Daim ramal BN kalah pilihanraya...
Bekas Menteri Kewangan, Tun Daim Zainuddin meramalkan BN akan kalah sekiranya pilihanraya diadakan ketika ini kerana rakyat marah kepada BN berikutan isu kos sara hidup.
Menurut beliau, kerajaan BN pimpinan Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak tidak cekap dan boleh mendatangkan mudarat hilangnya kuasa BN dalam pilihanraya umum akan datang.
“Kerajaan gagal mengawal isu kenaikan harga barang,” kata beliau dalam satu majlis anjuran Umno Bahagian Merbok di sini Sabtu lalu.
Beliau yang juga bekas ahli parlimen Merbok menambah tol tidak perlu dinaikkan sebaliknya mengkaji semula perjanjian konsesi untuk melanjutkan tempoh masa.
“Isu pengurangan subsidi yang selama ini dinikmati rakyat perlu diteruskan dengan mengurangkan perbelanjaan kerajaan di mana rakyat nampak kerajaan boros dalam perbelanjaan negara,” katanya lagi.
Daim mendakwa terlalu banyak wang dibelanjakan untuk perkara yang tidak patiut dan tidak memberi pulangan yang baik kepada rakyat dan negara.
Beliau berpendapat kenaikan elaun dan gaji kakitangan kerajaan juga mempengaruhi kenaikan harga barang.

Tambahan pula katanya, menteri gagal menjelaskan isu ini kepada rakyat yang menyebabkan rakyat lebih marah kepada kerajaan.
“Najib selaku Menteri Kewanagn tidak bijak menguruskan perbelanjaan negara,” katanya lagi.
Beliau yang juga bekas Bendahari Umno mendakwa ketika negara di landa banjir, Najib dan lain-lain menteri bercuti di luar negara.
“BN masih kuat kerana sokongan orang Melayu di luar bandar. Sepatutnya orang Melayu yang perlu mendapat manfaat daripada kerajaan,” saran beliau.
Daim mendakwa perbelanjaan besar dalkam perkara-perkara mengambil hati kaum Cina adalah kerja yang sia-sia dilakukan Najib kerana orang Cina tidak akan menyokong BN.
Sepatutnya, tambah beliau, Najib menjaga orang Melayu.
“Najib terlalu mengikut kehendak para penasihatnya dalam menentukan dasar yang merugikan orang Melayu sendiri,” tegasnya lagi.-fmt
Berikut adalah 11 lampiran berkenaan kronologi kes penamatan perkhidmatan sebagai ahli PKNS.
Kronologi Kes Penamatan Perkhidmatan Sebagai Ahli PKNS
Lampiran 1
Lampiran 2
Lampiran 3 (a)
Lampiran 3
Lampran 4 (a) dan (b)
Lampiran 5 (a) dan (b)
Lampiran 6
Lampiran 7
Lampiran 8
Lampiran 9
Lampiran 10
Lampiran 11
Declassified papers show exco didn’t sack Azmin from PKNS board...
Documents declassified by the Selangor government today show that the
Selangor state executive council deliberately made no decision on PKR
deputy president Azmin Ali's post as a director of Selangor State
Development Corporation (PKNS).
While this affirms Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim's claim that the exco did not sack Azmin, it also reveals that the exco had purposely left Azmin's fate in the balance.
However, the absence of a firm decision on Azmin led PKNS to issue a letter to Azmin on Jan 8 to say that he has been sacked from the PKNS board of directors.
The debacle - the latest in the protracted Azmin-Abdul Khalid standoff - subsequently resulted in disciplinary action taken against two PKNS officers.
According to an exco paper dated Dec 4, it decided to appoint exco members Iskandar A Samad and Teng Chang Khim (left) to the Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) board of directors.
“However, the other PKNS board members will be decided later,” the exco paper reads.
The documents also reveal that PKNS, which Khalid blamed for making a unilateral decision on Azmin, had tried to get a decision from the MB's Office on the matter since May 17, 2013.
There was also indication that the MB's Office took Azmin's decision to return his official PKNS car before the 13th general election as sign that Azmin may not be keen on the job any more.
PKNS' long wait for a decision
On May 17, 2013, PKNS general manager Othman Omar had written to the MB to seek a decision on the matter following a change in the exco line-up after the general election.
Othman even asked the MB to name the replacements for the PKNS board if any of the existing appointees were to be replaced.
PKNS also presented a paper to the MB on the matter on Nov 1 - more than five months after its first letter - where it said it is actually legal for non-exco members to be PKNS board members.
“Based on the Selangor Legal Adviser's view, PKNS is seeking affirmation by the exco on the appointment of the following members, which were made prior to the 13th general election,” the paper says.
The members named are former exco member Teresa Kok, Iskandar and Azmin, but this paper was not used by the MB.
Another paper on the matter, produced by the MB's private secretary on Nov 12, was signed by the MB.
MB's Office says Azmin may not be keen
It is in this paper that the MB's Office indicates that Azmin may not be interested to remain in PKNS, although his contract is until February 2015.
A remark made under the heading 'Remarks from the Selangor Menteri Besar's Office' reads: “YB Azmin Ali, assemblyperson for Bukit Antarabangsa, has returned the facilities he had received (from PKNS) so it is suitable to revise his position (on the board).”
is also stated under this heading that Kok's position should also be
reviewed as she is no longer a Selangor assemblyperson while Iskandar
should be retained.
However, in the recommendations section, the paper makes a fairly ambiguous proposal; that all three, be retained, or they be replaced with others.
The matter was then brought to the exco to discuss on Nov 13, 2013, resulting in the exco paper on Dec 4, 2013, which leaves Azmin's fate in the balance.
PKNS' interpretation of the exco decision, which had led to the termination letter, caused PKNS general manager Othman and Works Secretary Narita Mohd Sidek to be transferred as disciplinary actions.
In the chronology of the events included in the 11 declassified documents issued to the media today, the Selangor MB's Office said it had not issued any directive to PKNS to retract the termination letter to Azmin.
The termination saga is now under internal investigation.
“These documents were declassified to ensure that the people can understand the matter and cease speculation, which can affect the state government's internal investigation.
“The Selangor government holds true to the principle of transparent and responsible administration, whereby the rakyat deserve to know the true situation of issues,” Khalid said.
The documents, including the chronology of events, can be accessed here.- malaysiakini
While this affirms Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim's claim that the exco did not sack Azmin, it also reveals that the exco had purposely left Azmin's fate in the balance.
However, the absence of a firm decision on Azmin led PKNS to issue a letter to Azmin on Jan 8 to say that he has been sacked from the PKNS board of directors.
The debacle - the latest in the protracted Azmin-Abdul Khalid standoff - subsequently resulted in disciplinary action taken against two PKNS officers.
“However, the other PKNS board members will be decided later,” the exco paper reads.
The documents also reveal that PKNS, which Khalid blamed for making a unilateral decision on Azmin, had tried to get a decision from the MB's Office on the matter since May 17, 2013.
There was also indication that the MB's Office took Azmin's decision to return his official PKNS car before the 13th general election as sign that Azmin may not be keen on the job any more.
PKNS' long wait for a decision
On May 17, 2013, PKNS general manager Othman Omar had written to the MB to seek a decision on the matter following a change in the exco line-up after the general election.
Othman even asked the MB to name the replacements for the PKNS board if any of the existing appointees were to be replaced.
PKNS also presented a paper to the MB on the matter on Nov 1 - more than five months after its first letter - where it said it is actually legal for non-exco members to be PKNS board members.
“Based on the Selangor Legal Adviser's view, PKNS is seeking affirmation by the exco on the appointment of the following members, which were made prior to the 13th general election,” the paper says.
The members named are former exco member Teresa Kok, Iskandar and Azmin, but this paper was not used by the MB.
Another paper on the matter, produced by the MB's private secretary on Nov 12, was signed by the MB.
MB's Office says Azmin may not be keen
It is in this paper that the MB's Office indicates that Azmin may not be interested to remain in PKNS, although his contract is until February 2015.
A remark made under the heading 'Remarks from the Selangor Menteri Besar's Office' reads: “YB Azmin Ali, assemblyperson for Bukit Antarabangsa, has returned the facilities he had received (from PKNS) so it is suitable to revise his position (on the board).”
However, in the recommendations section, the paper makes a fairly ambiguous proposal; that all three, be retained, or they be replaced with others.
The matter was then brought to the exco to discuss on Nov 13, 2013, resulting in the exco paper on Dec 4, 2013, which leaves Azmin's fate in the balance.
PKNS' interpretation of the exco decision, which had led to the termination letter, caused PKNS general manager Othman and Works Secretary Narita Mohd Sidek to be transferred as disciplinary actions.
In the chronology of the events included in the 11 declassified documents issued to the media today, the Selangor MB's Office said it had not issued any directive to PKNS to retract the termination letter to Azmin.
The termination saga is now under internal investigation.
“These documents were declassified to ensure that the people can understand the matter and cease speculation, which can affect the state government's internal investigation.
“The Selangor government holds true to the principle of transparent and responsible administration, whereby the rakyat deserve to know the true situation of issues,” Khalid said.
The documents, including the chronology of events, can be accessed here.- malaysiakini
MB Khalid dedah dokumen isu ahli PKNS

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