YB Kalamanathan Tim.Menteri Pelajaran yang di tumbuk oleh Setiausaha Pemuda UMNO Bahagian Hulu Selangor terpaksa di kejar kan ke hospital untuk mendapat kan rawatan.
Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan II, P.Kamalanathan mengadu ditumbuk seorang pemuda di pejabat Ahli Parlimen Hulu Selangor, petang Ahad.
Kejadian dipercayai berpunca rasa tidak puas hati pemuda terbabit ketika ayahnya berjumpa Kamalanathan sebelum insiden yang berlaku di pejabat wakil rakyat itu kira-kira jam 2.30 petang.
Dalam laporan polisnya, Kamalanathan berkata lelaki itu berjumpanya ketika program pemeriksaan mata yang dianjurkan pejabatnya.Ayah pemuda terbabit dikatakan berjumpa Kamalanathan untuk memohon supaya menantunya yang mengajar di Johor ditukarkan ke Hulu Selangor.
Bagaimanapun, ahli Parlimen itu itu memberitahu hanya boleh memberi sokongan sahaja kerana menantu lelaki berkenaan mengajar Bahasa Inggeris dan sukar mendapat kelulusan bertukar.
Kamalanathan dalam laporan polis di balai Bukit Sentosa mendakwa pemuda itu yang berjumpanya kemudian dengan sekumpulan pemuda lain di pejabat beliau melepaskan satu tumbukan kebahagian lehernya.
Polis Kuala Kubu Bahru ketika dihubungi mengesahkan menerima laporan timbalan menteri itu.-f/bk
MIC demands action against Umno man for punching deputy minister...
MIC today demanded that action be taken against an Umno member who punched Deputy Education Minister II P. Kamalanathan at a meeting in Hulu Selangor yesterday.
In a statement today, Selangor MIC Youth chief, Shanker Raj Ayanger, expressed "utmost regret and dissapointment" over the way the Hulu Selangor Umno Youth member behaved, and urged police to step in and take action.
"This man has brought shame to the entire Barisan Nasional (BN) Youth Wing with what he has done. The Umno leadership must also step in and take action against this member.
"He must also be ordered to make a public apology to Kamalanathan," said Shanker.
The incident reportedly took place at the Umno branch meeting in Hulu Selangor yesterday. Kamalanathan, who is the Hulu Selangor MP, also attended the meeting.
It was reported that the deputy minister was assaulted after the assailant became angry with Kamalanathan for not entertaining a request to have his son, a teacher, transferred from a school in Johor to Hulu Selangor.
Hulu Selangor police chief Superitendant Shukri Yaacob said Kamalanathan lodged a report after the incident and police are investigating the case for assault.-tmi

Twitterjaya fries PM over 'kangkung' remark...
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's use of the humble water spinach or kangkung to explain why the government should not be blamed for the volatility of food prices has drawn ridicule on social media.
At an event in Kemaman yesterday, an irate sounding Najib explained that vegetable and fish prices at times increase due to factors out of government control, such as bad weather.
"There are times when the price of vegetables, sawi (mustard green) and kangkung goes up and there are times it comes down.
"I read in the newspaper that some prices have come down. Kangkung prices once went up and now it is down.
"When the prices come down, why are there no praises for the government? When it goes up, the government gets the blame.
"This is unfair because (such issues are determined by) the weather condition," he said, during his off-the-cuff speech.
Save money, eat kangkung
The premier's use of this ubiquitous and cheap vegetable as an example has become the fodder for jokes on Facebook and Twitter.
A number of images depicting Najib's speech in a humorous way are in circulation on Facebook along with links to a video recording of the speech.
On Twitter, Najib's speech has been met with sarcasm and jokes about how grateful the public is for cheaper kangkung.
"Money that I save from buying kangkung can be used to pay tax, petrol and student loans," said Twitter user petypalter.
Similarly, Twitter user LittleHantu wrote: "Marie Antoinette when told French were mad said 'Let them eat cakes!' In Malaysia, it's 'Let them eat kangkung!'"
What did the foxes say?
Even PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim got in the act with this tweet: "During konfrontasi, the government mocked Sukarno for eating jagung (corn). Now, Malaysians are told to eat kangkung. LOL."
However, BN politicians do not seem amused with the constant flow of jokes online and have asked Twitter users cut it out.
"No need to make a fuss over kangkung. The premier was using it as an example to show that not everything had gone up in price. Those that went up were caused by the weather, among other factors. Be a bit more rational," Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin wrote on Twitter.
As for Gerakan Youth chief Tan Keng Liang, true to form, blamed the kangkung debacle on Pakatan Rakyat.
"What's the fuss over the PM using kangkung as an example? It is a famous local vegetable. No need to stir lah Pakatan. Go goreng (stir it up) elsewhere," he wrote.-malaysiakini
Pasai 'kangkung' Najib jadi bahan jenaka

Najib "...ada yang dah turun, kangkung yang dulunya naik sekarang sudah turun. "Bila turun kenapa tak puji kerajaan, masa naik dipersalahkan kerajaan,"

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