Kerajaan secara senyap didapati mula mengarahkan semua sekolah meletakkan potret pemimpin negara dan negeri di dalam kelas kononnya untuk menyemai semangat patriotisme di kalangan pelajar.
Namun, arahan yang dikeluarkan hanya membabitkan negeri yang diperintah BN dan ia menimbulkan tanda tanya apakah agenda tersembunyi di sebaliknya apabila mereka mengenepi serta menolak potret pemimpin negeri di bawah pentadbiran Pakatan Rakyat (PR).
Dalam laporan portal The Malaysian Insider, difahamkan satu pekeliling daripada Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) dihantar melalui sistem aplikasi WhatsApp atau menerusi lawatan pegawai pendidikan daerah yang menyatakan sekolah ‘digalak’ meletak gambar Yang Di Pertuan Agong, Perdana Menteri, Menteri Pendidikan, Ketua Menteri dan Menteri Besar.
Arahan tidak rasmi itu mendapat tentangan orang ramai termasuk pentadbir sekolah dan ibu bapa yang menyifatkan ia sebagai satu lagi langkah pembaziran kerana KPM sepatutnya memberi tumpuan kepada latihan lebih baik untuk guru seperti dicadangkan dalam Pelan Induk Pembangunan Pendidikan.
Pimpinan DAP baru-baru ini turut mempersoal dan menuntut perjelasan pihak kementerian mengenai arahan tidak masuk akal yang diberikan itu.
Ahli Parlimen DAP Petaling Jaya Utara, Tony Pua menegaskan arahan itu jelas tidak jauh bezanya dengan propaganda politik ala-Nazi.
“Ini hanya memperlihatkan sikap kurang keyakinan diri atau narsis. Ia juga tidak lain adalah sebahagian agenda propaganda politik seperti yang diamalkan Mao Zedong sebagai sebahagian usaha indoktrinasinya.
“Kementerian harus memberikan penjelasan segera,” katanya dalam sidang media di Ibu Pejabat DAP.
Ahli Parlimen DAP Seputeh, Teresa Kok pula menyatakan, arahan kerajaan itu tidak mempunyai kewajarannya dan jelas hanya bermotifkan politik semata.
“Kalau satu bingkai sahaja sudah menelan belanja berpuluh ringgit, berapa kos yang terpaksa ditanggung sekolah untuk membingkai potret ini bagi setiap bilik darjah?
“Kenapa pula mesti dalam bilik darjah? Tidak cukupkah gantung potret di dewan sekolah, pejabat dan bilik guru?,” soalnya. -Roketkini.com

Putrajaya’s desperate attempt at brainwashing pupils...
Opposition lawmakers have ridiculed Putrajaya’s move to get schools to display portraits of federal and state leaders in classrooms, calling it narrow-thinking and an attempt to brainwash the young into supporting Barisan Nasional. They also criticised the Education Ministry’s decision to omit telling schools to hang portraits of the Pakatan...
Opposition lawmakers have ridiculed Putrajaya’s move to get schools to display portraits of federal and state leaders in classrooms, calling it narrow-thinking and an attempt to brainwash the young into supporting Barisan Nasional.
They also criticised the Education Ministry’s decision to omit telling schools to hang portraits of the Pakatan Rakyat menteri besar and chief minister.
“This is another example of a total lack of sense in priorities within the ministry,” DAP leader Lim Kit Siang (pic) said today.
The directive from the Education Ministry has been circulating unofficially via the WhatsApp message platform or by visiting district education officers, saying schools are “encouraged” to put up photos of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Raja Permaisuri Agong, prime minister, education minister and menteri besar or chief minister.
Although officials have described the circular as part of an initiative to instil patriotism, PKR’s Rafizi Ramli rebuffed the explanation.
“I don’t think the instruction has anything to do with patriotism. Otherwise, they would have announced it in a big way and not in a cloak-and-dagger manner,” he said.
“It is narrow-thinking; that they can brainwash the young to support the BN and get guaranteed votes.”
He said the move “shows the level of desperation in BN leaders”.
Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua agreed, saying that the BN government is obviously having “major bouts of insecurity” to resort to such “narcissistic” efforts.
Pakatan administers Selangor, Penang and Kelantan, after retaining victory over the states at last year’s general election.
Despite holding administrative powers, Pakatan leaders noted that discrimination against them was still prevalent in the states.
“It is not new the fact that Pakatan leaders and representatives are discriminated in schools,” said Bukit Bendera MP Zairil Khir Johari.
“Schools are also not allowed to invite Pakatan leaders to their functions, even in states where they are the government,” he added.
Describing the omission of Pakatan leaders from the portrait list as an “example of politicising the education system”, Zairil suggested that only portraits of monarchs be put up, not of political leaders.
Pua noted that the discrimination gave the impression that Pakatan leaders with a state portfolio were not real leaders.
“This is obviously part of the Malaysian Education Blueprint to inculcate critical thinking and analytical minds by teaching them that any leaders other than those anointed by BN are not real leaders, not true menteris besar or perhaps not chief ministers.”
Lim said the ministry should focus on raising the education standards instead of whose photo should be hung on the walls of classrooms.
“This shows that they are not serious in inculcating unity by dividing the people through partisan lines. Education should be about nation-building,” he added.- msn.com

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