Beliau menyifatkan laporan akhbar milik MCA The Star hanyalah satu spekulasi memandangkan ia sudah menjadi cakap-cakap sejak dahulu.
"Ia hanyalah satu lagi spekulasi. Cadangan itu sudah wujud sejak 2008 lagi," katanya kepada wartawan sejurus selepas menghadiri perbicaraan kes saman terhadap blogger Papa Gomo di Mahkamah Tinggi, Jalan Duta hari ini.
Beliau juga menafikan perjumpaan bersama Abdul Khalid membincangkan isu tentang peralihan jawatan tersebut.
"Memang kita ada perbincangan namun hanya menyentuh mengenai kedudukan Pakatan Rakyat (PR) di Selangor.
"Dan saya memang selalu berjumpa dengan Abdul Khalid bermesyuarat, setiap minggu, atau dalam dua minggu sekali, dan kali terakhir kita berbincang ialah Jumaat," katanya.
Pagi ini The Star melaporkan ura-ura mengenai peletakan jawatan Abdul Khalid yang bakal diumumkan pada Rabu.
Sumber dalaman PKR mengesahkan bahawa ketua pembangkang itu akan menggantikan jawatan Abdul Khalid sebagai menteri besar.
Peralihan kuasa kepada Anwar itu dipercayai antara usaha menangani konflik dalaman di antara Abdul Khalid dan Timbalan Presiden PKR Mohamed Azmin Ali yang sudah lama berlarutan dan semakin meruncing.
Pada masa yang sama, Anwar juga turut mengulas mengenai reaksi Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi mengenai tawaran dialog antara PR dan Barisan Nasional (BN).
Anwar berkata PR menyambut baik tawaran itu memandangkan buat pertama kali pemimpin Umno menyatakan pandangan mengenai mengenai hal tersebut.
"Ia perkara baik kerana pertama kali pemimpin tertinggi Umno menyatakan pandangan dan maklum balas juga amat positif.
"Dan kita akan menghantar Setiausaha Agung kita, (Datuk) Saifuddin Nasution untuk menguruskan perbincangan ini dan untuk terus bercakap dengan beliau," katanya.
Bagaimanapun beliau menafikan perbincangan dialog tersebut juga berkaitan dengan kerajaan perpaduan.
"Tidak ada perkara begitu. Kita hanya membincangkan mengenai isu-isu keutamaan iaitu korupsi dan kenaikan kos sara hidup," katanya.
Sementara itu Saifuddin yang ditemui menafikan terdapatnya pakatan antara PKR dan Umno untuk menubuhkan kerajaan perpaduan.
"Saya dengan pemimpin Umno seperti Zahid memang kawan baik, sejak dahulu. Jadi saya memang berjumpa dengan dia tapi hanya sebagai kawan, rakan lama," katanya. –TMI
ADUN Kajang letak jawatan utk.beri laluan Anwar atau Rafizi bertanding...
Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Kajang Lee Chin Cheh(pic.atas) meletakkan jawatan sebagai wakil rakyat hari ini
Perkara itu diumumkan speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Selangor Hannah Yeoh petang ini dan akan dimaklumkan secara rasmi kepada Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) esok.
Yeoh berkata, beliau menerima surat peletakan jawatan pada hari ini.
“Dengan ini, saya mengisytiharkan kerusi DUN N25 Kajang dikosongkan dan SPR seharusnya menjalankan pilihan raya kecil dalam masa 60 hari," kata Yeoh.

Berhubung sebab peletakan jawatan itu, Yeoh berkata perkara itu harus diajukan kepada Lee (kanan) sendiri.
Dalam pilihan raya umum lalu, Lee sebagai calon PKR menang dengan
majoriti 6,824 undi dalam pertembungan enam penjuru dengan BN, BERJASA
dan tiga calon bebas.
Kawasan itu mempunyai 38,965 pengundi dengan 48 peratus Melayu, 41 peratus Cina dan India sebanyak 10 peratus.- malaysiakini
Kajang rep quits for by-election, Anwar or Rafizi slated to stand...
Kajang assemblyman Lee Chin Cheh has resigned today, setting the stage for a by-election and speculation is mounting that opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim or another PKR leader would contest to become the Selangor Menteri Besar.
Among those believed to be named for the seat include Pandan MP's Rafizi Ramli, a first-term lawmaker and one of the party's brightest political stars.
Selangor State speaker Hannah Yeoh has confirmed Lee's resignation.
She said that Lee personally handed in his resignation letter to her Monday, and that the Election Commission would be informed on Tuesday.
The 42-year-old lawyer, specialising in corporate law and conveyancing, joined PKR in 2008 after being a Gerakan member for 10 years.
The former Petaling Jaya City Councillor replaced the popular Lee Kim Sin in the last election.
In the last election Lee polled 19,571 votes, while his rival Lee Ban Seng of Barisan Nasional polled 12,747.- TMI
Anwar as the Selangor MB...
Plans are afoot within PKR to make the party’s de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim as the new Selangor Menteri Besar to replace the embattled Khalid Ibrahim.This move is expected to solve the power struggle between Khalid and his nemesis Azmin Ali, who is the state PKR chief.
Popular blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin, in his latest posting in Malaysia-Today, said that negotiations were ongoing to make Anwar the Menteri Besar so that neither Khalid nor Azmin gets the job.
According to Raja Petra, he was informed that DAP and PAS have agreed that Khalid be removed as MB, as the PKR Supreme Council is demanding.
“But they do not want Azmin Ali to replace Khalid,” he added.
He said that under the plan that was being worked out, a PKR state rep would quit his seat to allow Anwar to contest for the seat in a by-election.
“And if Anwar wins the by-election, Anwar would take over as Menteri Besar,” he further said.
“To sack Khalid and replace him with Azmin is no-go. Not to sack Khalid would mean the Selangor crisis would never be solved.
“The only way, therefore, is for Anwar to become the Menteri Besar so that neither Khalid nor Azmin gets the job.
“I was told that negotiations are ongoing even as you read this,” he said.
It is also learned that the DAP hierarchy has agreed to this plan while it is unknown on how PAS would take it. It is also uncertain as to how the Sultan of Selangor will view this development.
In the May 2013 GE, both DAP and PAS won 15 seats each while PKR won 14, following which there were calls from PAS for the party’s candidate to be chosen as the MB.
At the same time, there were also attempts made to make Azmin as the new MB. However Khalid was eventually allowed to retain the MB post in the spirit of Pakatan camaraderie.
In recent weeks, the relationship between Azmin and Khalid deteriorated following the former’s removal from the Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) board.
Many blamed Khalid for this as his move to strengthen his position for the April party polls. Khalid is expected to challenge Azmin for the deputy president’s post.
The PKNS fiasco resulted in PKR state reps and party leaders in support of Azmin to call upon the party to remove Khalid as the state MB, and replace him with their man Azmin.
Earlier this week, the party officially announced that there were no moves to remove Khalid.
However Raja Petra’s article today suggests that deals are being negotiated behind the scenes to see Anwar, who is also the state economic advisor, assume the top post in the state.-fmt

Khalid is not resigning, MB’s office says again...
Selangor Menteri Besar’s press secretary Arfa’eza Aziz has denied rumours that Abdul Khalid Ibrahim is resigning from his post to make way for PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim.
Arfa’eza said today she was not aware of such a plan and that the menteri besar had not said anything to her.
“We had a long discussion yesterday (Sunday) about the water issue and PKNS but he did not mention anything about resigning,” she told FMT when contacted today.
Arfa’eza said it was quite impossible for Khalid to announce his resignation by Wednesday as reported by an English newspaper’s online portal.
“There are protocols to follow before Khalid can resign from his position. He also needs to get permission from the Selangor palace before making the decision.
“I don’t know where they got the story from and who their source is. Did they talk to Anwar himself or Raja Petra? I don’t know,” she said.
She added that even the senior staff in Khalid’s office did not know of such a plan.
Today, The Star Online reported that Khalid has agreed to step down and will announce the decision on Wednesday.
It quoted party leaders as saying that a by-election will be held for Anwar to be eligible to take over Khalid’s job. Khalid was said to have agreed to the move after meeting Anwar yesterday.
The daily also reported that the move has been endorsed by PKR allies PAS and DAP.
The issue was first raised by blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin on Saturday when he said that he was informed by inside sources of the plan to solve the power struggle between Khalid and PKR deputy president Azmin Ali.
Last week, PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution said there were calls to remove Khalid by three or four party leaders but it was only an opinion, not a proposal or motion. There were also talks last week that Khalid had already tendered his resignation, but this too was denied by the MB’s office.-fmt

Church of the Assumption in Lebuh Farquhar has been attacked in the
early morning after a controversial banner with the word "Allah" found
outside the church on Sunday, police said today.

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