Kawalan keselamatan yang ketat dalam kes perceraian diraja...
Anggota polis dan anggota Pasukan Tentera Johor hadir dengan ramainya di Mahkamah Rayuan Syariah di Johor Bahru pagi ini, semasa pendengaran kes perceraian yang 'pelik' yang melibatkan royalti Johor.
Bekas Sultanah Zanariah Tuanku Tuanku Ahmad membuat permohonan rayuan terhadap perceraian secara kebelakangan(backdated) yang telah difailkan beberapa bulan selepas kematian suaminya, Tuanku Mahmud Iskandar pada 22 Jan, 2010.
Peguam Tuanku Zanariah,Kamar Ainiah Kamarulzaman berkata pelanggan dan anak-anaknya tidak dibenarkan masuk ke bilik mahkamah. Peguam2 beliau juga telah diiringi keluar oleh polis, kecuali peguam utama Afshah Ariffin.
Kamar Ainiah berkata terdapat empat pegawai polis berpangkat tinggi,13 anggota polis beruniform dan tujuh yang lain dipercayai pegawai-pegawai Cawangan Khas di luar mahkamah.
"Terdapat juga beberapa pegawai polis dari Unit Tindakan Khas dan juga anggota Tentera, Tentera Johor," dakwanya.
"Mahkamah Rayuan Syariah mahu memastikan bahawa kita semua kecuali peguam utama tidak berada dalam mahkamah sebelum mereka memulakan prosiding itu."
Petang ini, mahkamah membenarkan permohonan Majlis Agama Islam negeri(MAIJ) untuk menjadi pencelah dalam kes itu.
Panel tiga anggota terdiri daripada Hakim Syed Ali Syed Abu Bakar, Marsid @ Morsid Mahrof dan Jainuddin Mt Jumlah mendapati bahawa permohonan itu telah memenuhi kehendak Seksyen 18 dan 19 Enakmen Prosedur Syariah Johor.
Seksyen 18 melibatkan menggabungkan pihak dalam permohonan dan Seksyen 19 adalah pada perubahan pihak.

Mahkamah juga memerintahkan MAIJ diletakkan sebagai responden dalam semua dokumentasi berkaitan dengan rayuan itu, dan nama Tuanku Mahmud Iskandar dihapuskan sebagai responden.
Tuanku Zanariah menamakan Tuanku Mahmud Iskandar sebagai responden, sebagai permohonan perceraian didakwa telah dibuat olehnya.
Khamis lalu, panel tiga anggota telah mengisytiharkan bahawa prosiding adalah dijalankan secara tertutup.
Permohonan perceraian telah didengar di Mahkamah Syariah Rendah tanpa kehadiran atau pengetahuan Tuanku Zanariah pada bulan Ogos atau September 2010.
Tuanku Zanariah hanya dimaklumkan mengenai hal ini pada bulan Ogos lepas dalam surat daripada Mufti negeri dan bekas Menteri Besar Johor Abdul Ghani Othman.
Perceraian itu dikebelakangan(backdated) kepada Jan 23,2009 apabila Jawatankuasa Fatwa Johor menerima akuan berkanun dari Menteri Besar Abdul Ghani dan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa diraja Johor,Tengku Osman Tunku Temenggong Ahmad,yang mengesahkan bahawa permohonan itu adalah tulen.
Pada 1 Jan tahun ini, Tuanku Zanariah telah memfailkan permohonan semakan di Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah Johor bagi membatalkan sijil perceraian tersebut.
Pada 20 Jan,Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah Johor telah menggekalkan keputusan mahkamah rendah sebagai sah, menyebabkan rayuan itu.
Kamar Ainiah dan Afshah berkata tarikh masih belum ditetapkan untuk mendengar rayuan itu, dan bahawa dokumen-dokumen yang berkaitan perlu difailkan semula selepas keputusan hari ini.- mk
Tight security at bizarre royal divorce case...
Police personnel and members of the Johor Military Force made their presence felt at the Syariah Court of Appeal in Johor Bahru this morning, during a bizarre divorce hearing involving the Johor royalty.
Tuanku Zanariah’s lawyer Kamar Ainiah Kamarulzaman (left) said her client and children were not allowed to enter the court room. Even her lawyers were escorted out by the police, with the exception of the lead counsel Afshah Ariffin.
Kamar Ainiah said there were four high-ranking police officers, 13 uniformed police personnel and seven others believed to be Special Branch officers outside the court.
"There are also several police Special Action Unit members and also Johor Military Force personnel,” she claimed.
“The Syariah Court of Appeal made sure that all of us except for the lead counsel are not in the courtroom before they began the proceedings.”
This afternoon, the court allowed an application by the state Islamic Council (MAIJ) to be an intervener in the case.
The three-member panel comprising Justices Syed Ali Syed Abu Bakar, Marsid @ Morsid Mahrof and Jainuddin Mt Sum found that the application had met the requirements of Section 18 and 19 of the Johor Syariah Procedure enactment.
Section 18 involves combining parties in an application and Section 19 is on a change of parties.
The court also ordered that MAIJ be placed as a respondent in all documentation relating to the appeal, and that Tuanku Mahmud Iskandar's name be deleted as a respondent.
Tuanku Zanariah had named Tuanku Mahmud Iskandar as respondent, as the divorce application had allegedly been made by him.
Last Thursday, the three-member panel had declared that the proceedings were to be conducted behind closed doors.
Fresh documents
The divorce application had been heard at the Lower Syariah Court without Tuanku Zanariah's presence or knowledge in August or September 2010.
The divorce was backdated to Jan 23, 2009 after the Johor Fatwa Committee accepted a statutory declaration by Abdul Ghani and Johor royal committee chairperson Tengku Osman Tunku Temenggong Ahmad, verifying that the application was genuine.
On Jan 1 this year, Tuanku Zanariah had filed a review application at the Johor Syariah High Court seeking to annul the divorce certificate.
On Jan 20, the Johor Syariah High Court had upheld the lower court's decision as valid, resulting in the appeal.
Kamar Ainiah and Afshah said dates have yet to be fixed to hear the appeal, and that the relevant documents will have to be filed again following today's decisions.- mk

Penangites decry RM8.50 toll rate for 2nd bridge...
Penangites have expressed their unhappiness with the newly announced
toll rate of RM8.50 for cars using the Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam
Shah(SAHMS) Bridge, which was officially opened in a grand ceremony by
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak on March 1.For one month since March 1, motorists have been plying the bridge for free, a bonus that ends at midnight tonight.
He pointed out that there is no 20 percent discount (which would reduce the rate to RM5.60) for Touch ‘n Go card users from Penang, unlike that given for the First Penang Bridge, which charges a normal fee of RM7.
“How then would this help to reduce traffic congestion on the First Penang Bridge?” he queried in a statement today.
Lim said the Malaysian Highway Authority (MHA), which made the announcement, should consider charging the same toll rate for SAHMS Bridge as the First Penang Bridge until the access highways in Batu Maung are completed in three years’ time.
“When the access highways are completed, motorists then would not mind paying more, provided they can have a smooth ride without traffic congestion,” said the DAP secretary-general.
Motorists have been lamenting about the landing point of the SAHMS Bridge in Batu Maung on Penang island as it is often congested because work has still not commenced for the access highway roads out to George Town or to Bayan Lepas.
Instead, work is only about to commence for the access highways costing about RM850 million by the end of the year, he added.
Gerakan also thinks that MHA should provide a 20 percent discount for Penangites crossing the bridge on a daily basis.
Penang Gerakan secretary Oh Tong Keong said that this is especially true as there are many workers who ply to work daily between the two areas - Batu Maung on the island and Batu Kawan on the mainland.
“That is the only thing I would like to say. Please consider a 20 percent discount for Penangites similar to what is given by the First Bridge as we have to take into account the many workers living on both sides of the bridge,” he told Malaysiakini when contacted.
‘Thrifty Penangites would simply use the First Bridge’
The SAHMS Bridge is 24km and is longer compared to the First Penang Bridge of 13.5km.
“As such, the toll bridge for the second link should remain at RM7.00 like the First Bridge until the road congestion is cleared,” he said when contacted.
“Let there be some uniformity on the toll fee also or else Penangites, who are quite thrifty, would simply choose to use the First Bridge,” he added.
“Then what is the use of buiding a RM4 billion second link? Unless the traffic congestion is cleared, we should not be paying RM8.50 for it,” he stressed.
Koris reminded MHA of its social responsibility to the people, urging it not to “suck” Penangites of their daily hard-earned income.
“Please don’t be suckers of our hard-earned money. Otherwise I believe there will be lots of protests and people will just revert to using the First Bridge,” he said.
“Already people are suffering due to the hike in essential goods, petrol and other basic needs. Does MHA expect people to pay RM8.50 to go through massive congestion just to go to the mainland? We’ll use the First Bridge, all we have to do is avoid it during peak hours,” he added
The rate is RM1.70 for motorcycles (Class 0); RM8.50 for cars except taxis and busses (Class 1), RM30.50 for two-axle and six-wheeled vehicles except busses (Class 2), RM70.10 for three-axle or more vehicles except busses (Class 3), RM8.50 for taxis (Class 4) and RM26.20 for busses (Class 5).- mk

Lim Guan Eng buat hal lagi...DAP ni betul2 main gila,berani betul depa tolak lesan judi...jangan cuba2 nak menaikkan darah melayu UMNO,kalu tak dak lesen macam mana puak haramjadah ni nak main roulette...

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