Khalid, Azmin utamakan berebut kuasa...
MCA menyuarakan kekecewaannya tentang perebutan kuasa yang berlaku antara Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim dan Timbalan Presiden PKR, Azmin Ali kerana sepatutnya mereka memberi fokus untuk membangunkan ekonomi negeri itu.
Timbalan presiden MCA, Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong berkata, sejak PKR menjadi parti pemerintah di Selangor, "negeri itu hanya menyaksikan gila kuasa dan percakaran antara Khalid dan Azmin".
"Tidak ada pembangunan ketara selepas Pakatan Rakyat membentuk kerajaan negeri di Selangor lima tahun lepas, kecuali perbalahan peribadi antara Khalid dan Azmin, yang membazirkan masa dan sumber negeri.
"Apa sebenarnya sumbangan mereka kepada negeri itu dan rakyatnya, sedangkan sepatutnya para pemimpin Pakatan memberi tumpuan terhadap usaha memajukan ekonomi negeri," katanya dalam kenyataan hari ini.
Ka Siong berkata, BN berusaha keras untuk mencapai matlamat negara berpendapatan tinggi dan menumpukan banyak usaha ke arah memastikan Model Baharu Ekonomi dan Program Transformasi Ekonomi dapat dilaksanakan dengan jayanya.
"Pakatan hanya mampu mencanangkan tentang rizab mereka yang banyak, tapi gagal menggunakan sumber mereka secara bijak.
Ini hanya mendedahkan ketidakmampuan mereka dalam membuat perancangan kewangan atau barangkali, mereka hanya memberi tumpuan terhadap kenaikan gaji," katanya sebagai merujuk kepada pengumuman kenaikan gaji anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor baru-baru ini. - Bernama
Kalulah Azmin dan PKR gemaq sangat nak angkat Azmin jadi MB, nasihat aku lebih baik Khalid masuk PAS saja, dah tentu jawatan MBnya tak ke mana2 kerana hari ini hanya PAS dan DAP saja yang menyokong Khalid 101%. PAS dan DAP mempunyai 30 kerusi,sedangkan PKR 14 kerusi dan UMNO 10 kerusi...Tanpa PKR dan UMNO, Khalid masih bertahan sebagai MB, itu kot Azmin dan PKR mau...ts
Goyangkah PKR akibat perbalahan dalaman?

Rumble in Selangor PKR...
Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim seems to be walking on a tightrope, facing revolt among fellow party leaders who want him replaced with nemesis Bukit Antarabangsa state assemblyman Azmin Ali, who is also the PKR deputy president.
The fight between the two could result in long-term instability to the state leadership, now in the hands of Pakatan Rakyat.
The 14 PKR state assemblymen in Selangor have taken sides and this has caused nighmares for Khalid in running the state smoothly.
Pakatan Rakyat cornered 44 state seats in Selangor at the last general election in May 2013. Fellow components DAP and PAS hold 15 seats each, in the 56-seat Selangor state assembly.
Seri Andalas assemblyman Xavier Jayakumar and Sri Muda assemblyman Mat Shuhaimi Shafie confirmed that Selangor PKR, headed by Azmin, at a meeting on Jan 12, unanimously decided to write a collective letter to the national leadership stating their unhappiness with Khalid over several issues.
Sources told FMT that the letter triggered the PKR supreme council to discuss the review of Khalid’s position in a meeting on Jan 15, in which “two or three” attendees called for Khalid to be removed.
PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution said no concrete decision was made at the meeting and that Khalid was still the Menteri Besar.
The fact that he is facing revolt from Selangor PKR state assemblymen makes it difficult for Khalid to administer the state efficiently as he would be without the support “his own party leaders.”
Shuhaimi said the Selangor PKR meeting had good attendance made up of state supreme council members, branch chiefs and also elected PKR representatives.
He said the attendees reached a consensus to write the letter to air their dissatisfaction towards Khalid on three issues. The grouses are:
1. Khalid’s decision to enter into a joint effort with the federal government to acquire the Selangor water concessionaires and to allow the federal government to construct the Langat II Water Treatment Plant;
2. Hiking licensing fees affecting shops and factory operators; and
3. Removing Azmin from the Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) board.
“Nobody opposed the issuance of the letter, even if there were, they kept silent. So the motion was passed without much ado,” Suhaimi told FMT today.
While momentum against Khalid seems to be growing by the day, observers feel the menteri besar faced an uphill task in running the state even with the backing from DAP and PAS state assemblymen.
In-fighting and internal sabotage is starting, evident when PKR’s Kuala Langat MP Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid and Batu Caves assemblyman Amirudin Shari organised a protest recently to oppose Khalid’s decision to transfer out the PKNS general manager and executive secretary, blaming them for excluding Azmin from the PKNS board..
‘Selangor going Kedah’s way’
Meanwhile, Xavier, when contacted today, said Khalid ought to be removed immediately because the current leadership has not delivered the kind of changes that people wanted following the general election.
“In the past one year, nothing has moved, everything done in Selangor contravenes what the party and Pakatan leadership want.
“All the time we have been fighting fire rather than come out with concrete programmes.
“We don’t want Selangor to go down the path of Kedah,” he said, referring to Pakatan losing the state in the last election.
Abdullah Sani said he was disappointed with Khalid’s decision in issues such as water concession, salary hike for executive councillors and assemblymen and the removal of Azmin.
“He is not setting an example of good governance. He should be removed,” he said.
Selangor exco for welfare and women affairs Rodziah Ismail, however, defended Khalid saying that the second term MB was the one who led Pakatan Rakyat to a bigger victory in the general election.
“No one can deny that because of Khalid that we gained more than two-thirds majority in the state legislative assembly. So the people’s preference should be taken into consideration.
“I admit there are shortcomings, but that can be corrected from time to time,” she added.
Thus the power struggle among top two PKR leaders in Selangor is not about to die down with state assemblymen taking sides to show their loyalty.- fmt
Is factionalism dragging PKR down the gutter?

Doakan semoga Dr. Haron Din segera sembuh dan dikurniakan kesihatan yang berpanjangan.

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