviction for abuse of power.
"I also been asked to mention this, in 2004 in the Malaysian Law Journal made the observation in the Federal Court - that the accused is involved in acts of sodomy."
Shafee says there are other court proceedings.
Those in the public gallery shout at Shafee. Judge Balia says those who make noise will be thrown out in court.
Shafee continues, saying that Anwar is the Permatang Pauh MP and Selangor government advisor as well as candidate in Kajang.
A female PKR supporter voluntarily walk out of the courtroom saying she finds it hard to respect the court.
Shafee continues, saying Anwar attacked prosecutor Yusof Zainal Abiden and the PM.
"The accused that he is found guilty of this act, in a position of power now in the opposition and opens himself to blackmail and source of extortion and is a danger to national security."
"The country will open up the national security issue," he says.
Judge Balia says the court having heard what the counsel told the court and has found Anwar guilty.
"He is convicted and sentenced to five years."
Karpal applies a stay. Shafee says he has been instructed by the attorney-general to bring the matter for a stay.
"I have been asked to put in an objection on the grounds of the case of Anwar itself. Outside this court, (you can hear) the chanting."
Shafee says the judges can also hear it (the crowd outside).
"The stay is for purposes of execution of sentence. We are objecting on grounds of public order. An appeal is not a stay."
Karpal responses bail was not granted in the first instance.
"Normally he (Shafee) does not object, of course he is now on the other side. That is why he is a mercenary."
Judge Balia asks the two sides to stop arguing. Justice Balia says the application of stay of execution is allowed, pending appeal with bail of RM10,000.
Shafee says he has no objection if the bail is post. Court allows Anwar to post bail the latest by 11am on Monday.
Court is adjourned.
It appears that Anwar need not spend his weekend in jail. With this verdict, Anwar's political career looks to have ended.
He will be disqualified from all his political positions and will not be the PKR candidate in the Kajang by-election to be held later this month.- tmi/malaysiakini
Court in session. Mitigation begins. Defence lawyer Karpal says Anwar suffers from back pain, high blood pressure and heart ailment.
"I have to submit a medical report on this and pray that we will be given time. I cannot be making statements from the bar."
Prosecutor Shafee says the medical report can be "onward management" of the matter.
He said sentencing is on the offence.
Balia asks whether there will be other mitigation.
Karpal stresses that the defence need time to prepare the medical report.
"All this matters must be placed on record. No reason to rush this trial," he says.
Balia: "We are giving you your right."
Karpal: My lord, when you consider the sentence, the medical report will set out what the respondents and the sentence to be imposed. What is your hurry?
Balia: We are not in a hurry.
Karpal: I am unable to take instructions from my client.
Balia: You are unable to mitigate?
Judge Balia, after consulting with the other two judges, asks whether that is all.
Karpal says he is not abandoning the right to mitigation.
Shafee says if there is certain conditions, the prosecution will not object.
"We know he has back condition and we are willing to take the statement from the bar," he says.
Karpal says the court has to consider the sentence along with the medical report.
Balia says the DPP is not challenging it. Karpal says this court is not being reasonable.
"Can I take it that a medical report is not necessary?"
Balia says they will take it for whatever it is worth.
"Under the circumstances of this case, a medical report is not necessary," says the judge.
Judge Balia says that the court will pass sentence.
Shafee says he took instructions from the attorney-general, who is in Sabah.
"The complainant is a young man, 23 years old, and an employee under his (Anwar's) charge."
"The circumstances is clear from the notes. This is not the first time the accused has taken advantage of him," says Shafee.
Karpal says that statement has been expunged.
Shafee says that no condom was used and this was an irresponsible and dangerous act.
"He took advantage of the Saiful," he says.
Anwar shouts from the dock: "You have got what you wanted."
Shafee says Anwar has conviction for abuse of power.
"I also been asked to mention this, in 2004 in the Malaysian Law Journal made the observation in the Federal Court - that the accused is involved in acts of sodomy."
Shafee says there are other court proceedings.
Those in the public gallery shout at Shafee. Judge Balia says those who make noise will be thrown out in court.
Shafee continues, saying that Anwar is the Permatang Pauh MP and Selangor government advisor as well as candidate in Kajang.
A female PKR supporter voluntarily walk out of the courtroom saying she finds it hard to respect the court.
Shafee continues, saying Anwar attacked prosecutor Yusof Zainal Abiden and the PM.
"The accused that he is found guilty of this act, in a position of power now in the opposition and opens himself to blackmail and source of extortion and is a danger to national security."
"The country will open up the national security issue," he says.
Judge Balia says the court having heard what the counsel told the court and has found Anwar guilty.
"He is convicted and sentenced to five years."
Karpal applies a stay. Shafee says he has been instructed by the attorney-general to bring the matter for a stay.
"I have been asked to put in an objection on the grounds of the case of Anwar itself. Outside this court, (you can hear) the chanting."
Shafee says the judges can also hear it (the crowd outside).
"The stay is for purposes of execution of sentence. We are objecting on grounds of public order. An appeal is not a stay."
Karpal responses bail was not granted in the first instance.
"Normally he (Shafee) does not object, of course he is now on the other side. That is why he is a mercenary."
Judge Balia asks the two sides to stop arguing. Justice Balia says the application of stay of execution is allowed, pending appeal with bail of RM10,000.
Shafee says he has no objection if the bail is post. Court allows Anwar to post bail the latest by 11am on Monday.
Court is adjourned.
It appears that Anwar need not spend his weekend in jail. With this verdict, Anwar's political career looks to have ended.
He will be disqualified from all his political positions and will not be the PKR candidate in the Kajang by-election to be held later this month.- tmi/malaysiakini
Live report here

Karpal: Shafee diserang hilang ingatan...
Rayuan pihak pendakwaan terhadap pembebasan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam kes Liwat II bersambung hari ini dengan peguam Ram Karpal meneruskan penghujahannya mengenai sampel air mani yang diambil daripada pengadu Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.Ram membayangkan kepada mahkamah semalam bahawa beliau memerlukan dua jam lagi untuk mengakhiri hujahnya. Beliau dijangka menyediakan hujah selanjutnya mengenai isu integriti sampel air mani itu dan kemungkinan sampel itu telah diganggu.
Tumpuan utama pihak pendakwa dan pembela bergantung ialah integriti sampel itu kerana hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur Datuk Mohd Zabidin Mohd Diah semasa membebaskan Anwar, mendapati ia tidak selamat untuk membuat sabitan kerana sampel itu mungkin telah diganggu.
Ia telah didedah di mahkamah bahawa pegawai penyiasat Supt Jude Blacious Pereira telah membuka beg plastik yang tertutup dari Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) dan meletakkan 12 sampel dalam sampul surat berasingan sebelum menyerahkannya kepada ahli kimia untuk dianalisis.
Walaupun peguam yang dilantik kerajaan, Datuk Muhammad Shafee Abdullah bertegaskan bahawa rantaian bukti tidak terjejas walaupun beg plastik dari HKL dibuka, Ram pula menyatakan sebaliknya berkaitan "keaslian" sampel air mani, walaupun diperiksa empat hari selepas kejadian yang dikatakan itu.
Selepas kejadian liwat yang dikatakan pada 26 Jun 2008 di kondominium Desa Damansara, Saiful memberi keterangan bahawa dia tidak mandi dan tidak membasuhnya dalam usaha "untuk menyimpan bukti". Dia membuat laporan polis dua hari kemudian dan sampel itu diambil pada malam 28 Jun dan awal pagi 29 Jun.
Sampel itu kemudiannya disimpan oleh Pereira, bukan dalam peti sejuk seperti yang diarahkan oleh doktor HKL, tetapi dalam kabinet logam di pejabatnya dan kemudian diserahkan kepada ahli kimia pada malam 30 Jun.
Shafee juga telah membuat hujah teknikal bahawa ujian mahkamah hendaklah di atas imbangan kebarangkalian, manakala peguam kanan Karpal Singh berkata itu salah kerana mahkamah perlu menerima pakai pendekatan 'melampaui keraguan yang munasabah'.

Dalam prosiding jenayah, pihak pendakwaan sering diperlukan untuk membuktikan kesnya melampaui keraguan yang munasabah manakala imbangan kebarangkalian biasanya diguna pakai dalam kes-kes sivil.
Selepas penghujahan pihak pembela pagi ini, Shafee akan meneruskan penghujahan balas. Beliau mengambil dua setengah jam dalam berhujah kes pendakwaan semalam.
Adalah menarik untuk melihat sama ada panel tiga hakim yang diketuai Hakim Datuk Balia Yusof Wahi, akan menyampaikan keputusannya hari ini atau sebaliknya mengumumkannya pada tarikh yang lain.
Bagi Anwar, keputusan itu boleh menjejaskan usahanya untuk bertanding dalam pilihan raya kecil DUN Kajang di mana tarikh pencalonan telah ditetapkan pada Selasa depan.
Malaysiakini membuat laporan langsung hari kedua prosiding rayuan pendakwa terhadap penghakiman dalam Liwat II. - malaysiakini
Laporan Langsung di sini

Karpal: Shafee suffers from bouts of amnesia...
The prosecution's appeal against Anwar Ibrahim's acquittal in Sodomy II continues today with defence lawyer Ram Karpal resuming his submissions on the semen samples taken from complainant Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.Ram indicated to court yesterday that he would need another two hours to wrap up his submission. He is expected to provide further arguments on the issue of the integrity of the semen samples and the possibility of the samples being tampered with.
Much focus on the prosecution and defence rests on the integrity of the samples as Kuala Lumpur High Court judge Mohd Zabidin Mohd Diah in acquitting Anwar, found it was not safe to call for conviction based on the possibility that the samples could have been tampered with.

While government appointed lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah maintained the chain of evidence was not broken despite the plastic bag from HKL being opened, Ram suggested otherwise due to the “pristine” nature of the semen samples despite being examined four days after the alleged incident.
After the alleged sodomy incident on June 26, 2008 at the Desa Damansara condominium, Saiful testified that he did not bathe and wash in order "to keep the evidence". He lodged a police report two days later and the samples were retrieved on the night of June 28 and early morning 29.
The samples were then kept by Pereira, not in a freezer as instructed by HKL doctors, but in a metal cabinet in his office and later handed to the chemist on the evening of June 30.

In criminal proceedings, the prosecution is often required to prove its case beyond resonable doubt while normally the balance of probabilities is adopted in civil cases.
After the defence submission this morning, Shafee will proceed with his reply. He took two and a half hours in arguing the prosecution's case yesterday.
It would be interesting to see whether the three-member bench led by justice Balia Yusof Wahi will deliver its decision today or instead announced it at another date.
For Anwar, the decision may affect his bid to contest in the Kajang by-election where nominations have been fixed on next Tuesday. - malaysiakini
Live reports here.

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