PAS ‘naik angin’, mahu boikot...
PAS kesal dengan tindakan bekas Adun Kajang Lee Chin Cheh dari PKR yang meletakkan jawatan tanpa sebab yang munasabah.
Ketua Penerangan Dewan Ulamak PAS Pusat Dr Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali at-Takiri(kiri) berkata, pihaknya menuntut penjelasan munasabah daripada PKR kerana pilihanraya kecil akan mengorbankan banyak masa, tenaga dan harta rakyat.
“Rakyat melihat situasi ini dengan penuh prihatin.
“Pergolakan kecil politik Selangor melibatkan jawatan Menteri Besar dan isu PKNS ditambah pula dengan perletakan jawatan ini boleh memualkan rakyat di saat rakyat dibelenggu dengan pelbagai isu negara khususnya melibatkan peningkatan kos hidup,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.
Menyifatkannya sebagai politik picisan, Mohd Khairuddin turut mengingatkan isu ini mampu menggugat keyakinan rakyat kerana Pakatan Rakyat sepatutnya fokus kepada mendedahkan kegagalan kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) mengurus ekonomi negara.
Katanya, Pakatan Rakyat perlu menilai semula sejarah Pilihan Raya Umum ke-12 (PRU12) yang menyaksikan beberapa wakil rakyat dari PKR melompat dan meninggalkan parti yang telah merugikan dan menggugat keutuhan Pakatan Rakyat.
Manakala sejarah PRU ke-13 pula dimulakan dengan perletakan jawatan Adun.
“Nasihat ini saya lontarkan sebagai peringatan bersama seluruh warga Pakatan Rakyat khususnya para pemimpinnya,” katanya.
PAS, parti tupperware?
Sementara itu Ahli Parlimen Temerloh Nasruddin Hassan Tantawi(pix,bawah) berkata, pihaknya kecewa kerana PKR tidak pernah berbincang dengan PAS mengenai konflik di Selangor sehingga menyebabkan berlakunya pilihan raya kecil Kajang.
“PAS ini apa ? Parti Tupper Ware? Tak bincang sepatah? Tak runding sikit pun? Politik apa ini? Cara dan skil mana digunakan,” soalnya
Katanya, PKR tidak sepatutnya mempermainkan amanah rakyat yang berkerja, berjuang dan mengundi bersungguh-sungguh dalam PRU lalu.
“Saat rakyat berhempas pulas mencari sesuap nasi berdepan dengan kos sara hidup yang tinggi, kenaikan harga barang yang melambung.
“Tak pasal-pasal cipta pilihanraya kecil dengan drama realiti perletakan jawatan,” katanya.

Manakala Pengarah Jabatan Pilihanraya Dewan Pemuda PAS Malaysia Mohd Sany Hamzan berkata, pihaknya menuntut penjelasan yang munasabah daripada Lee terhadap perletakan jawatan beliau secara bertulis kepada Ketua Dewan pemuda PAS Malaysia dengan kadar segera.
“Sekiranya penjelasan yang diberikan tidak munasabah maka Jabatan Pilihanraya Dewan Pemuda PAS Malaysia memberi amaran akan mengeluarkan arahan kepada seluruh jentera pilihanraya pemuda PAS di semua peringkat untuk tidak memberikan kerjasama di dalam Pilihanraya Kecil DUN Kajang nanti sekiranya calon yang ditentukan masih lagi dari kalangan calon PKR,” tegasnya.
Beliau menganggap tindakan Lee sebagai satu pengkhianatan amanah yang diberikan rakyat Selangor serta membelakangkan semangat ‘syura’ di kalangan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor.
Beliau juga kecewa terhadap pimpinan PKR Selangor yang mengamalkan agenda ‘politik egois’ dan ‘besar kepala’ dengan membelakangkan PAS dan DAP Selangor di dalam kerja buat mereka di Selangor.
“PKR Selangor berlagak seperti ‘boss besar’ yang boleh mengambil apa saja tindakan politik yang menguntungkan mereka tanpa persetujuan dan pandangan rakan-rakan parti PAS dan DAP sedangkan PKR Selangor hanyalah ‘pemegang saham minoriti’ di dalam Kerajaan PR Selangor,” katanya.-fmt

otai2 PKR, PAS, DAP belum bercakap..biarlah budak2 mereka beromong
omong apa yang mereka suka...asal jngan sampai bertumbuk
sudahlah...lepas tu , berbaik baiklah..bersalaman sesama sendiri n
bersatu teguh....
Ceteknya minda sesetengah ahli Dewan Pemuda PAS

Why Anwar should not be the MB...
Anwar in a one line remark today said he is not eying the top position in the country’s richest state but Professor Dr James Chin of Sunway Monash University surmised that it could be the only reason for Anwar to contest the state seat.
“But this is a major misstep for Anwar, because what he is signaling is that he is on the same level of (Penang Chief Minister) Lim Guan Eng, which he is not; he is higher.
“Anwar’s plan has always been to take over the federal government and become prime minister. Now the message he is sending to the public is that since he can’t become prime minister, he will settle for Selangor menteri besar,” Chin told FMT.
Chin pointed out that should Anwar secure the post, he would have to deal first-hand with “petty issues” that may seem unbecoming of a federal leader, such as water, rubbish collection, potholes, massage parlours and illegal posters.
The rakyat would also judge Anwar’s performance as a menteri besar and to reflect his leadership abilities at the federal level – which may jeapordise his chances as prime minister if he fails to live up to expectations.
“And Selangorians are an educated, urban lot. If they are unhappy with the services of the state government, they will definitely make their grievances public. This is how Ronnie Liu was brought down,” the political analyst said.
He further stressed that it would be no easy task to juggle as the Selangor MB, the Opposition Leader and the Permatang Pauh MP, as the MB’s position requires hands-on responsibilities.
“But perhaps he thinks becoming Selangor MB is the right move as Selangor, like Penang, is almost guaranteed to remain in Pakatan Rakyat’s hands in the next general election,” said Chin.
“For instance, Lim’s position as Penang Chief Minister is guaranteed, that’s why he can run around. Maybe Anwar has made the same calculations: that no matter what he does, he will survive.”
In a statement yesterday, Professor Dr Agus Yusoff of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia also described it as a wrong move for Anwar.
“Many see Khalid as a man of integrity and free of corruption, even if he is stingy with the state coffers,” said Agus.
He said Anwar was better off focusing on national consensus than creating new political conflicts.
“[They] should be looking for a win-win situation between the government and the people, and between the Barisan Nasional government and Pakatan. The rakyat want the political conflicts to end with a happy ending.”

Not easy to become MB
But both Agus and Chin said it would not be a smooth road ahead for Anwar if he truly wished to head the state of Selangor.
“First of all, he would still need the support of his partners in Pakatan, and secondly, he would need the Sultan Selangor’s approval. This is because the power to appoint the menteri besar is with the Sultan,” said Agus.
Elaborating on this, Chin told FMT: “First, Khalid has to get the consent of the Sultan of Selangor to step down. If the Sultan refuses to accept, then this would be a problem.
“Whatever (the intricacies) of the Sultan’s relationship with Khalid, Khalid has not disturbed the Sultan. And while the Sultan has expressed his unhappiness over Khalid a few times, the Sultan has never asked or demanded that he be replaced.”
Whatever card Anwar was holding, Chin said, must be very strong to override the Sultan’s possible objections to the former becoming menteri besar.
He also added that it was up to the Sultan’s discretion to end the tradition of appointing only Selangor-borns to become the menteri besar – an unwritten rule in the state that a local newspaper speculated would disqualify Anwar for the top post in the state.

Selangor MB is small potatoes for Anwar
Meanwhile, Dr Lim Teck Ghee, the director of the Centre for Policy of Initiatives was reluctant to believe Anwar would make the mistake of going for the menteri besar post.
“The menteri besar post is actually small potatoes for Anwar, I don’t see how he, who is gunning for the premiership which he has been fixated on for years, would settle for something like this, especially towards the end of his critical career.”
Lim said it was more likely that Anwar was contesting the Kajang seat to bring unity into PKR and Pakatan in Selangor, which has been fraught with tension due to the spat between Khalid and Azmin.
“My reading of Anwar’s move to contest in Kajang is to ensure that Pakatan and PKR’s position in Selangor remains,” he told FMT.
He said Pakatan’s position in Selangor was currently precarious as they do not hold a big majority, so adding Anwar to the state assembly may help the situation.
“It may also be seen as an affirmation of Khalid Ibrahim’s leadership – to quell any concerns that there is any rivalry between Khalid and Anwar,” said the political analyst.
“So this move will bring unity to the fold and bring confidence to Khalid’s position.”
Yesterday, the Kajang PKR assemblyman Lee Chin Cheh announced he was resigning his position for the “common interest” of the party, sparking speculation that it was to pave way for Anwar to take over his position as state assemblyman and position himself as the new menteri besar.-fmt
PAS candidate for MB
Selangor PAS, meanwhile, said it is watching with interest for seismic changes within PKR.
It will intervene and propose its own candidate for MB if there is indeed a bid to oust the incumbent, Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, as is being speculated.
"Why wouldn't we want our own candidate? PAS has the most seats in the state assembly," said state party secretary Mohd Khairuddin Othman in a separate statement.
"Selangor PAS asks members at all levels to remain calm and wait for directions from the party."
Mohd Khairuddin said Selangor PAS’ preferred candidate for MB would include its chief commissioner Iskandar Abdul Samad.
“We will send his name for PAS central leaders to consider and it will then be up to them to decide."
However, he reaffirmed that the party will not rock Selangor but work toward bringing about stability.
PAS and DAP each hold 15 seats in the Selangor state assembly, compared to PKR’s 14. BN has 12 seats.- malaysiakini
Stand down as Permatang Pauh MP, Anwar told

Macai2 UMNO kalian minta lu punya bos cadang Rosmah sebagi calon BN...

Ragam Selangor...

It can be seen that they charged 1 plate of plain white rice for RM3, 1 piece of normal-sized fried chicken for RM10, and the worst part is, a couple of papadoms priced at a humongous amount of RM12!
Ulama PAS,cakap banyak.
Serban besar tapi otak kechil.
Dalam pileharan Raya lepas,apabila nama Anwar di cadang sabagai PM, pAS tidak setuju dan mahu Tengku Razali menjadi PM.
Ini gila punya cadangan.Tengku Razaligh wakil Raayat UMNO.dan orang UMNO pun tak mahu dia,orang PAS pula mahu dia jadi calon.
Bila PAS memerentak Kedah dan ustaz Azizan menjadi MB,PKR tahu untaz Azizan sakit dan tidak lagi mampu memerentah,PKR senyap dan tidak mencampori soal PAS di Kedah.
akhirnya saperti ramalan Pas kalah di kedah.
PKR berasa ia mempunyai masaalah dengan Khalid sabagai MB,kerana ianya tidak menghormati ahli dan wakil raayat PKR.
Otaknya jadi lebeh besar,jika ia tidak diganti ianya akan menyebabkan masaalah dalam PKR.
Kenapa Pas hendak buat bising.Ini soal dalam rumah PKR.
Dalam pilehanraya lepas,kita tahu orang PAS sabotage calun PKR.
Saifuddin kalah di kulim kerana orang PAS kulim sabotag dia.
Di Kelantan,PKR kalah Tiga kerusi Parliment yang ia bertanding.,tapi bagi kerusi dewan undangan Negeri semua di menangi oleh PaS.
Ini bermaana untok Parliment mereka undi UMNO dan untok Negeri mereka undi PAS.
Di Permatang Pauh,kita dapati orang PAS membuat kempen untok tidak menggundi Anwar dan mereka mahu ia kalah jadi ia tidak boleh jadi PM.
Sebab itu majority Anwar di Prg Pauh kurang darimpelehan raya 2008'
PAS perlu menukar sikat dan arah fikiran jika ia mahu menjadi party yang boleh di hormati.
PAS merupakan cawang Ikhwan Muslimin.
Pemimpin Pas selalu pergi berjumpa dengan pemimpin Ikhwan di mesir.
Lihat apa yang terjadi dengan Ikhwan muslimin dan pemimpinnya di Mesir.Inimkeran sewaktu mereka berjaya membentok kerajaan di Mesir mereka mempunyai perasaan mereka sahaj yang benar,fikiran orang lain tidak perlu di pakai.
Mereka percaya oleh kerana mereka Parti Islam,Allah akan sentiasa monolong nya.
Sebab itu di Tengganu dimana ustaz Hadi menjadi pemimpin Negeri.mereka maseh tidak boleh menawan Tengganu satelah tewas tahun 2004.
Cuba tanya kenapa.Orang Tengganu pun menolak pimpinan Pas.
Kemenangan calun Pas di banyak kawasan terutamanya di Selangor ada kerana orang Cina dan India pun mengundi calun PAS.ini bermaana Pas dan PKR hanya akan menang dinkawasan yang penggundi Cina dan India sama banyak dengan orang Islam.
Saya ingin sarankan kapada ulama ulama PAS,jika hendak menang dalam Pulehan Raya,kita kena lebeh pratikal,salain dari Doa.
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