Noh Omar dicabar lawan Anwar Ibrahim...
Bekas calon Ketua Pemuda Umno 2013, Syed Rosli Syed Harman al Jamalulail mencabar Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Umno Selangor, Datuk Seri Noh Omar bertanding mewakili BN menentang calon PKR, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Katanya, ahli-ahli Umno Selangor marah kerana Anwar bukan rakyat Selangor bertanding di Kajang.
“Oleh itu Noh Omar selaku pemimpin Umno nombor 1 di Selangor selaku anak jati Selangor mesti tunjukkan kejantanannya menentang Anwar,” kata beliau kepada FMT.
Katanya, soal kerusi Kajang milik MCA tidak timbul kerana di Gelang Patah, Johor pada PRU ke 13, MCA beri laluan kepada Umno bertanding mewakili BN melalui calonnya, Tan Sri Ghani Othman menentang calon DAP, Lim Kit Siang,
Beliau mencadangkan MCA beri laluan kepada Umno bertanding kerana majoriti pengundi Kajang adalah orang Melayu 48 peratus diikuti orang Cona 41 peratus dan orang India 10 peratus.
“Jika Umno diberi peluang bertanding, Noh Omar wajar dipilih sebagai calon kerana bekas Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani itu setaraf dengan Anwar Ibrahim,” katanya.
Katanya lagi, jika Noh menang beliau akan menjadi Ketua Pembangkang di Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor.
“Semangat ahli-ahli Umno Selangor akan bertambah kuat jika Noh Omar menang dan justru itu ia memudahkan BN untuk merampas kembali Selangor dari tangan Pakatan Rakyat, pada PRU ke 14,” katanya lagi.
Sementara itu Presiden Perkasa, Datuk Ibrahim Ali dalam smsnya menulis Perkasa tidak terlibat dalam PRK Kajang.
Ditanya adakah Perkasa akan menyokong calon MCA atau adakah Perkasa akan meletakkan calon Bebas di Kajang, beliau menulis, ” Perkasa tidak terlibat dalam PRK Kajang.Terima kasih”.- fmt

The jinx of the Selangor MB seat...
As the nation prepares to face another by-election, this time triggered by a tactical manouevre by PKR rather than an act of fate, speculation as to whether Abdul Khalid Ibrahim will remain the Selangor menteri besar is intensifying.
If PKR supremo Anwar Ibrahim wins the Kajang by-election and succeeds Abdul Khalid as the MB, Abdul Khalid would not be the first Selangor MB to be asked to pave way for political reasons.
There are at least four previous menteri besars who had to vacate their posts in the wake of controversies and pressure from their own political parties.
Harun Idris (1964-1976)

Harun's role in the May 13, 1969 racial riots was called into question several times, but he survived the wave of pressure from his rivals to stay on for a second term as menteri besar.
But in 1976, he was sacked by Umno and subsequently charged with corruption for allegedly abusing state funds. This landed him a six-year jail term, although he was pardoned by the Agong soon after.
He is still Selangor's longest-serving MB.
Ahmad Razali Mohd Ali (1982-1986)

His term was marred by a reported incident during an Umno meet in Kg Pandan where a chair was allegedly thrown at him by a delegate. In 1983, one year after taking over as MB, Ahmad Razali saw the stage where he was launching the Thaipusam festival in Batu Caves collapsed, injuring 34 people.
He resigned in 1986 after four years as MB to make way to Muhammad Muhammad Taib.
Muhammad Muhammad Taib (1986-1997)
A hugely popular figure in Selangor Umno, albeit dogged by his own set of controversies, Muhammad Taib lasted 11 years as MB and was secured in his position until he was charged in Australia for currency irregularities amounting to RM3.8 million.
Muhammad Taib also reportedly eloped with the Selangor sultan’s daughter while he was MB and they allegedly got married in Thailand, though the couple have since divorced.
In the run-up to the 13th general election, he joined PAS and campaigned for the opposition party.
Abu Hasan Omar (1997-2000)

A federal minister then, Abu Hasan swapped seats with Jamaludin Adnan in order to contest the Permatang state seat, and thus forcing two by-elections - Permatang and the Kuala Selangor parliamentary seat.
Strangely, he had also then called on the opposition "not to contest" the Permatang seat as to not to waste time and money.
However, a sex scandal, where he allegedly fathered a child with his sister-in-law ended his short-lived tenure, leading to his resignation in 2000. Mahathir admitted back then that Abu Hasan had to quit to stop the "slanders and lies" against the embattled MB.
Abu Hasan was replaced by Dr Mohd Khir Toyo, who led Selangor until he lost the state to Pakatan in the 2008 general election.
However, Khir faced a corruption allegation regarding a lavish mansion he had built in Shah Alam while being MB, though it was not until he lost his MB position that he was convicted.
He continued serving in the state opposition later until 2010 when he was found guilty and sentenced to a jail term.
Abdul Khalid Ibrahim (2008-?)
However, the attacks have increased in frequency following last year’s general elections.
After intense speculation, Kajang assemblyperson Lee Chin Cheh resigned abruptly earlier this week, paving the way for opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim to contest the seat in a by-election - believed to be with the intention of replacing Abdul Khalid as MB.
Ironically, Anwar had told BN not to contest the by-election.- malaysiakini

jam 8:30
akan membuat liputan langsung
Panelist - Rafizi Ramli,S.Arutchelvan– PSM, Hishamuddin Rais NGO dan Masjaliza dari bersih moderator... TV Selangor
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