Mahkamah Rayuan hari ini sebulat suara mengetepikan arahan Majistret Kuala Lumpur Zaki Asyraf yang mengharamkan perhimpunan BERSIH 3.0 pada 2012, bawah Seksyen 98 Kanun Acara Jenayah (KAJ).
Panel tiga anggota, diketuai oleh Hakim Datuk Linton Albert, mempertimbangkan perintah arahan itu sebagai cacat, ekoran rayuan oleh Timbalan Presiden PKR Azmin Ali (bawah) dan Ketua PKR Rembau Badrul Hisham Shaharin.

Azmin diwakili oleh Datuk CV Prabhakaran sementara bekas timbalan peguam cara negara Datuk Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden, yang bersara dan memasuki sektor swasta, serta peguam Sankara Nair mewakili Badrul.
Azmin dan Badrul memfailkan rayuan tahun lepas untuk mengetepikan pendakwaan terhadap mereka bawah Akta Perhimpunan Aman (PAA) 2012 atas alasan arahan Zaki mengharamkan perhimpunan itu ultra vires kepada PPA.
Alasan lain dikemukakan, arahan majistret yang berkuat kuasa pada 30 Jan 2012 itu melebihi bidang kuasanya.-malaysiakini
Pada 26 April 2012, Majistret Zaki Asyraf mengeluarkan perintah itu yang melarang sebarang perhimpunan di Dataran Merdeka antara 28 April dan 1 Mei 2012 serta memberi amaran agar orang ramai tidak menyertainya.
Chegubard dan Mohamed Azmin memfailkan permohonan di Mahkamah Tinggi bagi membatalkan pertuduhan terhadap mereka mengikut Akta Perhimpunan Aman atas alasan perintah itu tidak sah kerana dikeluarkan di luar bidang kuasa Zaki.
Selain Mohamed Azmin dan Chegubard, penasihat PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Tangam Raju, Rajesh Kumar Gejinder serta Farhan Ibrahim berdepan pertuduhan serupa.
Mereka merupakan kumpulan pertama yang didakwa mengikut Akta Perhimpunan Aman. - Bernama

Appellate Court rules Bersih 3.0 ban defective...
The Court of Appeal has today unanimously set aside the order by Kuala Lumpur Magistrate Zaki Asyraf to ban the Bersih 3.0 rally in 2012, under Section 98 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC).

The duo had argued that the order went against the federal constitution.
The other judges on the panel were Justices Zakaria Sam and Wong Dak Wah.
Azmin was represented by CV Prabhakaran while former deputy solicitor-general Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden, who has since retired and joined private practise, while lawyer Sankara Nair represented Badrul Hisham, or better known as Chegubard.
Zaki had issued the order on April 26, 2012, two days before the mammoth rally.
The duo filed their application last year to strike out charges against them under the Peaceful Assembly Act 2012 (PAA) on the grounds that the order issued by Zaki to ban the rally was ultra vires of the PAA, which had come into force on Jan 30, 2012, and that the magistrate had acted beyond his jurisdiction.
It was reported that Azmin and Chegubard had earlier failed to strike out the charges at the Kuala Lumpur High Court.
Should the prosecution decide not to appeal today's decision at the Federal Court, then Azmin and Badrul Hisham's lawyers may apply to strike out the charge at the Sessions Court.
Sankara said they would write to the Attorney-General's Chambers to drop the charges against the two as the court found the order as defective.
Application made at High Court
As their application originated in the High Court, the prosecution could appeal today's decision at the Federal Court, which is the highest court in the land.
Azmin and Badrul Hisham were charged along with opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim for not abiding with the magistrate's order.
However, Anwar - who was represented by Karpal Singh - filed a separate application before the duo at the Sessions Court, but it was also dismissed.
It was reported that the three of them are charged under Section 4(2)(c) of the PAA, with participating in the rally and violating the magistrate's court order between 2.30pm and 3pm on April 28 in 2012.
They are also charged under Section 188 of the Penal Code in that they allegedly breached the magistrate’s order and a third charge of conspiring with Rasah PKR division deputy head R Tangam, lawyer G Rajesh Kumar and van driver Farhan Ibrahim @ Alias by inciting them to breach the barricade surrounding Dataran Merdeka, which “could have caused a riot or clashes”.- malaysiakini

Menteri UMNO bakal tanya berapa kilo ko beli ais sebulan ?

Pelajar2 TURUN bantah tambang bas sekolah naik, nanti Menteri UMNO bakal kata,'kalau tambang bas naik jalan kaki ke sekolah...'

Menteri UMNO bakal cakap,'Taknak makan kat kantin,,suruh mak masak sendiri...'

Lembu kondo kena curi...
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